Israel faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 23.01.07, 19:51
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121. RIGHT ON VIT!!!
AJ ,   Lewisville, TX   (01.24.07)
Vit, you're dead on brother! That’s my exact analysis; I've been saying it for months. The only question is are the Israelis smart enough to do it while Bush is still in office? Let's hope so! Also, you left out two things: China and Russia providing diplomatic cover for the Iranians and acting sufficiently outraged over the events, and the G-d hating, Jew hating international press blaming the Jews for starting a war even though they were just protecting themselves. Additionally, China invades the Stans to their west and Russia invades the Stans to their south under the guise of "stopping terrorism" and creating buffer regions between them and the Islamic radicals in Iran. Then they can seize the gas reserves that they both covet so much during the global confusion. (And the stupid left still wonders why we're in the fulcrum of the Middle East, Iraq) P.S. Vit, you're welcome to move to Texas after we secede from the Union in the near future. America is going to the welfare dogs. Unfortunate, but true. AJ
122. Why?
Charles Fortner ,   Ann Arbor, MI   (01.24.07)
Why does al Qaida want to destroy us? What possible reason could they have? Have we treated Israel as a "favorite"? Of course. Have forces loyal to Israel succeeded in swaying US legislation and opinion without regard to the best interests of the US? Of course. The chickens are coming home to roost.
123. Jihad
J. A. Kraft PhD ,   Michigan, USA   (01.24.07)
I suggest that with the entertainment genre today like horror movies, slasher movies, serial killer movies, terror movies etc. that the public has been so desensitized in the aftermath of 9-1 that they are in a kind of cocoon, a self-protective denial phase orientation to the world around them to protect and preserve their desired diet of safety and security lest they have to face the stark realities their grandparents faced in the depression and through WW II. They have a comfort and security addiction that they labor to preserve at the price of their realistically needed self discipline to survive in a world hostile to their next breath. The head of Iran has publically stated that if 18 million of his people were to perish in the destruction of Israel, that was acceptable to him as an act of world progress. And I believe that he means it. And then the U.S. will be the next target. Islam, following the example of Mohammad, believes in "stages" of victory. They are willing to settle for half a loaf today in hopes of more tomorrow. They are willing to settle for "land for peace" today in hope of nibbling away more and more of Israel in due time till there is no Israel left. The West wants to believe that some permanent accommodation with the Palestinians can be reached that will then allow Isreal to also exist. That is a fallacy for the willingly lazy and the willingly dumb. They judge others by themselves concluding that if they were Palestinians, then they would allow Israel to exist therefore the Palestinians would do the same. That is a fool's paradise and they are fools. Even if the Palestinians wanted this, they would not be allowed to do it. The West is facing evil, pure and simple and can't recognize it since they won't, not can't, recognize pure evil in themselves also. The next shoe will drop and when it does, freedom and liberties as we have know them will disappear and we will be left with a much grimmer, more militarized and more authoritarian society. This is because it wil be the price of survival. When people no longer have the internal disciplines and restraints needed for society to survive, then it will be imposed on them as a price of survival. And they will recognize that need despite what they may protest as acts of self-pity.
124. Ingrid?
Paul ,   Cleveland   (01.24.07)
The reason this country, this world, is in trouble, is epecially because people like Ingrid refuse to believe there is a threat...that there is a real possibility we could all be sitting at work one morning, and breaking news across the radio, TV and Internet that Anycity, USA has been bombed and casualties numbers could be in the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Remember how you all felt on 9/11 as those events unfolded? This can't be happening! What is going on? What is this? This is the United States of America? And we're being attacked? No, you're right,'s just another scare tactic by the Christian Right. Shut up you guys and leave me be...I've got my American Idol to watch and blog about all day. Unbelievable!
James ,   Portland, OR, USA   (01.24.07)
Aside from your misguided rantings about liberals being the new "jew haters", which of course is textbook right wing puke, I think you are right about the chain of events. You fail to complete your thoughts however. Knowing this is a probable outcome, do you think Iran would start something? Probably not. Therefore, Newt is a retarded blowhard seeking only goad the west into expanding its war. Why? Probably owns a butt-load of Haliburton stock.
126. Justification Iran War
James A. Lauritis ,   USA   (01.24.07)
What is the agenda for the IDC coference at Herzilya? Just as prior to the Iraq War, groundwork is being laid for justification of a preemptive attack on Iran. Dr. Bar at the conference states that Iran believes it could destroy Israel with a single nuclear weapon;whereas, Gingrich states that three will lead to a Holocaust. These events are inevitable because the political systems of both Israel and the USA are not capable of dealing with the problem. According to Romney, we can not compare the Cold War scenario since Jihadists are suicidal. Didn't one of our presidents say that there was no fear than fear itself. How some individuals and nations love war.
127. Prophecy cannot be stopped!
DJ ,   Houston USA   (01.24.07)
No matter how hard we all wish this kind of scenario will not play out, if we live long enough, we WILL see the near destruction of Israel and the destruction of America. It's clear-cut in Bible prophecy and there's no stopping it. It WILL happen, no matter how much we prepare. Sobering, but true.
128. Diplomacy?
nukem all ,   gainesville florida   (01.24.07)
Anyone who considers diplomacy to be the answer hasnt learned the lessons of history. It is impossible to negotiate with a Stalin or a Hitler or a fanatical idiot like the hairy midget in iran. Instead of our leaders behaving like the naive Chamberlain of years past we need to reinstitute the speak softly and carry a big ass stick doctrine of Teddy Rosevelt. We cannot be politically correct when dealing with these vermin and expect to survive..
129. Newt is Winston al la 1935
Lee Cary ,   Dallas, Texas USA   (01.24.07)
130. Right Wing Propaganda?
CServ ,   Rockville, USA   (01.24.07)
Probably what you would have said while the Jews were being rounded up and sent to the gas chambers. That is, if you believe the holocaust even existed...
Mike ,   Milwaukee, WI US   (01.24.07)
132. #119 - I truly agree, but.....
MRJSS ,   Ohio, USA   (01.24.07)
I agree that any country that uses nukes against the US faces total distruction. But what 911 taught us was that we can't always assign responsibility for any attack on our soil to a specific country/regime. Al Qaida doesn't have a country per se. I think a major concern here is that Iran and/or North Korea will sell its nuke technology...or parts of those terrorists who mean to do harm to US and Isreal but who cannot be traced back to Iran or N Korea. And, I think "one" solution to this is the US needs to stop isolating these countries. If I am the leader of N. Korea or Iran, and my people are starving or are about to, and the Western world blocks me from doing business with other countries, or getting supplies, etc -- -- which is what the United Nations (USA) is currently doing.... you bet your rear I am going to figure out a way to sell "something." I'm not just going to sit and die. Especially if I don't want to give up my dictatorship, as most dictator regimes do not. All that said, there is organically a major problem with Iran or N Korea selling their nuke arms to terrorists. It means those same torrorists organizations can also use them on Iran/N Korea if they ever disagree with either of them, and religious fanatics (Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, etc) always disagree with something pertaining to someone else's version of their religion. I believe Iran and N Korea know this, and this is why I think the threat of them selling their nuke arms is low. Lastly, I'll say this. If you are Iran / N Korea. You look at what happened to India when it developed Nukes, as a "supposed" deterrent to Pakastan. India's economy went from nothing to an economic threat to China. If you are Iran or N Korea, why wouldn't you want to follow the same road map? Difference is: India was already intrenched as a business partner to US and EU. Iran and N Korea are locked out, as for now. As you can tell, I don't have suggested solution. I just think its not just as simple as Iran wants us dead because the want us to convert to Islam. On the contrary, the motivation for war (whether by the US, Isreal, Germany, China, Iran, N Korea, or other governments) can ALWAYS be traced back to money eventually.
133. #2 Right Wing Propaganda
astounded ,   Chicago, USA   (01.24.07)
This is a typical view of a left-wing SF delusionist. You people - and the democrat party - are a danger to all of us in the US. Diversity in Persia, a shiite autocracy? Surely you cannt be that simple? Of course, you are from SF, so I guess you can be that blind. Iran has been a mortal enemy of the US since at least 11/4/1979, which if you were around and paying attention was the date that the current "president" of Iran and his "student" comrades, declared war on the US by taking over the US Embassy in Tehran and holding our people hostage for 441 days - until Ronald Reagan was inaugurated the first time. Iran is our mortal enemy, and that of Israel as well. There can be no doubt about that.
134. To those who blames Christians for the world's problems
Andreia ,   Bklyn USA   (01.24.07)
Remember, every devout (faith) is not a true follower! Secondly, Christians are not yelling out: "We will wipe out Israel from its existence!" Christians are not yelling out: "USA will go down!", nor did we yell out: "Go to hell, USA!" For every time a (devout) politician speaks, every atheist yells out: "It's the Christians that ruined it!" Did you ever thought it was the Christians who kidnapped and slaughtered many Jewish folks who are rightfully in their home town (Israel)? Did you ever thought it was the Christians who tortured the Kurds in Iraq who were rightfully in their hometown (Kurdistan/Iraq)? Don't judge people based on their faith and skin color (tone). Every man is his own action. In re: to this article, Israel is VERY MUCH IN DANGER as well as AMERICA, BRITAIN, TAIWAN, JAPAN, and all DEMOCRATIC nations. We need more prayers for peace on this earth and pray for our enemies, too. Pray.
135. Holocaust Reality
Soar on Wings Eagles ,   Dover, USA   (01.24.07)
Wake up world...Islamic Totalitarians want you to convert or die. Action today not not be a Neville Chamberlain!!!
136. "Land for Peace"
James A. Lauritis ,   USA   (01.24.07)
You have the answer to Israel's problem in the Mid East: LAND, but it is opposite to your statement. Iran..."nibbling away more and more of Israel in due time there is no Israel left." According to UN Resolutions 242 and 338, Israel is supposed to with draw from siezed and occupied lands. If there is a chance for peace, just give it back.
137. For # 25
Jack B ,   Jersey Boy   (01.24.07)
So you're the one!
138. Ingrid Stoudt
Zarlat Absilok ,   Irvine, CA USA   (01.24.07)
You hate is so deep against Christians you cannot or will not accept the truth that Islam and Iran are a danger to everyone. Go to Iran woman and see how you like it. And if you are a lesbian see how long they let you live. l
139. Israel in Mortal Danger
Lee ,   Locust Grove, AR US   (01.24.07)
Israel has had a history of being in mortal danger since it began. Everytime the little nation is taking its last gasps of breath somebody steps in and recuses it. It must be a miracle. I think if a nuclear bomb landed on the temple mount it would probably be a dud. Newt is right to sound the alarm but this is not new for Israel.
Jim ,   Beaverton, OR USA   (01.24.07)
See what happens when people cling to medieval belief systems? Didn't you all ever learn that fairytales aren't true? Fullfilling the prophecy? I can't believe what I'm hearing in the 21st Century. Religion is contemporary mythology. See what good comes of it? Besides, this is all about the oil and the massive profits yet unreaped by world wide corporations.
141. Gingrich's Warning
Timothy ,   Jacksonville, AL USA   (01.24.07)
I almost hate to agree with Newt Gingrish on anything, but this time I have no choice. Western Civilization is faltering in the face of an antagonistic enemy who is girding himself for war.
142. Israel faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich
Al Dennison ,   Acton, Ma   (01.24.07)
It is beyond believe that anyone could be so niave as to utter the following. "More scare tactics by the Christian Right. These people make me sick. The Persian people are not a threat, but a society full of diversity that embraces all faiths, even the Jewish faith. "
143. Oh really Ingrid?
clyde ,   bellamy   (01.24.07)
thats what they said about Nazism in the 1930's. Oh foolish fools!
144. N. Gingrich & Iranian nuclear threats
R.G. Frano, A.C.L.S ,   Jersey City, NJ, USA   (01.24.07)
As a retired, (urban 911-experienced), paramedic, I have never managed an incident with more the 87 dead. (...a bronx, ny, social club, spring, '90). I DON'T need a fool like Newt Gingrich to tell me that Iran's president is (apparently) as overtly sociopathic as George 'What? Me Worry?" Bush! ...I am reminded of the character played by Gene Hackman, {movie: "Crimson Tide"}, where a so-called 'legitimate' nuclear release from a trident submarine is 'LAST-MINUTE' cancelled & the 'cancellation' requires TWO mutinies to be effected... Have Isreal, Iran, The U.S. learned nothing? ANY/ALL countries possesing nuclear weapns ARE a threat to all sentient / other life... QUESTION: If I were still a catholic, I could get excommunicated for procuring an abortion... How is it that I could operate a Trident launch platform, (see above), & NOT be excommunicated? I'm NOT some crazy 'prolifer', but there IS something of an inconsistancy here...
145. newt's comment's
twhelan ,   sugar land, texas, U   (01.24.07)
Newt is correct. I feel that Israel is in dire danger. The USA is threatened also. Liberals who believe the snake will recoil when we leave the Arabic land's are delusional. The snake will strike us on our doorstep if we leave under the conditions posed by the liberals. Beware Iran.
146. Right wing propaganda
yea, you're right...and Iran is just joking about blowing up Isreal and the U.S....sounds like a great laugh.
147. Which is it Aparthied? #26 & #39
Steve K ,   Boston, USA   (01.24.07)
Hey Aparthied, In post 26 you say our enemies are only a "handful in the mountains of Afgahanistan" but in post 39 you state that people all over the world shout "death to America!" Please clarify -- do we have just a "handful" of enemies or a "world" full of enemies? By the way, Romney is the best governor Mass. has had in our lifetime.
148. #112 Get Real
Give Me A Break! ,   Washington DC - USA   (01.24.07)
#112 are you serious or just brain-washed? We hate Muslims? That must be why we saved their asses from Milosevic in Bosnia and freed over 50 million in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think if you showed a little gratitude you’d find Americans more trusting of the Muslim people. It’s hard to watch American soldiers being killed by people who want to hold the world hostage for oil.
149. regarding: Ingrid #2
Dave ,   San Diego, USA   (01.24.07)
To everyone who read the #2 comment from Ingrid in San Fran. You should feel badly for a person like her, living in a city who banned the military from recruiting there. What she fails to understand is that a port city like San Fran will be the FIRST to be attacked...and at that time, there sits poor Ingrid, begging US soliders to help her. Ingrid is ill...mentally, and I hope everyone who reads her comments take that into consideration. Iran must be destroyed.
150. # 55 reply on $200/barrel of oil
Ken ,   Milwaukee, WI   (01.24.07)
Did you ever stop and think why one of the most powerful nations in the middle east (Saudi Arabia) stays out of this mess? They know that Western powers have the technology and know how to create other forms of energy, ie oil that is corn based, ethanol. If oil prices jump that high you would see different forms of energy come into play and that would render the middle east insignificant. They offer absolutely nothing else to this world but oil and terror. Good luck raising the oil prices that high. The Saudi's know that middle eastern countries have it good as far as money flow from Western powers, why mess that up?
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