'End Arab anti-Semitism'
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 02.10.07, 22:55
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61. #57, because it is a way of not answering the question
Danny   (10.03.07)
62. lol cmon khalid get real yourself for once
I can say that the arabs invaded all the way to spain in the past. And it didn't take long for every distinct non-moslem to become exterminated or assimilated. There are very few exceptions left. There are few true egyptians left. And you know perfectly well what has been going on for years. the claims you mentioned in 36? what were they? The bible cant be verified in archeology? ?Actually habib there are a number of places where it can be. But your book is so full of plagerism and lies that I wouldn't even know where to begin debunking oh and golda was right, palis are arabs, you know it and I know it. You maybe the unwanted cousin but your still family. lol
63. #53
jack bauer   (10.03.07)
I thought that after the phoenicians fell they became the carthaginians over in the areas around tunisia. ? could be wrong i guess. I do remember the NG article though. I can recall crusader, arab, and phoenicians dna being found in that lebanese test study.
64. Joe from LA makes a good case
jack bauer   (10.03.07)
well done mate, I had never thought of that before(the ham connection) But thinking it over, it does make sense. But seeds thrown on rocky soil will wither and die. So I suspect that even if you could prove beyond any doubt through dna sequences that palis are indeed arab, and show exactly who/where it is in the geneology It wouldn't matter the victim mentality that almost all moslems seem to carry would mean it is all a plot of those eeevil jooooos
65. #56 Marcel, Here are a few of those words that you may want
jason ,   USA   (10.03.07)
to pay attention to. Proverbs 15:1 A SOFT answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up ANGER. 2.The tongue of the wise utters knowledge RIGHTLY , but the mouth of the self-confident fool SPEWS out FOLLY. 4. A gentle tongue with its healing and mending power is a tree of life, but WILLFULL CONTARINESS in the tongue breaks down the spirit. 7. The lips of the wise speak with knowledge, not so the minds and heart of the corrupt self-confident fool. And the 12th verse is a perfect picture of you when you use hate filled cutting words and someone tries to reach out to you and asks you to please stop your vengence-----12 A SCORNER has NO love for one who rebukes him, neither will he receive wise counsel. And here is the best one of them all, 18-A HOT TEMPERED MAN stirs up STRIFE, but he who is solw to ANGER doesn't take part in CONTENTION. I hope these are words are enough to meet approval. And they don't come from a wimpy mans rule, they come from one who is more MIGHTY and POWERFUL than you & I could ever think of being. Accept this, reject this, it's your choice. But for sure it's the Word of God, and we all know the consequenses of rejecting it.
66. antismitism might mean: look out! here's Jewish racism
no smoke without fire
67. #65 Jason and Carl, Thank you!!!
Canadian Otter   (10.04.07)
68. #65 Oh my gosh jason, you are my new found hero. That is ab-
solutely brilliant!! ,   Tamar migdal Israel   (10.04.07)
69. # 65 Jason
Marcel ,   Florida   (10.04.07)
Thanks for the scripture. If I were speaking out against Adolph Hitler and warning others of his dangerous agenda during hte early days ,you would most likely accuse me of the same things you accuse me of now. There is something evil about the silence of so many when they stand with an evil man who arrogantly divides the Land of Israel and rewards Isl;amic terrorists. I am glad to have clearly seperated myself from those who give a wink and a pass to an evil man who masquerads as Israel's prince of Peace. Contention and strife you do not lay at the feet of the one who divides Israel because you are decieved. He is a man of peace to you ,decieved one and as Jesus warned ,you the very elect are decieved. Embrace your soft spoken wolf in sheeps costume and suffer with him forever. But for sure it's the Word of God, and we all know the consequenses of rejecting it.
70. And what would Israel do in exchange for...
Persian CAT   (10.04.07)
all those things that the Arabs have been asked to do? Why do these US politicians think the Arabs give a shit about what Schumer and Graham think?
71. #45 you said it ...."The dream of millions of Muslims
Rachel ,   usa   (10.04.07)
around the world is to wipe israel off the map "..... you seem to really know how the arabs really feel about jews.....Should Israel trust Crazies like that ?....Lets stop the crap about amnesty international ,and human right watch .....we know very well how they feel ........
72. #48 WHAT BULL
rachel ,   usa   (10.04.07)
73. #60 you are so passive agressive .....marcel can speak the
rachel ,   usa   (10.04.07)
way he wants.....
74. Correction needed
Ahmed K ,   Lebanon   (10.04.07)
A proof of how uneducated Americans are including their leaders. American senators request that Arabs should end anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli incitement. How naive that is... Arabs are Semitic people and whether you like it or not they have smiliar genes like the Jews. Arabs CAN NOT be Anti-semitic because they can NOT BE against themselves... SO cut the BS and accept the fact. Yes, you can request that Arabs to be Anti-Israel, But that is also impossible because Arabs are against terrorism and Israel is terrorism. Israel is an apartheid country based on sectarian ruling by Jews and ONLY jews.. SO how do you expect someone to be inferior in a country in the 21st century? Israel as a apartheid can not survive and can not be accepted as is... Become a civilized and open country then Arabs will accept it. I believe you will not post this comments as my previous comments were never published. I challenge Ynet to post this comments
75. Exactly what have the arabs been asked to do?
Micha   (10.04.07)
i haven't seen much. if Jews controlled the UN, why is everything coming up anti-Israel. Answer: arab oil money. saudi arabia. Jews are a minority in the world. The arab world projects every bit of evil from its soul onto the Jewish people. The arabs want what they purport the Jews have. Is it not clear to everybody?
76. #73 And we can respond to Marcel anyway that WE want!!
Whether YOU like ,   it or NOT. Israel   (10.04.07)
77. #69 Actually you don't warn others. You simply tell us how u
hate GW. Big ,   difference. Jason   (10.04.07)
78. Anti-jewish is what most people mean
by anti-semitic. It's a matter of semantics. Muslims are the most anti-jewish people and this is down to jealousy pure and simple. The fact that we are G-d's chosen people really do stick in their throat and they just don't get it. G-d does not have "chosen" people my Muslim colleague tells me. I just smile and tell him one day he will know the truth which has eluded him and millions so far. We are chosen to be ohr l'goyim, a Light unto the Nations for those who don't know.
79. 74 - you won a BIG victory ahmed
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (10.04.07)
if you bother to notice that everyone's comments, no matter how banal, are posted. actually, arabs can be anti-semitic. they can be the worst. anti-semitism is anti-jewish because of it's use, not the actual etymology of the word. those in the "labor" political party often have no history or interest in actual labor, as the dictionary describes the word "labor", but that does not mean that they are anti-labor. no, it is what the word has become to mean in a certain context that gives "labor" and "anti-semitism" its meaning. even jews can be anti-semitic, but that doesn't mean anything other than what the term is used as meaning. just because arabs are semites means nothing with regard to anti-semitism in this context. take a courses in linguistics and you'll be surprised how languages and words evolve, and how meanings of words sometimes are determined by the context in which they are used, as well as the evolution of the definition of a word that becomes attached to it over time despite the word's original meaning. if you don't believe me, do a study on the word "gay".
80. The Two most dangerous women in the world
ilana   (10.04.07)
Condi and Hillary. Both babbling puppets of dangerous powerful Arab countries and the EU
81. #73 Who is "WE"
rachel ,   usa   (10.04.07)
82. #74 - Ahmed, isn't freedom of speech and the press GREAT?!?!
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (10.04.07)
You really get the star treatment here with Western media! No censoring, no secret police, no Syrians (or Palestinians) trying to kill you after you speak your mind... I could just go on and on!! Let me debunk your claims one by one, ok? Claim 1: Arabs are Semites. It's nice to know you've completely disregarded all my posts on the matter, namely numbers 6, 32 & 55! Do everybody a favor: read THEN think THEN open your mouth next time you post. Claim 2: Israel is terrorism. Israelis don't strap bombs to their chests and walk into pizzerias filled with children and the elderly. Israelis don't purposely build military installations in the middle of urban areas to maximize non-combatant casualties. Israelis don't refuse to disarm militias in their midst hell-bent on destroying their neighbors. These are all the actions of Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah and the Lebanese government. Look up the definition of terrorist and don't be surprised if they show a picture of YOU. Claim 3: Israel is an apartheid country. ANYBODY CAN BECOME JEWISH. As far as apartheidism goes, Lebanon, with its quotas of which roles must be filled by Christians and which must be filled by Muslims, is MUCH more apartheidist in its governmental policies. Let's not even begin to talk about Jordan, Syria or Egypt... Claim 4: Israel is neither a civilized nor an open country. How many gay pride parades have there been in Beirut? The same number that have taken in place in Damascus, Cairo, Mecca and Baghdad combined: 0. Israel doesn't cut people's hands off for stealing. Israel doesn't decapitate homosexuals. Israel doesn't kidnap soldiers. Israel doesn't force women to cover their heads for the sake of "modesty". What has Lebanon contributed to this world? Hezbollah. Israelis developed the first cell phone. Think about it...
83. #74 and you show proof of how uneducated
rachel ,   usa   (10.05.07)
you are
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