Leftists say violently attacked by settlers
Ali Waked
Published: 27.04.07, 15:13
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91. misrepresentation of TB?
mike ,   jerusalem   (04.28.07)
LOL, you have some cajones saying I misrepresented your TB when your response to my initial post was that I was reporting " about all the so-called evils of Israelis." Here's my initial post: "As an American living temporarily in Jerusalem, I agree with you. I forward articles and talkbacks such as this to American relatives and friends whose opinion of Israel has been formed by the US mainstream media and Israeli gov. spokespersons in the US. Needless to say, I get a lot of return emails along the lines of , "I'm shocked" , "I never thought......" etc. " Hmm no mention of evil israelis! Or is the real reason because you need to paint everyone opposed to you as "wacko-lefties? " You claim to be a flexible person but you only seem to be bending over one way. There is no question evangelicals have lost a lot of influence (again you misrepresent my statement by claiming I said that they had "lost all their influence" clearly not true, check my original post, "lost a lot of influence") in the Rep. party. Your comment about "passionate", i would say radical, minority groups corresponds to what I have previously posted, they hold the majority in society hostage..whether it be evangelicals in theRepublican party (Schiavo case??, hypocritical gay pastors hiring gay prostitutes for "massages" and drugs), Israeli (settlers)or Palestinian (numerous armed groups) society.
92. mike, michael, stephen, ..., all the same?
sk ,   USA   (04.28.07)
"LOL, you have some cajones saying I misrepresented your TB when your response to my initial post was that I was reporting " about all the so-called evils of Israelis." Here's my initial post:" Ordinarily I do not respond to someone who uses "LOL." In your case, mike, michael, whatever, my #89, where I referred to "misrepresentation of my TB," was not even directed at you, but at "stephen." I gather that mike, michael, and stephen are the same person. My reference to a "passionate minority" would be familiar to anyone with a background in American politics and derives from the language of The Federalist. Anyway, I wouldn't call the elderly "radical," but surely they are passionate about their issues. The words "radical" and "passionate" are not the same: one refers to position, the other to intensity. I don't think there's much doubt about your opinion of the average Israeli on the street--who is no leftist. For you, the terrorist sympathizing MAJORITY of Pals are to be pretended away; meanwhile, hoaxes like this one that vilify proud Jews (whom you revile) are to be given credence and to be reported to your buddies back home. This is what Israeli leftists like to do: to blame things on the "settlers," as opposed to the dear Pals. There is nothing "radical" about not wanting to be blown up, rejecting imaginary leftist solutions, and being willing to take up arms for the purpose of self-defense. The average Israeli has far fewer illusions about the Pals than you do. They are not being held hostage, except by Arabs. It's absurd to suggest that some "settlers" in Hebron are holding Israelis hostage; they lack the power to hold anyone hostage, as the Gaza expulsion showed. Anyway, I've spent way too much on you.
93. 92 sk-i agree with you its all the same man. and he wants
israel destrroyed. ,   susan israel   (04.28.07)
94. straw men
mike ,   jerusalem   (04.29.07)
and normally i dont respond to people who misrepresent their opponents positions so that they can posit "straw men" arguments to then knock them down. "Passionate Minority" was not directed toward evey minority group (straw ma argument)but those that have hampered the will of the majority, evangelicals in the Rep. party (Schiavo case is a good example), settlers, various Palestinain armed groups. You conveniently forgot to mention that I blame Palestinian radical minority groups as well as radical Israeli minority groups....otherwise I won't fit your straw man argument. And yes they are minority viewpoints because study after study of Palestinians show a solid majority, desite what is going on in West Bank and Gaza ,still want a 2 state solution that recognizes the state of Israel. And you know, despite the radical envangelists, that a 2 state solution is US policy as well and its US policy that the settlements should not continue to be expanded. The settlers are obstructing that US policy as sure as the Palestinian armed groups are.
95. Herbron
Loyal ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.29.07)
Funny how no leftists are taking Hamas to task for kidnapping Shalit.. I guess kidnapping is o.k. as long as the victims are Jews. Some people have a very short memory. Hitler had no problem killing left wing rabbis neither does Hamas.
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