World War III has already begun, says Israeli spy chief
Published: 27.01.07, 20:32
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151. Reply to #30
Patrick ,   Everett, USA   (01.29.07)
Islam is given a bad name by the radical clerics who have hijacked it . Not all Muslims are terrorists. If selfish pride and ego did not exist in people then there would be justice and peace for ALL human beings on Earth.
152. the un
scott ,   brklyn usa   (01.29.07)
the un is a combination of dictators islamics and those that have business from them they are the meeting place of evil
153. #145--Islamic Rules?
Brad ,   LA USA   (01.29.07)
Does flying Jumbo Jets into Skyscrapers violate the Honorable Muhammad's Islamic Rules? Or were these "freedom fighters" of 9-11 notoriety, acting in defiance of the rules? Oh, by the way the Mullahs in Iran have a new fatwah(determination) that nuclear weapons would be just fine to use against an enemy, have a nice day now.
154. WWIII
Heather ,   Arkansas   (01.29.07)
It will take the first nuclear explosion to cause people to stop them in their tracks and say, "I think we got a problem," and finally realize we got to get some guts and fight these crazy idiots or die. Too bad the explosion will probably cost Americans their lives, huh?
155. Re: Heather #154
Randy ,   USA   (01.29.07)
I think you are absolutely right Heather; it might even take more than one nuke and one destroyed US city before the world takes action. After one nuke I bet there will still be a lot of people saying we really need to talk to the Muslims and give them what they want so we can stop this before it gets worse. I think a lot of people don't understand we had to fight and die for our freedoms and we will have to continue to fight and die just to survive. The Muslims have repeatedly made it clear they do not want anything from us and they don’t want to conquer us, they feel there is no place in this world for us, they want to kill us all.
156. Islam is Peace depending how you define peace.
John ,   Central Wisconsin   (01.30.07)
The biggest problem Islam has is the Koran. If anyone cares to read it, it can be seen that Islam is not a religion of peace, unless one defines peace as a one world Islamic religious / political state. First and foremost this is a religious war, a religion whose founder taught conversion at the point of a sword against all others. Secondly, this war is only the latest chapter of a WAR that began over 1400 years ago and I hope and pray that it will end once and for all with in the next 25 years. Islam has, is and will hammer upon the West which to them means Christian but is not in reality. In reality we are a secular, agnostic culture and not Christian. The Judeo / Christian culture of the West is like an anvil in rust , yet it is an anvil none the less. The Islamic hammer will only strengthen the anvil and knock the rust off. The anvil has stood the test of time and all hammers used against it have been broken. The Christianity worldwide will become stronger because the kingdom vision crystallizes with hammering while Islam and our Post Modern secular, agnostic culture will break apart, fall away and fade .
157. eric
ttoni ,   sabme   (01.30.07)
what does the crusaders ,bush and moses have to do wwith what i was suggesting? nothing classical muslim responce. defend the life of mahammed with his own merits not pointing at the faults of others. i dont fear the life of mahammed i want to understand what you see in him allahs perfect example..
158. eric
toni ,   sabme   (01.30.07)
my bad responding to 1.5 billion. but i will respond to your premiss that the bible and tora were changed. and muhammed had to fix it somehow . did not allah confirm the scriptures. if so why would he confirm something that was alterd.and what exactly was alterd? .
159. Re: #158
Eric ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.30.07)
You are doubtless familiar with the phone game, I take it, Toni? You know.. how word of mouth changes significantly over a period of time or transmission to transmission? That was the problem with the bible, as the first known compilation didn't even happen until much time had passed. As far as what/how much had changed.. who's to say? All I can say is that I don't claim to have a problem with Arabs, Jews, Christians, Japanese, Germans or anything else. Judging an entire collection of people just on the acts of a few seems illogical to me. According to Mohammed, the reason for the revelation of the Koran was because a) the authenticity of God's word no longer existed; b) Because former religions had been revealed, and were aimed only at a particular time-frame and at a specific region, a specific people. As per him, the Koran is the last book, God's last message, and is intended for everyone, till the end of time. Mohammed did not have to fix anything; he was merely the subject God chose to convey His instructions.
160. Re: #153
Eric ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.30.07)
Refer to my previous post regarding rules of engagement. You should find the answer. Bigots like Osama lead simple people astray, people who have a rudimentary understanding of religion. It's pretty easy to prey on them and manipulate them into carrying out one's desires. Hell, professional swindlers do it all the time. I would also like to point out that the entire 9/11 incident has too many questions unanswered. As such, I would not be able to say with absolute certainty as to who exactly it was that hijacked the "plane" (if it actually was a passenger plane, and not an unmanned aerial vehicle). No I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories because the fact is a whole lot of people died that day, for no fault of theirs. As to who exactly was responsible.. let's just say I am skeptical about the entire official explanation. Hey, wasn't that the event that triggered the US occupation of the Middle East? Just at a time when the world is running out of oil too. Ah who knows?! However, if it indeed was the advertized Saudis, they were acting in defiance of established rules and are hopefully rotting as we type. Side note: why exactly did the US not invade Saudi Arabia, after establishing the identities of the hijackers? Interesting. By the way, Brad, I wouldn't speak of other countries thinking it fine to use nuclear weapons against an enemy; your country afterall is the only one which has deployed a hydrogen bomb as an offensive weapon against an enemy.
161. (re: #127) the phrase "war on terror" makes terror legit.
octinomos ,   san diego, USA   (01.30.07)
You missed the point entirely. By saying we are in a World War against terror we grant terrorism the status of "legitimate technique to use in a war", and turn terrorists into soldiers. Iraqis hitting Americans back ARE soldiers who are legitimately fighting against other soldiers who invaded them--which is proper use of force in my book. The war in Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism.
162. Einstein
Ann Marie ,   MI   (01.30.07)
I can't help but recall Einsteins theory: I don't know how WW3 would be fought, but I do know that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones!
163. no ansewr
toni ,   sabme   (01.31.07)
thanks for ansewring but you did not ansewr my direct question. what was changed in the scriptures before mahammed that merited allah or muhammed to fix .and if what you say is true why would allah creat a situation where his scriptures could be changed and was the koran written in its present form during or imediatly after muhammed died? whaaat gave muhammed the athourity to be allahs messenger. give me something that would proove to me he had a line to the everlasting god. he must have miracles of sometype to proove his authority espeacialy if he was saying thaat the scriptures had been messd with.
164. NO. 30 Read your Koran
Vinnie ,   California, USA   (01.31.07)
It states plainly that all non-muslims are against god. It says that destroying the infidels is god's will. It states that infidels are non-muslims. Have you read it do you want me to quote it and show where it is written?
165. WWII
C.L. ,   Owensboro Ky   (01.31.07)
I look around and see and hear that Islam teaches and gives a message of peace . The GOD of Abraham made a Covenant with Ishmael also. All people need to do is wake up and look around Chirstian,Jew and Muslim because Prophecy is coming true each day, and there is not much more that can happen I pray that all look for the truth for their self and not listen to what people say because if you look for GOD he will find you, restore who ever you are in his eyes we are all the same because he created us and loves us just the same.I do not want anyone to suffer war I've seen it and it is not a pretty thing to look at. May peace be with you all and know that there is someone who does care and loves you Muslim and Jew alike.
166. Re: 3164
Bob ,   Bolivar, Missouri   (02.01.07)
I would like to see the references you mentioned in the Koran. Thanks
167. Sigh
Markus ,   Australia   (02.01.07)
I wonder how much of how we think has been manipulated by the information we recieve. after all history is written by the victors and can we really be sure that the media is not being manipulated to suit the needs of certain people. it seems more than likely that the war against islam is just a ploy for, i guess, america primarilly to wage war against anyone they want based on the princible that they claim they are involved in terorist actions or whatnot, in fact they don't really need to go to those lengths anmore but just have to mention the fact that they are a country with the majority of citizens being muslim. they have even developed a whole new vocabulary for these suspected terrorists "insurgents". does it not seem suspect that the the bombing of iraq coincides with the production of oil. the bush administration being run by oil companies. the problem with this whole war on islam thing is that its bullshit, we are turning on ourselves and overlooking our real problems, and the idea of using weapons on anyone is not going to solve any problems but cause more in effect. the way to stop all this bullshit is to just be accepting of all religion of all people of all of oul simple differences, i mean shit any logical person cannot beleive in any religion as true fact all religion should be used as a guide and we should accept the realisation that it was all written by man... and litterally men too at that. how can you truely believe that any religion can be right when we are all so easily manipulated. the idea of religion was just a basic law enforcement to govern simple people under the fear of prosecution by a higher power. but the one thing they all enforce is morality and that is the only thing we need to remember when is comes to religion. morality and community. however people believe in their religion because of the way it makes them feel but they fail to realise that every other religion has made countless other people feel that same way. we are in fact designed to beleive in god after all we have a part of our brain that is active when meditating praying or just thinking of "god". we have to remember that we will find god in whatever we find fitting to us. also if you think that the islam people are the real people to be afraid of watch the documentary jesus camp and you will realise that we have just as much to fear from everyone. the world has always been at war, some people want it to stay that way after all it distracts from our true problems and creates jobs and entertainment. well i guess you need to have yin to have yang
168. You people are crazy
Al ,   East coast canada   (02.01.07)
You people think someone, just because he has a different religion should be killed and destroyed. Did Iraq want to be changed? no, did afganistan want to be changed no, did the indians in north america want to be forced on drugs and alcohol from what the whites did no, did the blacks for hundreds of years want torture on them, no? I guess you people in america are right. this whole thing is about, 'I AM RIGHT AND IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU DONT ACCEPT MY MESSAGE!" read and educate yourself and stop belieiving the bs thats on your tv. now lets go change the world because were better and smarter and stronger than anyone else....and what happened to rome? stop war, stop violence,end persicussion.
The King ,   Dallas   (02.01.07)
Yo what's up?... I want to day that we must make love and not war!! Think about it;).........
170. funny israelis
funny .. Israelis have their own nuke ..they are the real terrorist, and yet they claimed that WW3 already begun. how funny was that.
171. Too big a question
Jon ,   UK   (02.01.07)
Terrorist groups using NCB weapons in a first strike is unrealistic as it could not meet any realistic political agenda of the group. Take for example the attact on the Tokyo by the group Aum Shinrikyo in 1995. The reality is that nothing was gained from the use of sarin gas, as shown by the groups decision to later appologise for the event. A nuclear strike, because of its long term effects with fallout simply not practical. Pocession of weapons on the other hand could be seen as a means to deter policy as can be seen with North Korea's testing of a nuclear weapon. The main factor in how this third world war is to progress is undoubtable going to decided by the policy makers of the united states, and whether the policies of compellence and interventionism is going to be maintained. This issue cannot be covered with is said in this artical.
172. reply 169
professor ,   NY   (02.01.07)
Heey G, You're right, but th next time write it correctly;): I want to SAY bye
173. Reality
A Muslim ,   CANADA   (02.02.07)
Victory is guarenteed to Muslims by Almighty God. Your misguided opinions do not matter. My misguided opinions do not matter. No one here knows the complete story and for any one of us to jump to conclusions is very ignorant, but there are a few things I'm certain of. First and foremost, there surely is a war agianst Muslims, and we will fight oppression till death. Muslims do not want "complete world dominance," we want peace. As for WW3, there is no doubt that it is upon us. Muslims have been the victims of injustice and the people with the strongest anti-muslim sentiment are blind to witness to truth; They are the victims of false propoganda and lies spread by governments of "democracy." Ask yourself how so many in America can oppose a war that continues to exist? I thought majority ruled? Concluding, I want to give everyone and myself a piece of advice: Read. Find the truth for yourselves.
174. christianity
sean ,   barbados   (02.02.07)
in the end christianity and god will previal
176. Muslims are not terrorist
tuncay ,   cleveland,ohio   (02.02.07)
Who are you ?. All you do give a bad image to the world about innocience muslim people. If I say all Israilen are judaist terrorist , what you feel.I think you're jsut a bullshit narrow minded person.
177. THEY have decided
Mamoud Ahmadinijad has stated that if they kill Israel, they will be happy, and if Iran dies, they get to go to 'Paradise'. Either way, they will not care about their population. They are under the control of Satan.
178. How far?
Iran will do all the fomenting all by its idiot, suicidal self. ONLY Iran has threatened to 'wipe israel off the map'. and then said they were going to destroy the us. Hmmm, I don't think Israel has to go very far at all.
179. Dooh?
Lisa ,   Springfield   (02.04.07)
Dad, its Doh! Thanks dad, sound of saxaphone tootling. ;)
180. What if...
Cracker ,   USA   (02.04.07)
What if is right!
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