Jewish Scene  Rivkah Lubitch
You're not Jewish anymore
Rivkah Lubitch
Published: 16.05.07, 15:42
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125 Talkbacks for this article
61. #6 she converted here and thus by an Orthodox Rabbi
Yael ,   Tel Aviv   (05.17.07)
All conversions in Israel are done under the Orthodox system. This is not the first time this has happened --where an extremist Rabbi "un-Jews" someone many many years after they've converted , lived as Jews, and had children and so forth. Look if you are going to un-Jew a convert if they decide years after they've converted to not keep mitzvot or even to live completely secularly then you better do that to the rest of us halachically born folks because religious law states that once one has been accepted as a convert they are to be treated NO DIFFERENTLY, with the one exception being that they cannot marry a Cohen.
62. Who was the heretic and criminal? Answer:
Yael ,   Tel Aviv   (05.17.07)
Who was the heretic and criminal who converted this woman and the thousands of others this judge has now declared non-Jews? Answer: Rabbi Haim Druckman --THE HEAD OF THE CONVERSION AUTHORITY OF ISRAEL.
63. Paqid is right about some converts missing priorities
Abdullah ,   EuMe   (05.17.07)
A convert should consider being jewish as a means to the end of better observing Torah. Rather than observing torah (b'hisonit) as a means to becoming a jew (and making aliyah). Observing Torah is the goal and represents the deepest connection with bnei yisrael and the brit. If Torah Observance is the goal, then (insh-all-a-h) things will fall into place over time.
64. Where is the red line?
Dave ,   Akko, Israel   (05.17.07)
Fine, so she didn't keep all the mitzvot. And the rabbinical judge did???? All of them ????? For man is not righteous in the land, who does good and does not sin. כי אדם אין צדיק בארץ, אשר יעשה טוב ולא יחטא Where is the line? Shabbat? And what if the person is on such a high spiritual level that his thought that flashed into his mind on something is regarded as a sin?? What about other mitzvot? This is not the way to "Ahavat hinom" - loving your fellow Jew - and surely that is the ideal of the rabbi?? Or maybe not !!!!
65. Rachel and Boaz
ben ,   singapore   (05.17.07)
Should FIGHT this case. This Rabbis think they are G-d. Thank g-d there is only One G-d.One Judgement to the Jews and Gentiles and that includes the ger.May they know and understand that Free Will is bestowed on every human being. If one desires to turn toward the good way and be righteous, he has the power to do so. If one wishes to turn around toward evil way and be wicked, he is at liberty to do so...this rabbis use Halakic Laws to explain many issues but they fail to observe one important issue. That they are dealing with the children of ADAM ! Rachel and Boaz in cluding all others affected should take the matter higher ! You G-d is Bigger then their halakah.I am telling you guys from my years living on this earth.You come to this world naked, you dont take anything with you when you die. At least this Rabbis should make rulings is fair and resonable to a resonableman. They die living behind halakic rulings that only makes the jews suffer further.They will die an go away but the jewish world stays with the age old sectarian halakic rules.Rabbis dont know one important point , that we man are made a little less then angles but adorn with glory and majesty. May the mortal man take note of this a sto what is mindful. That when we behold heaven we be hold the work of Hashem's creation. DO NOT HURT THE POOR IN SPRIT ! Being human means being consious and being responsible. This rules applies to the Rabbis to they are not Invinsible nor Exceptional !
66. And the moral of the story is...
Fran ,   SanFran   (05.17.07)
... make sure you spend Friday PM pre-tearing the toilet paper
67. Paqid, have you heard that Jesus has returned
John   (05.17.07)
That's right, he's back, in the flesh, alive as per a CNN interview with him. He's from south america. He claimed that he was told by some angels that he was jesus in the flesh. Can you believe it? You are probably thinking "no way" because "J*sus" has returned "spiritually" represented by yourself! How can this be? Both cannot be right! I bet you think this guy is totally nuts, saying this, self appointing himself like this. Wait, both of you say that you are appointed by G-d, one represents Jesus and the other is Jesus. Maybe, just maybe you two should get together and be his in the flesh representitive instead of the self appointed spiritual representitive. A team made in heaven!
68. It's always something
Susan Rubinstein ,   New Jersey, USA   (05.17.07)
Today's new generation of rabbi's are meshuggah......My Dad who was a Kohen, my mom a levy, both born in Poland, raised in NYC and raised me conservative would laugh at this one. My Dad, a kohen always said "a jew is a jew no matter how observant, or religious. And he said we are commanded by G-d to accept Converts and once they convert they are as jewish as the rest of us. My boyfriend who is studying to convert to judaism is acts more jewish than my ex sephardic Israeli husband and 13 yr old son put together. We should not discourage converts...United we stand, Divided we fall.
PAQID ACCEPTS JEUS ,   ..............DACON9   (05.17.07)
70. #35 - Aaron from Dallas
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (05.17.07)
I do not think that anyone's "Jewishness" is questioned by "the level of his observance". The only time when a convert's conversion is of question is if he begins to speak or behave in a way which is contrary to the fundamentals of Judaism. For instance, if he denies that there is one G-d, publicly violates the Sabbath, worships idols, etc. Not if he didn't put on Tefillin that morning. Even if he committed an act like adultery, if it was done because of a "great urge" and not because he wanted to "anger G-d", i.e. spitefully show he was rejected the basic tenets of our religion, his Jewishness would not come into question. Judaism is rules. There are things we are permitted to do and things which we are forbidden to do. We are commanded with commandments which means WE FOLLOW RULES. In your terms, YES IT IS JUST A MATTER OF FOLLOWING RULES. There is nothing more admirable than a soldier following the commands of his supreme commander, regardless of his own feelings and thoughts. Particularly when the Supreme Commander is G-d.
71. The Reporter is Unbelievable!
Rachel ,   Ashdod Israel   (05.17.07)
'The judge in fact ruled that all conversions signed by the special conversion court were invalid, because the court was headed by "heretics" and "criminals". This ruling implies that the thousands of conversions conducted by such courts were unacceptable' You dont think that such a definite statement wont worry converts, such as myself, who went through the process, keeps kosher, observes Shabbat ? To blandly say that my conversion has been ruled invalid???? What a stupid statement to make without clarifying if that is in fact the position
72. #10 of course they will.
dont worry about rabbies. and you also should care about them. you are always welcome in israel whatever you are and whatever you choose to be and to do :-) shalom
73. St. John
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana   (05.17.07)
If you had two IQ points to rattle together you'd be able to read in my messages, my website and my books that I most certainly DON'T represent the Christian idol J*esus. You can't find anything in my messages to criticize so you resort to ad hominem slander and creating a straw man. You and the South American J*esus can't both be right either. You're an imbecile. That makes you and him the perfect team. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
74. To Charles #55
Besalel ,   Kew Gardens, NY   (05.17.07)
According to the Orthodox Halacha (what other Halacha is there?), a person must accept the Mitzvoth in order to convert (among other things). Once that person converts he is a 100% Jew. If after converting he or she no longer keeps Mitzvoth, it is like any other Jew that is no longer keeping Mitzvoth - that person is still Jewish. If, however, the person never accepted the Mitzvoth in the first place, then the conversion was never valid and that person was never a Jew. Charles, you have to realize that we are not getting the whole story. This whole thing sounds very strange. The article states: "The judge ordered that the woman, her children and even her husband, a Jew by birth, be added to the list of those not allowed to marry by an Orthodox rabbi." Why would the husband become a non-Jew? I don't know what the story is but I know I am not getting the whole story from Ynet.
75. YNet and censorship
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (05.17.07)
YNet has censored two of my talkbacks to this article, even though they did not contain any incitement, slander, racism or inappropriate language. What I did was raised some questions about information that is missing from this story such as, WHAT DID THE WOMAN SAY THAT CAUSED THE JUDGE TO REVOKE HER CONVERSION AND POSSUL HER WHOLE FAMILY?? Conversions are not revoked every day, and the circumstances around this case are not explained, other than Mrs. Lubitsch's opinion that rabbis are just mean old poopyheads, an opinion shared by most talkbackers. The purpose of this article is to portray the Rabbinical Court as primitive, cruel, arbitrary, capricious, callous and evil. I am saying there is another side to this issue that has not been heard. The second comment that was censored, is that I visited the CWJ homepage to learn more about this wonderful organization that Mrs. Lubitsch belongs to. I found out that they receive money from the NEW ISRAEL FUND and their primary activity, other than the so-called "pleading" which is not explained in any detail, consists of writing op-eds in media outlets to advance their agenda, which is to promote civil marriage for everyone. According to their website, THEY DO NOT HELP WOMEN OBTAIN DIVORCES unless a particular case attracts their attention because it promotes their agenda. In other words, if a women is a formerly secular baalas tshuvah whose secular husband wants to take away her kids, CWJ WILL TELL HER TO GET LOST.
76. Dacon09 (heh heh)
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana   (05.17.07)
wrote (69) "WHATEVER [Paqid] SAYS IS INVALID." I say that Christianity is Roman Hellenist idolatry, wrong and a counterfeit of Judaism not to be followed. Since Dacon09 holds that this is invalid because I said it, he is a Christian and an idolater. But his brainless rants are so entertaining. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
77. heretics and criminals
gawain ,   israel   (05.17.07)
"heretics" and "criminals" indeed! what will it take for otherwise sensible people to finally come to their senses that the people in charge of family life in israel are primitive bigots believing - and forcing others to acquiesce to their beiefs - that jews that think and act differenly from them should be ostracized and excommunicated - if not worse than that. isn't it time that someone with clout start a process to organize a parallel system to that of rabbinical courts?
78. you're not jewish anymore
steven kargman ,   scottsdale, az USA   (05.17.07)
a person once converted into judaism is a jew. there are no time limits placed on the conversion nor are there any ifs or buts. whether this person is a "good jew" according to various religious sects may be another issue. it has been widely accepted anyone born to a jewish mother is a jew without condition. even children of jewish fathers are now being accepted as jews. gosh, that is just like in biblical times. guess rabbinical judges have a problem with these jews, also. consequently, whatever this mullah like rabbi judge states should be given the consideration of its worth, zero. this form of authoritarianism is what drives so many away from what should be a beautiful and compassionate religion. now, may i also add - is what this rabbinical judge doing any less than what took place in nazi germany to determine who was an aryan. i am sorry to have to ask this question but as a student of history when the evil rot of bigotry appears it has to be addressed in the strongest words and with the utmost of candor.
79. Besalel
charles ,   petach tikva   (05.17.07)
Thank you for your information , i thought also that it was so . Ounce a Jew , always a Jew [ exept if you act against and so on ] But why are some [ ignorant ? ] telling something so different ?
80. Ynet: Follow-up needed
Alan ,   Silver Spring MD USA   (05.17.07)
This opinion piece needs Ynet to follow up -- to confirm or deny the facts presented, to identify the court and dayan, to explain how such a ruling could come... it cannot be left for us to speculate. How can a rabbinical judge invalidate thousands of Orthodox conversions? What does R. Amar say about all this? Let's get the facts straight before anymore bashing of rabbis, etc.
82. converts
Eddie Baker ,   Israel   (05.17.07)
Once a Jew, always a Jew. If there's any doubt, they can always convert to Judaism.
83. conversion
E Baker ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.17.07)
If the father is not Jewish, and the mother is not Jewish, the children can still convert to Judaism.
84. agent provacateur
avi ,   ny   (05.17.07)
Its a good thing YNET doeasn't try to bring out the worst anti-Jewish ,anti-religious , Der Sturmer , type responses in its talkbacks.
85. LMAO at the self proclaimed paqid
St. John   (05.18.07)
Anyone on this earth who self proclaims one to be the representitive of the dead Jew Ribi Yehoshua from 2000 years ago is driven either by insanity or an incredible ego. Maybe it's both. You are one comedy trip, maybe you need to try out for standup comedy. No one needs to represent him, he can stand on his own. Oh, with being critical, one who daily demean's everyone on YNET, Haaretz etc who may have a different view point then your self appointment, (maybe you would like to share your tale of how G-d self appointed you with us) now becomes an expert on "eirev rav" is laughable. Have you read the argument between haShem and Moshe, probably not! Maybe you might see yourself there. One who speaks so arrogantly surely if Ribi Yehoshua where alive would fire your ass out the door faster then your big ego and bigger brain could dazzle your way out of. It is a total discrace how you speak to Jews and Non-Jews, and if one wanted to follow Torah, your mouth seems to be the biggest hurdle in leading people this way. Wake up Clint!!
86. was she ever Jewish?
avi ,   ny   (05.18.07)
According to JPOST, the women confessed to the rabbi that she lied during her conversion process that she would follow halacha. Apparently her "conversion" was an American style quickie marriage conversion. If this is true, the many talkbackers who exposed their inherent anti-semitism should apologize for rushing to judgement
87. to 10
soly ,   ny   (05.18.07)
if you were born jewish from both parentes no matter how much you dont keep mizvot you still a jew
88. wtf? She and her kids ARE Jewish, shame on the court
David ,   Boston, USA   (05.18.07)
She converted through Halacha. She and her kids are Jewish. Not all Jews by birth observe all Mitzot but are still Jewish. Give me a break. The idea is to strive to perform all mitzvot, but not to take away if you dont follow some.
89. Avi NY # 86
charles ,   petach tikva   (05.18.07)
I have also read the Jpost . And only found this : she admitted not to follow shabbat and family purity . So there is no mention she confessed to have lied . Her conversion was here in Israel , by the Orthodox , not an American style
90.  # 58 charles, plz make sense
izzy d   (05.18.07)
wow, a searing indictment disproving myself and my opinion, all destroyed in a fireball or your absolute reason and logic. do me a favor (and indirectly yourself) re read what i had written , then call over a friend to explain it to you, and then re read what you had written in response and finally, feel sorry for yourself. If you think that a rabbi should not be allowed to give a ruling based on his understanding of the jewish law, which pretty much is his job description, then your a hypocrite for even daring to publish yours. i suggest therapy for an obvious conflict between your emotional standing in reality, and what you wished your religion would be. all beaches and fuzzy utopia. The law is the law and i am truly sorry you cant understand that
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