Jewish Scene
Masorti rabbi attends Christian Zionist event
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 06.05.07, 00:25
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77 Talkbacks for this article
31. We need as many friends as we can get! ...
Rachel ,   Tel Aviv   (05.06.07)
32. Response to # 3
ibinge ,   Guyana, South Americ   (05.06.07)
John Hagee is a true friend of the Jewish State and the Jewish people. He encourages Americans and all of his viewers to love the Jews, because there is the Abrahamic blessing given by God himself in that HE will bless those who bless Israel. It is sad to see the Jewish people who have been subjected to centuries of suffering and hatred, from countries where they were, that when one Gentile tries to encourage love for Jews, he is ridiculed and mistrusted. Perhaps the Jews should put their trust in the Europeans who tried once to annihilate them, and are still trying to do that by financing their Iranian-Arab -Palestinian friends. What John Hagee preaches is what the Bible teaches. That may be at odds with Judaism, but if you listen clearly to his message, he does not encourage Christians to hate Jews, but to love them, since Jesus was a Jew. Do not judge him by the Christian message he preaches. Judge him by what he says about Israel. We Christians cannot be good Christians without loving the Jew, and that is the core of his message.
33. Christian is not the same WAY today that Yeshua taught
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
The Gentiles believed in multiple gods and some held to the god of hades where they would be punished in the firey underworld (hades or gloomy dark place) after they physically died. Alot of these thought Yeshua prevented them from going there if they believed in certain things; magic blood, flesh, baths (mikvah), saying prayer, etc. This is what they call SAVED. They are still in various degrees in this belief system, and they call this the Gospel of Yeshua (they are still floating in lake of fire). Much like how Rabbinical Jews think the Torah increases their standing in day of perfection, they use Yeshua, or just swaped / replaced him for this purpose (increase standing or get to heaven)the same false way. When it was really about learning the TRUTH of G-ds Mercy & Grace, in that HE HAS ALWAYS FORGIVEN MAN, and the Torah was a preventative and post sin ASSURANCE SYSTEM to know G-D (called life eternal), by removal of our guilt, in which we focused on and lost spiritual LIFE. Be blessed my Israel. Way in the WAY of TRUTH, not in DOGMAS of a mean Master.
34. FREE WILL determines a mans WAY
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
Sure the US has violence. Because of mans FREE WILL, and not forcing people directly (through Constitutional law) to be obedient to a specific belief system. You cannot have it any other way in FREE SOCIETIES. This is what is such an error in the more Fundamentalist Halacha warriors. They think Israel would be great if everyone thinks like them. The opposite will be true. LESS FREE WILL, means less Fellowship with G-d and more dependence on mans made up laws and rules. I cannot force another person WHAT TO THINK.
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
Both Jews and Christians are still relying on magic blood / flesh to get rid of guilt. Which tells me alot of them are still stuck in their own spiritual death. G-d has forgiven you, now try not to INTENTIONALLY sin so much (like on this talkback), because you will develope guilt and then you have to get rid of this (by transfer). How? Usually you see your own in other peoples.
36. Rabbi in Midrash;
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai believed that the Temple below is aligned with the one above; "a Place for you to rest in; a Sanctuary, O Lord, which your hands have established" (speaking on Ex. 15:17). This midrash in which he was refering, is speaking about two Mishkhans. One is a spiritual Place where G-ds Shekhinah, always rests and dwells. The second Mishkhan is the the temple on earth or below. This was / is a physical flesh place, that is in a place in created time and space (earthly not spiritual). Yeshuas mission was to connect man in his created time in space with the spiritual temple, while we were still living on earth in created space and time. Why is it that Jews and Christians sometimes have such little understanding on some things, that they still think that the third temple will be a CREATED IN TIME TEMPLE, based upon MAGIC or SPECIAL BLOOD AND FLESH? I am waiting for ISRAEL TO GROW UP.
37. Preferences
Semper Fi! ,   San Diego, USA   (05.06.07)
I prefer a milllion times a Christian evangelist or not, a Jew for Jesus or whoever than one of those self loathing renegades jews and their organizations. A lot of those traitors live right here in the USA, ex: Soros and all that filthy left wing. In Israel the shameful betselem is a cancer . I've got the same feelings for the other disgusting traitors: the taliban haredim that are against Israel
38. Phobic Paranoia & Hate-Mongering (&6)
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (05.06.07)
Singling out John Hagee from other evangelicals, as if he was a special, different, Xn who believes the NT (Null Testament), is ludicrous. It is the NT that alleges that Yesh"u declared "no man cometh to the Father but by me." Xns simply believe the NT and Mr. Hagee is not exceptional on that issue. The only thing that separates Xns after that is their individual relative ignorance of their NT and their far more extensive ignorance in matters of historical documentation, post-135 CE Roman Hellenist redactions (rewrites), etc. Those unfamiliar with their NT are more easily convinced by their leaders to remain ignorant of those passages in the NT. We should know by now that such selective ignorance doesn't last. If we don't educate Xns *including* the misojudaic historical redactions, etc., some Xn will come along and point out those NT passages *without* the misojudaic historical redactions... and history will repeat itself. Ignorance, suppressing the pursuit of truth, is not the answer. Education is the solution; and that means serious study (beginning with Parkes) and work. Neither Xns or Jews are exempt from that. Hagee and other evangelical Xns *are* friends of Jews and Israel. Friends doesn't imply religious agreement or compatibility. We don't agree and the religions are *not* compatible; but we can still respect each other and work together amicably and amiably toward shared goals while dialoguing on issues of disagreement. If we're right, what can we fear? Phobic Paranoia. If they're right, what would we fear? Becoming right? Are we afraid we aren't right? Under no circumstances fear the pursuit of truth. #6 - To understand, pretend you were born a Xn gentile and your NT promises that, even though you are a gentile "in the flesh" (i.e. physically a gentile) you are in a far more profound sense, a "spiritual Jew" in heart. Thus, you consider yourself a spiritual "big brother" to the "Jews of the flesh." Your NT also prophesies that these "Jews of the flesh" -- we physical Jews -- have all rights to the land of Israel (unconditionally) and, your NT promises you, will one day come to realize that Yesh"u is the "Christ," unifying Xns and "Jews of the flesh." Now return to your real-world shoes and perhaps you can better understand how Xns believe that Israel belongs to Jews. Their belief that we will accept Yesh"u with a resulting convergence of "Jews of the flesh" with "spiritual Jews" (Xns), however, is merely their belief. Therefore, unless you're afraid their belief may be true, there is nothing in that to fear. It isn't something they can make happen, it isn't going to happen, so don't worry about it. If we are to be kohanim to the goyim (Shemot 19.6), then we should be taking advantage of the opportunity to point out the historical contradictions and logical flaws in their Hellenist idolatry *instead* of the phobic paranoia of spewing hate at them in direct disobedience to Torah and khilul ha-Sheim. Xns have simply been duped by post-135 CE Roman Hellenist idolaters into a Roman Hellenist version, a counterfeit, that is intractably incompatible with Torah. If they could be shown how the Roman Hellenist idolaters displaced the historical Pharisee Torah teacher (Ribi) with a counterfeit of their own version (Yesh"u = J*esus) -- documented history -- many Xns would abandon Xy and its Hellenist counterfeit to *instead* follow the real, historical Torah-teacher. They would instantly be on the path to Torah -- in a quite unexpected way unifying us in Torah, Ribi Yehoshua *not* his polar antithesis: the anti-Torah (misojudaic) Yesh"u!!! While Xns believe Jews represent future converts to Xy, in fact, the exact opposite will happen! Xns will come to see that Ribi Yehoshua leads them *not* to Xy but to Torah!!! Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
39. Another myth
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
That Jews had to become Christians. One of the most early questions addressed in the Christian NT was whether gentiles (non-Jews ) could actually become members of the WAY, or whether it was necessary for them to be a Jew in order to become part of the WAY or Christian (see Acts 15). As time went on those who held to Yeshuas teachings concerning guilt within the law (Jews), were basically forced out, because of other doctrines that the nations started to include (a paganised Jewish version). Part of this was the word swap of synagogue to assembly (ecclesia) to eventually Kyriakos (church), in which they developed their own doctrines of the church, which was the replacement of Israel. Evangelicals now use much of this, and sepearte themselves from the WAY. I get so disgusted by both sides. Its like the blind leading the blind.
40. The Messiah takes away our free will while in our living sou
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
Think about that? We are living in our living souls (I don't believe in bodiless souls). Is it the purpose of Messiah to make everyone think the same while we are still in created time flesh (animal soul) bodies? Good luck with that one. Thats why Messiah hires police and armies. UNTIL WE PHYSICALLY DIE and go to be with Him in Spirit.
41. #26 YOU ROCK, DANA!
Rick ,   Open Range, USA   (05.06.07)
42. #'s 12 & 13.. You are one sick man
Rick ,   Open Range, USA   (05.06.07)
43. Always remember there are some who claim to be Jews
John ,   USA   (05.06.07)
Whio make nasty comments on talkbacks. They could be Anti-semetics in disguise trying to destroy Israel, or they could be self hating Jews who are so guilt ridden they don't know how to get out of themselves. I walk with G-d. I don't let any man tell me where to give.
44. #11
hanina   (05.06.07)
learn this word sir. Zevel
45. Hagee, as seen to TV
שילוה   (05.06.07)
I have seen hagee saying on a CNN special that xtians are to love the Jews and then was asked, what will happen in the end. His reply was either they accept jesus or will go to hell. So, you must judge him by his words and message. They are the same. Remember that Esav (xtianity) is judged in the Tanach, so you study why and change your way's.
46. #28 You are not a convert?
שילוה   (05.06.07)
Did we forget about the exodus? And are you sure that your decendents are not that of erev rav? What is funny is that my family name goes back to Rashi, who is a descendent of ???? If one does not know the person, they should not speak. In saying that Mr. Hagee is not a friend of Israel makes a person arrogant and a convert is silly at best. Especially since that is based from his own words. Not mine. Recently Mr. Hagee did come out and say that Christians should not try to convert Jews. Maybe this is a good sign. I encourage any Christians to come follow Torah. They don't need to convert either. I have talked to Christians about the difference between the historical Jew, teaching Torah to Jews and the christianized version that has nothing to do with him. I can see the difference. Others currently cannot. I also know, and you may want to read the Tanach, that esav (Christianity) is going to be judged. Read Ovadiah 1:21. There is a reason for it and with some more study you would figure out who would do it. Many other places in the Tanach there is a judgement for Edom. Since you have a leaning towards Christians and possibly have read the NT, 'take the plank out of your own eye, before you take the speck out of mine'. kol tov
47. #6, Seeing my msg posted, a glaring miscommunication
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (05.06.07)
I meant only that I also answered #6's question in my msg and did *not* mean to imply (as my title seemed to suggest) that #6's msg was either phobic or paranoid. The ampersand wasn't enough to make that clear. His or her msg was fine and a good question. I simply meant to flag #6 that I answered his question. My apologies for the miscommunication. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
48. Pastor Hagee Kosher
daniel ,   J-M   (05.06.07)
Im a frum jew and I hate Xianity like the rest of the world. However I atternded Pastor Hagee's night to honor Israel last year at binyane hauma. It was great! I expected fire and brimstone and instead i got a brand of right wing zionism preached in front of MKs that made them turn red. It inspired me in ways that many jews cant. Not one time did he use the J word, and not only that but he has the backing of Ortho Rabbis, sorry Ynet but he is backed by many Rabbis not just some conservative bozo. Futhermore Pastor Hagee has been researched by Rav KOOK OF RECHOVOT who has POSKINED that he 100% KOSHER. He is a true supporter of Israel, more so than most jews, and if you dont believe me click here
49. Daniel , Jerusalem [ ? ] # 48
charles ,   petach tikva   (05.06.07)
How can you say that you hate christianity like the rest of the world ? Why ? Let them think what they want , even if in your eyes , and in many others , they are completely wrong . You say Hagee is a true supporter of our country , how do you dare to hate him then ? Don't forget that we suffered much of such a blind and unfounded hate . I'm also a 100 % Jew , not religious .
50. to all christians-
dana ,   jerusalem   (05.06.07)
dont bother yourselves with unwelcoming jews. only god has the last word. people like you who help israel in that time of great misery and antisematisims will get greatly rewarded. we all believe in the one true god the god of israel. his word will never faill us. god bless all of you.
51. Hate, hate and more hate!
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (05.06.07)
If and when you hate, you only hurt yourself. We all need to remember something: If god didn't hate the sin and keep loving the sinner, we'd all be in deep, deep trouble. I'm trying to put forward my best foot here. I'm familiar with the proportionate response principle of "an eye for an eye, etc." but I know, too, that, given my temper and the slightest excuse, I'd claw for both eyes and every last one of those teeth, just to make a point. I depend on god's love and forgiveness a whole lot, and I certainly don't want to push my luck with hate on top of it. Having said all of that, will somebody, please, do something - disproportionate or otherwise - about those Qassams? Forget about Hagee. I think, we should turn Jimmy Swaggart loose on those folks. He'd have them drowning in tears from laughing so hard, they'd forget about Qassams. (Ok, I'll take the s--t from Jimmy fans for that one.)
52. # 50 Mazal Tov & Kol Hakavod my friend
An Evangelical   (05.06.07)
53. #48 is right. Pastor Hagee even sends
Jews uneducated about Judaism to the local orthodox rabbi for intruction. He has no interest in converting Jews.
54. # 44
An Evangelical   (05.07.07)
You are so funny. I speak fluent Hebrew, and yet I find it interesting that of all words you could have chosen you chose one of the "crapiest" ones. What a waste of a beatuiful and meaningful language. And so your point is what?
55. God loves everyone of us
Beverly ,   Indianapolis,IN,USA   (05.07.07)
Only God can open blinded eyes, His Love is so great for everyone of you and me. He hurts with every word, that we hurt each other with. He so wants us to love Him, and each other. For He is a very Caring God, Holy and Righteous
56. Wow, a lot of hate and ignorance
Jeff ,   Tel Aviv   (05.07.07)
Saul, #1 -- I bet you can't give me even 5 actual, real examples (not scurrilous rumors running through haredi communities) of Christians passing themselves off as Rabbis in order to hoodwink Jews. The great majority of the followrs of Yeshua in Israel are ISRAELI JEWS. The level of hatred some of you show toward Christians is absolutely astounding. By your own measure, much historical anti-semitism is "justified" -- if we always will hold the past against those alive today, the ignorant anti-semities will find plenty of "reason" to continue to hate Jews. Your venom does not help the situation.
57. Answer to #6 (I disagree with #6s claims)
Tobias ,   Germany   (05.07.07)
#6 (anonymous) claimed that "any real christian cannot be zionist" - I disagree strongly. Then he wonders how come that christians support the jews resp. Israel. I am a christan, a zionist and believe in the Bible (Tanach + brit hadasha), according to which: 1. God choose - among all nations - Israel as the people with which He made a covenant - an eternal covenant, which is still valid today 2. God promised Israel several times (in the bible) that he will bring them back to their land "from among the nations", "from the ends of the earth", etc. (e.g. Deut. 30,3; Neh. 1,9; Jer. 30 and 31; Ezek. 36 and 37; ...) 3. Jesus was a Jew, all of his disciples and other friends were Jews, and at least the first 3000 members of the first congregation were Jews. One of the main statements of the New Testament is that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. 4. Also after Jesus death, and his rejection as the Messiah by most Jews, and the spreading of his message to the Gentiles, God didn't revoke the covenant: "Did God reject his own people? Certainly not! ... God has not rejected his people, whom he chose from the beginning..." (in Romans 11) Of course much more can be said and listed about this topic, but I think for now it's enough. Basically: The Bible tells us that God has choosen Israel, has made a covenant with Israel; it tells us that it is God's plan to bring them back to their country; isn't this enough reason to support them and to be a zionist? Then, unfortunately #6 claims that "they were behind puting him on the Cross" - I think I have to say some things about this: 1. The central message of the New Testament is that Jesus the Messiah, the son of God, died on the cross (instead of us) in order to pay the death penalty for our sins (Jes. 52, 4-6). Thus, if we could make "the Jews" - or somebody else - responsible for Jesus' death, it would be a REASON TO THANK AND SUPPORT them instead of persecute them, because the sacrifice of Jesus means cancellation of our deserved death penalty, means our salvation. 2. As it was God's plan to let Jesus die (in order to pay the penalty for our sins), he is responsible. It was His idea, not the idea of "the Jews", to let Jesus die. So he was "behind putting him on the cross". 3. According to the New Testament, Jesus died on the cross VOLUNTARILY: In John 10:17, he is quoted: "The Father loves me because I am willing to give up my life, in order that I may receive it back again. No one takes my life away from me. I give it up of my own free will. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it back. This is what my Father has commanded me to do." - Also, Jesus said that he only needed to say one word and thousands of angels would come and defend him. So we can't say that somebody killed Jesus against his will. 4. Jesus died in order to pay for our sins - also mine. It was our sins who brought him to the cross. Thus, everybody, including me, is responsible for Jesus death. Every Gentile is as much responsible as any Jew. So, according to the christian New Testament, God, Jesus, and every Non-Jew are at least as responsible for Jesus' death as any Jew. The Bible doesn't give us any reason to blame "the Jews" for Jesus death, or to persecute them. If you believe that "they were behind his death", #6, please read the Bible again, more carefully, especially John 10 and Romans 11.
58. I am thankful for Rev. Hagee and all Christians.....
AJ ,   Washington, DC   (05.07.07)
who support Israel. I love them, and I know that our values, Jewish values, are their values, Christian values. We are cut from the same cloth and we must stand together in the face of islam, which preaches death, destruction, slavery, pedophelia, and on and on......We are in a war of ideas and values that we must win.
59. To all Christians
Korem ,   New York, USA   (05.07.07)
As a Jew who grew up in Israel and moved to America I can tell you quite well that the hatred spewing forth from many of these talkbacks is NOT representative of the attitudes towards Christians-especially Christian supporters of Israel- that we Jews have. Of the 40 or so people I knew in Israel, only 2 really had such mistrust as the people in these talkbacks do, and when I moved to the USA, many of my fellow Jewish friends, even a few of the the more liberal ones, have respect for you guys as I do. Please do not take some of the sick things said here personally.
60. #7
Mary ,   Canada   (05.08.07)
I am a Canadian woman and at no time have I paraded my bosom or undies in public. Neither do I worship the dollar, disrespect my elders, watch or engage in porno, theft etc. Neither does anyone that I am acquainted with. However, within certain boundaries, living in a democracy permits me to be able to worship who or whatever I want, drink alcohol (not everyone is a drunk), show my bosoms on designated beaches if I would so desire and even curse. These same laws allow muslims to crusade for sharia law and to dress as they please. I also have the rite to do none of the above. Oh and by the way you are correct that we do not have the death penalty (although many American states do). I guess we just believe that the punishment should fit the crime. I find it ironic that you are against killing yet are critical of the lack of death sentences.
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