Ramon offers Palestinians broad West Bank pullout
Nahum Barnea
Published: 07.09.07, 11:35
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61. Olmert needs a deal so he can move out from Israel
Nigel ,   London, UK   (09.07.07)
It is time to get rid of Olmert and his puppy Ramon. They hope to make a secrete deal and tell Jews: that is all we get and Bush needs it because the next 3 months he has other problems.
62. #59 AK
Eynav Benjamin ,   stormville ny USA   (09.07.07)
Because they are liberals and liberalism is the ideology of the stupid. Liberals would put their liberalism ahead of their country and their religion. And that is why most of them are atheists.
63. Insanity
Martin ,   Boston, USA   (09.08.07)
For every person who cares about the survival of Israel and the Jewish people, Dr. Kenneth Levin's book "The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege" is a must-read. A delusion is a distorted perception of reality which can not be changed even when confronted with facts or by rational argument. Afflicted Jews have been known to deny their Jewishness, convert to other faiths, or become so deranged that they become some of the most vicious anti-Semites in history; Naom Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe to name a few. The common thread of this delusional psychosis is an individual under siege from external forces over which they have no control. Like an abused child who has no control over its abusing parents, the Jew under siege has no real control over the hatred of the Jew-baiters. Realizing that they have no control over their tormentors lead to despair. Some Jews, like the abused child, actually accept and internalize the indictments of their tormentors and delude themselves into thinking that by coming up with the right concessions, they can stop the abuse. This delusion wards off despair by giving the deluded the belief that they are in control of their own destiny. Israel is under siege to Arab rejectionism and pervasive Arab Jew-hatred. The reality is that peace will not come until the Arabs decide it is time. Israel has no control whatsoever over that decision. Some Israelis, unable to cope with that reality, delude themselves into thinking that they do have control and if they can just come up with the right combination of concessions to the Palestinians they will succeed in stopping the siege and achieve peace. The Kadima party was established on the basis of just such a delusion which afflicts the current government of Israel and most of those who voted for it. It is an extremely dangerous psychosis which leads to self-destructive behavior as the deluded refuse to accept that their efforts are in vain and they continue to try harder and harder to appease their tormentors until there is nothing more for them to give. When Olmert is more concerned about “collective punishment” of the enemy than the collective punishment the enemy is inflicting on Sderot, this is clear proof of his psychotic delusional state. When the foreign minister is more concerned about the potential “humanitarian crisis” among the Jew-haters of Gaza if their electricity is cut off than she is about the existing humanitarian crisis of the Jews in Sderot, this is clear proof of how seriously she is afflicted. Like any psychotic, the delusional have no insight into their disease and act out on their delusions as, often with disastrous consequences to themselves and others. Some of the afflicted will even lash out and attack those who confront them with facts or try to reason with them. The rational understand that the only way to make the enemy give up the siege is by convincing them that they will never succeed. This can only be done by inflicting unbearable pain on the enemy and not through unilateral concessions. Israel can not ever get tired of winning as long as necessary. Cutting off the electricity and other utilities to Gaza needed by the Jew-killers there to make their bombs and missiles would be a good start. This would convey the message that attacking Israel will result in ever-increasing pain. Israelis who do not suffer from this delusion must act immediately to remove the psychotic from positions of power and replace them with people possessed of a firm grip on reality. So long as the government of Israel remains in the control of the delusional, the prognosis for Israel’s survival is, God forgive me, grim indeed.
64. agree with 60... its time to start protesting hard..
mish ,   tlv   (09.07.07)
time to take it to the streets...
65. Unthinkable suggestions!!! - This government should kindly
Helene ,   Israel   (09.07.07)
step down. (Please!)
66. Who is this thug to give away OUR Jewish Land!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (09.07.07)
We need new elections now and we need to punish the current regime. Prison is too good for them.
67. My wish for Rosh Hashanah-a PLAN for survival
Brooke   (09.08.07)
Please Israel--somebody---name the place, date and time and amass into the streets. Post it in all the newspaper tlakbacks, blogs radio etc. Somebody ---Glick, Feiglin--anybody--just start and I KNOW you will see a miracle start to swell and a momentum that will be awe inspiring. Pass a petition at the demonstrations that states no more Land for Peace deals--that is the mandate of the people. Insist in this same petition that the destruction of the Temple Mount stop now and the Antiquities Authority will now control it. The US stopped the Immigration Acts but inundating their politicians with emails, phone calls and mass demonstrations. Isn't there a lawyer who can call for an injunction and make a case that giving away any past of Israel is NOT why the government was voted in and they promised a public referendum---there must be some law that forces the politicians to honour the wishes of the majority of the electorate. Theh investigate the money trail. Who is paying off Olmert, Peres, Livni & Co to destroy Israel's Jewish identity and her very existence. Civil wars have been launched for much less.G-d helps those who help themselves. Please Israel rise up and save yourselves from your political traitors--this could be your last chance! I pray Hashem sends you the leaders and courage to act NOW!!
DAN ,   USA   (09.08.07)
Who the hell is he to give away land. Israel like the U.S. is being run by people who only know how to appease, which surely leads to defeat.
69. A land corridor ?!
redmiike ,   tel aviv   (09.08.07)
A land corridor between Gaza and the West Bank! What for? Gaza and the West Bank were never united and don't even have a common people. Hamas is nicely locked up in a cage like all mad dogs should be and hopefully Egypt will end up getting Gaza. The plan doesn't have a hope because even moderate Israelis would take to the streets to prevent it. A deal with Mazen? He's powerless. The talks are just hype, two losers (Olmert and Mazen) pretending that they're effective. - Mike
70. Hogwash, no solution without ROR
Salameh ,   Gaza, Palestine   (09.08.07)
Our rught of return is something we will NEVER abandon, our fathers did not cede it, we don't condone it and neither will our children, so without going back to our homes, this region will never see peace.
71. Prepare for WAR. With Ramon and Olmert getting ready to give
Rachel ,   Tel Aviv   (09.08.07)
Palis control of part of Jerusalem and the WB, the terror state's birth cannot be too far away.
72. # 70 Salameh
Sagi ,   israel   (09.08.07)
You are dead right in what you say,"without going back to our homes there will be no peace'. So please go back to your homes and stop talking about it. Just get up and go to Hejaz and Huran and Masr. These are your homes and well you know it.
73. Be sure ,
charles ,   petach tikva   (09.08.07)
they won't accept it . We have'nt to do anything . Ramon has proposed , but they , as always , will miss this opportunity as they always did . And to our "friends" abroad , before writing , try to be informed , and not only by "israel national news"
74. #70
yes, uyou will have the right of your newly created state of palestine. you won't have the right to return and squat on any inch of land that was never yours in the first pace by nationality, by history and by religion.
75. So where is Khalid from Aza?
sk ,   USA   (09.09.07)
Ever notice than when one of these guys gets clobbered, he suddenly dissappears on a item, only to reappear elsewhere and make the same debunked statements?
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