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Brainwash summer camp
Bat-Hen Epstein Elias
Published: 14.08.07, 16:12
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88 Talkbacks for this article
61. The Way To Happiness
E Krackow ,   N Hollywood USA   (08.16.07)
I found your article on the Way To Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard unintentionally hilarious! I have read and used The Way To Happiness for years and find it extremely helpful and practical. How such a common sense, positive and simple guide can be manufactured into something sinister and controversial is beyond my comprehension. I guess unless one is in favor of drugs, bad teeth, promiscuity and body odor. Can you find something a bit more worthy of attack?
62. Way Of Happiness Found in Scripture
Christy ,   Boston, USA   (08.16.07)
For those of us who read&study our Bibles, there is NO need to have a cult group teach about the Way to Happiness. G-d included all the information we need to know about being happy in the Scriptures. It's all in the Bible. We should teach our children what the Bible teaches, not what some Sci-Fi writer dreamed up. I've read many sad stories about people who have gotten caught in Scientology's 'web' and had a very difficult time getting out. I urge parents, especially, to read some of the earlier posts containing URLs for more info. The Summer camp counselors should be teaching morals, laws, etc. from Scripture. Spell it out for the kids what G-d allows and what He doesn't allow. Personally, I think any teaching regarding promiscuity is NOT APPROPRIATE for children.
63. Brainwash Summer Camp
Jeff Farrow ,   Los Angeles, USA   (08.16.07)
I have been a Scientologist for over 30 years and I am happily married to a very intelligent Harvard Educated Jewish woman from New York. She is not Orthodox, but she is very observant of the Jewish Faith and sees no conflict between the Teachings of Judaism and Scientology. In fact, we have raised our 8-year-old son in the Jewish Tradition and have educated him in Jewish Culture and Tradition and in Scientology values. The Way to Happiness Precepts in no way offend the Teachings of Judaism. When our son gets a little older, we plan to show him the Teachings of the other major religions of this world, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and so forth. We want him to realize that all the Great Religions of this World hold many Ideals in common. The idea is to inculcate tolerance and respect for members all Faiths. We are, after all, One Human Race; we are All of Us collectively extended family and we are ultimately beholden to and answerable to our Maker, regardless of Race, Color or Creed. Sincerely, Jeff Farrow Los Angeles, USA
64. #59 YOU learn the facts on C. Manson
Kyle ,   Los Angeles   (08.16.07)
Charles Manson studied Scientology while serving a 10-year prison sentence in the early 1960s. After his release he masterminded the Tate/La Bianca murders in the late 1960s. It is not only fact, Manson himself says in the book "Manson: In His Own Words," "A cell partner turned me on to Scientology. With him and another guy I got pretty heavy into Dianetics and Scientology. Through this and by other studies, I came out of my state of depression. I was understanding myself better, had a positive outlook on life, and knew how to direct my energies to each day and each task." You can buy the book on
65. #60 Jews invented morals 5,767 years ago
natan ,   ra'anana   (08.16.07)
Who are you to preach to us?
66. Jeff #63 intermarried brother did the same
Proud Jew ,   US   (08.16.07)
My university-educated Jewish brother and his university-educated non-Jewish wife also "exposed" their kids to various religions. Result: their kids ain't got NO religion! They sure aren't Jewish. Keep your religious experiments out of Eretz Israel. You arrogant, self-centered Scientologists have the chutzpah to come to Israel to tell Jews that your pseudo-religion, which has mentally and physically abused scores of people, is superior to Judaism. You are trying to teach 'us' how to live? We Jews 'invented' the manual on how to live. And it's not some pathetic little 10 Commandment-wannabee pamphlet. It's called the TORAH.
Mike ,   USA   (08.16.07)
Who cares who authored the Way To Happiness and who distributes it? Does it work? Does it help?People interviewed in this article say the ideas are positive. Why such intolerance, especially from a country that has been a victim of such for eons? Get a copy and read it for yourself, then decide.
68. ...and in the end
Robert Gardner ,   Vermont, USA   (08.16.07)
...the crazies from the cult keep on spewing, keep on talking...blaa blaa follow your leaders well: disseminate misinformation and then call it bigotry when people reject it. The "try for yourself" logic is b.s....Leave Jews alone, we leave you alone to worship your drug addled, hypocrite, pedophile of a leader....we follow the Torah of Truth, a power that your cult can never harness. Ultimately, you will face judgment for meddling in the affairs of Am Yisrael.
69. Which Way to Happyness?
X-Ray Eyes ,   US   (08.16.07)
The only way I'd read that drivel is if it were given to me for free with no strings attached. I would never buy anything from the Co$ or any of their front groups. I don't want to give them any monetary support to help their empire. Mike asked these questions "Who cares who authored the Way To Happiness and who distributes it? Does it work? Does it help?" I'll try to answer them to see if these Scientologist can comprehend the answers. First questions, who cares who authored "The Way to Happiness"? The parents who's children unknowingly taught this garbage. Parents have a right to know who, and what their children are being taught. Does it work? Obviously not. Despite whatever the Co$ claims, there's no transparency in the Co$, everything is kept secret. That's how they've held on to their power for so long. Does it help? The questions is who needs it? L Ron Hubbard spent half of his life running from the law. Hubbard was convicted of fraud in France, bared from entering the UK, his wife and 11 other high ranking Scientologist was arrested and sent to prison in the US. Hubbard's own children disowned him, and one committed suicide. Given L Ron Hubbard's own life history, and Scientology's documented illegal activity throughout it's existence I'd say gives them absolutely no credibility to teaching anything to anyone , let alone teaching children without their parents permission. For a closer I'm going to quote Superior Court Judge Paul Breckinridge in the case Church of Scientology of California vs. Gerald Armstrong, June 20, 1984. His judgment said "In addition to violating and abusing its own members' civil rights, the organization [Scientology] over the years with its "Fair Game" doctrine has harassed and abused those persons not in the Church whom it perceives as enemies. The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and the bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder LRH [L. Ron Hubbard]. The evidence portrays a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background, and achievements. The writings and documents in evidence additionally reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power, and vindictiveness and aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to be disloyal or hostile. At the same time it appears that he is charismatic and highly capable of motivating, organizing, controlling, manipulating, and inspiring his adherents."
70. what?
Joshua ,   Israel   (08.16.07)
Rivkah, where are you getting your information? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard... poisonous wafers to kill non jews? Sounds like some anti-Christian propaganda to me...
71. Lots of falsehoods
matsonian ,   Sacramento, CA, USA   (08.17.07)
As a Scientologist since I was five years old, (I'm now 36) I expect to see articles attacking us. I even expect to see biased reporting. This day and age I see more positive articles than negative ones, and that is enlightening. But why is it that reporters continue to get the most basic of facts wrong. Its not like the information isn't available to anyone who wants to pick up a book or look at the hundreds of data sources on Scientology. This author (and many of you Talkbackers) can't get the most fundamental ideas right. Heck, this author can't even spell Xenu right. Now, I have to say that after 31 years in Scientology, the only mention of Xenu has been from the media a bloggers, but still, if he is going to write about it, at least spell it right. And isolation? Where did he get THAT? I can appreciate the "ministry's" effort to stop drug abuse and violence, but as we can see around the world, it is usually not the government that solves anything. So it is hard to believe that the decline in drug abuse and violence is thanks to the ministry. The reality is that if Scientology was not protected as a religion, it would be making even more money as an international consulting company because the technology Hubbard developed to help mankind actually works! It works every time and it will continue to work, whether one believes it it or not.
72. Tell us your Secret Bat Hen...
Gadi Ben Lavi ,   Los Angeles   (08.17.07)
Any Logical and sane person on this planet who will read the quotes you put in your Article from the Way to Happiness book would say " mmm...make sense...why is he attacking somthing that make so much sense and of good nature???" So, Bat Hen - would you like to share with us your hidden evil intention and who paid you to do this?
73. I love The Way To Happines
Ms. Ron ,   USA   (08.17.07)
It is written in a way that is not authoritative but gives the reader a chance to look at life around him and find that it is true and worth following, rather then pointing to you with "Dos" or Do not dos". When you tell someone to not do something, guess what are they going to do? As far as the workshops are concern you have to read the wonderful feedback they get in order to judge for yoursef whether it is a worthwhile cause. I have seen them and they are very very many and inspiering. They are inspiering enough for me to want to support that activity.
74. Rivkah is badly misinformed from believing Web hate-speech.
QuietKid ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (08.17.07)
Manson ONLY visited a Scientology Church a couple of times. He NEVER achieved ANY levels in Scientology. We showed thim the door ASAP. He was refused any service as it was clear that he had ethical and mental problems. Manson ->said<- he had achieved some levels, but it never happened. He was delusional about a lot of things, wasn't he! Just because you value your own religion -- as you well should do! -- you need not attack others' beliefs. Two of The Way to Happiness chapters apply here: "Seek to live with the truth" and "Respect the religouis beliefs of others."
75. The Way to Happiness
Kitty Jones ,   Panmure, New Zealand   (08.17.07)
Obviously, whoever wrote this article has not actually READ The Way to Happiness. It is a beautiful booklet for any parent to use to teach any child a good way of life. Parents would do well to read and apply the book to their own lives. I first was given a copy of this booklet in 1982. I have 4 children, each of whom know all of the precepts in this book and have since a very young age. The "scandal" of The Way to Happiness is that is works, it can lead to happier lives if read and applied. Taken out of context almost any sentence can be perverted, and that is what is happening when people who haven't even read the booklet start slandering its use.
76. To the Scientologists and likes here..
Alena ,   Prague   (08.17.07)
My Goodness, do you not have any more common sense? Who needs a guide of this kind? Who needs to join a group to teach their child to not use drugs and brush their teeth every day? Why do you people need somebody else to tell you what's right? So that you're not responsible for yourselves and your decisions? So that you don't have to think? So that you're not scared? You don't have to join an organization to help others, either. Start thinking for yourselves, for Christ's sake!!
77. These parents should be concerned.
K. Tyson ,   Mobile, AL USA   (08.17.07)
What makes a cult is not so much odd beliefs (although that is usually part of the package) but rather not being open about the beliefs of the group. And no legit group has to be sneaky. The group only calls itself a "church" to get a tax free status. But its beliefs are not based on Judeo/ Christian beliefs but on the writings of a drug addicted bigamist science fiction writer. Although the group won't tell you that upfront...
Ariella ,   Los Angeles   (08.17.07)
To all those who are wondering about Scientology, what it is and how it works, its relationship to other religions, etc., here you'll find all the answers:
79. Until they convert your kids...
Jewish Parent   (08.17.07)
they will not stop. See how mobilized and tenacious these Scientology posters are. They stay on their "Happiness" message to make you think they have only good intentions and all their critics are bigots. They have received excellent training in indoctrination and mind control techniques. At least one country is considering a ban on Scientology because it is perceived to be a threat to national security. Parents and other concerned individuals, please read the URLs provided in this talkback by Non- and Ex-members and get the names of the other Scientology programs in Israel that lure Jews into their cult. The summer camps are just one of many places they have infiltrated.
80. wow, the scientoligists really came out for this one
DC 8 pilot ,   outer space   (08.18.07)
they must have called their friends to tell them to leave a positive talkback concerning their cult beliefs! bottom line is that scientologists have nothing scientific to base their system on. What level are you all on? Did you get hooked up to the machine, and get told that your levels were good but you needed improvement? Did you have to pay for the continuing bs program? thats what I though kyle had it right southpark had it right too
81. Way to Happiness - Great for kids
Anne Worth ,   Los Angeles, USA   (08.18.07)
I used the booklet The Way to Happiness very successfully with my children from the time they were very young. I recall going over the title of each chapter with my 4 year old son before bed. He loved it! He learned to respect his parents, take care of his environment, brush his teeth, eat healthy food, and to respect the religious beliefs of others. This booklet is not a religious booklet. Although it was authored by Mr. Hubbard, it is not religious in itself. But it has great moral lessons that we should all practice.
82. Scientology
Friend ,   Canton, Pennsylvania   (08.18.07)
Bat-Hen Epstein Elias. All those names and so little talent. My condolences to your carreer, not much of a loss but I am polite. Scientology and The Way to Happiness has done nothing but help people. You are either miss-informed, extremely unintelligent or outright evil, and definitely irresponsibly un-professional. Now that's accurate. Feel free to do actual research next time instead of being lazy and listening to the insane babble of vested interests. Friend
83. Scientology, awesome!
Sane one ,   New York, New York   (08.18.07)
Simply put, Scientology is amazing! You have to read Dianetics, it actually explains exactly how the mind works. No exageration. And yes, considering what the mind is, that is truly amazing.
84. Scientology
Bat-Hen EpsteWRONG! ,   Tel Aviv, Isreal   (08.18.07)
Bat-Hen Epstein Elias you should be ashamed! You know absolutely nothing of what you say. I can't believe you and these other puppets are even Israeli. Scientology helps all who are in it!
85. #74:There is none so blind as he who WILL NOT see. The
Rivkah   (08.18.07)
basic premise of Dianetics, first a science but now called a religion of Scientology is that PEOPLE ARE BASICALLY GOOD. They are not and have not been since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Bible says no one is good but one and that is GOD. All others fall short of perfect. Scientology is the opposite of that. They believe people are good, after the fall in Eden. The book "Helter Skelter" might be of interest to you to learn more about Charles Manson since you doubt my talkback information. He became a Theta Clear in Scientology while in prison, not before that. Like most religions, Scientology advocates visit prisoners with their theories. You are welcome to believe in Scientology and to go to Scientology or Dianetics heaven with the founder L. Ron Hubbard. I prefer another heaven after death. To each his/her own...Moslem heaven...Scientology heaven...Papal heaven...Mormon heaven...whatever you believe in has consequences. I am sure I will be happy in the heaven I am going to. I hope you are happy in the "heaven" you go to. It is clearly not the same place.
86. Dangerous Cult; takes your $ for "auditing"-brainwashing
Dani ,   Omaha, NE   (08.18.07)
I can testify 1st hand how dangerous this cult is. They start out "innocently" with business classes then gradually "suck you in" to brainwashing camp. Starting by totally exhausing you mentally and physically to get you ready for "auditing" (brainwashing) - sleep deprivation, dehydration in saunas to "purify" the body, and of course taking UnGodly amts. of $$ at the same time. In the end you completely turn your life over to them. One of the most damaging cults in the country; and one of the hardest to ever get a person out of one they're sucked in. They completely change your way of "thinking" - permenant damage to your brain - do some research B4 you get sucked in. The ONLY true blueprint to life can be found in the Bible; this life is short; ask yourself where you want to spend eternity ?Put your trust in God alone; read Revelations to understand what's happening in this "World" and where we are heading; then ask yourself is Hubbard not yet one of many "false" prophets that still continues to influence so many "impressionable" people even from beyond the grave ? I bet many of you "believers" have been sucked in at your "weakest" moments in life ? That's how they get you; when you're already "vulnerable" to influence then they weaken your resolve even more to be able to "control" you. My ex-fiance wanted to take my then 5yr. old son and send him to California for "auditing" the "old soul" out of him. Thank God I had enough faith to pull away from it all. My son is now a healthy, balanced, 16yr. old with a strong faith in God; I couldn't be more proud. Send your kids to Christian summer camps; keep them as far away from Scientology as you can. We need God back in our lives, back in schools and back in our hearts.
87. 2008 Elections
Trevor Brooks ,   Huron Park, Canada   (09.09.07)
Maybe Xenu and Cthuhlu should run on a joint ticket. Why vote for the lesser evil?
88. promiscuous ?
Terryeo ,   San Francisco, USA   (09.10.07)
Isn't that cute? Out of a larger list of precepts, Ynet's news staff is smitten with "don't be promiscuous". Awwww, that's cute !
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