Opinion  Guy Bechor
Warning bells in Britain
Guy Bechor
Published: 01.02.07, 21:09
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50 Talkbacks for this article
31. To #14 - Invasion
Franck ,   Montreal, Canada   (02.02.07)
During their invasion of India and Afghanistan, Arabs also used mass murdering of local inhabitants as they are doing in Sudan. According to some Indian scientist dozens of million of Indians were murdered during this invasion and most native inhabitants of Afghanistan were exterminated
32. #5 Are You INSANE???
Sam ,   East London   (02.02.07)
"Parts of the UK are already controlled by our cousins from the east and are no go area for non muslims, places like Bradford, Luton, Blackburn and many, many more oh and of caurse east London" That is the stupidest thing I've heard in a very long time. As a non-muslim, I can categorically say that East London (I live there), and Bradford (visited a lot) are not "no-go areas". Of course they're not! The Muslims don't "control" these areas, nor are they at all agressive or threatening to others, including those passing-by or to members of their communities. Let's not forget that Islam is a peaceful religion at its heart, and the VAST majority of muslims, in Britain, USA and indeed Israel, are MODERATES, just like everybody else. The Islamaphobia prevelant today amongst people all over the world is very upsetting. Treating people like extremists is more likely to provoke extreme views in them.
33. Libnenniyeh, thanks
Micha   (02.02.07)
I appreciate your response. I do think that stats can be used for one conclusion or another. You're right. I do however get concerned when watching films like "Obsession" and "Protocols of Zion" or seeing that in Egypt and Syria they are making serials about the protocols which people are eating up as if it were fact. There really is no place for that type of artistic expression. It only helps to hurt and divide. I appreciate the predicament you describe. I'm sure it's not easy to change. I think if we bring together likeminded individuals we can make a difference. Lastly, it's interesting that the respondant thought you were a male. That's only indicative of the male-centric society we live in. I think when the voices ring out, it will likely be from women, as they see things diferently, typically from a more oppressed perspective and not testosterone-influenced. Thanks for speaking up.
34. Dar Al Isam Dar Al Islam -know what this means
Marc ,   ny   (02.02.07)
Islam today, view all non Moslem countries as the "house of the sword" which must conquered by the house of Islam". This view has gone mainstream and non Moslems should understand this.
35. To 31 &14 - Invasion
Just an excerpt : T HE MAGNITUDE OF MUSLIM ATROCITIES - I The world famous historian, Will Durant has written in his Story of Civilisation that “the Mohammedan conquest of India was probably the bloodiest story in history”. India before the advent of Islamic imperialism was not exactly a zone of peace. There were plenty of wars fought by Hindu princes. But in all their wars, the Hindus had observed some time-honoured conventions sanctioned by the Šãstras. The Brahmins and the Bhikshus were never molested. The cows were never killed. The temples were never touched. The chastity of women was never violated. The non-combatants were never killed or captured. A human habitation was never attacked unless it was a fort. The civil population was never plundered. War booty was an unknown item in the calculations of conquerors. The martial classes who clashed, mostly in open spaces, had a code of honour. Sacrifice of honour for victory or material gain was deemed as worse than death. Islamic imperialism came with a different code - the Sunnah of the Prophet. It required its warriors to fall upon the helpless civil population after a decisive victory had been won on the battlefield. It required them to sack and burn down villages and towns after the defenders had died fighting or had fled. The cows, the Brahmins, and the Bhikshus invited their special attention in mass murders of non-combatants. The temples and monasteries were their special targets in an orgy of pillage and arson. Those whom they did not kill, they captured and sold as slaves. The magnitude of the booty looted even from the bodies of the dead, was a measure of the success of a military mission. And they did all this as mujãhids (holy warriors) and ghãzîs (kãfir-killers) in the service of Allah and his Last Prophet. Hindus found it very hard to understand the psychology of this new invader. For the first time in their history, Hindus were witnessing a scene which was described by KãnhaDade Prabandha (1456 AD) in the following words: “The conquering army burnt villages, devastated the land, plundered people’s wealth, took Brahmins and children and women of all classes captive, flogged with thongs of raw hide, carried a moving prison with it, and converted the prisoners into obsequious Turks.” That was written in remembrance of Alauddin Khalji’s invasion of Gujarat in the year 1298 AD. But the gruesome game had started three centuries earlier when Mahmud Ghaznavi had vowed to invade India every year in order to destroy idolatry, kill the kãfirs, capture prisoners of war, and plunder vast wealth for which India was well-known.
36. #32 Sam - parts of East London are no go areas!
Nannette ,   London, UK   (02.02.07)
A while ago, the news programmes (BBC, Channel4) were talking about anti-white racism in parts of East London, where white residents have been attacked, by Muslim youths. If you're Muslim, obviously you wouldn't be affected by it. And it's hardly surprising in other East London areas, the BNP is so popular.
37. British muslims radicalized
Casey Jones ,   Israel   (02.02.07)
Why not offer them free one way tickets to Saudi Arabia,Tunisia, Iran, or their choice of Arab muslim country so they can live according to the Koran . The Brits need to stand up to them, identify the problem radical Islamists and deport them to where they will be happy living.
38. To 35
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (02.02.07)
Maybe the following quotes should give you better info: "My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level." [Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, page. 33 Mahatma Gandhi, speaking on the character of Muhammad, peace be upon him, says in 'Young India': "I wanted to know the best of one who holds today undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind... I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life." English author Thomas Carlyle in his 'Heroes and Hero Worship', was simply amazed: "How one man single handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation in less than two decades." You who speak of Mohammad (PBUH) know nothing about him or his true history. Maybe you should read up on what so many non-Muslims write of him. And maybe you should also read up on western depiction of Islam as Edward Said (a Christian) explains in his ground breaking book Orientalism.
39. Micha 33
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (02.02.07)
Thank you for your response :) There are a few points I'd like to add that are very important. In the Muslim world, the Al-Azhar in Egypt is the Muslim Highest Council, Research Academy, University, Mosque, and Institution all in one. It is from there that the teachings of Islam, that all questions about Islam and the teachings of the prophet are taken. They have all the books, the resources and the greatest clerics and sheikhs in the world. Al Azhar has been trying to control deviations from Islamic teachings and world wide clerics who distort Islam's image and spread incorrect teachings. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to control and follow up on all the incidents that are taking place. Numerous Fatwas have been nissued against terror groups and what some are preaching today to be Islamic Jihad. But this one center cannot suffice in keeping watch, and I think there should be a campaign issued straight from there whose mission it is to bar any clerics and preachers whose aims are to spread hatred and fear. Furthermore, I know that there are so many Muslims and non Muslims who speak moderately and others who have written enlightening books, but sadly a lot of times their voices are silenced. You see, Micha, sometimes people just don't want to read the good and credible literature, and they turn to literary trash or mainstream propaganda for their information. If a person wanted to know honestly about any religion then he would turn to its founder, to people who are experts, not to people whose mission is to distort. If I were to ask you for example to guide me to some credible sources from which I were to learn Judaism, what would you recommend? And what would you not recommend? I think that so many people would truly be astounded if they even read the rudimentaries of Islam, and their surprise would come from the fact that so many of its teachings are also found in other religions.
40. To #36
Mark ,   Georgia , USA   (02.02.07)
That is a interesting tidbit of info. What is the BNP? Never heard of it.
41. Radical Islam is a Fad!
Nick ,   NYC, USA   (02.02.07)
Look, 1960s commune-living, free-love "radicals" grew up to be the most money-grubbing generation ever. So I wouldn't lend too much credence to the claims of young British Muslims that they would like to live under sharia. Yeah right. They're obviously rebelling against their parents and society by making such radical claims. I assume they'll grow out of it. In the meantime, we'll all be keeping an eye (or two) on them!
DSM ,   USA   (02.03.07)
One could cringe at the difference in Britain from WWII and the tough British Tommy and Winston Churchill to todays politically correct British society made sissies by Blair and his ilk. The same think is happening in the United States, where political correctness yields spineless young college educated people and leaders of both parties willing to be defeated rather than fight all out to win.
43. #43 nick, radical Islam is not a fad, it's Islam on a march
AK   (02.03.07)
Right now, British Muslims feel strong and confident enough, without any fear of retaliation, despite their constant screeching about ‘islamophobia.’ They truly believe that the future belongs to them and nobody can stop them in their world jihad (and I don’t use 'jihad' to mean an internal moral struggle.) Did you bother to watch the recent British TV program about the goings on in those ‘moderate’ and ‘mainstream' Muslim mosques in Britain? Not very moderate, even if they’re mainstream. Have you noticed the venomous sermon of the American convert to Islam? Makes you wonder what’s going on in American mosques. You claim that they're just rebelling against their parents in Britain, but they can always go home to Pakistan, Egypt or wherever their parents came from. Besides, many of the imams are not young and are themselves immigrants, which makes your entire argument spurious. By the way, what are people rebelling against when they vote sharia in Iraq and Afghanistan or cut the heads of Buddhists in Thailand, or torch churches in Nigeria, their parents? By your logic, the Nazis were also rebelling against their parents; unfortunately, as a result 50 millions died. Your Muslims will cause even more death and destruction than the Nazis did. And funny you should bring up the 60’s radicals. Unfortunately, the radicals of the 60s didn't fade away; they now teach college classes and use their position to silence any opinion they dislike; they happen to be our current intellectual elite, deciding what is fit to print and show on our television screens and what is politically correct and what is not. Some are holding political office; in other words, they wield real power. Hardly fading away.
44. BottomLine:: Forget Peace when u have PAKISTANI neighbours!
KMR ,   Middle East   (02.03.07)
45. libnenyyie
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.03.07)
Sorry for your "deformed" name You cite Carlyle ....into a most powerfull and civilized nation.... Sorry to say this , we don't see much of this civilized nation today . What has this "civilized" nation contributed to mankind ? How many Nobel prizes has this civilized nation received ? What has this "civilized" nation given as great scientists in the last centuries ? Those are questions to a member of this "civilized" nation .
46. Radical Islam #41
casey jones ,   Israel   (02.04.07)
Radical Islam is not a fad, it is a real danger to the rest of us. Radical Islam preaches hatred and destruction of all non muslims. I still say deport those radical muslims who want to have Sharia rule to those muslim arab countries that have it and let them live there and see how long they last ,they will scream for our western freedoms, but radical islam is not a fad, but a danger to us all and the world must wake up ! The radical Muslims hate Jews, Christians,Buddists, and even other muslims who are not like them(see the violence in Iraq between Shia& Sunnis, or between Hamas& the PA ) and are out to destroy our way of life! WAKE UP PEOPLE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
47. Downward spiral
Clod ,   Suffolk, UK   (02.05.07)
This is what has happened since the UK turned its back on God. Because people of non-Christian faiths have claimed that they are treated as second-class citizens, our government has covered up Christianity and placed it beneath other religions. Anybody can mock Christians in the UK, and nobody makes a fuss. If a Muslim is mocked then we have an uproar: mainly by UK citizens scared of being killed. We live in fear of Muslims and we go out of our way to make them feel at home here. It's all down to 'political correctness'. Even children act like members of the Mob, and are untouchable. The crimes that children commit are almost as bad as what the Muslims commit. Being politically correct is killing the UK.
48. #32
P.S. ,   Portland,OR USA   (02.05.07)
You are sticking your head in the sand. The YOUNG Muslims are not peaceful; they are radical and admire violence.
49. To Micha 2
Shalom l'kulam ,   Rhode Island, USA   (02.06.07)
In Hebrew one might say kol hakavod! Which is like saying way to go, (lit. all the respect). All people no matter where they are from or what they believe are human beings and have feelings. Even those we completely disagree with and who may even blindly hate us. Therefore I admire what you are doing in Lebanon and wish you the best!
50. On waking up Muslim
Bethany Bay ,   Clearlake USA   (02.09.07)
US Liberal leftists truly believe they can SCHMOOZE Muslims into accepting their fairy tale agenda. Clueless, they refuse to believe that any Muslim could ever perceive their agenda as inappropriate or even dispose of it once a Muslim demographic majority is reached. Meanwhile, they have Liberal Left approved lightbulbs you need to buy if you want to save the world.
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