Rules of the game have changed, Bishara says
Roee Nahmias
Published: 13.04.07, 12:02
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1. Mr. Bishara, you are wrong
Josef Matamoros ,   Finland   (04.13.07)
First Arabs came as usurpers after Muhammad, while the big noncontrolled influx came during early 1900's due to the Jewish run economic development. Jewish people are the original owners of the land. Mr. Bishara, you'd better stop twisting the facts.
2. You are a freedom fighter... 1 LUV
Khaled ,   Jerusalem   (04.13.07)
Thanks Mr. Bishara for showing the real face of the facist and racist regime in Israel. I love ya!
3. 10:1 they've got him on a sex crime
4. # 2 Khaled
Josef Matamoros ,   Finland   (04.13.07)
Mr. Bishara has shown only his own face, nothing else. Definitely you freely choose whom you love, though, you have chosen a pro-terrorism person who, in addition, spreads a non-righteous message based on twisted wiev of reality. That's called myopia.
5. bishara stated the problem perfectly
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (04.13.07)
"Bishara stressed that "we must remember that we are the original owners of this land. They want us to act like we are guests in our land, and always prove to them that we are 'okay'. We are no 'okay'. We are the Palestinian Arabs, sons of this land, and we will do whatever is right to resist occupation and aggression."" based on that, he deserves to have his tail thrown in jail because he supports terrorism and genocide. toss him in and throw away the key. better yet, send him to gaza in exchange for shalit. it's where he belongs and he can walk aroud there like he owns the place.
6. He sets Arab community back by decades
Yosef ,   NY,NY   (04.13.07)
7. In my opinion,arabs will never understand
Keren ,   SP-now in Israel   (04.13.07)
the right of Jews to have our land and to determine our own destiny.Before 1967 ,they didn't,and they have changed only for worst since then. I think arabs are too greedy and envious to be able to desiree good for us in such a small piece of land. Anyone who look at the map will see the disprortionality in the size of arabs lands and Jewish lands, but eventhough they want this minimun we own. In my view,Jews should stop listening to them ,and should stop trying to appease them. They don't deserve ,and they will not stop bothering us. The solution is to keep on strengthening our own position and work for an eventual transfer solution,eventually through international diplomacy.If they don't understand,other countries should. We must keep in our own way,despite their wishes. This is the land meant for us.We fought for it;we deserve it. And above all,they are legally ours,eventhough these arabs try to blur this fact.
8. Bishara the freedom fighter, sure!!
Doc Holliday ,   Detroit   (04.13.07)
I'm not not sure what the heck this is all about? But here in the U.S. when black officials would get in trouble it suddenly became a racial issue. Case in point Marion Berry mayor of D.C. was filmed smoking crack. All of a sudden it was "the man"(white) trying to bring down a strong black man. The Duke Lacross players whose charges were dismissed two days ago was the same thing. Political pressure from the black community said the boys (rich and white) were getting special treatment and they were. They had the honor to be innocent and prosecuted anyway. This smells the same ,Arab MK gets in trouble now suddenly he is accusing everybody(Jews) of being racist. He only is being singled out because he is an arab,yeah right!!!
9. He is welcome to return and his cell is waiting for him !
redkmike ,   tel aviv and london   (04.13.07)
What an arrogant alienator he is ! "His Arab public" - he did nothing to help them and if anything brought them greater alienation. Jordan certainly didn't want him and they were 100% right. He would start stirring up the Palestinian population there. A good for nothing trouble maker !
10. khaled, you're an idiot
fish   (04.13.07)
Israel is a fascist country? Shut up, pea-brained idiot, if it was a fascist country you'd live in concentration camps, and your beloved Bishara would hang on a lamp-post. Because it's a democracy flith like Bishara can fell safe even if they call for the destruction of Israel. It's our land, not yours go back to Arabic peninsula where you came from and be a camel shepherd.
11. Rules of the Game Have Changed.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (04.13.07)
I certainly hope so. He should be expelled from the Knesset, immunity rescinded, & prosecuted. His political party should be banned as well. And if he does not come back, his Israeli citizenship should be revoked as well. Indeed, maybe the rules of the game have finally changed.
12. to Terry #11
Asher ,   Southfield, USA   (04.13.07)
Ya Ya ya, Terry. You forgot, you are in Israel, with Israelis running the show. With there heads in the sand and not believing themselves that Israel is our Jewish Homeland. They brought this behavior upon us.
13. #10, #4
Khaled ,   Jerusalem   (04.13.07)
Ummm... My grandma was forced to live in a camp bc the terrorist jewish militia who established the state of Israel has forced her to leave her house in Katamon in West Jerusalem. Am sure you didn't here about this story, you're pro-israeli while knowing nothing about what's happening on the ground. And yea, a country which distinguishes between its residents on the basis of their ID colors is a racist one. It's only when highly educated ppl like Mr.Bishara came and showed to the whole world the true face of Israel. He empowers me and hundreds of thousands of ppl here to continue their fight against the regime in the most peaceful manners. And No, I will not go back , to the arabian peninsula I'll prob come back 2 live back in my grandma house in west side of the occupied city of jerusalem bc I just know god is with me. Israel will not last for long. And even if Mr. Bishara disappears I am sure there are still thousands on the ground :)
14. Jews are the original owners of Israel
Raphael ,   Montreal   (04.13.07)
Bishara should take history lessons! Everybody who owns a Bible can tell you that the Jews are the original owners of Israel.
15. #8 Doc - there are big differences you overlook
Righteous Zionist ,   Israel   (04.13.07)
Black Americans are loyal to the USA and serve in its army without dual loyalties. Black Americans are not a fifth column. Black Americans do not claim that they are the indigenous inhabitants of America and have the right to throw out other races or commit genocide against them (Anglo-Saxons, Hispanics, Germans, Jews, Poles, etc.) Black Americansconsider themselves Americans. And further more they produced Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. BTW I'm not a black American.
16. bishara
ami ,   israel   (04.13.07)
bishara if the rules have changed the rest of arab KM like achmed tibi and so on shuold also leave perhaps there would be a better understanding betwen us and the israli arbs dont forget to take sahava galon with you
17. Bishara is pathologically and habitually twisting things.
18. Bishara is bad for Israeli-Arabs
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (04.13.07)
He has caused more damage to Israeli-Arabs than help. We as Israeli-Arabs see our future in Israel, living side by side with the Jews. Bishara (and other Arabs MKs) has caused a lot of damage to the coexistence between Jews and Arabs, and only helped strengthen extreme elements on the Jewish side. I’m glad he is resigning. I hope Israeli Arabs stop voting for people like him
19. Kahane's party no, but outright traitors yes?
LEE ,   NY, USA   (04.13.07)
This is a shameful show of the weak foundations that secular Zionism has built for itself. When the Arab Palestinians (a non-nation that sprouted itself in the 60's) openly claims they are the rightful, "original owners of the Land" and have a right to "resist occupation and aggression" (i.e. the right to support terrorism against Jews) while no one in the Parliament seriously debates or condemns the existence of such political parties, it reflects the deeply imbedded flaws that characterize the foundation of this state. When a righteous Jew like Kahane wanted to push a platform that openly declares that the JEWS are the original owners of the Land and should not act as guests in their own land, and when he openly declared that the JEWS in the JEWISH STATE have a right to actively resist aggression, his party was banned, shunned, and blocked from any progress. But when "Israeli-Arabs" (if there could be such a thing) flock to vote for leaders that openly and actively incite against the very State that gives it its rights and allows those representatives they voted for to visit and collude with the declared enemies of the state, NOTHING IS DONE AND NO ONE IS OUTLAWED. WHY? Are we so desperate to be perceived as liberals that we allow our blood to be spilled so liberally? If the Israeli public does not wake up from its Sharon-like coma very soon, clean out this heinous government, debate and restructure its liberal secular zionistic policies to reflect a government MADE OF JEWS, FOR THE JEWS in the JEWISH STATE, we're all in deep troubles. The time has come for the Israeli public to drop their gloves and protect their state. G-d knows our enemies have dropped theirs a long time ago. There's one man in the running today that understands this. To learn more about him, go here:
20. Kahane and KACH no, but Bishara and Balad yes?
LEE ,   NY, USA   (04.13.07)
This is a shameful show of the weak foundations that secular Zionism has built for itself. When the Arab Palestinians (a non-nation that sprouted itself in the 60's) openly claims they are the rightful, "original owners of the Land" and have a right to "resist occupation and aggression" (i.e. the right to support terrorism against Jews) while no one in the Parliament seriously debates or condemns the existence of such political parties, it reflects the deeply imbedded flaws that characterize the foundation of this state. When a righteous Jew like Kahane wanted to push a platform that openly declares that the JEWS are the original owners of the Land and should not act as guests in their own land, and when he openly declared that the JEWS in the JEWISH STATE have a right to actively resist aggression, his party was banned, shunned, and blocked from any progress. But when "Israeli-Arabs" (if there could be such a thing) flock to vote for leaders that openly and actively incite against the very State that gives it its rights and allows those representatives they voted for to visit and collude with the declared enemies of the state, NOTHING IS DONE AND NO ONE IS OUTLAWED. WHY? Are we so desperate to be perceived as liberals that we allow our blood to be spilled so liberally? If the Israeli public does not wake up from its Sharon-like coma very soon, clean out this heinous government, debate and restructure its liberal secular zionistic policies to reflect a government MADE OF JEWS, FOR THE JEWS in the JEWISH STATE, we're all in deep troubles. The time has come for the Israeli public to drop their gloves and protect their state. G-d knows our enemies have dropped theirs a long time ago. There's one man in the running today that understands this. To learn more about him, go here: long time ago.
21. it's getting better all the time
Layla ,   Nazareth   (04.13.07)
We Arab Palestinian citizens of Israel can enjoy equality only if we accept Jewish superiority as a natural, God-given fact. We are welcome to enjoy the full benefits of living as good "house niggas", cleaning up after Jews and doing all the dirty work the lily-white precious Ashkenazi hands can't touch. The second one of us decides to publicly reject our second-class status, we are traitors, fifth columnists and enemies of the state. Welcome to racist, apartheid Israel! The future just keeps getting brighter on its way to a nuclear holocaust.
22. to NO 14 Rafael??
JASMIN   (04.13.07)
SO tell me dear, according to your logic and every other jew. The indians of America should ask all americans and canadians to get the hell out, because they are the ORIGINAL OWNERS of the land!! so since you are in Montreal, you be the first one to leave baby!! i just wish you have other valuable arguments to impress people!!
23. When Azmi Bishara stop incite the Arab public in Israel
Nadav ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.13.07)
against the right of Israel's right to exist as a nation-state, the nation-state of the Jewish people, then he will have the right to complain about the fact that the Israeli establishment incites against him. Israel was established based on the universally accepted right of peoples to self determination, and this is the basis on which the UN reached a decision to establish a Jewish state in this country. Israel is the manifestation of this right. It is the national home of the Jewish people, not unlike Greece being the national home of the Greek people and Denmark being the national home of the Denish people. Bishara and his friends demand the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state based on the same principle. Yet, he and the Arab leadership in Israel refuse to internalize the right of the Jewish people to its own state within its historic homeland. This amounts to not only an expression of lack of intellectual honesty, but it also indicates that what is beyond Bishara's words and deeds is an attempt to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel, and we, Jews, will not allow for it. Naver.
24. #Khaled
Nadav ,   Misgab   (04.13.07)
May be your grandmother was victim of you leaders who were also then not ready to compromise? Also Bishara is a messenger of separation rather than coexistence and mutual respect....will it lead anywhere? Besides, playing a freedom fighter/refugee is a great thing when living in a 5 Star Hotel.
25. #13
i would like to remind you khaled, that israel or the jewish land had existed way before your god was born, stupid! you have been fed too many lies and been educated with historical books that omitted this knowledge. no wonder you are so uninformed and dense. jerusalem and everyone knows it was JEWISH where jews had a very big strong hold, where it was the capital of judeah and smaria 3000 years before and where the romans captured it and persecuted its rightful owners, the jews. your so called god arrived 600 years after jerusalem was known to be the capital of the jewish homeland and the jews. philistina was a name given by rome for judeah and samaria, including jerusalem when the romans conquered the jewish homeland and expelled the jews. muhammad was never in jerusalem except passed it!!!! 600 years later. you are a pure example of the arab street believing what the arafat regime taught you.....too much lies and too much historical ignorance. muslims were warriors and conquerers and pilanderers. they captured lands not their own and built their mosques on top of curches and synagogues. basically pirates profiting from the riches of other the sword. and this is what the kuran tells the entire world. you people have not evolved since the 12th century. your true home and origin is the arabian penninsula and your true capital is in mecca, not jerusalem. from time immemorial is an excellent book for you to read so that you can educate yourself a little further, otherwise you sound as predictable as any of your arab friends who came to shnore off the jews in our holy land. stop your ranting and raving. you will never have this country. it survived for thousands of years and will continue to survive. you know why? because we are a 1000 times smarter than you and brains are power!
26. #15
also, do not forget the native indian americans who also do not consider themselves fifth column. they also do serve in the military and live peacefully as american citizens, contributing, etc....
27. #12 Asher in Southfield USA
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (04.13.07)
I have to say you raise a good point. But the state was founded by secular socialist idealists & continued by various Labour gov'ts. They believed that eventually we would have peace with the Arabs, that eventually coexistence would work. Many Israelis still believe this is possible although you really have to make an effort to believe it these days. But, reality eventually punches most people in the head which is why I said maybe the rules of the game are changeing. I hope I'm right because otherwise this will blow up in our face someday.
28. 1 If you Russian or European then its not your land
Tupac ,   USA   (04.13.07)
You are what everyone calls an immigrant; be it Jew, Muslim, Christian, etc.
29. #14 Which Jews? Russian or Europeans?
Tupac ,   NY   (04.13.07)
You mean that Jews can take a bible to any court as proof of ownership of land? And here I thought Israel was a secular democratic state.
Sad story you tell Khaled, really. You forgot to mention that arabs have a long history of killing jews - not just "forcing them to leave their homes". I heard that your arab brothers told everyone to leave and come back after they had butchered all the Jews. Which didnt happen and I suppose you deeply regret. Lastly Pal, if Israel ever goes down - you and your kind will never be there to enjoy it. Count on it.
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