Girl from Pulitzer-winning photo calls it 'disgrace to Israel'
Efrat Weiss
Published: 20.04.07, 07:34
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61. #59 was Goliath Palestinian?
He is the Philistine "on demand" when it serves a purpose, even when you deny the existence of the people and land of Philistine. In other words, when you cann't deny existence of evil, you can deny existence of Philistine. is that what you got ?
62. Men don't arouse as much sympathy as women
Daniel ,   Los Angeles   (04.20.07)
That's where the men are. Doesn't make such a good PR story as a girl.
63. #38 Michael, you're one of them Peace Now dolts, or Arab?
AK   (04.21.07)
64. Amona
christa ,   near Monaco   (04.21.07)
Amona is not the land of Israel. Consider Israel's internationally recognized borders. So Nili had no business being there.
65. PERSECUTED for Thousands of Years for Being a Jew
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (04.21.07)
Courageous Nili and all of the Jewish patriots are wonderful heroes for Israel and the entire Free World in the fight against global jihad, and the fight for human rights for non-Muslims - we are forever in your debt. Jews and other non-Muslims MUST have human rights! In Israel, Jews are forced to endure the stealing of Jewish land and assets, brutal physical assaults, unjust jailings and ethnic/religious Jew cleansing by Israeli authorities. Nothing has changed in thousands of years. Around 1948, one million Jews suffered violent ethnic/religious Jew cleansing from Arab countries. Arab governments seized the land, homes, businesses and bank accounts of the Jews. Most Jewish refugees fled to Israel where it is impossible to escape persecution for being a Jew - 10,000 Jews were ruthlessly religiously cleansed from Gaza and northern Samaria - rendered jobless and homeless and forced into poverty - their land and assets seized by Israel's military for barbaric Muslim global jihadists bent on Jewish annihilation. Bowing down to Islam, Israeli authorities-rabid Jew-haters, had police violently assault peaceful Jewish protestors at Amona, savagely inflicting broken bones and multiple head wounds on the defenseless Jews-many victims were children. Jews and other non-Muslims MUST have human rights! Israel's government are relentless in empowering Jews' implacable Muslim enemies with Jewish land and assets - Israeli leaders' war strategy is to reduce tiny Israel to even smaller, indefensible proportions thus enabling an easy Muslim conquest of all Israel. In Islam, ALL countries that are not Muslim are regarded as the House of War to be conquered for Islam. Despising G-D, Israeli leaders gave control of Judaism's holiest site to Muslims. Guardians of Islam, Israel's police arrest Jews if they pray on the Temple Mount. Take to the streets! Demand Israel's enemies are utterly defeated and all stolen Jewish land and Temple Mount are returned to Jews! Council on American-Islamic Relations: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." - Omar Ahmad (CAIR co-founder). Addressing a youth session at the 1999 Islamic Association for Palestine's annual convention in Chicago, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) founder Omar Ahmad praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam," An authoritative Muslim stated: "Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you."
66. linda Rivera
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.21.07)
If you want to spray your hatred towards our democratically elected governement , make Alya . If you won't do this , shut up ! For you , and other people living thousands of miles from here , it's easy to talk . Sad to say , generally you don't know what you are talking about . Regarding "peacefull" demonstrations , you did'nt watch TV , i did . those "demonstrators" were not acting so peacefully , they had not to be there , they came only to make trouble . Regarding the Gush Katif , if they have problems now , it's their own fault . They were relying on god to save them , were awaiting a miracle , but the same way as in the Shoa , no god . Had they , as some rescued during the Holocaust , take measures for their future , they would'nt have any problem today .
67. Faith in the future, but change phrasing
Aviela ,   KochavYaakov, Israel   (04.21.07)
With youth like this, I can have faith that the State of Israel -- a Jewish country with a Jewish government and Jewish presence -- has a future. If you would like to consider yourself journalists, rather than propogandists, though, use "Israeli citizens", "Jewish teenagers", etc. rather than "settlers". Really, the dehumanizing has really gotten old.
68. The REAL disgrace at Amona
C. Gingold ,   Sacramento, CA, USA   (04.22.07)
The REAL disgrace at Amona, and elsewhere in the West Bank, is the supreme arrogance of the extremist settlers who proclaim that it is "God's will" for them to steal land that has belonged to Palestinian Arabs for countless generations. They have no shame. Poor little Nili boasts that "we came to fight", and then proceeds to whine about her rough treatment by the authorities. I'm sorry, Nili, but you basically got what you had coming. Just be thankful you weren't truly brutalized and left with serious injuries. And be especially thankful that you weren't a Jewish American pacifist, like Rachel Corrie -- who was run over and KILLED by an Israeli bulldozer when she stood between that bulldozer and a Palestinian family's home that was about to be destroyed.
69. Right on # 66
secular rightist ,   Israel   (04.22.07)
70. Aviela , in Binjiamin region
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.22.07)
As you are living in an ultra orthodox town in Judea Samaria , i understand your way of thinking . But do you think your presence there will one day bring peace to our country ? As i'm secular i do not accept biblical sayings , that this country is only for us [ i would like to have this so ] . What do you want to do with the non Jewish inhabitants of Judea Samaria ? I know , giving away portions of our land wo'nt maybe not bring us peace , but staying in some parts will certainly not . You see , i did'nt use the words you dislike . I'm only trying to see a satisfactory solution , very difficult , if not impossible . I do not rely on heaven for this , recent history , the Shoa , has proven we can't expect something from there .
71. Charles
Moshe ,   Kochav Yaakov   (04.22.07)
Hi Charles, I read your last post. To be honest, Why look at such old history as the shoa? Why don't you go back to a bit more recent history, like 1948. We had a country w/o the 'territory's' then. Infact, the almighty UN voted for it! But we were attacked by the arabs (remember, they said no to our state)!!! So if , according to your very own logic, we can't 'expect' anything from heaven as the holocost proves, then we definitley can't 'expect' anything from the arabs (as 1948 proves)!! And we all know that we don't have to go as far back as 1948 to know not to 'expect 'anything from the arabs. And let us remember - 1967 was a DEFENSIVE war. To DEFEND the state w/o the territories. Our blood was about to be 'dumped into the med' (Nasser). Unfortunatley, the historical facts, WITHOUT going to the bible, do not validate your logic.
72. Moshe
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.22.07)
Old History the Shoa ? only 10 % older as 1948 you write about . I said that you must not expect something from heaven , as some believe or hope . I did not talk about arabs . If you go to a more recent history , people in Gush Katif were also waiting for something from heaven , you know the result . Nothing , Effes . As for the six days war , defensive as you write and i agree [ there was a casus belli ] this has nothing to do with our actual discussion , and has certainly not had an intervention from heaven . My logic is still valid in this case . Don't wait for a intervention , it will not come , as it did not come during the Shoa . I would have writen your last sentence so : unfortunately for him [ nasser ] the result was different than that he expected .
73. Charles (2)
Moshe ,   K"Y   (04.23.07)
Re - Gush Katif...Let me ask you did evacuating the people in Gush Katif bring peace to that region? It brought the same peace that high-tailing out of Lebanon brought us last summer and who knows G-d forbid, what the future up north has in store. Why is it so hard for us to give up on the idea that giving away land is the solution? I agree with you to not stand around and wait for heavenly salvation - but believing in false hopes like land = peace is delusional at best! (Dangerous at worst.) Stop kidding yourself. Why make Petach Tikva and Tel-Aviv the front line? We need to go out and settle the land - not sit around and wait to see what will happen.
74. Moshe , look at my tb to Aviela [End]
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.23.07)
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