Jewish Scene
Jewish groups protest Pope's decision to revive old Latin mass
Associated Press
Published: 08.07.07, 14:52
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91. LOL to Follower of Jesus fire
Josh   (07.12.07)
In your mind you think you are defending something. Barrage fire?LOL Yes Rabam is a fool! The world is know for listening to fools present day included. This is why sons die at war and as prsioners. Look at you following Jesus to your peril dispite the fact he does not fit one single prophecy. Dispite the fact that you see the footfalls of the curses all around your day-to-day travels through life. What does that say about world, "renown"? What does that say about mankind and their sheep like wisdom? Most importantly (to you) what does it say about you? In the test that G-d gives - what are your results? You ignore the fact that an obvious fraud is promoted as a god when you know the antichrist is on the very same path. The antichrist is supposed to be world renown too. I may not be world renown, but I am no fool. Just because I am Jewish does not mean I must close my eyes and be horded inline to have my soul butchered by some Torah hack who makes the words of Moses a game for amusement (like sodocco) and magic. Was Moses a fool who could not communnicate that he need a Rabbi to explain for him to the hebrews? I can't believe such idiocy in matters of the soul exists - but clearly it this world there is another fool getting inline to spout the message of the donkey boys from pinochio. This way my son. Horse pucky teetering on the edge of insanity.
YOU CREATE A MYTH ,   ...........DACON9   (07.12.07)
THE FOLLOWING WAS TAKEN FROM A WRITER TO ANOTHER SITE::: Christians: Why do you accept the word of Non-Jews about a Jewish Messiah? This has never made sense to me. They say that Jesus was a Jew and he fulfilled the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible and that's how they know he was the Jewish messiah. But the Jews say no such thing. Their Tanach is specific about who was supposed to announce THE messiah, and what the messiah was supposed to do on Earth when he came. Jesus fulfills none of it. So, if the christian bible is supposed to be true based on what's in the Hebrew Bible, why don't christians ever check with Jews to find out if their belief is sound. In other words, if christianity came from Judaism, why are there still Jews? And why does the christian church celebrate Pagan holidays and practice Pagan beliefs? Can you honestly look at Hebrew scripture and prophecy about the messiah and say that Jesus was it and fulfilled everything that was prophecied they way it was prophecied? Here's a link to a Jewish website that you can use as a reference. SO IN THE NUTSHELL JEUS IS A MYTHICAL mangod. all people that believe in the hhim go against 'GD' OF ISRAEL IN THE ''LAWS'' AMD AGAINST THE PROPHETS DECLARING 'GD'S WORDS ''THERE IS NONE BESIDE ME'' ''THERE IS NONE OTHER THAN ME'' ''ALL THOSE THAT FOLLOW MY LAWS ARE 'MY' SONS'' and so on and so on..... not quote jewish scripture in ppart. do not be part of the church legasy of deceipt and lies and misquotes. FOLLOW THE LAWS FOR NON JEWS CALLED ''NOAHIDE LAWS.'' BE A RIGHTOUS GOY RID YOUR SELF OF DECEPTIONS AND BRAINWASHING FROM YOUR CHURCH THAT LIED TO US JEWS FOR CENTURIES. AM YISRAEL CHAI
93. #90...The Messiah has come often, but He...
will not come as the Lion of Judah to take the throne of David until the Gentile era passes away at what is known as Armageddon. Michael the Archangel came to Daniel. Michael means like unto the Lord. That was Adonai/Hashem/Yeshua. Melchisedek, the King of Salem was Adonai/Hashem/Yeshua. Emmanuel means G-d is with us and he was here and was born of Mary, sister of Joseph of Arimathea and wife after the conception to Joseph the Carpenter. G-d can come to earth whenever he wants to. He does not just come as a servant and then in glory as a lion. He comes whenever He wants to since the earth is his. I repeat, the throne will not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes in glory. The throne of Judah changed locations from Jerusalem to Ireland to Scotland to London. After the British monarch is crowned in a public ceremony, there is a private ceremony to crown the monarch the King or Queen of Israel. How is the British Commonwealth and America and Israel in the Middle East ALL ISRAEL? Look at the blessings of Jacob on Manasseh: he would become a great nation (USA with half Egyptian seal). Manasseh and Ephraim were both half Egyptian. Ephraim was told by Jacob he would become a multitude of nations and have the gates of their enemies...the British Commonwealth with the Falklands, Gibraltar, and formerly HongKong, etc. The throne has not departed from Judah. The scepter is a symbol of the throne and royal authority. It departed from Jerusalem for a couple of thousand years which caused a lot of grief to the Jews, but the throne of David is everlasting and has never ceased to exist nor ever will. Yeshua/Hashem/Adonai will take that throne and have it forever.
94. Hisky #67
Keren ,   SP-Israel   (07.12.07)
Do you know why xtians are highly supportive of the jewish state? They are told by their doctrinators that christians must "grasp in the garment of a Jew and don't release him",by no means...Christians are told to stick on us very heavily. They believe that when the supposed Mashiach will come,they will be saved too by doing so. But the most important reason to stick on us is that ,as soon as the hipotetical Mashiach comes,they will be able to say that is THEIR Jesus(no matter who is he going to be) who is comming back,and by doing so,they keep retaining for themselves the possessness of the Jews,as they have tried since church was created.In other words,they garante by doing so that the christian lie will persist.Of course,almost the totality of them are not conscient of this fact-they are doctrinated. I guess,christians are very surprised by our gathering back in our land,and I repeat,they must fiercely stick on us to keep robbing us,and so the church is not going to lose its power. About muslims,you are right:they don't pray statues and believe in the uniqueness of G'od,but muslimism as christianity are attempts to reinterpret the Truth,according to their convinience,what is impossible.It can last for a while,by the use of FORCE,but they will ultimately disapear,as so many other paganical or lying religious did:the greek gods;the egyptian gods.... We Jews,have persisted over them it's been almost 4000 years,because we deal with the Truth,given to us by G'od!
95. 90 follower of jesus
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.12.07)
You regret that in the middle ages many manuscripts were destroyed ? i regret more that in this period thousands and thousands Jews were assassinated in name of your jesus and the holy [ ? ] church
96. #90, Its not hateful for people to address problems
John ,   USA   (07.12.07)
Stop being a SELF MADE MARYTR. Hateful because you use Yeshua for your own version of what you think is the Gosple? If I give you Saving knowledge teaching; "Your sins are already forgiven, now transgress law no more, because you will develope guilt (legal and emotional)" That a hate filled diatribe? But thats what Yeshua preached. Not the Gnostic mystery godman religion stuff your are trying to get others to believe in. How to escape spritual death. Your way is wait until you physically die. When you sin do you still have conscienous of guilt? Well....holy molie! What happened to Heb. 10? You mean magic blood really does not take away your guilt? Life is PLURAL.
97. Not to mention that Jewish persecution against Christians
John ,   USA   (07.12.07)
Was completely exagerated. If it was not for Christianity as a whole, and all there "oral law" they handed down, many Jews would not be calling Yeshua the anti-christ today. Christianity MADE HIM THIS WAY. Evangelicals have just "tweaked alot of the same bad stuff". (I know you guys disagree).
98. I think Follower of Greco Roman Jesus
John ,   USA   (07.12.07)
She thinks all Jews fit in this neat little category (really biased thinking). Hey I can read from this little book written by Jew, and all the others Jews will believe it. Duh. Heres another example, Psalm 2 means that Greco Roman Jesus is a godman? Duh. Just like not all Christians believe Daniel 9 is speaking about the Yeshua.
99. # 96 # 97
Follower of Jesus   (07.12.07)
There is a fair, noble way to address problems, and a most despicable way. Some here have resolutely chosen the latter one. The Lord always listening and watching - not a Greek-Roman idol fabricated by enemies of Jesus of Nazareth - Yeshua - will patiently wait until the greatest number of people around the world may be saved.
100. # 95
Follower of Jesus   (07.12.07)
I am not guilty of that. European Christians have saved many Jews during the last World War in peril of their life. I'm not so sure some here would do the same for Christians !
101. # 91 # 92 (4th attempt). One single page of Isaiah
Follower of Jesus   (07.12.07)
would suffice to highlight your blindness and appease your hate of Yeshua. Wonderful prophecies were written for better understanding of God's Plan. If they were at least read, that would make up for a lot. Are you God that you can decide for Him who His Messiah is ? If you silence the numerous prophecies establishing Yeshua, the stones will sing his glory and praises. Book of Isaiah: pg. 1 Written in Palestine about 792-722 B.C. Isaiah is a miniature of the Bible, having 66 chapters corresponding with the 66 books: 39 chapters in the first section dealing with law and judgment, corresponding with the message of the 39 books of the O.T.; 27 chapters in the second section, corresponding with the 27 books of the N.T. both in number and message of comfort and salvation through Christ. The theme of the first section is one of coming judgment upon Israel and captivity because of sin and apostasy; judgment on many Gentile nations; and the latter-day restoration of Israel under their Messiah. The theme of the last section is one of mercy, comfort, and eternal restoration under the Messiah. The purpose of the book is to make God's message clear to Israel; to warn them of judgment for persisting in sin; and to reveal the final dealings of God with them in complete restoration under their Messiah forever (Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 11:10-12; Isaiah 66:22-24). The Lord bless Israel and all people of good will !
102. #99, don't try to turn your idolatry into desipicable Jews
John ,   USA   (07.12.07)
103. Follower of G/R Jesus, Whats wrong with the original
John ,   USA   (07.12.07)
G-d of Abraham Issac and Jacob? Jesus's G-d? Some of us see right through you. Your motives are not honerably, it is a deceptive tactic to try to bring Israel into idolatry. Which is why you never address what I T/B to you. It boils down to WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT, not what the Holy Word says. You believe a plural G-d means three persons. Plural does not equal 3 persons. You have ended up worshipping a FLESH IMAGE COMPLETE WITH magical blood. There is no good news to do good things for the world so you can bring them into idolatry of flesh and blood, developed as an escape system of your own guilt. Who is really dispicable?
104. To # 100 Follower of
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.12.07)
I know it , you are not guilty of this . I know also that many Christians have saved , more than you can imagine , Jews . This does change the facts , more Jews have been murdered in name of jesus and the "holy" ? church , than the number of those saved during WWII .
105. doesn't anybody think for themselves?
heretic ,   USA   (07.13.07)
Think for yourselves. Quit listening to those who would speak for god. "My religion tells me to ostrasize/hate/kill non-believers/non-observers/observers of other creeds. "And I know I'm right to do so, because it has been written so by many learned people." If there is a god that communicates with humankind ... and this god is infallable ... how is it that god's true message was only received by one group? Is god not capable of delivering an understandable message to more than one people? Has god delivered the same message to all (in terms appropriate for each group)? If so, the learned among us should be able to discern the oneness of god's message. We are all monotheistic.....right?
106. #102 - 103 (Last attempt), do not LIE about my talkback !
Follower of Jesus   (07.13.07)
I wrote this : "There is a fair, noble way to address problems, and a most despicable way. Some here have resolutely chosen the latter one." (Message No. 99, very easy to check) What I meant is clear : you and Josh chose to address problems in a most despicable way. The way was despicable, not you, not Josh, not Jews. What can you gain in twisting the meaning of what I really wrote ? Concerning the Holy Trinity, you wrote : "You believe a plural G-d means three persons. Plural does not equal 3 persons. You have ended up worshipping a FLESH IMAGE COMPLETE WITH magical blood." Well, I would not offend you, but you got tangled in your yet simplistic explanation.
107. Follower of G/R Jesus....nice try.
John ,   USA   (07.13.07)
Maybe I can break it down in smaller "bites" for you. When you first strated your mission, and were shut down on trying to make Jesus G-d, you immediately concentrated on the next course of action which was to disregard that first (idolatry).Its sort of like bait and switch, or if you were a criminal it would be what a person with sociapthic tendancies would do; Advertise what people are interested in but sell them a different product. Offer candy, to gain a victim, to commit the crime. Now take a people whose Tzaddiks, or Messiah(s) are dear to them. What better way for those outside the camp, to get them to violate the first command but to offer them the candy? This is why (IMO) the nations rage against the True G-d and His people. IDOLATRY. This is why Israel is always hated, they are a constant reminder of their IDOLATRY. Thats not GOOD NEWS. THATS BAD NEWS. Thats why the gate has always been narrow. If your motives were just to argue is Yeshua a Tzaddik or Messiah, and not try to make him the true would be different (although just has argumentative). BUT ITS THE IDOLATRY of your GOSPEL which is BAD NEWS. May you learn from what I just wrote, and grow in the knowledge of G-d (life eternal).
108. Follower of G/R Jesus, a Tzaddik is not just a.....
John ,   USA   (07.13.07)
paganized false Jewish replacement for an animal sacrifice. Lev. 17 is the life of the animal soul is IN THE BLOOD, given for the MAN to sacrifice or offer, to make attonement, or to be one with G-d.......NOT THE LIFE (living soul) oOF THE MAN. The life of man is really in the spirit. Some Christians in doctrine, still worship flesh bodies. Oh, has the prophet speaks; When G-ds words came I ate them. Some of us have not fallen off the turnip wagon yesterday. G-d really doesn't NEED YOUR SACRIFICE. You do because of your own guilt. Stop trying to make G-d a MEAN MASTER to the world. A god who needs to be appeased by blood, so you can escape the firey torment in the underworld with the god of hades. You need to get resurrected now, instead of waiting until you die to know G-d. Tzaddik was baptised by John for repentance of sin for renewal of his living soul (what Christians call born again). Book recommendation; Waters of Eden, the mystery of the Mikvah by Aryeh Kaplan
109. Follower of G/R Jesus, your version of the bible reads
John ,   USA   (07.13.07)
like this to me; YOUR REVISED VERSION OF TANACH Lev. 17 Verse 3 Any person who slaughters an ox or a sheep or a goat OR MAN, whether in the camp or outside of it, without first bringing it to the entrance of the meeting tent to present it as an offering to the LORD in front of his Dwelling, shall be judged guilty of NOT SHARING BLOOD, or hiding BLOOD IN THE SHED; and for this, such a man shall be CUT OFF from among his people. verse 11; Since the life of a living FLESH MAN is in its blood, I have made you put it on the altar, so that atonement may thereby be made for your own lives, because of the MAN BLOOD, as the seat of life in the flesh, that makes atonement. Verse 14; Since the life of EVERY HUMAN is IN its blood, I have told the Israelites: YOU SHALL partake of the blood of any meat, especially man meat. Since the life of every living body is its blood, anyone who partakes of the blood shall not be cut off. Now go to your John chapt. 6; Some of the disciples walked away because they did not want to eat the man blood and flesh (John 6). They believed in the Hebrew Bible, and did not understand that ETERNAL LIFE is in the man Blood, not in the Spirit (which was a Jewish thing). These were never true believers in the life is contained in the blood of man and animals, so they don't get their new flesh and blood bodies. Do you see what you have made the Holy Word? You are trying to make people CUT OFF, by bringing them into idolatry. What I say is TRUTH, you may spit upon my clay, but I see THROUGH YOUR FALSEHOOD.
ONE TORAH ONE G'D ,   ..............DACON9   (07.14.07)
111. John, Usa Your numerous TBs have convinced me
Follower of Jesus   (07.14.07)
that you hated the Light. I have put my trust in this other John, the preferred disciple of Yeshua. ""Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; this man came to Him (to Jesus) by night, and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." "Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." Nicodemus answered and said to Him, "How can these things be?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not understand these things? Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak that which we know, and bear witness of that which we have seen; and you do not receive our witness." "If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things? And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven, even the Son of Man. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believes may in Him have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." "And this is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God." John 3:1-21 (NAS). Jesus entered the darkness to reveal the Light to us, to allow us not to err in our judgments on the way to Abba who is waiting all his children from all nations. May the Lord knock at your door and transform you like Rabbi Shaul. It's the best my "falsehood" (sic) can wish you ! Baruch Haba, B'Shem Adonai
112. Follower of jesus , preach in your church
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.14.07)
You seem to have forgot that you are on a Jewish site , not in your "church" . You can believe in this Jew , born to a "virgin" whom you name the son of god . Stupidity is not a crime .
113. Dacon 9 , do'nt write on Shabbat
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.14.07)
Or do'nt write "one Tora , one God " The two are contradictory
114. Follower of G/R..It is better for me to feed starving sheep
John ,   USA   (07.14.07)
on Sabbath. Abraham was Born from was David. How do we know, because even in your Christian commentaries it says so (read John 8:56, Acts 2). THEY SAW, but they did not see a godman (thats the false Jewish replacment assembly now called the kyriakos / Church which is not written in your comentaries / not koine Greek).
115. Charles, Petach Tikva
Follower of Jesus   (07.14.07)
Ask Ynet : 1) To boycott Catholic posts. 2) To stop its perverse campaign against the Catholic Church again and again.. What you call stupidity, I call it protecting our faith when so many here write Jesus is an idiot. 3) In a recent post I pleaded for Moses Maimonides, Josh - for example - called him a fool. 4) Let the Pope govern the Church, it's not Jewish business. Disprove before commenting, and prove your country still is a light to all nations. I wonder how if you will not accept that others - in particular Gentiles - express their opinion. Fighting ideas, of course, but using courtesy and fair-play. When you say to somebody that his faith or background is stupid, that's really stupidity (Such term you used). Barbarism, characterized here by ignorance or crudity, should end when education begins. You have urgent affairs in Mideast and you need devoted allies ! Don't rely too much on God as so many Jews have rejected Him. Why should he intervene when Israel has departed - once more - from Him ?
116. G/R follower....Speaking of anti-christs
John ,   USA   (07.15.07)
What is the standard "Church" argument, if Jews believe the Messiah is coming? The standard Christian "HYPE" from the earliest is that the Jews Messiah is the anti-christ...of course this has changed somewhat with some evangelicals who think Jesus is coming back again. But even here, if he aint Jesus...HE'S THE ANTICHRIST. So don't get to "offended", if some Jews are just giving it back to you, especially since so much of Christianity thinks they are justified by preaching against G-ds law. Its a GENTILE invention, the Church and antinomian philosophy to escape their pagan underworld.
117. G/R Follower...ITS YOUR IDOLATRY
John ,   USA   (07.15.07)
I did not call Jesus an idiot, or the anti Christ. I am simply addressing your motives, and inability to address problems with your own faith WITH THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Not all Jews believe in Mishnah like Rabinical Jews (Karaites as an example), not everything is WRITTEN IN STONE all the time in Judaism...sometimes people DISAGREE WITH THE RABBIS...ITS OKAY. Its not like POWERS STRUCTURE of Roman Christianity where everyone has to comply with the magisterium and they blindley go to mass , eat the waffer etc. etc. and thinks this gets shortens their stay in purgatory.
118. Follower of jesus
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.14.07)
What you call "perverse" campaign is only the truth . And if you do'nt like it , sorry , go to your church's site . There you will find what you can agree with . What i'm calling stupid are some of your , and others , writings . Maybe to believe in a son of god and a "virgin" is smart for you ? For me not . Yes we need devoted allies , but no missionaries nor preachers .
? YNET POST LATER ? ,   ..............DACON9   (07.15.07)
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