Jewish Scene
Haredi school rejects 'Sephardi' child
Zvi Alush
Published: 02.09.07, 10:09
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175 Talkbacks for this article
151. 147 charles
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (09.04.07)
feel free to join the smackdown i'm having with keren. i'm getting bored with her :-),7340,L-3444864,00.html
152. Jo Jo , the goyish racist
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.04.07)
...That the Sephardim were and are relegated by their Ashkenazi superiors . You RACIST GOY wrote it . Ashkenazi superiors ?
153. Haredi school rejects..
ROBERT ,   usa   (09.04.07)
Shoulda followed Christ
154. No Charles....
Jo Jo   (09.05.07)
I forgot the quotes. You really are being silly now, I don't think its worth ever discusing anything with you. You never respond to the serious bits of my posts and rather latch on to irrelavent bits. You are blind, Blind to reality and blind to G-d. I fear the worst.
155. charles 147
avi ,   nyc   (09.05.07)
The french catholics supported the protestants in the 30 years war and received German alscace lorraine. Was the franco-prussian war racist? If you want to use the grammatically iincorrect term "racism" to describe all conflicts don't complain when your enemies than turn it around and call Israel an Apartheid state. They will only be using your logic. "The law of unintended consequences"
156. Avi
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.05.07)
Don't compare apples to pears . And , if you want words to be used correctly , look at yourself : grammatically incorrect term , you wrote . It has nothing to do with grammar . etymologie , the origin of words , would be much more apprpriated . PS , English is only my third tongue , so sorry for my eventual mistakes
157. To # 154 Jo jo , allegedly Jewish
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.05.07)
A true Jew will not call a Brith Mila , mutilation as you do . A sincere Jewish neshama will not talk about Israelis as being "the zionists" , a vocabulary used by the worst anti Isralis . A serious person would no have a heading : " charles ought to go to pride parade " , would not write "Jewish Style" reminds me of Charles , and so on . And you want me to take your tb's seriously ? Regarding being silly [ thank you , i added a new word to my vocabulary ] well , in this field youi are stronger as i am . You are the world champion , the only title you can obtain . I have not to explain to you why i , a secular Atheist Jew , behave in a certain way . First of all , you can't understand , secondly that's not your business . How can i be blind for not seeing something that does not exists ?
158. Tell me Charles..
Jo Jo ,   Far from Chesterfied   (09.05.07)
Does a "true Jew" relish constantly lambasting the hareidim? That is what started me off arguing with you. Whatever happened to hineh matov umaniyim shevet achim gam yachad? You are full of contradictions and are not willing to face them. You don't believe in G-d yet defend brit milah! I understand that you have no understanding of why you exist, as a self proclaimed atheist - it is you who is lacking of understanding. As I have said before there in no such thing as an Atheist Jew - another contradiction of yours! You love the state of Israel but hate G-d? And by the way every Jew has a responsibly to educate and bring the distant closer to Yiddishkeit. In Hebrew it is called Kol yisrael areivim ze le’ze. It is precisely b/c I care about your neshama – (do you know the meaning of the word – a cheilek elokai mimal) – that I am trying to persuade that you are way off. Excuse me for the sarcasm apparent in my posts, but there are serious BITS which you seem to gloss over. A proof you have no scruples and quite frankly are too egoistic to acknowledge a higher being.
159. Jo Jo , have you seen this higher being ?
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.05.07)
Well i suggest that you first off all try to elevate yourself , not trying to be responsible for me . You are not doing it for me , but for yourself b/c it's a mitswah . No ? is'nt it a mitswah ? Well if you want to observe mitswoth , one of the great sages said that the greatest mitswah is to live in Israel ? No ? did'nt he say it ? and you still live begalut ? i of course did'nt make alyah for a Mitswah . Hineh ma tov ou ma naiim schevet achim gam yachad ? Me'od na'im ! but i can't consider some of you to be my brother . You [ not you personaly , the charidim generally , there are exeptions ]only think that i'm your brother when they come to schnorren . You think i'm full of contradictions . You are not the person to whom i will explain the why of my behaviour . You are not a friend , relative or a person i know well . But you may believe me , i'm atheist and JEW from head to toe , even if i eat kosher at home , gave a Jewish education to my children [ full time from kindergarten to end of studies ] and do other things you would call religious . What i'm not doing ? praying , attending services at a synagogue , not even yom kippour . This is contrary to my way of life , and it would be a hypocrisy and a contradiction if i would go to a synagogue to pray .
160. #139 The joke is on you because you show how stupid you are
rachel ,   (09.06.07)
161. ha
aa ,   usa   (09.06.07)
162. 106 I have never used illegal drugs. I am what you call a
Rivkah   (09.06.07)
163. Jo Jo is silenced
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.06.07)
Why ? because he knows that i'm right .
164. G-d is visible, all you have to do is open your eyes!
Jo Jo   (09.06.07)
While it is certainly praiseworthy, there is not to my knowledge any explicit biblical commandment to be “responsible” for others, it is a rabbinic adage. Trying to make people more G-d aware is the duty of every Jew, and G-d chose the Jews for this task. That is the intrinsic essence of a Jew, so to call oneself a Jew and then deny G-d’s existence is a slap in His face. Better be just an atheist and leave the Jew bit out. Why maintain the connection with the Jewish bit? Now your have Jewish culture replaced by Israeli culture, just call yourself a secular Israeli. If you feel that by going to synagogue and all the other stuff will make you feel a hypocrite – well that’s your decision, you are exercising your free will. But your laxity in this respect is no reason to deny G-d as you so arrogantly do. I am perturbed by your admission that even on Yom Kippur you don’t attend synagogue. Jewish tradition teaches that during the high holy days it is precisely the time when one should behave more religiously EVEN if he feels this would be compromising his way of life and it make him feel a hypocrite. G-d wants us to show that even if we have no time for Him the rest of the year, on Yom Kippur we demonstrate that we still maintain that connection, however weak it may be. This is very important. To call oneself a Jew and to ignore this awesome day is vexing in the extreme!
165. Jo jo
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.06.07)
Not following god's laws the whole year , and then attend a service on yom kippour is hypocrisy . Why should you go to a synaguoge if you don't believe ? Yes i'm calling myself an ATHEIST JEW . Who are you [ not personally ] to define who is Jewish ? Why should i behave more religiously during the "high holydays" , i'm not behaving this way during the year , why should i do it now ? This would be HYPOCRISY , and i hate hypocrisy , from others , and would not tolerate it from myself . You say that calling myself a Jew , and deniing god's existance is a slap in his face . How can i give a slap to someone who does not exist for me ? and then , if you think so , that's your problem , not mine . I'll continue to call myself a secular atheist ISRAELI JEW , if you like it or not , but again , what you like or not , is not my problem , again , it's yours . You did'nt answer me on the mitswa to live in Israel , or is this not a mitswa for you ?
166. Hypocrisy = ATHEIST JEW
Jo Jo   (09.06.07)
My definition of Jew as one who believes in G-d is not MY definition but rather it stems from the very word itself: Jew comes from Judah. And Yehuda in Hebrew in Yud Hei – G-d’s name and Huda or Hodah – thanks. A Jew is one who recognises G-d in this world whether you like it or not. I take offence that someone like you should pose as a Jew and be far from it. As I said at the most you are “Biologically Jewish”, but that’s where I’m afraid it ends, my friend. I shall now refer to you as Charles the goy. It was G-d’s law that kept the Jewish people distinct throughout their long Diaspora – and you reject that this mechanism now serves any purpose because your beloved State of Israel has replaced G-d. You serve it, worship it, defend it. How sad.
167. Jo Jo , the anti Israeli
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.06.07)
Don't call me "my friend" . If for you hypocrisy = Atheist Jew , you don't know the meaning of hypocrisy nor Jew . Go to your synaguoge , pray your god , fast , you need it , because your life is one sin . If the Jewish people is there still today , it's certainly not only thanks to you and your alikes , it's mostly because Jews were rejected . Look what happens today , in your Galut , people accept Jews , and they assimilate . And Jo jo , you are not even this Joseph of chesterfield , you are worse . Yes , i have Israel , i don't need to be as your friends the Iran visitors . I wish you one thing for next year , that you become a MENSCH . You can call me how you want , your words have the same value as you have : 0
168. To Charles the goy
Jo Jo   (09.07.07)
Fine, if you claim I don’t know the meaning of the word Jew (my father was the president of our shul and built the mikveh in our town, and my great uncle was the chief rabbi of Ireland, my grandmother’s brother left Liverpool in the 1930’s to go to the famous Telz yeshiva in Lithuania, I myself attended yeshiva for 3 years and younger brother in studying in Jerusalem to become a rabbi) – I have given you my definition – you tell me what your definition of Jew is. Fat chance of that! All you will tell me is that you don’t have to explain to me – and I know why, because you are stuck, you want to call yourself a Jew but when it comes to what a Jew is, well, you’re not are you! Just anther half Jewish goy from Russia. In the days when the Jews were confined to the Ghettos, you are right, assimilation was much lower – but there were the ones who left their religious roots and escaped form the Ghetto and became Christian – (nobody was atheist in those days), i.e. give up on Jewish law and you became a non-Jew. In the Spanish Golden Age where the Jews were given freedom and treated nearly as equals under the Muslim rulers, was the assimilation then? No! And besides, you didn’t grasp what you yourself told me! Nowadays, precisely those who assimilate in the Galut are those who reject G-d’s law, i.e. the proof is MUCH STRONGER these days when the Jews have equality – IT IS ONLY THE TORAH THAT KEEP THEM DISTINCT: NO TORAH = NO JEW!!! You said it better than me!
169. Jo jo the non Jew and his fake genealogy , try # 3
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.07.07)
And even your story is true , you don't have any merit for it . To use your "nice rabbi" vocabulary , you just crawled out a womb of a woman who happened to be wed to this allegedly builder . What did you do by yourself ? 3 years yeshiva ? it did not avoid your using of nice goyish headings and vocabulary . It did not even make a Mensch of you , this would need many centuries . Now who is the Jew , this person called jo jo or a MENSCH , Charles . Your children living begalut , have more chance to assimilate than my 100 % Jewish kids and grandchildren . If one of my desendants would become religious , i will not reject him or her . If one of your desendants ,[ i'm sorry for them , such a father ] would become secular , you will certainly sit shiva for him , no ? It would be great if one of your descendants converted to christianity , i hope this . Other subject , what have you contributed to MY country ? What heve religious and charidi people contributed to the world ? NOTHING . Well i'm proud of the Jewish contribution to mankind .
170. Petach Tikva was established by the religious!!
Jo Jo   (09.10.07)
You are stereotyping people; there are religious people who accept that their kids go off and there are non-religious who isolate their kids if they become religious. I think it is disgusting of you to wish that my descendants should convert to Christianity. How can a “mentch” hope for such a calamity? I am really not sure where you are coming from – are you a messianic Jew? I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you have got a little tired of trying to answer me and have got irritated to the point that you wish for Jews to become non-Jews – and then you say that Israel is great b/c it stops assimilation. I think you’re a bit of a retard. You respond to my questions by saying “The reason is for me to know, for you to find out.” What a weak answer. That’s what nursery kids tell their friends when they have no convincing answer to rational questions.You then spurt out the usual anti-Semitic allegation that “what have Jews contributed to the world?” You are beginning to make me feel sick. You single out religious Jews – well, you need look no further than the very town in which you reside. Yes, Petack Tikva was founded by RELIGIOUS pioneers in the 1880s. So there you have it. You have and are constantly benefiting from the result of the religious contribution to Israel
171. Jo jo
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.10.07)
I wished you this conversion of a child because of your disgusting headings calling me a goy . You received the change of your money . Who spoke about mutilation instead of Brith Mila ? Who said "jewish style" makes me thinking of Charles ? and so on . Yes , there were religious people of Yeroushalaim who were the founders of my town , religious , how long did they stay so ? And what did they contribute in other fields ? they were mostly living on money received from abroad . What did they contribute to the independance war ? They even opposed the entry of a Palmach unit in Yeroushalaim who had fought very hard to bring them food . You don't enter the holy city on Shabbat , they said [ told me by one of the Palmachniks ] Religious people rejecting children who leave the religious way ? certainly , they do it , and sometimes even sit shiva . I know two such cases very well [ not the shiva sitting , this is done when a child converts to another faith ] Well can't you understand that a person can be Jewish without believing ? do you think that Seculars , in the same way as religious , don't belong to our people ? Can't you understand that a secular as i am , don't want his children to receive a [ costly begalut ] Jewish education ? Can't you imagine that a secular , begalut where civil wedding exist , also has a religious wedding performed by a Orthodox Rabbi . You will ask why ? To avoid any problems for my children . What have religious Jews contributed to the world ? this question makes you sick ? sorry , but this is the truth , they did'nt it . Secular Jews have contributed very much , much more than you can imagine [ you are not alone , most people are unaware of it ] to the world . Well Jo jo , i know that very Orthodox only wish Shana tova after "Neila" , but i do it now . So all the best for you and all those you love in the next , and those to follow , year
172. bigot
richard mycka ,   newburgh,usa   (10.15.07)
dati-leumi, Polish goyim ? you call yourself religious-zionist, what a lie, study, learn why be so stupid, study the UkranianHOLOCOST the Rusian HOLOCOST the Polish HOLOCOST We are all the children of GOD, you are a child of the devil
Eli ,   New York   (02.03.08)
They have more values in common with the religious zealots of Hamas than rational Israeli Jews, anyway. Maybe they could join forces to battle the true evils of the worlds such as secularism and women wearing pants.
174. Racist white guy.
Guy ,   New York, USA   (01.20.09)
Why so racist Ashkenazi? Where is the love?
175. white jews
Marly ,   London   (04.09.13)
All European people who are classified as Jews converted no earlier then 740 AD in kaiser we they have no history or relationship with the faith before, and as there is no Jewish race but a people who would lead the world to believe that they are some chosen people of god? Even the Moses thing received the tablet on a mountain? Which white person had come down from the Caucuses mountains? The oldest bones found in Israel where of black descent.
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