Iran militia threatens to kidnap Americans
Dudi Cohen
Published: 31.01.07, 19:36
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31. To No. 29
New Yorker ,   NY   (01.31.07)
Nonsense. The U.S. may lose some F16 planes along the way. But Iran as it is now will be finished because the Americans are human enough to care about reducing the Iranian threat. There will be no nuclear armed Iran to throw its weight around and intimidate at will.
32. 9 Read the news player.. Iran has been shelling Kurds for
freedom ,   canada   (01.31.07)
quite some time. Those are the indisputable facts.. Like them or not, Iran is a political structure that must be destroyed the sooner the better so their people can perhaps see freedom, like the Kurds in Iraq.
33. 17 Trojam you sound delusional, stupid is
freedom ,   canada   (01.31.07)
different than brave. It didnt take long for the Hussein regime to be dismantled, I rest my case.
34. #23 Hallalujah, I'm with you there brother!
Nora ,   Israel   (01.31.07)
35. #23 Are there other Shia in Lebanon who think like you?
Logic ,   Israel   (01.31.07)
36. Iran's terrorist regime will end with a bang
Johnson ,   USA   (01.31.07)
37. war
toni ,   sabme   (02.01.07)
the us screwd up in korea they screwd up in vietnam they screwd up in lebanon they screwd up in iraq twice, if you go to war and really want to win it has to be total war. if you go for political gains , go to war restricted because of other powers might become involved , go to war and worry about public and world opinionm then dont go. you will not win you will creat even more problems, and your citizens die for nothing ande free citizens should not go to war and die for nothing, so till the west wants to face the enemy and take them on the enemy can play any way they want and always claim victory.but ithink its too late.
38. Kidnapping
Tom ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (02.01.07)
I hope Iran knows that Jimmy Carter isn't in charge anymore. GWB has two more years.
40. jimmy and gwb
toni ,   sabme   (02.01.07)
whats the difference between the two? one went to war and one did not. what is similiar . they both had to deal with islamic terror. its a perplexing problem that israel has had to deal with since medina. islam must take what is fruitfull good and compassionate in the koran and live by it and throw the rest away .
41. well that happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert Morley ,   farmington,wv   (02.01.07)
hell ye it easy to kidnap americans when we don't do nothing to stop them, all we do anymore is talk, and pressure israel to give up some of there land to have peace just watch Baker he's for israel giving up land for they can have peace with syria thinking thats going to get ride of hamas.The only thing these people no is war, for everyone of our's you kidnap we kill ten of yours.simply put.
42. Nuking Iran? What nonsense!
Bob Foonman ,   Jacksonville USA   (02.01.07)
The Iranian citizens have inherited a group of dangerous, unelected, theocratic, fundamentalists. Nuking an entire country because their leaders are idiots is akin to nuking the USA because George W. Bush is cut from the same cloth. The difference is that the US can get rid of Bush through the democratic process and Iran can't without major bloodshed. The solution is to do everything possible to encourage the Iranians to get rid of the Mad Mullahs by themselves - a peaceful revolution such as we saw in eastern Europe. Talk of nuking any nation because their leaders are insane makes no sense at all. Using that argument, half the countries in the world would disappear overnight.
43. IRAN looking more and more like the 3rd Reich
Hiram ,   Tel Aviv   (02.01.07)
..and like the third reich, it will end up in the garbage can of history ! Iran has the "revolutionary guard" Adolf had the SA and later the SS Iran supress individual freedom, Adolf did the same as early as 1933 Iran so called "president" hate the Jews did The Nazis Iran has delusion of grandeur and conquest.....Adolf shared the same and attempted to take over the world Iran hates the US but all economic transaction of any value are made in US dollars....Hitler hated the capitalists but all of the 3rd Reich money was kept ina capitalistic country. Mahmoud see himself as a savior of the Iranian people and the middle east, Hitler thoughts he was chosen to become the greatest leader of all times ( at least 1000 years Reich !) Hitler was a pathological liar, so is Mahmoud we could go on for lines and lines finding similarities....why ? because there is no fundamental differences between both ! A Dictator remains a dictator, regardless if Christian, Moslem, Atheist....and there will ALWAYS be some people who can be blamed for everything ... And in the same fashion German people got abused by the Nazis, the uneducated Islamist crowds are happy to be abused by Islamic takes them away from their real problems !
44. DR...........DONT WASTE YOUR TIME....#20
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (02.01.07)
True,DR, don't waste your time,indeed! But if you are under the impression that it would be an easy ride for USA,then you are dreaming.If you also try and create an impression that whatever USA is doing and trying to do is all right,them even your friends would say that you are biased and want nothing more than to know whether right or wrong,I have to be right...........well,so far you know exactly what is happening to the contrary of what you be ready for more comments.
45. Bush vs Carter, balls or hole.
Apple   (02.01.07)
Lets see if Bush have balls, we already knew what Carter had.
46. Terrorists Helping Mark of the Beast Again
USA   (02.01.07)
The more terrorists acts are committed, the tighter security will get. This principle applies to every nation. Once nations adop the chip ID card, then the chip under the skin is next. Environmental terrorists and religious terrorists (more than anyone else) are transforming nations into police-states.
47. Sick!
Toppi ,   Stockholm, Sweden   (02.01.07)
Iran is a so sick country. Only threats, threats in whole time. What want they?
48. Iran: What to do??
MO...USA   (02.01.07)
I think the time to hit Iran is now. Right now we are involving too much politics. If we sit around and wait until they actually have the bomb, then it's a different scenario. We just need to act now (US and Israel) and make a parking lot out of Iran and send them back to the stone age.
49. kidnapping
tattoo66 ,   vernon,nj   (02.01.07)
If Iranians start kidnapping americans. america should should nuke tehran and every major iranian city,
50. Re: 31 in ref to #29
nature24 ,   New Jersey   (02.01.07)
One thing we need to know Iran does have the capability to take down a lot of our soldiers, airplanes. They fought an 8 years war with Iraq so this nothing to them just another at the office. Their leadership is basing their boldness on the American people with our rules for being politically correct. They are using our own Amendments and constitution against us. Their way of thinking is that the American people won’t support our president after Iraq to engaged them on the challenge. The truth is “WE WILL NOT SUPPORT” another Vietnam type of war likes in Iraq after the invasion. However, they didn’t count on those people who are willing to DIE for the goodness of righteous living. This Iran president is an EVIL man and with the right opportunity he will destroy a planet. The Iranian leadership is playing the U.S. against Russia, and the Russian are so blinded by their greed they don’t even see it. Then again the apple does not fall far the tree either!! Both Russia and Iran are from the same root. One must think! Are we willing to sit back in our comfort zone and allow Evil ideologist Nuttso like the Iranian leadership back by Russian & China to go on? Com’on if the British leader Churchill did nothing during Hitler's time, what would have become of us in the U.S. and Europe now? The Iranians leaders are confident in their malicious ways and they Do Not stand for peace & love. Any god worshipers who believe in killing "CIVILIANs" children, woman and man are NOT for LOVE & PEACE. The media may twist the truth at times, however sometime you have to read between the lines. I believe they (Iraq) did have the Weapons of Mass Destructions technology, and with the helped by the Russians and France whom original started helping Satan Dam to build them destroyed any evidence. The bottom line is this, this Iranian regime must be stop at all cost. If we failed to do so the United State and its ally doomed. Not only they will have Nuclear Weapons, they will also control the Middle East region and Europe, then down goes the United States. Iran’s president is possess by the devil and if we allow them to succeed the world will never be at peace. Today is Israel! Tomorrow is the United States. They will not test the nuclear bomb in their land in Iran that is why North Korea is doing with for them. Perfect Science! Wake, Wake, and Wake up people. These people means business:-} Satan mastered the word Disguise. Their reason for nuclear technology is for Peaceful means only if you read the definition of peace they believe in. How many of our soldiers that died in WWII for goodness of righteousness because the powers that be refused to act until it was to late. I am not an Israeli, but I am a Christian I would give my life to save millions of others. Thank you for your attention. Nature24
51. Kidnappin
nature24 ,   New Jersey   (02.01.07)
Just to prove the Iranians leadership selfish, uncaring and total disrespect for the Moslem people. What's going to happen to anyone person that's from the other Middle East countries around the world? The truth is told if you don't ask of what country a person from the Middle East is from, it is hard to distinguish and one would not know. So when they starts to kidnap Americans for now then Europeans later, then will there ever be a safe place for those peaceful Middle Eastern person in this world? Other Arab or Middle East, Moslem leaders should think about the consequences of actions by the Iranians. Love it or hate it! It is the the humans way of thinking
52. Okay, FINE!
lon ,   texas   (02.01.07)
Next time some americans turn-up missing, we know who to blame. Iranians may intend to intimidate with this threat, but it only incriminates them in connection with terrorist activities. Dumb move, Iran. Dumb.
53. The leader of Iran's idol is HITLER
Charley ,   Troy, mi   (02.01.07)
If you look at all the things Iran is doing and compare it to what Hitler did, they are the same. They both have the thirst to get the most technological arm forces and with large number of troops. Iran has a lot of unemployement and they want to blow up Isreal. Hitler blamed the Jews for all the faults that were happening in Germany to. Hitler was also brassed with how powerful his country is and the same goes with the leader of Iran. What did Hitler do, he started world war II, are we going to wait for the leader of Iran to start world war three!!! Let's get rid of that Nazi loving SOB from Iran!
54. #44, Mahmood...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.01.07)
The US and Israel have been underestimated in the past and it has led to victories in every single war they faught. Iran has no clue what its getitng into and I doubt very much that Russia and China would help them in a war. US military presence in the region is a stern warning to Iran to behave. We tried diplomacy and obviously Ahmadinejad wants nothing to do with that, so it has come to this. We will see in due time what happens. I gaurantee you that Iran will no look good in the end.
55. Re: #8 (Vit)
Max ,   New York City, USA   (02.01.07)
Re: Vit (# 8) Although I don't generally think political labels are very useful (for reasons that should be quite clear in a moment), I think it's fair to say that despite my somewhat hawkish approach to American and Israeli security, most who know me might describe me as a "progressive". I cannot adequately express my fury at the way in which Vit, in only a few dozen words, manages to malign me and millions of other fellow Americans (whom he refers to as "Geopolitical Simpletons" in several ways: 1) Vit calls me a "Jew-hater"... Vit, although I am not a Jew, my best friend of over 20 years is, and I think he might disagree with you. He and his son spent a week at my house last month, and I hope to visit him and his lovely wife again soon. Do you even have any friends? Are they as charming and thoughtful as you? 2) Vit refers to my "Islamist allies"... Vit, I wouldn't ally myself with Islamists, not even if it meant saving your life. Hmmm, a bad example perhaps; I wouldn't cross the street to save your life. Try this: I loathe Islamist violence and would never, under any circumstances, ally myself with the reprehensible and uncivilized swine who preach and practice jihad. 3) Vit claims David Duke, that arrogant, morally bankrupt pseudo-intellectual coward, is my new hero. Um, no, I generally don't have much patience for egotistical racist lowlife Klansmen, much less hero-worship. Vit, please pull your head out of the warm moist spot where you've been keeping it and realize that "Progressives", "Leftists" and Democrats aren't the enemy. Intolerant, judgemental, my-way-or-the-highway Jihadists are the real enemy - and you seem to have much more in common with them than I do. - Max
56. Re: #23 (Lebanese Muslim Shia , Lebanon)
Max ,   New York City, USA   (02.01.07)
What a refreshing post. All the best to you from USA. - Max
57. Enough
Victoria, Canada   (02.02.07)
I can't believe what I'm hearing. You just want to kill everyone in Iran?? Hasn't enough blood been spilled? And for what reason? To prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons, which Israel already has?!! This is ridiculous hipocrisy. Iranians and Israelis are the same, and so am I, we're all human beings!!
58. Just an addition to "Iran is next..." comment
WineMamma ,   Canandaigua, USA   (02.02.07)
I agree that we/and/or Israel will attack Irans nuclear facilities and it will set off a chain of events. It's ineveitable. However, unfortunately, I don't think we (the USA) can come out of this entirely squeaky clean on our own turf. I do believe that Iran has a nice bunch of sleeper agents just waiting for this to happen so they can set off a few suitcase nukes over here on our soil. The Iranians aren't entirely stupid. Crazy and insane, yes. 100% stupid, no.
59. #57 thank you
at last someone with some humanity left in her...
60. #57, a little naive are we?
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.05.07)
Iran and Israel are not the saem at all. The citizens may be similar, but the leaderships of the two nations are completely different. Iran has openly stated that they want to remove Israel from the MIdlle East. They don't mention how, and Israel will not sit around to find out. Your attitude is dangerous on many levels and is very reminiscent of the European attitude in 1938. Rmember what happened next? If Iran wants to have nuclear technology for civilian purposes, no one would care, but it is painfully obvious that they are pursuing weapons grade nuke technology. They have not complied with the UN inspectors and are definitely hiding their operations. I believe people like you have a good heart and mean well, but we need to fight terror and tyranical regimes or else a lot of good people will die. You don't want that do you?
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