Ramallah isn't Warsaw
Eldad Beck
Published: 08.03.07, 14:17
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61. The "World Community" is annoyed because not enough Jews are
Alan ,   SA   (03.10.07)
being killed by the Terros.They cant accept that Israeli measures to reduce the number of Murders by Arab Terros really work . ie Wall/Barrier..Raids..Sanctions on Hamas Money you name it All Creative and effective measures . Keep up all the Good Work to thwart their Evil Plans !! They want a "IRAQ" situation with daily Homicide Bombers killing over 100 at a time despite US Billions$$$ .They are disappointed that they cant do this in Israel .
62. To Jew, israel No 56?57
jasmin   (03.10.07)
Thanks dear jew. well said!! it is exactly about state policy, and its ridiculous propaganda. if u read the various comments here in Ynet, u see how ignorant are these readers! what makes me really sad and angry is the way palestinians are portrayed in the media. i can't believe that any average person can believe that all palestinians are terrorists and sauvage!! we never see the other side of the palestinian society, we never see them portrayed as normal human beings who suffer, love, and above all want to find peace! they are so determined to keep thier lives going, even with the harsh conditions imposed by israel. go for your self and see them in the morning, at 4 am they are at checkpoints to be able to reach their schools or wok at 8!! only to be told go back from where u came!!
63. To Jasmin - There's a reason for that...
Edan ,   Israel   (03.10.07)
Yes, the palestinians are and were treated unfairly. But why? Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the fact that your people refuse to accept the fact that Israel is not going away. Why do your people cling to their violent ways when they are given numerous opportunities to make peace? Why do you teach young children that jews are apes and pigs? Why can't your Hamas "leaders" try doing something positive? Why won't they recognize what the UN recognized in 1948 - that the jews have a right to a state? I know that Israel has done many unjust things. But can YOU acknowledge that your people are only making things worse for all of us? Do you really think the IDF attacks for no reason? In Nazi germany the jews were all but powerless. Your people have a lot more than the jews had back then, and so the comparison is completely irrellevant and ridiculous.
64. Jew? Israeli? Doesn't seem so
Ilan ,   Ariel   (03.10.07)
I think that everyone has heard of the game "hide and seek" The more places to run and hide the harder it is to find what you are looking for. I can't vouch for every decision that the IDF makes, but the concept of restricting movement in order to make searching more effective is obvious. I also don't accept your version of Israeli life. Advancement to certain positions is not equitable even to Jewish Israelis, but we also have non-Jewish professors, doctors, engineers, lawyers and judges. And there is no program to ethnically cleanse non-Jews from Israel today. Although the effect of '48 was as close as Israel ever got to that, I don't think that Israelis in Petach Tikva or Ramat HaSharon will be returning the land to Palestinians anytime soon. I really can't believe you are what you claim to be.
65. to Edan, NO 63
Jasmin   (03.11.07)
So you invent the lie and you believe it? so if israel respects all UN resolutions, then why settlements exist in 1976 land? they expand each day, confiscating palestinian land each day. so is that legal?? you know also that these very settlements are the reason for much of the sufferening for pals viligers, and most of the security problems for israel. The aparthied wall which israel built, didn't respect 1967 borders neither, so it confiscated more lands. so u call that justice?! also, do you really believe that the only thing palestinian know is hatred and fighting?! you would be so naive to believe such a progaganda. i feel sorry for people like you
66. 41ahmed
hans ,   stuttgart germany   (03.11.07)
haifa is not palestine it is in israel .for one to live in the worst nation as you mention it seems you do live pretty good.
67. Jasmin - You still ignore my questions...
Edan ,   Israel   (03.11.07)
Which lie exactly did we invent? How many times were your people given proposals for peace BEFORE 1948? Do you know? Of course you don't because you were educated by the propaganda machine which teaches children that they will be honored for blowing themselves up. What...is that a lie as well? When did the settlements start being built? (Hint : not before 1967). Arafat is your hero, correct? Who does he view himself the succesor of? (Hint : A Nazi collaborator). Is it wrong to think that your people always resort to violence when after every attempt to make peace we are rewarded with missiles and more attacks? Did I make that up too? I have already stated that I believe the settlements are wrong, and I believe the wall is a good idea although it may not have been thought out very well. When can YOU accept responsibility? When can YOU accept the fact that we are here to stay? And how can you claim that your blood is equal to ours if you insist on a prisoner swap of 1000 to 1...? I have been in Gaza and the West Bank and I have seen how mothers encourage their children to throw rocks at soldiers even though they know fully well that a soldier who feels threatened will react. I have seen mothers who are proud of their suicide bomber children.... You and your people need to grow a brain and start living in the 21st century.
68. #58: palestinians already have their land
T M F   (03.13.07)
like so many under-informed, the palestinians already have their own land. If they don't like life in the west bank they can go to Jordan. The entire trans-jordan was given to them when it should have been given to Israel. Did they take it? No. They rather live in dirty hovels and throw rocks at us, waiting for the world to feel sorry and destroy Israel for them. With the help of liberal self-righteous brainwashing, they are making progress. Comparing IDF action to shoah should be criminal, but today, it is becoming fashionable. Israel can ultimately survive only by her own force, throwing off the hypocrisy of UN and EU, and liberal half of US. Start by throwing waqf out the heart of Israel.
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