Iran? That's your problem
Guy Bechor
Published: 19.08.07, 14:04
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1. Iran? That's your problem
Alex ,   Herzaliya   (08.19.07)
Dear Dr. Bachor You are making an over the top statement without putting in context that these new packages are similar to the ones giving in the past. This is not enough proof that the US has changed its strategy in the region specially when there is an on going movement of US ships in the Gulf. Although you seem to understand Arab policy you ignored many aspects of US foreign policy that are crucial to understand the developments of the region.
2. uhh right???
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (08.19.07)
Clash is already happening. The real question is to what extent will it escalate?
3. Who said Iraq is a failure?
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (08.19.07)
The milltary is still there. The war is still taking place. The left wingers have been hoping for failure for four years. They whine and moan about 800 military deaths every year like it is the end of the world. These same left wingers run their girlfriends into the abortion clinics of the United States and kill one million children a year. Yet we never hear about abandoned children. We never hear about how the war is lost with the million children killed. How is it that lefty news organizations always tell us we have lost a war when it is still being fought? It's almost like they have some inane desire to lose the war in the first place. We are still fighting in Iraq. The theory that all is lost is that of every losing team in sports history. How has the United States abandoned the Middle East when it still fights on to this day? If we lose this war then make some assumptions, otherwise wait for the fourth quarter to finish so we all know who won the game. The left wing has no patience because it is busy trying to regain control of the government. It will be happy to tell you that all is lost. Especially if you will vote for them when the left bad mouths the military every night of the week. Like they ever cared about human life to begin with? Give me a break. The United States isn't the only country that has to come to the rescue in the Middle East. The people of the Middle East are just as responsible for their well being. Sometimes you just have to fight your wars and not rely on your insurance company to save the day( The United States)....
4. pres.bush has lost interest in m.e. ?
virginia orrall   (08.19.07)
anyone with a cat that spends some time observing their behaviour will see them put on this act like they sort of dont care when there is prey around and just sit there motionless-then bang all of a sudden they're in hot pursuit.dont give up on pres. bush too soon.
5. This article is nothing new. Jews always have to go it alone
Gary A. MD ,   Boston USA   (08.19.07)
6. yeah soo...
gedaliah ,   israel   (08.19.07)
lets get off our ass and save it. Where do I sign up?
Leo   (08.19.07)
8. Too simplistic of an analysis
Logic ,   Israel   (08.19.07)
What if Iran invades Bahrain, like they threatened to do a few weeks ago? And what if Iran takes over the Basra oil fields? Actually, the region looks more and more like autumn 1990, before Saddam invaded Kuwait. Let's face it - the US will always have multiple interests in the region and is not fleeing anytime soon.
9. US vs. Iran
Richard Cagle ,   Orlando, FL, USA   (08.19.07)
First I would like to say that I am an American who fully stands behind Israel. Whatever we can do to promote the safety and peace in Isreal gets my vote. When reading your article, I found it a bit contradicting. You stated our entrance and failure in Iraq has made the Middle East more unstable and possibly perpetuating any future conflicts. However, you seem quite upset that America will not engage in a military conflict with Iran. If by invading Iraq made for this much instability, how much more would a conflict with Iran make the region unstable. After all, growing superpowers like Russia and China still do high dollar business with Iran. I'm not saying we shouldn't stand and fight for Israel (Israel is the apple of God's eye and we are to stand behind it). My concern is that you (the article author) are against our involvement in Iraq, where we toppled a dictator who had hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed because it caused destabilization. However, when it comes to a dictator threating your country and innocent people we are expected to get involved despite any further destabilization. Quickly, I would like to say that America should give Israel any resources necessary for her peace and survival. Thank you for your time.
10. Such a Deal!
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.19.07)
Well, maybe Bush got tired of hearing that he’s doing everything wrong and is giving the people affected the most the opportunity to do it right and just the way they want to. Sounds too good and I smell a little rat, and the rodent’s name is everybody who’s getting the nice aid packages. EITHER Bush wants something from Iran so he can put Iraq to bed and in order to get it, he’s playing hands off for Mahmoud’s benefit. OR The little rat is actually a disguised trap. If you wash your hands of something, why send money? Could that aid be a pre-payment of some sort? After all, you wouldn’t want your allies, on whom you intend to count in the not too distant future going around with outdated weaponry and equipment. This whole scenario as laid out in the article doesn’t feel right. Maybe the big “or” above should be an even bigger “AND THEN.” Now, I don’t hear voices, have never been abducted or anally abused by anybody and, due to what must be a micro-seismological nano wave disturbance in the atmosphere, none of my chakra energies are telepathically linked to the All-seeing Cyclops in the sky (his name’s Fred and he used to be a CIA-Mossad double agent) it is my opinion that there’s a whole lot more to this deal than meets Fred’s eye and I can’t wait to see what, eventually, will shake out. Ok, ok, a little red-haired devil – his name’s Doofus - made me write the last paragraph.
11. voting for Giuliani, Steve???
Akiva Patysh ,   River Forest ILusa   (08.19.07)
Bush/Cheney is the worst administration ever.(should be called MALADMINISTRATION)
12. Iran, our problem?
joe   (08.19.07)
If this is a reasonable article,I would assume that we are in a pickle.......We made our own decisions in "48, in "67 and came out OK. In the 50's we were ordered out of the negev/suez, in the 60's we were ordered not to destroy the Egyptian army, in the 80's we were ordered not to finisf-off the gang of terrorists in Lebanon, in the 90's we were ordered not to eliminate Arafat and his gang of killers.With friends like this..................! I think it's about time that we plow our own fields.
13. and it is...She only really threatens Israel
andrew ,   miami,fl   (08.19.07)
just be ready to go nuclear - and not have any guilt about it
MEGGI ,   ISRAEL   (08.19.07)
MEGGI ,   ISRAEL   (08.19.07)
16. And you are surprised?!?
Secular Realist   (08.19.07)
Has not history taught us that we can only ever rely on ourselves? The U.S. may be supporting us in so far as it's convenient as far as it's concerned but that's as far as it goes and, make no mistake, it is NOT motivated by altruism. If we want that Iranian threat neutralized, we'll have to do it on our own.
17. iran with no chance
edan ,   israel   (08.19.07)
this is propbably what will happen iran will start braging like korea korea wil get mad becouase thats there job) no countrys will give iran sh....._+it BECAUSE its pissing them off that they want to kill them america will leave iraq then get pissed at iran for not giving them oil and you's israel as an exuse to bomb the sh......it out of iran, iran will shoot a nuclear missle in the air it will eather be distroid or just fall in the desert because iran has shi...../ty technoligy israel america and almoste all of urope and the western wourld will get pissed syria will join iran hamas will join syria fatah will still cry like baibes. and they will probably all be scr..ewd on the way there iran will look like my left nut and then 20 years later we will all have a big laph aboute it and then iran will get pissed off.
18. why countries like saudi arabia ...are they in need of money
rachel ,   usa   (08.19.07)
What happened to all the oil money?
ACO SHUMADINAC ,   bla-bla   (08.19.07)
instead of military aid should give green card, these will help more than$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
20. Iran Brave Iran God Bless u
NT   (08.19.07)
21. If America goes to war with Iran, the victory will
Rivkah   (08.19.07)
result in the subduing of Iran and the collapse of America. The Prophet Daniel saw this long ago. Most Bible teachers try to convince people that the notable horn of Daniel ch. 8 is Alexander the Great who died after conquering the known world and then his kingdom was divided into four parts, each headed by one of his generals. That is rubbish. Alexander did not have airplanes and Greece was not the westernmost nation. A powerful he-goat (UN) comes from the ends of the earth (America, westernmost nation from the center of the earth in Bible geography which is Jerusalem). The he-goat (UN which worships nature and the environment, so it is a goat) has a notable horn (military power, USA) between its eyes. Something makes the he-goat with the notable horn VERY ANGRY (9/11 attack on NYC and possibly other attacks coming) and it attacks a ram with two horns that is Media-Persia (Iraq-Iran). A ram's horn is a symbol of a Persian king because the crown of Persian had two golden rams horn on either side. IMMEDIATELY after BOTH horns (military powers of Iraq and Iran) are defeated, THE NOTABLE HORN (USA) BREAKS. It breaks into four parts or nations: a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a beast with seven heads and ten crowns. America has so many illegals and authorized foreign troops and unauthorized prepositioned troops in it with Red China supplying arms to inner city gangs that America will become Chaostan if Iran is attacked by America. American needs to repent of sin as a nation and give thanks to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and no other God, and let the Middle East fight it out for themselves. Armageddon cannot come until after American collapses. The EU, Red China, Russia, the Arab Alliance and many others hate America and want to see the collapse of their economic rival. This is a war (Iran) America MUST sit out on the sidelines if America is to remain a whole nation. There must be someone in Iran the Lord loves so much that the Lord will take out America if Iran is attacked and defeated. There was a general in Syria long ago named Naaman who was called "Father" by his troops. He was so favored by God that even Israel lost battles to Naaman. I do not know who it is in Iran the Lord loves so much, but going against that one person, if it is only one person, will bring down the USA.
22. Iran will not win
Thomas ,   Cleveland, USA   (08.19.07)
Why isn't anyone stating the obvious? Israel has the technology to take out the Iranian facilities. They have the planes, they have the conventional bombs that can be guided over miles and reach several meters underground to hit those targets. Israel will wait until the last possible moment before the Iranian regime has a bomb and then they will strike, just like they did at Osirak in 1981.
23. you do the job
bri ,   phil usa   (08.19.07)
the americans will supply the aircraft the smart bombs,cluster bombs etc. so that you can do the job this time.
24. 11# I might just vote for Hillary Clinton.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (08.19.07)
Hillary will totally abandon Israel and this so called worst president Bush was the only hope the Middle East ever had. Bush was the only president besides his father who had enough guts to fight the terorists in the first place. Where was Reagan during the Marine Corps bombing in Lebanon? He didn't do squat. Neither did Bill Clinton who I voted for the first term. If you want someone to withdraw and let the Terrorists take over then vote for the Democrats. They are a Jews worst enemy....always hoping things will get better while the Jews are jailed and exiled. Why so many Jews blindly accept the Democratic pandering is absolutely amazing. I won't vote for Giuliana Akiva. He's anti gun....anti protection. Israel will need all the armed people it can muster against their terrorist neighbors. Clinton is out of thr picture also. She just wants to bounce on the beds of the Whitehouse and yell whoopee again with her male interns. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
25. usa people dont think like our goverment
strat ,   usa   (08.19.07)
If this bush atacks iran all the world loses most of the usa people hate bush no goverment should try to push any other country to try to be like the usa .its wrong .just hope all the middle east dont hate the people of the usa cause we are not like our goverment peace to all
26. Iran
Dan ,   Las Vegas, U.S.A.   (08.20.07)
How many wars do you expect to fight on your behalf? We have been keeping your nation afloat since it's inception, financially and militarily. It's time you quite whining and do something for yourselves, for a change. We've done / given enough.
27. Deeply flawed perspective
Paul ,   Concord,USA   (08.19.07)
You are clearly wrong about Pres. Bush. He is not "cut and run." Consider that he realizes the magnitude of the problem, will blast Iran thoroughly, and have pre-armed the pertinent allies to join and follow up the job. Iran knows this and arming Hamas/Hiz/and Iraqi "insurgents" to threaten the US with broad scale terror. Russia is arming Syria as fast as possible to "defray" Israel's superiotity over Syria. Hamas and Hezballah are "re-armed" to try to cower the Israeli public away from support of the hawks. The kettle is going to blow. It only remains to be seen who will assert first strike advantage. My Pres. will not ignore or dimminish the need to see Iran brought to accountability, but he is wise enough to allow as much room as feasible for alternative and providential events to set the proper stage.
28. Iran = universal problem!
T.I ,   Israel   (08.20.07)
You are exaggerating, Usa will attack Iran but not in the next future, Usa's presence on Iraq blocks Iranian aircraft, we will cooperate with Usa in the right moment.
29. Very Strange Article
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.20.07)
Well, maybe Bush got tired of hearing that he’s doing everything wrong and is giving the people closest to the problem the opportunity to do it right and just the way they want to. Sounds too easy and I smell a little rat. EITHER Bush wants something from Iran so he can put Iraq to bed and in order to get it, he’s playing hands off for Mahmoud’s benefit. OR There’s a trap somewhere. If you wash your hands of something, why send money? Could that aid be a pre-payment of some sort? After all, you wouldn’t want your allies, on whom you intend to count and who may count on you in the not too distant future going around with outdated weaponry and equipment. This whole scenario as laid out in the article doesn’t feel right. Now, I don’t hear voices, have never been abducted or anally abused by anybody and, due to what must be a micro-seismological nano wave disturbance in the atmosphere, none of my chakra energies are telepathically linked to the All-seeing Cyclops in the sky (his name’s Fred and he used to be a CIA-Mossad double agent) it is my opinion that there’s a whole lot more to this deal than meets Fred’s eye and I can’t wait to see what, eventually, will shake out. Ok, ok, a little red devil – her name’s Doofus - made me write the last paragraph.
30. Aid to Israel
dana clark ,   gold beach USA   (08.20.07)
Why should America give Israel any money at all? Are you a third world nation in need of billions in aid? Are your citizens diseased and starving? Why should America care about Israel? these are the questions you should be asking.
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