Islamic Movement: Suspicious digging under Temple Mount
Roee Nahmias
Published: 22.01.07, 07:44
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83 Talkbacks for this article
31. Debbie
Amir ,   Al Quds   (01.22.07)
trees without roots don't grow and last. Go back to sibiria, poland and search for your roots. leave us palestinians live in peace in our homeland. beside, You are not guests you are occupier ever since...
32. #29, Jesus is love, Mohammed is Justice
Muslim ,   Australia   (01.22.07)
We LOVE (Jesus) JUSTICE (Mohammed)... make sense, does'nt it ? Cheers mate !!
33. to amir
debby   (01.22.07)
amir sorry to tell you but you are a guest in my country. israel is the jews homeland from biblical times. what a nerve you got to claim a land that was never yours. you live here cos of our kindness of our hart.
34. Don't you even think about it !
it will be your END !
sam ,   austria   (01.22.07)
alaqsa is what god offered humans ,its his place his land and his stones ,he chose them-moslims- to have his temple ,he decide not us , for them solmon is like mohamed prophets from god who build temples to worship the one god.
36. #30
Palestinian ,   Haifa, Palestine   (01.22.07)
First thing , 'israel' was NOT "belong to the jews from the start, and those "gests" you are referring to have been here long before your ancestors trampled in here from europe. Personally, i think Palestinians and Jews can coexist, but by now we've passed the point of no return and there can only be one culture here. It should be the Palestinian one because it is the easiest one to integrate into, you can be Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or whatever to be considered Palestinian, because we are tied together by our history with and love of the land. The Jewish culture on the other hand, despite its uniqueness and values, does not allow any integration (people can't convert to Judaism, not that they'd want to anyways) whatsoever.This is evident from the hideous "israeli" flag and from the national anthem, which makes no reference to Palestinians or our culture whatsoever despite the fact that we make up 20% (at least) of 'israel'. Very racist and unwelcoming. When G-d chose you to be a light unto the nations He did not intend you to place yourself over all other nations, one day you will realize that. (Also, of the people calling themselves jews today only a small percentage desend from the ancient hebrews- dont believe all that Aaron Gene crap- which is pretty obvious since i can't see Joshua having pale skin, can you??) Educate yourself a bit on the subject, you will learn so much. Shalom.
37. to 22 it is "Quds" for Muslims not "Jerusalem" certainly
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (01.22.07)
38. What is LOVE what is JUSTICE
Shelach et ami ,   Istanbul   (01.22.07)
Love means to us to leave TODAYS PEOPLE FREE (all people, Jews, Muslims, Christians....) AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT ABLE TO DO THAT; what is Love ? what is Justice ? who will care ? can we put these into hearts ? if yes ! how can we put ? Do others want we to put those love and justice into their lives, hearts with our own way ? What if they dont want to leave their only love and hope ? Love is not Jesus. Justice is not Him. Those are were messangers as the other ones. not more than human. but great ones. Only The God knows their level in him. and this is not our subject now. Lets accept the way others are Lets give our lives out to keep them in their believing. arent they also trying to keep The God's orders ? SO.....LETS NOT LIMIT THE GOD WITH JESUS OR WITH THE OTHERS. LETS NOT PUT A NAME FOR CERTAIN THINGS. LETS LEAVE PEOPLE FREE IN THEIR OWN WAY. THE GOD, WE ARE SURE, HE WILL LOVE US MORE IF WE LEAVE OTHERS FREE TO CHOSE TO LIVE. Ahmet Atilla Karagözoğlu
39. Debbie
Amir ,   Al Quds   (01.22.07)
Don't mind Khasarian Girl...sooner or later you'll see that I'm right. The time lays between us. Better you leave our homeland before it's too late. We don't hate Jews...but we hate occupying jews. Beside approx. 90% of you are from russia, romania, poland, ukrania ect... Go and search for your ancients there!
40. Number 32
Buster ,   Australia   (01.22.07)
interesting use and association of the word JUSTICE, the word justice means: the assignment of merited rewards or punishments, as I read the koran justice is associated with allah not Mohammad. i.e justly judge who belows in heaven or hell. The test of a man's heart is his deeds, how many were put to death by Mohammed and how many were put to death by Jesus. If you consider Jesus a prophet then you should follow his example.
41. To All
Lunatic ,   Moon   (01.22.07)
I have a great idea...lets blow up Jerusalem and noone can have it! There are only buildings for god's sake!! There are only stones! human life is more important than that! so If peoples from all places cannto agree to live in peace in this noone should have the right over Jerusalem...nuke it now! so no more fight over useless stones!
Shelach et ami ,   Istanbul   (01.22.07)
THE GOD IS YOURS THE GOD IS THEIRS THE GOD IS OURS just one God just one. lets not have fight to protect him from others lets also not LIMIT HIM. He is too BIG. He has enough LOVE He only has us. Lets not make him upset. We are his best toys. Lets not make him upset in front of Devil. He just wants we love eachother. He just wants WE SUPRISE THE DEVIL. DONT LIMIT THE GOD, EVEN YOU HAVE YOUR REASONS. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS UNTOLD ? Did you ever meet him ? Did you ever have chance to have talked with an Prophet ? SURE, NO. Lets not limit The God. IF OTHERS ARE WRONG, WHO CARES OUR RIGHT. TOGETHER WIN IS ALWAYS THE BEST WAY. lets live for this. lets share for this. Do you know your level in The God ? Sure, No. So, Please dont talk as if you are sure. GOLDEN TIMES !!! WHY NOT. YOU KNOW, LOVE AND PEACE ALL OVER WORLD. we will work for this. even it is a dream. Ahmet atilla Karagözoğlu
43. Number 36
Buster ,   Australia   (01.22.07)
In archeological terms those things that are buried deeper are older; the dome was built over the 2nd temple [i.e. the temple was there first]. Most geneticists now agree that skin color [dependent on production of melanin] can change from white/white to black/black and visa-a-versa is a hand full of generations. Most historians would disagree with your understanding of the population spread of the Jews/Hebrews, it would appear that the Arabs in "Palestine" are the only ones who believe your fantasy
44. slight error in translation: al quds is really Cleveland!
45. Hey 38, whatever your are smoking .. stop now!
Buster ,   Australia   (01.22.07)
46. slight error in translation: al quds is really Cleveland!
47. # 31 Amir, Jerusalem
Josef   (01.22.07)
Precisely: trees without roots don't grow and last - therefore: Arabs won't manage in the land of Israel. Amen.
48. to amir
debby   (01.22.07)
i will say it again. no matter how much you convince yourself this is not your homeland!! your homeland is jordan syria lebanon. you chooce. we dont care where you go YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THIS LAND!! If we wont have so her no one will.. i prefer to see this land ruind then to see the palestinas have it.
49. #43
Palestinian ,   Haifa, Palestine   (01.22.07)
I am very well informed of the history of the spread of the hebrew people, and many historians differ in their interpretation of this, i would like to know who your "most historians" are. Also, link me to an article that discusses the change in skin colour, im genuinely interested since i have not heard of this before and i am studying microbiology. Also, i never mentioned ANYTHING about 'arabs of palestine', i was talking of palestinians as a whole people in general which constitute many races stretching all the way back from the Ancient Philistines and the Arab Jebusites ( Caananite arabians who founded Jerusalem and pre date Hebrews), and yes the hebrews did enjoy a brief empire in palestine as conquerors, so did the romans though, does that mean that italians can claim Palestine as theirs?? Palestine is for Palestinians, the people whose ancestors who sacrificed their blood for this land (where were the jews during the liberation of jerusalem in 1187??!! ). And in case you want to start saying we are arabs just like "the ones in 22 countries bla bla bla" i'm telling you now, if you know anything about the history of Palestine you would know that Palestinians are arabized arabs(look up the term if you're unfamiliar with it.)and genetic studies have shown that a portion of them descend from the hebrew warriors who once built an empire here. Look up the term if you're unfamiliar with it. The fact that Palestinian society took on an arab character between 636 and 1948 (with the exception of the years 1099-1187, 1291 if you include akka), in which jews lived freely and peacefully,up until the unfortunate events of 1929 which everyone is disgusted by, gave the zionists an excuse to eliminate the idea that a non jewish palestinian people existed in this land for so long, and to this day are trying to desecrate our history- and our HARAM AL SHARIF! Nevertheless, we have been standing strong for 59 years! You will not make us into a second Native American race. We are driven by honor and righteousness and God Almighty, you are driven by greed and corruption, and destruction! Shalom/Salaam
50. YNET: Bastion of Ultra-Orthodox Zionists
Hani   (01.22.07)
Is it just me or most readers of this newspaper deny the very existence of Palestinians? Save your breath, patronizers of this newspapers are really beyond help! Cheer up Zionists! I'm out of here, no more YNET! (Nice graphics, no substance or credibility).
52. #49 I'm both Palestinian and blond
Hani   (01.22.07)
And got hazel eyes...So the theory that "all" Palestinians are originally from the Arabian peninsula is as dumb as it is unfounded. Most probably I got some crusader, arabian, and perhaps some Jewish blood...We're all a tree anyway. Palestinians today are of wide range of racial/ethnic background but the one thing that ties them all is the land under their feet - and that is not Jordan (for the Palestinian-deniers out there!)
53. To Number 2
Mike ,   London, UK   (01.22.07)
I think you missed the point: no-one is going to remove the mosque. When I say no-one, I mean no man will remove it. Come the right time, G-d will destroy it and the third Temple will appear in its place. End of...
54. #16
v. n.y. ,   israel   (01.22.07)
no sir, you go educate yourself. muslim believe, muslim believe, muslim believe?????? the torah, our bible, for the chosen people of israel was given to mosses in the desert by god for the jewish people. moses in no way was ever a prophet of islam because islam was created and was born thousands of years after mosses and our jewish bible. islam is a new rfeligion filled with revisionist biblical and historical facts to suit people such as yourself. you may respect these jewish propheteds but they have nothing to do with muslims and islam. they came thousands of years before islam was born. jews settled in jerusalem and their temples build by jewish kings way before islam came into being. just because muslims believe that jerusalem is theirs doesn't make it a correct biblical and historic fact. the fact still remains that where jerusalem now stands with the holy temple destroyed wall was a flourishing city in the kingdom of judeah, the jewish land with a king and a government and a majority....until it was ruined by romans who changed the kingdom of judeah's name to philistine to insult the jews and opress and expell them because they were seen as a threat to romans and their rule. what muslims believe is not correct historically. therfe is no historical event that ever said that muhammad ever lived in jerusalem, except passed it on his way somewhere tjhousands of years after judaism was born and thousands of years after the establishment of jerusalem as a very holy jewish center and the "mecca of the jews". so, with all due respect, do not try to convince us here that you had anything to do with jerusalem prior to the birth of islam or that you have a single right to this city because the kuran says that abraham, mosses, isac and jacob are muslim prophetes. what a joke. our forefathers were jews born in judeah and smamria. jews, not muslims no matter what lies you want to concoct. don't insult the name of our ancestors by associating them with your religion or war and death.
55. #49
v. n.y. ,   israel.   (01.22.07)
no, you read your history sir. first, cannanites were not ARABS and they never founded jerusalem. secondly, the only right thing you said is that "..."and genetic studies have shown that a portion of them (palestinian arabized arabs), descended FROM THE HEBREW WORRIORS WHO ONCE BUILT AN EMPIRE THERFE" ....yes, jews build an empire in jerusalem and in judeah and samaria. for once we agree on something that is historical fact and based on biblical fact as well. tell me, how come there is never a mention of jerusalem in your kuran???? but a millions times it is mentioned in our torah, the bible given to our people by mosses our jewish prophet and the one chosen by god to liberate the jewish israelites from egyptian slavery??? this argument can go on and on and on without anyone solving it. we are not interested in hearing this any longer. we are jews, living in our promised land of judeah and samaria, israel with it's holy jewish capital in jerusalem with all the benefits of a vibrant, moderm, democratic, progressive, brilliant israeli jewish people in our home land. you won't have it no matter how many suicide bombs you send our way. you won't have it ever.
56. To Number 36
Mike ,   London, UK   (01.22.07)
You finish your rant off with 'Educate yourself...' Ironic from someone who hasn't got the slightest clue what he is talking about. First: Palestinian 'culture'. Prior to 1948, A 'Palestinian' referred to a Jew living in the Britsish mandate of Palestine. In the 1800s, there were very few Arabs (or Jews for that matter) living in what is now Israel. At the turn of the 19th Century, Arabs started to pour into the region from all over the Middle East. There is only one group of people that has had a permament, unending presence in the region and that is the Jews. Deny it all you want, but that is fact. Second: you imply Jews, Christians & Muslims can live in peace under a Palestinian government... I'm sure the persecuted Christians of Bethlehem would love to know that. Maybe the butchering of thousands of Christian was just how your leaders show love & warmth? Third: People can convert to Judasiam, we just don't go trying to brainwash every 'infidel' we meet and try to convert them. If anybody sincerely wants to convert, after a long period of studying, they can. Fourth: Why would 'Hatikva' make reference to 'Palestinians' - a 'people' that prior to 1963 did not even exist? FInally: the population of Israel does not consist of 20% 'Palestinians'. It consists of 100% Israelis: be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Druize, etc... Please tell me again, who is the racist?
57. #52 the land under Hani's feet
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (01.22.07)
The land under Hani's feet belongs to the Quebecois and the Abekaki. Get the hell out of Canada!
58. #55
Palestinian ,   Haifa, Palestine   (01.22.07)
LOL! I give historical facts that are easily accessible and well known and how do you attempt to refute them... by quoting the bible?LOL!! I just want to thank you for making me laugh so hard. What a joke! The phrase "biblical facts" was particularly delightful. Also, don't pretend you know anything about islam or its teachings, you'll be made a fool of...again!
59. Again, people present rumor as fact
Rumor isn't fact ,   USA   (01.22.07)
If Salah wants to prove that excavations are taking place, then he must provide real evidence. Muckrakers like him always seem to think that rumor and opinion is interchangeable with fact. That is why he and other Arab leaders are trying to revise history. It's like they have a form of learning disability when it comes to rational thought. Or, they are just incredibly crafty and underhanded and have no repect for truth but think the truth is there to be twisted to their serve their purposes. Is there unauthorized digging going on Mr. Salah? If so, present cold, hard evidence. If not, then shut up and stop using rumors and propaganda to stir up your masses for political reasons and incite hatred. We here in the West do not believe superstition substitutes for truth, so show us evidence and make your case or you will be laughed off your soap-box.
60. #56
Palestinian ,   Haifa, Palestine   (01.22.07)
At least you didnt quote the bible or say the word antisemite, thats a first for someone on these talkbacks :). First, the issue of Palestinians. I am sorry to tell you that your version of "arabs pouring in at the turn of the 19th century" is completely inaccurate. If you can provide me with an authentic OTTOMON document (they were the rulers at the time) of such an influx id be thrilled, assuming such an influx actually happened which i doubt. Secondly, in the 1800's Palestine was experiencing a rennaisance in the Arab world called the "Nahda" look it up. Some of the greatest thinkers of the near east came from palestine at that time. You can delude yourself all you want, Palestinians have been here longer than the so-called jews have. And jews were never the only ones to have an "enduring unending prescence" in the region, you clearly do not understand how anthropology or societal development occurs since many many groups have remained in the region at least as long as jews have. (Also, the jews who maintained a prescence here are the Mizrachi jews, not ashkenazim-they dont belong here, u know this). And read up a little on bethlehem you'd be surprised, the people during teh butchering would be the idf, dont forget the siege of 2002. Ah, the national anthem, well for starters hatikva can at least replace .."nefesh yhudi" or jewish soul, with the words israeli soul, wouldnt that be fairer and more accomodating to the christian and muslims who make up a strong minority here. And if your referring to the creation of the PLO in 1963, all that did was politicize the identity of Palestinians, no more no less, our identity was solid and in existence long before that (for more on this read "Palestinian Identity, the construction of modern national consciousness" by Rashid Khalidi). This state could have a lot of potential if only it would stop its racist, imperialist ways. Last but not least, since you do not live here you are in no way suited to make any judgements about anything. Shalom/Salaam.
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