Gays celebrate 'victory' in Jerusalem
Aviram Zino
Published: 22.06.07, 00:26
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61. nothing sinful beyond being infidel
those from the people of book who commit the sin are no longer belivers
62. Gay? I AWAYS see only sad
and feel so very very sorry for them. Parade? A show, a cover up for the deep down sadness. Sadness thy name is gay. It upsets me as the ones I know are such gentle sweet people, and wonderful loyal friends to their (what is known as) 'straight' friends and their families, but oh the sadness in those beautiful eyes. It kills me. Parade? They wouldn't be seen dead there.
63. #51 The name Marya is as Jewish as Charles.
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
Religious have more love toward the secular than vice versa. Where's the "ve'ahavta et re'echa Kamocha" from your people?" Where's the respect and "love" towards the charedim? Why did they have to make the parade where most of the people did not want it? Just to show that you have a tremendous amount of "love and tolerance" towards the religious. You hypocrites. (see post #37) There's no reason to flaunt sinful acts in public. THAT'S ALL WHAT THE NORMAL PEOPLE ARE SAYING.
64. #36 Robert. Well said.
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
65. #52 "I'm a true and complete GOOD JEW" Be'ezrat Hashem
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
Hopefully, very soon.
66. #58 Hopefully this will be the last time
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
such unlawful events will take place in this holy city.
67. God doesnt care, he doesnt even exist for many of us...
m ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
Not all of us believe in the god that you seem so sure hates gay people and secular people and leftists. Well, many of us believe you are mentally ill for believing in a god, after all if I believed in the tooth fairy you would think I were mad. There is a similar level of proof to god and the tooth fairy's existence. So, according to your outlook, you should keep your mental illness to yourself? Surely, what you do inside your own houses is fine but keep the god stuff out of the public domain? See it doesnt work both ways does it? I am fed up with religious people who want 'respect' for their bigoted homophobic outlook and have no intention of ever respecting non-believers in any way shape or form. Talk about double standards! If you want to discuss mentally ill israelis, i suggest we start with the religious believers.... If you keep pushing your god agenda then people like me will choose to fight against the religious public rather than respecting it in any way. If there was a god, i am pretty sure he would hate you for telling people what he wants. After all has he ever spoken to you directly? yet you are so sure what he wants.... And trust me, im sure he would be able to deal with this stuff by himself without human assistance... or he is really that weak that he is no longer omnipotent?
68. #67 "In G-d We Trust"
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
is the national motto of AMERICA, not, G-d forbid, of Israel. "In G-d We Trust" was placed on coins and other currency of AMERICA, not, G-d forbid, of Israel. Israel (today) resents the One who gave them this state as a gift. Typical of those who resent the ones doing hakarot hatov (a good deed) for them.
69. So many gays!
Charlie ,   Baltimore   (06.22.07)
So many gays!
70. Gay parade in Gaza & West Bank
Eli ,   Israel   (06.22.07)
Next year, why not have a gay parade in Gaza and the West Bank? Then you'll see REAL religious extremism, and you will come running back to Israel (if you can escape the angry mob). I don't see the purpose of provoking people like this. It's not just the Haredim. In general, most people KNOW that living out SSA (same-sex attraction) is something disgusting and immoral. You are forcing your repulsive lifestyle and sexual apetite on other people. Every TV show, every movie has at least one gay character (who almost always is a great person), and now you want to parade our streets too? Enough is enough! Go be gay and proud somewhere else. Israel is the Jewish homeland. If you want to be like everybody else, why not go somewhere else?
71. Jerusalem the Unholy City
Aviv ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.22.07)
I find it amazing that some of the most unholy people there are claim to be holy, and live in Jerusalem! Maybe this is why Jerusalem has been fought over by religion for thousands of years? Miriam, why don't you admit it, that you and your fellow wackjobs don't care about homos. you want all arabs and christians expelled from the city, all unkosher eateries closed, all women in pants, or without head coverings banned from the streets, the closing of all businesses, roads, and sheruts on shabbat, closing of bars, places of entertainment, theatre, movie theatres, unkosher clothes shops, non-orthodox synagogues. basically this is why a pride parade was needed. you crazies try to attack the "weakest" people in the city, but your goals are further from them. btw good miriam, why don't you listen to your rabbi and get your ass off the internet. it's abominable!
72. Miriam
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.22.07)
Not only on this , did i call you a liar . I know how israelnationalnews is . Very biaised , and not thrustfull . I did'nt see any other source claiming that they wanted to go near or in Bar ilan . This i would also have condemned , i wrote this already more than once . How can they come near or in bar ilan , to reach finally Hapa'amon park . I know Yeroushalaim , a little bit , and have maps too . I can't imagine that they had thinking on such a traject , the Open House did'nt want to provoke . So in my view , your information source was wrong , very wrong . I responded to you , and ask you , what's about my name ? PS i had also some posts not published , maybe the censors did'nt want to hurt the religious people ?
73. Miriam , regarding this non Jewish name
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.22.07)
Do you know very much Jewish women , from a good Jewish Home , who are called Maria ? I did'nt know any , and in my birth town there were many Good Jews . My daughters , who were 15 years in a Jewish school ,had'nt any friend , or knew anyone called so . This name is too much related to christianity [ jesus "virgin" mother ] Regarding my name , i first received a Yiddish name , after my grandfather . When my father came to register me officially , he wrote Charles , my Yddishe name was not accepted . I hope not to change , i'm a GOOD Jew today , better than many of those from the Edah haredith , those anti Israelis , who were the greatest protesters . PS at least i see that you read my tb's , so why did'nt you answer my question ? Shabbat Shalom Lach
74. #16 and #17 - worshipping a dead human being....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (06.22.07)
is idolitry - sayth the Lord.
75. "Paquid" = Baptist Minister - a Jew for Jesus fraud
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (06.22.07)
76. M , Yeroushalaim
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.22.07)
Well , well . You are more anti religious as i am . Listen , those people do'nt disturb me when walking in this temperatures in their black suits , sometimes clowneque [ those with the white socks ] or their women and poor girls with their long dresses . As long as they do'nt try to influence my way of life , no problem for me . I'm not ridiculous , they are . Their beliefs ? Some people NEED a god to behave correctly , even we did'nt see much of this correct behaviour the last days . Do'nt generalise . I know some Charidi who are also fantastic people , tolerant , open to discuss others ideas . Can you have something against them ? i Not .
77. Eli , Israel
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.22.07)
Every TV show , every film , has at least one gay character , you wrote . So you are watching every TV show , and so . Why ? to see those gays in action ? or to see other "unkosher" acts ? Gays do not want anybody to be as they are . They are only asking to be recognised as persons with another way of life . Not insulted or banned . Regarding other places for this parade , read other of my tb's .
78. Miriam your # 68
charles ,   P.T.   (06.22.07)
...the one who gave them this state as a gift , you wrote . Gave ? Those 6000 mostly seculars , if not anti religious , who gave their blood for OUR country , they have fought for her , we did not receive her on a silver or golden platter . And now you spit on those HEROES , by telling that a god gave us this country , SHAME ON YOU
79. #71 - LOL!!! Great, great post. Thank you.
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (06.22.07)
80. #55 AB My great response regarding this affair was rejected
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
YNet would not post my response to you although it contained no incitement, slander, racist slurs nor inappropriate language. The only problem was: It was too good and it had too much truth for those uncivilized immoral people.
81. Phantom 85 (20)
sk ,   USA   (06.22.07)
Unfortunately, Phantom, the foolish Israelis, including the foolish anti-Zionist Haredim, have given away Gaza. However, I would be pleased to lead a march thorough areas of Jerusalem where Muslims currently squat. HOWEVER, would you be willing to back this plan? Would the Haredim help provide protection if the police & Court decline to?
82. #73 Charles Perhaps this one, they'd let through
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (06.22.07)
If YNet would allow all my tbks to be posted, you'd find some that belongs to you. Apparently, YNet is careful that you and others like you don't get offended or insulted by the truth of my comments, so they just discard it. The Jewish People were deemed worthy of redemption from Egypt because they didn’t change their names, the language or their dress. "i'm a GOOD Jew today" "A Good Jew" is not only someone "good in his heart" and only "good" towards others. Jews have more responsibility than that. "A Good Jew" is a G-d fearing Jew, and one who keeps His commandments. I don't know you personally, but seeing how you despise G-d and the Haredim, I'm not sure you fit the picture of "a Good Jew". Many Jews went through the Holocaust and suffered a lot. The Rebbe of Klausenburg's zt"l wife and 13 children perished in the Holocaust. And yet, he rebuilt his life and never asked questions of Hashem. He figured, he's nothing but a mortal being who doesn't understand everything G-d does, so why ask? He's not the only one. Many, many suffered a lot and lost complete families but yet started life anew. Just to sit and moan and groan about the past and continue being angry at G-d is not a Jewish way. It's true, some people accept it harder than others. So there are educated brilliant Rabbis who are there to assist them. It's not too late for you to throw away your hatred and anger and start becoming a happier person and a ture "good Jew". It would be good for you and for those who know you. I'm not sure I'll have the time before Shabbat to respond to your comment. So Shabbat Shalom to you.
83. AB, #29: no Freudian slip
sk ,   USA   (06.22.07)
"May [I] get what [I] deserve"? Well thanks, sweetie. And may your son be gay and may your wife divorce you for your ugly heart. First, I do not offend "G-d," because I know how to spell: it's "God," you hopeless shtetl dweller. "God" is not a name for God, and therefore it is silly to omit the "o." I said, oh dark one, that "I don't mind offending clown suited ones" which does not mean that the point of a march of this type is to offend. However, it is important that gay Jews not live like dhimmis in their own land just to cater to medieval prejudices. Therefore, the sensibilities of those who would make us dhimmis in our own land must, necessarily, be offended, and I don't mind doing it, as these creeps are utterly poisonous. Similarly, I would have no sympathy for those who believed that American blacks should know their place and were offended when blacks finally had their rights protected in the 1960s. I also said, "Muslims are more anti-gay than the Haredim and ... are therefore even more in need of being offended." They need to be offended because the alternative is to allow them to continue their despicable behavior toward gays protected by their religion. However, regarding Islam, I think the West should err on the side of offending. More Muhammed cartoons! This is because Muslims want to subjugate others. In addition, I think Judaism has special claims in Israel that Islam does not. I suppose THAT is what your eagle eye might have detected. I concluded with "The point of this march is not to single out Judaism, but to reject homohatred and the closet generally." I guess you don't understand someone with integrity who happens to be gay. Oh, and for the record, I suspect that really, Safat was just being a typical Westerner who thinks that Islam should be catered to but that all other religions should not be. In other words, I don't doubt that her OBJECTIVE was gay rights, not offense. STILL, it is her catering to Islam that must be challenged, as Islam must be treated much more severely than Judaism. There, have I managed to clarify my TB?
84. Miriam, some our your TBs are NOT let throught?
sk ,   USA   (06.22.07)
Well, you have only one TB in you, so pehaps the divine censor is simply sparing us your redundancy.
85. #81 and squatting
English guy ,   London   (06.22.07)
Yu would be pleased to lead a march "through areas of Jerusalem where Muslims currently squat". That sentence is obscene. As if the Israelis have not removed enough Palestinians (both Muslims and Christians) - your obscene tiny-minded sentence posted, we note, by a good USA person is a real sign of the ultimate paucity of your humanity. "...where Muslims squat"... do give us a break and try and write something which is not overloaded with racist bigotry. And yes, I say racist bigotry, because when racist bigots write pathetic cruddy little expressions, those expressions are cruddy little racist bigotted expressions. Get it? Or do i need to explain more.
86. #83
Todd ,   Van Can   (06.22.07)
Do not mock god, you can have all the silly little fruity parades you want in the usa, but keep your perversion out of the holy land. Your not impressing anyone, and you have nothing to be proud of.. GROW UP..
87. Peaceful pride
Peace in NYC ,   NYC, USA   (06.22.07)
Congratulations to Open House and the parade attendees. You showed bravery, maturity and strength. Continue to focus on the positive message this sends not just to gay people but to all minorities who struggle to be heard. We are with you on this day and always.
88. apparently my message got censored too!
Shir ,   Finland   (06.22.07)
I stated nothing but pure facts, according to multiple researches. I didn´t use foul language, I didn´t resort to namecalling, and you censored my message. Why is protecting homosexuals so important to you? By the way do you have a right to censor anything that doesn´t please you? You have published messages that contain personal slurs, insults and name-calling, messages that only contain the subject (which by the way I have never understood, finnish blogs never do that) and messages that call the Palestinians butchers, murderers and even animals? So its COOL to say anything about the palestinians and other ethnic groups as long as you say nothing about homosexuals? Those poor sensitive deviants.
89. Hey Briton in London
Shir ,   Finland   (06.22.07)
These britons are so irritating. They couldn´t really care less about palestinians. They just come here and make these trifling remarks and accusations against israelis. If they would really care about palestinians, they would travel to Palestine and try to help them. In fact, these londoners are so scared of muslims that they don´t even want to visit the districts of Muslim immigrants in London. I´m so sick of you european whiners and moaners. Oh and by the way, next time don´t come whining here on the internet, please come and say what you have to say right to our faces. That´s one more thing I have noticed in Europe. These people lack the courage to say what they think to israelis. When I talk to them in person, they´re all suddenly big fans of Israel.
90. #81
marvin ,   Tor Can   (06.22.07)
I totally agree with #85, I"m for one fed up and sickened by 81s biggotry, and overall hatred to any group or organization other than homosexuals... Its fine to (pardon the pun) suck up to a certain group, but your hatered for the muslims, and anyone who dosnt agree with you is appaling..
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