Culture  Sports
Beitar Jerusalem fans chant Yigal Amir's name
Adi Sardas
Published: 05.11.07, 10:00
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86 Talkbacks for this article
61. Yariv Oppenheimer
Joe ,   USA   (11.05.07)
Sorry pal, but if you enjoy your democatic rights you have to put up with opinions that are detestable.
62. Terry , and others
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.05.07)
Oslo was an error and brought miseries to us ? How would the situation have been without Oslo ? Do you think peacefully ? do you think without intifafda ? Do you think that our situation would have been better ? I'm not sure at all . Do you remember this great optimism here and worldwide after signing those accords at the white house ? Was'nt a masjority of Israelis in favor of it ? Were we not sure that we could begin thinking of a life without murders , suicide bombers and so on ? Now you can say it was wrong , that's easy , but did you gave or have another solution ? To Steve # 54 : were was our Maker as you write , during the Shoah ?
63. Free speech defenders
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.05.07)
Will you also allow a Shoah denier to tell what he wants in name of "free speech" ? There are limits to this free speech in EVERY democratic country . Regarding those betar fans , they are also insulting African players , it happened some time ago .
64. #58 Ari
Michael ,   Haifa   (11.05.07)
I would like to hope that I am less rabid than your friends in Beitar Yerushalayim, and that does not require medication
65. # 63 Charles
Joe ,   USA   (11.05.07)
I believe it is immoral for European governments to imprison people like David Irving for highly highly debateable ideas. I don't understand people like you who are comfortable with the idea of the government taking action against individuals for simply expressing themselves.
66. I love BETAR
yigal ,   tel aviv   (11.05.07)
Great Job
67. To nr 56, Michael in Haifa.
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (11.05.07)
Good evening. There are two of your standpoints that I don't understand. 1) One, being expressing favorable sentiments for Rabin. Based on what? 2) The second assumption being that Bush "has harmed mankind". Would you like to elaborate on that? Alexander - New Conservative Republican.
68. Here is what Israel should do in order to improve the..
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (11.05.07)
...quality of life, safety, security and well being in Israeli society: 1.) Defeat Iran's nuclear ambitions through a military operation. 2.) Making Israeli Arabs and "Palestinians" leave Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza. 3.) Defeating Syria, Lebanon, Hizbollah, Hamas, PLO and extreme Israeli left wingers( and ban them from Israel) 4.) Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. The Christians have the Vatican and the Muslims have Mecca and Medina and we Jews have the old city of Jerusalem - an exclusive Jewish domain. Denying Jews exclusive rights to Jerusalem is anti-Semitism. 5.) Democracy is commendable, but we need to stabilize it and prevent governments falling apart every 2nd or 3rd year due to small parties' reluctance to stay in the coalition, so we need to raise the per cent treshhold for allowing parties into the Knesset. I suggest 10% or 15%. 6.) In order to create a state apparatus of high quality, we need to render it more effective: lower bureaucracy, minimize the political and financial power of state authorities and hand over the major part of the powers to a strong civil society with a free market economy. The Free Market will set the agenda for Israelis - not bureacrats in Jerusalem. 7.) Transform Israel from a Parliamentary Democracy into a Presidential Democracy with a Constitution, stating the EXACT rights, freedom and obligations of Israeli citizens. Merge the Powers of the Head of State and Head of Government into one office: the President of Israel. 8.) Allow civil marriage as an alternative to Orthodox marriage for those who wish. 9.) Lower taxes and minimize state intervention in the economy. 10.) Introduce capital punishment. 11.) Allow Israelis to bear firearms - the right to live and the right to defend yourself is fundamental. 12.) Use strong, hard and harsh methods against criminality.
69. CAN U IMAGiNE......
Jewish CANADIAN ,   Toronto   (11.05.07)
For a SECOND Dallas fans cheering Lee Harvey Oswald??There is a sickness among the Israeli right that is truly sickening.They are a far greater threat then any palestniant Leftt unchecked they will destroy Israel
70. Michael, Airhead in Haifa,
Ari   (11.05.07)
I never said anything about my friends in beitar yerushalayim. Had you asked me about them I would have told you that 1) I am a beitarnik and 2) I do not agree with that language. The question still stands; are you taking medication to suppress that rabid gush shalom fanatical left wing extremist mouth of yours?
71. Ynet must be suprised at the support Yigal is getting
Tell us the truth how many Talkbacks in support of Yigal (not the Killer) you ignored ??? A lot of people trust Chamish more than Peres and Olmert
72. Let's talk about what rabin did to the country
jason white ,   afula,israel   (11.05.07)
How many dead from his oslo death accords. Bringing legitimacy to arafat and his murderous terrorists. Arming the terrorist and bringing them here. The list goes on.rabin is to blame for this along with peres and their stooges. There should be no freedom of speech to the leftists.
73. I would like to elaborate on point 68
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (11.05.07)
I would like to see a mucher higher level of individualism and personal initiative and more Conservatism and more Family Values in Israel. But, I also would like to adopt a mentality in Israel: "Everyone leaves everyone else alone." Helping people in danger, yes that is indeed commendable and contributing to Israel scientifically, technologically, economically, culturally and morally is commendable as well but it is equally commendable to show a higher degree of tolerance for individuality in Israel and not forcing people to join this and that specific political party, label or "group" or "concept". If religious people don't like secular people - fine, they don't have to, but don't impose religious views or lifestyle on secular people, and if secular people don't like religious people - fine, they don't have to, but don't impose secular views or lifestyle upon religious people. But, no matter if we are dealing with religious or secular Israelis, they HAVE TO BE JEWS/ISRAELIS and 100% LOYAL TO ERETZ ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH/ISRAELI PEOPLE and they have to serve the army. And one additional point: if Israelis want money they have to work. Social allowance should be paid ONLY to sick, old and/or disabled people. But, if people are healthy and simply lack motivation and show no interest in studying, working and making money, those Israelis should not be given a single agorot. If there is a God, He gave people brains to think with and arms and legs to live and work.
74. Bigots
ussishkin ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (11.05.07)
Every nation has its bigots - ours are currently lead by Beitar Yerushalayim - cheer on friarim.
75. Israeli pride
Michael ,   Miami   (11.05.07)
At least there are a few proud Israelis who will not give in to the atheistic/leftism that is destroying Israel. I am now a Bietar fan. Rabin's death was truly a tragedy for his family, not a tragedy for the continued existence of Israel. Who did kill Rabin?
76. But when Leftis praise terrorists, not a peep! (n/m)
diamond ,   USA   (11.05.07)
77. Another suggestion to many Israelis out there...
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (11.05.07)
I think that our country has become obsessed with labels and names such as "left" and "right", as if we were dealing with Marsians and humans or two separate nations and civilizations. Some people out there also seem to believe that it is a "competition" or "gamble" or "game" for glory and honour by stating either extreme left wing views and extreme right wing views, as if there is no inherent value or background of these political opinions besides receiving "respect" or "admiration" of others. These kind of people are commiting two fundamental mistakes: 1.) Their opinions are not based on their true individual values, feelings, priorities or the concept of morality vs immorality or good vs wrong. Instead, they abandon their personal opinions and become tools in a childish mudslinging across the political parties and left wing media and right wing media. 2.) Keeping your happiness in the hands of others will 100% guaranteed make you miserable and unhappy, because you don't take responsibility for your own happiness. Instead of speaking like obsessed morons about "left", "right", "up", "down", "forward", "backwards" or "center", we should speak of RIGHT vs WRONG. We are deling with humans and human nature and priorities, simple, concrete and very real issues in our world. I don't particularly care whether people in Israel view me as "left" or "right". Judging by my opinions and values, people would no doubt label me as "right wing", but telling you the truth - I don't care. I have a strong sense of RIGHT vs WRONG and my personal values and feelings guide me - not polls taken recently in newspapers or shifts in the opinion. I have had the same opinions all my life. I wish more Israelis would share my view of Israel - minding your own business and being your own man.
78. Alexander #68: Are you a libertarian?
Steve ,   US   (11.06.07)
Take this short quiz. Please let me know how you come out:
79. Hi Steve, nr 68
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (11.06.07)
I think I have stated more than once in my articles that I am Conservative and that's exactly the outcome of the test that you suggested I should take. You asked: "Alexander #68: Are you a libertarian?" My answer is: "No,I am not a Libertarian, I am a Conservative." Now it's my turn to ask a question: Who are you, what do you want and what is the purpose to your question?
80. Ari #70
Michael ,   Haifa   (11.06.07)
Reading your responses, it is clear that you are rather foul-mouthed and offensive. I rather think that you are beyond medication, but you could try washing your mouth with soap and water.
81. to 71 no surprise, only zionists read this site.
82. Funny How Yidiot Puts this in Culture & Lifestyle
ys ,   Israel   (11.06.07)
as if to minimize the situation at hand. The people are speaking and you can't silence the deafening roar.
83. The purpose, background and foundation of human society...
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (11.07.07) to create for humans a territory in nature, and in this territory people have created a system of cooperation to enhance, strenghten and improve quality of life and standard of living - that is why people trade products and services, that is why people abandoned the neolithic ahe and became farmers and thaty is why people want safety and security - they want law and order, peace and maximizing their freedom and rights. That is the purpose to a state and the civil society. Now, states can be different. Some states like Israel and most European states and Japan, China and South Korea are nation states, whereas states as USA, Latin American states, most Asian and African states are multicultural states. In order for a nation to survive on a long term basis, it needs some kind of direction, it needs a purpose or an identity. It also needs to strenghten itself demographically, territorially, strategically, militarily, economically, scientifically and technologically in order to maximize its power and influence in the world. Forget philosophical and political terms as "realist" and "idealist" approach. There is no "realist" or "idealist" "approach" - there is just reality, facts and human nature. Put in this context, it is indeed a malicious policy of Israel to let the Arab enemy stay in Israel, Judea, Gaza and Samaria and it is even more malicious to hand over land to the enemy. Given the fact that Rabin embarked upon a suicidal policy, many Israelis rightfully hated/disliked him and still hate/dislike him. In their eyes, Rabin was dismantling our nation - and he was. May the Israeli people choose a wise "right wing" leader that will deal with Israel's problems once and for all.
84. Dang, soccer yobs
Ricky ,   N Brunswick NJ USA   (11.07.07)
They seem to be ubiquitous. Fans of sports are often dumb and boorish, particularly when it comes to sports of the football variety (rugby, gridiron, soccer, Aussie Rules, Gaelic, mob, etc., and perhaps even basketball). Why not try growing up for a change? It would work wonders in the world of sports. oh yeah, and Yitzhak Rabin wasn't all that bad, and neither was Amir before he went out and did something really stupid, such as murdering a national leader.
85. To #8 - re: Oswald
Ricky ,   n brunswick nj usa   (11.07.07)
The reaction would probably be some protesting, yeah, and a lot of jokes about the "grassy knoll" and silly conspiracy theories. ("Oh no! Major League Baseball used a bat shaped gun to kill Kennedy!")
86. to number 68
ricky ,   New Jersey, America   (11.07.07)
Very American and Republican of you. Maybe we should start expanding political parties to other countries like the Arabs did Ba'ath.
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