Israel faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 23.01.07, 19:51
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151. Isreal will Pre-empt
Hunter ,   Springfield, MO, USA   (01.24.07)
Isreal won't sit by and let Iran develope nukes. They will take out Iran's nuclear sites with or without U.S. support. An Iranian couter-attack against U.S. interests in the region would be suicide and they know it. Personally, I hope Isreal hits them hard and soon!
152. #70
Dennis ,   Eagle Point, OR USA   (01.24.07)
Amen, I couldn't have said it any better. anyone who does not know their "final destiny" should ask Jesus to forgive them. Time is in fact running out. <><
153. We are saving
Steve ,   USA   (01.24.07)
the next noose for Ahmadinijad's neck.
154. Ingrid Stout of SanFrancisco
Dan Meyer ,   Seattle, WA   (01.24.07)
What scares me the most are comments from extremely confident people like Ingrid who don't have a clue of reality. If only people like Ingrid could read what Ahmadinejad has been saying and doing maybe they would understand. But unfortunately Ingrid will not believe it until the worst has already happened.
155. RE Post #80
Mark ,   Tacoma USA   (01.24.07)
How do you know what the president of Iran is saying? Do you believe everything a news organization from Israel says? The problem is with the existance of Israel. If Israel were to go away or we would stop supporting that rogue state, a majority of the problems in the Middle East would go away. Read some history. Understand the world. Educate yourself.
156. Re #95
Mark ,   Tacoma USA   (01.24.07)
Imagine this: The person you refer to as a neo-nazi" has never referred to himself that way, but his enemies have. Imagine that the alleged threats are only hearsay and nobody is willing to actually claim under oath that he made those threats. Imagine now that the frightened "black man" wants to preemptively attack what he thinks is a threat. Would he be justified in so doing? Iran does not have aircraft carriers poised just off the coast of the USA. There is no evidence that Iran is engaged in any improper or illegal use of nuclear technology. The USA has time and time again threatened Iran with attack. Under the Bush Doctrine of preemptive defense, wouldn’t Iran be justified in attacking the USA? Oh wait, I forgot about the hypocrisy clause that allows us to blame others for doing exactly the same thing we do. What you people must understand is that the USA is an aggressor nation. We are the “bad guys” in Iraq and Afghanistan. The initiation of force and violence absent a threat to the USA is wrong. End of argument. Our badness is angering people in the Middle East who rightfully see us as the evil occupying army, the entity keeping them from self-rule and determination. You want to understand history? The Jews occupied Palestine for a tiny fraction of its ancient history. Jews have no more of a claim to that territory than perhaps a dozen other groups who occupied if for substantially longer periods so time. Start thinking, start understanding.
157. Iran
david ,   usa   (01.24.07)
The posters on this site have convicted Iran of everything under the sun. It seems Iran was not involved in any of the Arab/Israeli wars of the last 60 years. Iran was not invovled in 9-11 (iran is Shia, Al Queda is a sunni organization and they are blood enemies. Exactly what has Iran done to the US recently?? To deserve this great attack you guys are salivating about. I cannot name anything. And most of your quotes of the Iranian President are highly edited and he does not control the Military. Should we judge Israel because its president is charged with rape. Are all Israelis rapists because their President is charged with rape? Like Iran, the Israeli President is not the leader of the country. Most of these US posters on this site must have never served in the Military and do not know the horrors of war. And how many muslims do you guys know?
158. Outrageous accusations
simple ,   ur world at large   (01.24.07)
Gee, I don't remember reading about any Jew murder bomber walking into a muslim market place/bus/train and pulling the pin. Nor do I recall any jewish/american/european leader calling for the wiping out of anything besides disease, or such. Nor do I recall "just a few fanatics" for all the violence and hatred that has gone on for all these years against just about any thing that you would call civilization. Oh, I get it. We, (jew/christian/westerner/american/not YOU are the problem! Oh. how simple. Kill us all and live in peace. Then they will kill sunni? shia? buddist? baptist? black? yellow? red? Just another Hitler, this time around saying god is talikng to him. Remember; one mans vision is another mans halucination. Only this is real.
159. #112 Reply
Ken ,   Milwaukee, WI   (01.24.07)
Please give me examples how the US has been terrorizing Muslims? By liberating the Iraqi's from a cruel dicatator? By liberating Kuwait? Read other books and newspapers from around the world. You are so blinded by your leaders rhetoric crap that you just spew the same phrases over and over. Show me proof of how the US has been terrorizing muslims.
160. # 2 Ignorant Ingrid
John ,   New York,USA   (01.24.07)
You are completely clueless. Come look at our hole in lower Manhattan. This is small compared to what they will do, if they are given the opportunity, and New York is hardly a Christian Right area. Keep living the diversity fantasy. We believe in diversity they unfortunately don't. The Persian people have little say over what goes on. Their leaders run the show not them. Wake up Everyone isn't the same.
161. NEWT
James ,   Annapolis, US   (01.24.07)
Americans don't like brutally true facts any more. We're too caught up in our own comforts. Too many have become cowards. God help us.
162. Where's Jack Bauer when you need him?
Mike ,   Spokane, USA   (01.24.07)
Unless you like the smell of napalm on your flesh, somebody better turn Iran into an ashtray before they nuke us.
163. The West is not aleep... but close to it.
Leo ,   Fort Wayne, Indiana   (01.24.07)
Many of us, before 9-11 didn't know what threat radical Islam (bolstered by the overt support from many 'peaceful' Muslims through their funds and silence) posed to our way of life. And even after seeing fellow Americans falling hundreds of feet in order to escape being incinerated in the World Trade Center, many of us still can't bring ourselves to believe we are hated so much. But we are. Nukes are on their way sooner or later... unless we do what is needed to hault them. But we won't because we're more concerned with what the U.N. says than in history showing that we all are marked men. Or were the people in the WTC on 9-11 worse in the eyes of radical Islam than any other infidel American?
164. #2 Ingrid
Billy B ,   Coronado, USA   (01.24.07)
Everyone who is "picking" on Ingrid you are wasting your time. Look where she lives. In the city who doesn't believe we need a military.
165. Post #17
DrK ,   New York, NY, USA   (01.24.07)
Excellent! Althought I would not want the crisis to have to end that way, I believe it to be a very believable scenario. My only hope is that North Korea doesn't donate a few nukes to the Islamo-fascist cause before Iran can be spanked back to the sand-age.
166. Newt on Iranian threat
Robby ,   Atlanta, GA   (01.24.07)
Newt is correct! Israel and the US must stop Iran's quest for tactical nukes or the whole world will be plunged into chaos. All nuclear proliferation in the Middle East must be stopped.
167. Why won't we listen?
Mike ,   Okemos, MI   (01.24.07)
What is it in the Western mindset of the past 100 years that refuses to believe what tyrants, themselves, say? Hitler said he was going to eliminate the Jews from Germany, and did. Six million dead. Pol Pot said he was going to empty Cambodia's cities, and did. Two million dead. Stalin...Amin...Castro...Kim...the list goes on and on of tyrants who do exactly what they say their going to do in pursuit of their utopia. Islamofacists like Ahmadinejad and Bin Laden have repeatedly said their goal is to eliminate Israel and the United States. Hizbollah has said they're going to eliminate every Jew from "Palestine." Why are we not listening?
168. I am not mentally ill
Ingrid Stoudt ,   SF , California   (01.24.07)
War is never the solution to political problems. Political negotiations, not sanctions, are the best way to acheive US goals in Iran. Korea has the bomb and they are not a threat us, so will be the case with Iran. War mongers is all you people are who have replied to my statement in such an unfair way.
169. Newt knows his stuff
Mike/Jew ,   NJ   (01.24.07)
Listen, we almost lost a city on 9/11 and the libs were behind any action that was to be taken but as the polls go so do the politicians and thats the problem a high percentage don't really don't care about what happens, just getting re-elected also most have money and think they can buy their way out of anything if trouble occurs....Think about germany in the 30's when everyone stood by and said don't worry they won't touch us I am well repected they won't touch me, I have money they won't touch me, well we remeber what happen to those naive people...wake up people!!!Does anyone watch 24 how far off do you think that scenerio is?
170. Mortal enemy since '79?
phillip schuman ,   fort lauderdale USA   (01.24.07)
It is odd to remember, or perhaps you never knew, that in the middle of the hostage crisis, Israel, at the behest of Ronald Reagan's campaign, transhipped US arms and military spare parts to the Ayatollah Khomeini. Immediately after the hostages were released, Israel once again, as part of the Reagan deal with Iran, transhipped US arms and military spare parts to the Ayatollah Khomeini. So, if Iran was a mortal enemy of the US and Israel as of '79, somehow that fact escaped the notice of both Israel's hardline Likud Prime Minister Menachim Begin, and president Ronald Reagan.
171. Hey Reza...
AJ ,   Lewisville, TX   (01.24.07)
Hey Reza, I love it when Iranians blame the US for the world’s problems because it proves how intellectually dishonest and/or how ignorant you really are. Tell me how much money has Iran contributed to the AIDS patients in Africa? Do millions of people immigrate to Iran each year so that they can prosper financially, practice ANY religion they wish (not just Islam), live anywhere, open a business, own a satellite dish legally, and live w/o fear of the secret police/government/religious authorities? Did Iran, or even Persia for that matter, free people from oppression? Did Iran free Europe, Japan, China (WWII), the Balkans (cold war), etc. and protect the world from Communism and Fascism? Does America sponsor extra-state terrorist groups in other countries (Hezbollah)? And please don’t give me that crap about one man’s terrorist being another man’s freedom fighter…good is good and evil is evil. Freedom is the right to choose, do, and say whatever one wants, even if someone or some prophet is offended; is that what you have in Iran? Is America calling for the total and utter destruction of Canada or Mexico? When was the last time anyone confused Iran for a force of good in the world? NEVER. You are either really, really, brainwashed or completely ignorant if you’d prefer to live under an Iranian style of freedom instead of an American style democracy. Ask the Germans and the Japanese if they’d prefer to live under sharia law or democracy. Ask the Ethiopians, Somalis and the Nigerians if they appreciate your terrorists attacking their countries and car bombing their citizens. You Hezbollah COWARDS! You may not like us, and we’re certainly not perfect, but if you have a free and fair election in the near future you better vote out that wacko, come up with a less threatening style of government, and stop chanting death to America in your streets or get out your lead lined berka because we’re going to bomb your country back to the stone age where it belongs. You can’t keep threatening us and our allies in the Middle East and expect us to sit by while you develop nuclear weapons and export terror unhindered. Peace out. Allah was a moon god!
172. Israel history?
Mike ,   Bothell   (01.24.07)
A look at history will show the hand of God in Israeli affairs. He did not bring them back from the four corners of the earth to the promised land to be destroyed, but to reveal Himself to the world through her. Now line history up with prophecy and one can see that everything is lining up nicely. It's a miracle that Israel is in existance at all. Think of the Six Day War- 200,000 puts 2,000,000 to flight. It's clear to me that the Holy One of Israel is getting ready ti reveal Himself .It is written that the salvation of Israel (the final destruction of her enemies) will come not at the hands of men
173. left and right wing propaganda
Joel ,   Florence, Italy   (01.24.07)
Right on Kyle sure the persians are an embracing people with polls saying 75% support U.S. but their leader on the other hand dosn't
174. Ingrid Stoudt , SF, California
R Boone ,   Charleston SC   (01.24.07)
Ingrid: Your opinions are extremely dangerous. You cannot diminish the threat Iran poses by throwing in the Red Herring of the Christian Right. Deal with the threat itself. In this country, we can't deal with the immediate threats because we are more concerned over piddly shit. The only person I hear making the statementst hat he will destroy Israel, the US and Great Britiain is the President of Iran. He wants the end of the world and he is willing to cause it. The Christian Right at the most wants to make abortions illegal and to make sure the only sex which occurs is between a married man and his wife. I disagree with them, but I am not scared of them. They don't say they are going to build nukes and destroy their enemies. They are usually content in their belief all of us sinners will be dealt with when we die! I am not a Right Wing Christian, I am a Realist. Reality says Iran is a more immeninent, dangerous, life threathening concern than Protestant Christians will ever be. Iran and North Korea are serious. You aren't appearantly. You would sacrifice your lifestyle and that of your children in order to vent about your disatisfaction with Christianity. This situation is hardly a religious issue, so don't confuse it by calling all religfions a threat (by your logic they are since almost all major religions share common beliefs. The Muslims are no more tolerate than the Christian RIght) I would never want to see any city nuked, even Teheran, but if the choice of which city would be sacrificed were burden to bare, I would have to let all of you guys in San Francisco go up in a mushroom cloud. Who else in the world would not have any bitter feelings toward the perpetrators, and instead feel they actually deserved such a fate than the San Francisians? Why don't you guys just form your own country so you no longer have to tolerate the unenlightened views of the rest of us in this country. Then you can outlaw all religion, all morality and everything else you cannot tolerate and coexist with peacefully. I am sure I am not alone in my thoughts, am I?
175. Right Wing propoganda? Wake up, Ingrid...
Mitch Flanders ,   Atlanta, GA   (01.24.07)
Ok, ingrid....You've proven you live in some sort of utopian myth. Do the rest of us a favor and try not to "infect" any MORE of the gullible, uninformed masses around you with your drivel. How is this at ALL related to the "Christian Right"?? YOU are the "sickness" among us and an explicit illustration of why we got hit on 9/11 in the first place.
176. Right Wing Propoganda?
Frank Shaw ,   Huntington Beach, CA   (01.24.07)
The Persian's, Iranians, are not a threat? Where have you been for the last 30 years?
177. Pending Nuclear Attack
Juaquin Esteban ,   Los Angeles, USA   (01.24.07)
That people can simply refuse to see it is, to me, actually scarier than the attack itself. Why can't we learn? I do appeciate your trying though...Thank you!
178. America
Fran ,   Greenville SC   (01.24.07)
America. Love it or leave it. If you hate this country so much, just leave. That's what seperates us from them. Oh yeah, all of this really doesn't matter because Gore says we'lll all be dead from global warming soon.
179. RE 155
Ken ,   Milwaukee, WI   (01.24.07)
LOL, It's that type of attitude that creates world problems of this magnitude. Aren't you late for your Klan meeting you racist bum!
180. #17 right out of The Book
rysigns ,   St. Charles   (01.24.07)
In my opinion the 34 day battle in Lebanon in 2006 (August 2006) between the Hezbollah and Israel was the trigger to bring about the fulfilling of prophecies we are to look for in anticipation of the Lord’s return. It started the realignment of Nations prophesied by Jesus in (Luke 21:29-31). This coalition of nations will fight a major war against the terrorists such as the Hezbollah, Fattah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaida. This alliance of nations will be led by the brothers, Ephraim (Britain) and Manasseh (America). But in reality it will be God’s vengeance on Islamic Arab nations (similitude, Numbers 31:1-6). This final (5th) war, before the rapture, will result in total victory over the Palestinians and their descendents (Obadiah.1:18-21). Five kings of Midian will be killed; kings such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hassan Narallah, Khaled Mash’al, Mahmoud Abbas, and Bashar Assad. Along with the king of Mesopotamia, Saddam Hussein, who was hanged December. 30, 2006 at 6:05am local time, the 9th Tevet, on Eid al-Adha, Islam's most important religious festival, which began at dawn Saturday for Sunnis and started Sunday for Iraqi Shiites. Saturday night the10th of Tevet was a “day of fasting” for the Jews (Zechariah 8:14). God instructed Ezekiel to record this as the day of siege for Jerusalem (Ezekiel 21:1). Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem in 586BC (Ezekiel 24:1, 2Kings 25). (Similitude, Numbers 31:1-11). Damascus will be destroyed and the Islamic religion will suffer the world over.
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