African refugees dumped in Beersheba
Anat Bereshkovsky
Published: 06.07.07, 19:46
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31. "Moses" Mafora (4)
sk ,   USA   (07.06.07)
So, MUHAMMED, I guess you've found another way to wage jihad--by driving black MUSLIMS into Israel. BTW, EVERY country sends back "poor people." If they did not, there would be no advanced Western countries. ALL advanced Western countries should decline ALL MUSLIMS particularly. Oh, how's the AIDS rate since black rule in SA? Is it up to 50% yet?
32. This is just part of the jihad against the Jews
sk ,   USA   (07.06.07)
"Floods" of "refugees" don't just happen by magic. I'll bet that this is one tactic in a strategy to swamp Israel with Muslims, or, if that fails, to make Israel look even worse when it boots these guys out.
33. #28 Umm, just want to point out you're reading the wrongbook
In Chistian edition of the Book of Psalms, they dont count the first line "Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite." as the first line. Thus the real 89:2 is "I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever; to all generations will I make known Thy faithfulness with my mouth." As a Jew, why are you quoting the "American Standard Version of the Holy Bible " instead of a Jewish resource?
34. those diaspora and their tzedakah box
they think they can buy our souls and bodies.
35. Let them in
IMperator ,   USA   (07.06.07)
We, as Jews in the Diaspora or in Israel, cannot close the doors to this human drama. Never mind that the Arab or other African countries don't want to help. And it is not a question whre they should be put up, plenty of space for them. Over time, many may become more Israeli than the Israelis!
36. #7 M. Hartley - You, quoting religious scripture?
Daniel   (07.06.07)
I'm surprised. And while you're at it, M. Hartley, why don't you let in the Mexicans. After all, much of your land was settled on Mexican land. They have even more claim to be admitted to the US than these Africans have to be admitted to Israel. As far as compassion goes, how about some compassion for Israel? The country is teetering on the brink of self-destruction and you want to add fuel to the fire with more Jew-haters to the mix? You think that only a few in Israel won't hurt? Israel has already helped more than a thousand. Where do you set the limit? So as long as they keep on coming, Israel has to keep on taking them in? What about health issues? There are some serious contagious STDs that are rampant in Africa. Has anybody thought about that? Do us a favor and tell your government to send for poor Africans who need help and bring them to the US. All 680 million of them.
37. #28 M. Hartley - I'm in Shock - YOU a Jew?
Daniel   (07.06.07)
I've been following your TBs for some time and as far as I know you're a Christian. Your kids are Christian. There may have been a Jewish relative, dad, or somebody in your family, but as far as you've let us know, you're a Christian or a lapsed Christian. But then, all of the sudden... I quote you: "The same body of Jewish law that commands us " US? M. Hartley, has something happened to you all of the sudden? You, the one who doesn't need any religion, the one with a direct line to G-d? Tell us, M. Hartley, about this sudden conversion.
38. #30 - HHM - Don't you read your own media?
Daniel   (07.06.07)
These are not refugees fleeing persecution. They are Africans of all nationalities looking for economic opportunities. They are no different than the ones that invaded Europe, which by the way, found that their compassionate act brought them only misery. To quote another reader a long time ago: "Hate the Jew, love the stranger." The same Jews who feel no shame about hating settlers are falling all over themselves demanding that the country accept these poor "refugees". The same "refugees" who may one day turn against you or your children.
39. to # 4 Are you out of your mind?
Holly ,   Israel Forever   (07.06.07)
Israel is the only country in the world who saved the community of black African Jews. In 1984, Operation Moses saw the airlift of 15,000 Jews who fled to refugee camps in Sudan to escape starvation. In 1991 Israel saved 20,000 black African Jews who flew to Israel. They all live here as equal citizens, not like in Johannesburg. so stop your hatred words. we have enough poison from our dear neighbors, the Arabs, we sure don't need yours too.
40. Give them refuge - and good old fashioned zionism
Andrew ,   Miami,FL   (07.06.07)
send them - and other refugees - to make a kibbutz (call it kibbutz sammy davis jr) Give them Zionism and self reliance, and a new way of life. Embrace them and make them loyal through kindness and purpose
41. Moses!Anyone WhiteBlackGreenYellow who traverses 2 Countries
Alan ,   SA   (07.06.07)
is not a refugee but an immigrant who is an economic migrant. How can someone passing from say Iraq to UK (say) be a refugee. If he/she arrives in Jordan or Iran or Kuwait ,refugee status ought to be immediately given.Why should France allow thousands of people to wait on English Channel for opportunity to cross ILLEGALY when it is convenient to do so . Same for those Africans . Even we in SA should NOT allow those in Israel to enter SA from Sudan or wherever thy came from . We must look after Zimbabweans although SA blacks DONT WANT THEM! ,!!! They are our neighbours .
42. 21.Do U think like Moshe rabeinu they must wander in Negev
Alan ,   SA   (07.06.07)
With your unthought ot ideas -no wonder you are anonymous
43. nows the time
suzyq ,   tempe, az   (07.06.07)
After we were persecuted during the holocaust, we vowed to never let it happen again, to anyone. genocide is terrible no matter who it happens to. And now the american jewry has made an active effort to inform the government to do something about the current genocide in darfur. Israel has saved ethopians, iraqi's and russians, why are the sudanese any different? indeed i understand that they came in illegally, but can you blame them? We tried to do that when Israel was still Palestine and mandated by the british ( anyone remember the boat the exodus?) This is Israel's chance, yet again, to show the modern world that we are not a people who do not care about others, but that we understand how the sudanese feel, we were once there and we are welcoming them for safety until they can get themselves on their own 2 feet. We all know it is not easy to recover from a genocide, loosing family and friends. Israel stand by your beliefs and take care of these african refugees!!!!!!
44. This is a typical Israeli problem
Carl ,   Indianapolis, USA   (07.06.07)
Israelis refuse to acknowledge the facts. What started out depicted as the "plight of refugees fleeing persecution" has turned out to be an ordinary case of economic migrants looking for a better life. But some Israelis and foreign Jews are still stuck with the old concepts and continue to refer to these Africans as "persecuted". Nothing like that. Border guards are finding many nationalities at its borders. The other day they returned a bunch of Eastern Europeans to Egypt. Even those from Sudan may be from the side of those perpetrating the genocide. These are not persecuted folks, they are simply enterprising enough to travel for hundreds and thousands of miles to Israel to apply as "refugees". This refusal of Israelis to acknowledge the facts staring them in the face is no different than those who still talk of peace with the Palestinians. So although some readers are working their fingers raw typing up comments explaining again and again that these are economic refugees, it's useless. The next TB will quote the Bible or remind us of how the Jews also found no shelter back in the 40s, so Israel is bound to take in anybody who knocks at the door. Never mind what Israel will be getting into by admitting those people. Just don't let anything interfere with the facts, once their minds are made up.
45. #35 Imperator - what a name
Robert ,   USA   (07.06.07)
You say they "may" become good citizens. I say that they most likely will keep to themselves, and when their kids grow up, the kids will feel so alienated that they'll join gangs, joing the terrorists, and do all the things that Jew haters do for fun.
46. ATTENTION all you soft-hearted Christians
Marcella   (07.06.07)
And some of you Jews too. Those of you who think that Israel should let in Christians because they represent no danger. Christian nuns, along with other Christians, were convicted of genocide in Rwanda. They gladly participated in the horrors of that conflict. Africa is different. There are different traditions and dynamics at work there. Keep that in mind.
47. PLEASE pay attention to Carl's TB (44)
sk ,   USA   (07.06.07)
jack bauer ,   usa   (07.06.07)
here is who should take care of the problem. These people should be transported directly from the border to the offices of the UNHCR. They should not be allowed into Israel. The line must be drawn now in order to stem the flood that may follow. As for Christians wanting this or that or even Jews wanting this or that? what on earth happened to this thread? The only thing that should matter is that Israel be preserved. And those that wish her ill, not have their wishes granted! I wish all the true refugees well in their quest for freedom...however it is the lure presented by a few "well wishers" that has attracted more people to the same gap in the borders security.
49. not so long ago we were cosidered
mcc ,   israel   (07.06.07)
to be refugees and were left on boats to die many of us did just that this country is full of missits and we have more problems than all of europe put to- gether. the head says no but the heart says yes yes yes its the humain thing to do if any people in the world should know how thay feel its us the jews the same jews that most people in the world would not give us a light in a dark corner, i want to be better than them
50. To #33, #36, #37
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (07.06.07)
Ok, I'll try this, one at the time: #33, I'm not Jewish and the book from which I quoted Psalms is some old King James version. #36 I only quote stuff, when people, who purport to be good Christians, Jews, or whatever, go against basic human decency and compassion. As for letting in the Mexicans, it seems that the12 million that are here illegally are nothing to sneeze at. That's not even counting those, who are here legally. Besides, I never said that Israel should take one and all on a permanent basis. I simply have a problem with letting people starve in the street. #37 I'm not a lapsed anything. It's hard to lapse, when you can't believe the most basic tenets of a religion. So, "renounced" might be the better term. As for my kids, and I only have 2, there's one that's chosen to be sprinkled, one that's sprinkled and dunked, both of them hanging in there, as one of them put it, "just in case," and to me not too good a reason to subscribe to any religion. I'm sure, though, they'll get over it at some point. As for that "us," it was a quotation from the link below, and I would not expect it to say "them." And no, I don't need any religion. Every last one insists that they're the only right one, and somebody has to be wrong. Actually, more than likely and in my opinion, all of them are. As for my "direct line to god." well, I'm not hearing voices yet, and that, by most medical standards, makes me a lot saner than quite a few other people who swear that they have or do. I just don't see the need for all these middlemen, every one of which coming up with a different interpretation of something of which they know as little as I do: the nature of god. Anything else???
51. to #46
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (07.06.07)
Well, that must be as true as what's being peddled about Jews, and you wouldn't believe some of THAT stuff! But what the heck, since there is, according to some tb nutball from a few days ago, open season on Jews in California, governmentally sanctioned no less, why not have nuns killing people in Rwanda? (Are you sure that's just in Rwanda??) But in case you haven't noticed, there are sorry people in every country and in every religion. Then again, Jews and Christians may have more in common than you might like.There are asshats out there who are bound and determined to kill both, and they don't care who gets wiped out first.
52. #51 - Christians in Rwanda
Marcella   (07.07.07)
It's too bad you dismiss what does not fit into your way of thinking, but if you google three words: NUNS, GENOCIDE, RWANDA, you'll get the story. I dont' make things up.
53. What?
Chanan ,   MN, USA   (07.07.07)
Why is it that the Egyptians will deploy extra checkpoints etc. to keep out africans but not to keep out terrorists?
54. Yet More Kiddush Hashem From Our Beloved "Jewish" State.Not.
David ,   Los Angeles   (07.07.07)
Disgusting. They don't know from Jewish.
55. Outrageous
Dan ,   New York   (07.07.07)
Just like we were treated when we ran from the Nazis.
56. #34 Canaanite Yuppies Don't Have Souls
David ,   Los Angeles   (07.07.07)
Souls? What souls? You have become nothing more and nothing better than another Middle Eastern tribe. You are not Jews, you are Canaanite Yuppies. You say "they" wouldn't help you. Well that's just it: You are the same as your enemies. Immoral, selfish and stupid. And you don't care to be any better. You bring shame to the Torah and to the Jewish People.
57. Pharoah as your Ethical Model. How Ironic. How Sick.
David ,   Los Angeles   (07.07.07)
How often here are the exact words spoken by Pharoah repeated as the reasons Israel should not accept these refugees. Pharoah quoted almost verbatim by Rabbi Dov Lior, by Rabbi Israel Rosen. Do these Rabbis even read the Torah anymore?
58. Apparently it's Arabs who ARE taking care of them - in Rahat
David ,   Los Angeles   (07.07.07)
Nice to see what our fellow Jews have become.
59. M. Hartley: ploy or not?
sk ,   USA   (07.07.07)
I don't know if you've read all the TBs here, but mine make the point that this whole thing smells funny. I do not believe it is merely a fluke; Israel has had a superior economy for a long time now. Suddenly, this "refugee" problem emerges. Personally, I think it's warfare, and I think it's premeditated. Do you disagree? BTW, I'd kick out the Mexican illegals (all 10-20 million of them) as well. So would most Americans, for that matter, as the Senate's SECOND attempt at mass amnesty was halted when millions of letters, phone calls and emails pointed out that some Senators would not be winning reelection if they didn't recant. The Mexicans are at least mostly Catholic, not Muslim. You can't say the same for the Africans. The whole Islamic terrorism problem could so easily be stopped if people understood that we are AT WAR.
60. D. Hatton's (26) stupid country
sk ,   USA   (07.07.07)
Now, I certainly don't want to say anything in defense of "Wiseman," but he/she/it was really a pretext for some America bashing, no? "How was your day yesterday? the day we decided to give you your indipendence..." I guess British schools areally ARE bad, as you don't even know, apparently, that the British didn't "decide to give us" anything; the US went to war and won. "I think we can prove that half of the USA was stolen from Mexicans and Indians, so, " I guess you don't know much about Latin American history either. Latin America was (mostly) seized by the Spanish. It's rich that you trot out the Spanish colony of Mexico as the "true owners" of any of the US. They're not even the true owners of Mexico, one might argue. Did the American Indians own all the land of the US? Hard to say, when they were nomadic. How much land does a nomad "own"? "think about your own stupid country, a place where the people are fixated in watching other people get humiliated on day time television." Oh please, you write too poorly to be a cultured Brit, so don't put on airs as if you were. I know what YOU watch, and it's not even slick garbage on day time TV; it's just garbage. Once when I visited London, I tried to find some Shakespeare. I had to shlep to the Barbizon, where a rather tedious performance of one of the Henry histories was performed. And not to a full house either, by the way. Alas, it's true that the US produces a vastly disproportionate share of the high culture and science of the Western world. Before you blabber more, you should educate yourself sufficiently not to look like such a putz.
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