Was there ever a Palestinian 'nation'?
Ofir Haivry
Published: 29.06.07, 06:54
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105 Talkbacks for this article
61. Aren’t you all tired of this crap?
Israeli guy ,   Israel   (06.29.07)
How much longer are we going to decide for the other side that they are not legitimate? I don’t see the point. It is not like it has worked so far.
62. Brit4Palestine
Jane   (06.29.07)
Having a nice day, britshit?
63. Nidal
Jane   (06.29.07)
Jesus never converted. He was born a Jew and died a Jew. Christianity was created long after his death.
64. John #27
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (06.29.07)
Sorry to inform you but you spout crap. 'If there was no Palestine, then were was Israel before 1948. We all know Israel was established without consent of Palestinians people who were forcibly evacuated from their villages.' First off the were no 'Palestinian people' until 1964. They didn't exist. Second they were forcibly evacuated, even your own racist government stated that in 1948. So we have two lies in one sentence. 'Today they live as refugees in Jordan, Labanon, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, and other nations that has granted them place to live until UN decides what to do with them.' Not exactly, it's not up to the UN. Those people that were born in those countries should be citizens there that is how refugees have been settled before, but the sole execption has been these people. 'This return of refugees to their former homes in one of the biggest sticking points in Arabs-Israeli conflict.' It isn't a sticking point, there are not have never been and never will be citizens here. That settles that problem. ' The other is who gets Jerusalem. Arabs claim it was theirs for past 1400 years. Jews say they once had it 3000 years ago. I dont know how the UN will decide on this issue.' Not theirs to decide. We have been the majority in the city since the first census ever done. It is ours and the Arabs can go suck an egg. 'In the mean time killings on both sides will continue until some cool heads sit at the table and talks things over.' We have talked we made comprises, we fulfilled our obligations. The Arabs have not period. There is nothing that can be done until they do fulfill the commitments already made.
65. Jews and Arabs
Amir ,   Beer Sheva   (06.29.07)
jews were called "palestinians' everywhere, including Russia and Europe, as well as Syria, etc. For some reason Arabs now call themselves "palestinians". Perhaps, one reason that Saudis hate those Arabs they call them "palestinians". Arabs made no contributions to Eretz Israel. They have not built cities. They call Shem by its Roman name Nablus (from Napes, Italy). No universities, nothing. They did not built industry unless you call riding a camel an industry. Europians converted some Arabs to Christianity so the Arabs can watch after the Churches in the Holy Land. Their current god, Mr. Arafat, is dead and soon will be totally forgotten.
66. The so-called "Palestinians" or Arabs have 22 Arab states
Frank ,   USA   (06.29.07)
they can call home! That is where their brothers live and that is where they should live. The land of Gaza, Samaria or Judea will expunge tne enemies. They will forever be cursed on the Jewish land.
67. Let the dog (#1) bark to the Moon. Allah is against them!
Sergio ,   USA   (06.29.07)
Had Allah wanted a Pali state there would have been a state. It is obvious Allah does not want it.
68. (1) Fanataies (2) Violence (3) Hatred
Melanie ,   USA   (06.29.07)
are the pillars of the "Palestinian" Arab culture and approach. The Palestinian violence and hatred are justified via their dreams. However, in this crazy world they are supported by the 56 Islamic states, the countries who need oil and anti-Semites.
69. The Palestinian identity based on hate is destined
Gaza=Somalia ,   USA   (06.29.07)
to suffer!
70. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinian
Tara ,   USA   (06.29.07)
will achieve nothing. They are wasting their energy on hate. Those who hate desroy themselves.
71. to 55, sad thing is you believe your own lies
freejay ,   Israel   (06.29.07)
72. Shalem Center is suffering !
moeny   (06.29.07)
Otherwise please explain to me how in the world they employ this guy? his article is good for a 14 years old right wing activist with drugs problems. (possible Noar Gvao't). Probably extra money will help ! "Israelis" are people with complexes, the state of Israel is refusing to recognize an ISRAELI nationality, and secular jews who'd like to feel Israelis are refused to. The Palestinian national identity is same like all the rest of modern national identities in the world, they evolved in the past 100 - 200 years. One more little thing, what's a druze cuisine ? Is this how you refer to the local Palestinian cuisine ? (I know they don't eat that Mluchiah)
73. #23
Berry   (06.29.07)
You delude yourself. Big deal, so a few 'Palestinian' families can trace their origins back to the time of Mohamed. There are many Jews to this day who can trace their lineage back to the priesthood and in turn back to Aaron the brother of Moses. Canaanites are not ancient Arabs. Who were a nomadic tribe who no longer exist. 'Palestinians' do not come from the Canaanites. The land of Israel was promised to the Jewish people. The Arabs have plenty of other countries. Many Jews were scattered by the Romans and Arabs but no matter where we went, we all continue the same traditions, prayers, festivals, heritage and even language to this very day. You may not like it, but that is tough! You can argue your garbage as much as you like, but you cannot change history - or current reality.
74. A palestinian nation ?
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.29.07)
What have they build before 48 or after this ? did they organise some democratic governement ? Did they organise a labour federation ? did they organise social security ? Their first university opened unther Israeli "occupation" . They had a leader , yes , this el Husseini , who was in constant struggle with his opponents , and murder of them was his weapon . Those are not signs of a nation . Jews opened their first university in 1925 , had social security , a form of governement , they build towns , roads , bridges , did not destoy anything . That is a NATION .
75. Moeny , wrong
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.29.07)
And secular Jews who'd like to feel Israeli are refused to , you wrote . Well let me tell you that i'm secular , very secular , and feel at HOME here . So are millions of other Jewish seculars , that's our home , we are a Nation . Our Nation is not based on the hatred of others , it's not Hatred that unites us . Hatred of the Jews unites the "palestinians" , but this is not enough to build something , it serves only to destroy .
76. The people you refer to do not reside in Judea and Samaria
77. To my fellow Jews
Smooth Stone   (06.30.07)
I just want to say how proud I am to have read these excellent talkbacks from my fellow Jews who are finding the courage to speak out, defend our homeland, defend our legacy, defend our birthright and defend our nation - that's right, our legitimate and sovereign nation. The nation of Israel was restored imprimatur of the UN. No one would dare question the right to exist of Libya, Saudi Arabia or Syria. Why is it open hunting season on Israel, as if we didn't know the answer? My heart has been warmed over by the solidarity of Jews written here today. G-d Bless Israel. Am Yisrael Chai. Smooth Stone
78. The people you refer to do not reside in "Judea" and
Apartheid ,   Boston USA   (06.30.07)
"Samaria." Those places do not exist. They have not existed for 2000 years.
79. Palestinians are genetic descendants of ancient Israelites
Jack ,   Richmond, VA us   (06.30.07)
not dispersed by the Roman Diaspora of the Jews. Christian Jews were not dispersed. Modern day Palestinians, both in GAZA and the West Bank, are descendants of those ancient Israelites. Do a google search on "y-chromosome jew palestinian" This genetic relationship is solid evidence of the relative ancestry of these two populations, the fact that both descend from the same ancient population, both are/were indigenous and that these populations were separated at about 2000 years ago.
80. By the way...
Jack ,   Richmond, va, usa   (06.30.07)
the Jewish Christian ancestors of modern day Palestinians were the ones that survived the Roman oppression.
81. To Mike #12. The Jewish Palestine State.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (06.30.07)
You write :"Deligitimizing is a waste of time, ...". Mike, we are saying that those West Bank Arabs who want to live in an Arab Palestine state -- that Arab Palestine state ALREADY exists, it is nowadays called Jordania. The West Bank Arabs can GO and live there. BTW the Jewish Palestine state is nowadays called Israel.
Ummm... Was there ever a Jewish nation?
83. #38; Abu Zaid you got it backwards
Doc Holliday   (06.30.07)
In 1000 or 2000 years the native Americans ( formerly referred to as Indians ) and their descendants will still be native Americans. Just like Israel the Jewish people who lived on the land for 3200 years are the natives. In 1000 more years the Jewish people and their descendants will still be the true natives. While you teach your children that Jews are descendant from apes and pigs as they grow they will learn you were full of crap. Then they will read the truth that most of the Arabs that came to Israel from 1909-1922 came because of jobs created by the Jewish people. Very few families can trace their roots to Israel. Most of the ones that do don't go very far back 100 or 200 years. The Ottoman Empire did keep census records that reveal this to be true.
84. to be or not to be, yet we be
Yisraeli   (06.30.07)
Truth is all this talk is totally irrelevant. Sure we know there is no such thing as a palestinian nation and know there is a historically rooted Jewish nation Israel even if it does include many different nationalities that became so after theyre exile. It all matters little. As someone said possession is 9/10ths of the law. We are Jews who returned to our ancestral homeland like it or not. If we are weak we would have been destroyed 60 yrs ago. We prevailed and continue to prevail. It doesnt matter what others may think is our heritage rights or not. Its what we think and believe that counts. If we believe in ourselves and the righteuosness of our cause, nothing can stop us, only ourselves. We re-build our country make it strong and make the facts on the ground. I would set our boundaries from the Litani up north to the suez canal and river Jordan. I would make that a fact on the ground. All those that seek to undermine and destroy us are to be moved out. We are to respect the stranger or minority amongst us and accord him his rights but as soon as they step out of acceptable boundaries they no longer have a place amongst us. If other surrounding countries threaten us, we make them pay the price. We strike first and hard until they understand we are here not as temporary "colonialists" but as citizens of our own country. Strong and resolute, challenge us if you wish but at your own peril. Our greatest danger is not from our enemies, its from ourselves, from our own ranks who have no belief in themselves or the collective cause. Let him seek greener pastures elsewhere if he has no belief in our own land, heritage and rights to be here in the first place. So the argument is not whether a so called pales nation exists or not, thats just semantics, do we choose to be or not to be, that sir is the question.
85. Apartheid , Boston does not exist
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.30.07)
You can't live in Boston , this place does not exist , only in your imagination . Judea and Samaria are the regions some ignorant people call the "west bank" . And their name has a reason , an old one i agree . The same "old" reason that gives us the right to live here .
86. The Israeli Nation vs the palestinian
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.30.07)
I do not remember who once said that the ground belongs to who fructifies it . The Jews did it . They build everything needed in a nation , and this begun more than 120 years ago . Jerusalem extra muros in the 1860s or so , my town in 1883 [ now 200 000 inhabitants ] Tel Aviv in 1909 and so on . What did the arabs build ? Nothing , af davar , gurnisch ,rien , niets . Their only goal was to kill and destroy . And not to talk about their inner murders . If you , the "palestinians" want to become a "nation" begin first to build something , then , maybe in the next century , you'll be a nation .
87. Yisraeli # 84
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.30.07)
Do we choose to be or not to be , that's the question . You wrote . WE ARE , there is no question about it .
88. 81 - believe what you want, it changes nothing
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.30.07)
no matter which option you may choose to believe, tomorrow will be the same as today, which was the same as yesterday. no matter who is legitimate or illegitimate, these realities are waiting a solution. the question: whatever the self-designation of the individuals in the west bank is, what to do with them? if they call themselves martians, does that matter? if they want to call themselves elephants, how does that matter in any way? do you know that my wife is an israeli arab, but there is no official governmental designation for arabs as "israeli"? does it matter or make any difference? maybe in her heart, but in reality, NO, because she is free in every way to live as an israeli under israeli law. it is semantics that contribute nothing to anything. the islamists in the west bank (or wherever, for that matter) hate israel and the issue is how to deal with this group of people, no matter what label they have. my point is the nature of the conflict is clear. arguing over this makes ZERO difference on the question of what to do about it, which is the only question that matters.
89. Mike ,
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.30.07)
We are united , you and me , in something anti . Now we have to find something , more important , that could unite us . Difficult . We have here two peoples , religions or entities , not important how you call them , who claim both to have right on this region . There are dreams , on both sides , there are realities on the ground also . We have to try to find a solution , but we have to be ready on both sides to make concessions . Let's forget the extremists on both sides , those who want to be alone to own the whole country . There are points to take in account . Israel was created after a struggle that began long before WWII . The partition plan set up by the UN was accepted by the Jewish Yishouv , rejected by the other side . The other side attacked and attacked . Always lost their wars . You have to know that in history there was no country that attacked , and lost , and had not to give something . Look only at the Alsace or part of Germany returned to Poland . Now the Arab side wants only the Israelis to give up territories . In 2000 Barak proposed to give 98 % of the palestinian claims . The best offer that could be made i think . Not enough . You know their answer . So what to do ? They want more than we can and will give . We want to live in peace , do they ? Can we thrust them ? Look what happened in Gaza since we left . As we say it , and we are not alone , they never missed an occasion to miss one . Sad
Karim ,   Beirut   (06.30.07)
Fools. In the early days of Israel, and up until that PLO interview in 1977, Pan-Arabism was a strong force - or dream. That does not mean there were no regional identities, which for lack of Arab unity necessarily led to national identities. If you Israeli fools had left good enough alone in 1967, the Palestinians could have integrated into Jordan and Egypt at the time, and the 1948 refugees problem would not have been so great. But you got greedy (or, in my opinion, were greedy from the start...) and took over the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. Now there IS a Palestinian national identity, and it's not going to go away. Now you've got two ways of dealing with it: bomb and get bombed, or recognize that zionism was a land-grabbing, colonial project despite all the romanticism you like to associate with it, and work for a fair solution. By the way, returning land one took by force is NOT called a concession in traditional English.
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