Jewish Scene
70% of ultra-Orthodox men don't work
Published: 12.11.07, 00:09
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123 Talkbacks for this article
61. Ynet should shut down the comment freakshow.
Shuki   (11.12.07)
While amusing, the level of psychological pathology displayed in these comments is astounding. It adds nothing to the conversation and if I was an advertiser I'd be loathe to have my company's name anywhere near this dreck!
62. Takbacks for this page
Umm Danny ,   Israel   (11.12.07)
YNET moderators/ supervisors, where the hell are you? The hate messages, personal attacks and low-level of dialog on these talkbacks is a disgrace. Get back on the job!!!
63. #57 No wonder the Orthodox question your conversion.
Dov   (11.12.07)
Were you converted by a Reform or Conservative Rabbi?
64. #55 Look with different eyes (focus) (2nd try)
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (11.12.07)
When building Khizqiyahu's Tunnel, there were two groups of tunnelers, each working from the opposite end with the aim of meeting in the middle. They did and it's still considered a marvel of engineering today. There are a significant number of moderate Jews who embrace logic, historical documentation, archeology and science, have respect for Torah, perhaps even for its authority, but are averse to identifying with the Orthodox; I think largely because of ultra-Orthodox fanaticism, fabulizations, superstitions, and subordinating the more important teachings of Torah to obsessive-compulsive focus on minutiae championed by too many rabbis. Their simplistic notion of holiness reduces to "I observe more rabbinic minutiae than you therefore I'm holier than you." On the other side, there are a significant number of Orthodox Jews who struggle to prevail as moderate and modern thinkers in harmony with logic, historical documentation, archeology and science. It seems to me that perhaps the two are each beginning to hear the tappings of the others' hammers? If Charles and I can break through then who can consider it impossible? We should rejoice. "How joyous this has become!" Glean out the rantings of the homosexuals, idolaters and various goyim. That is the irrelevant noise of the enemies outside of the city. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
65. #59 Sinful or simply violating the brainwash rules?
Josh   (11.12.07)
Lashon Harah is supposedly based on the story of the report about fortified cities and giants. It was not the report that was the sin, it was the lack of belief that with G-d's help Israel could defeat such an ominous enemy. What was learned is that the report was in fact true and Israel was defeated, mainly because G-d was no longer with them. The people did not trust in their relationship with G-d. The use of Lashon Harah to silence opposition is parallel to the Christian cry of blasphemy or the Muslim cry of infidel. It is an attempt to silence any and all opposition by making thoughtful objection equal to murder and therefore punishable as such. I have seen may people the subject of reheloot and few have been damaged as one is that is murdered. It is brainwash propaganda. I wont fall for it nor will I succumb to such witch hunt tactics. Surely calling one to account under Torah is NOT lashon harah, but rather required by Torah. You shall be a nation of judges. Rabbis must abide by the laws and when they don't they should be held accountable. How much more accountable should they be than one who doesn’t lead? It is the jeopardy of souls that should make them more accountable and more questioned, rather than as you would like, above questioning. They after all have taken upon themselves the task of shepparding G-d’s sheep and they will pay the price as the prophets explain should they chose to continue misleading Israel and leaving sheep outside (converts and secular). It is brainwashed to believe that they should not be scrutinized or that they are g-d like.
66. #64 You and Charles
Josh   (11.12.07)
"If Charles and I can break through then who can consider it impossible?" Your both worshipping Jesus and pretending to be Jews at different parts of the spectrum. One pretends to be a Halcha expert and the other an atheist Jew. I believe neither of you are what you represent. Since you both claim not to be Christians and for the sake at getting at the truth - I challenge you both to prove you don't worship Jesus by posting "Jesus is not my Savior, my G-d nor the Messiah". Will you prove what you claim is the truth and will you do it without wordplay?
67. 64 Tunnelers followed an existing fissure in the rock
rob   (11.12.07)
A channel already there, only it had to be enlarged. How do you think the water flowed before? Surely you know that, or are you twisting facts to your own purpose by trying to pretend that you and Charles have anything in common, other than the country you both immigrated to and the fact you are both male? You are a dangerous person, witnessed by the fact that you talk with such platitudes, yet there is enough error in what you say to qualify you as either deeply disturbed or a dime-a-dozen fraudster who can't find connection with life outside his tightly controlled set of rules you define as "logic" that only the "enlightened" can understand. Actually you sound more like a wild-eyed cult leader than anything else. Nice try, but your weak attempt at an analogy fails miserably.
68. When Will We See A Headline:
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (11.12.07)
"90% of Non-Observant Jews Do Not Learn and Practice Torah"?
69. @65 Josh
ben ,   singapore   (11.12.07)
You carry on judging the rabbis and also carry on with your idea that it is brainwashed to believe that ......they are g-d like. da daa daa...! ( as you have stated above in your postings ) We know our jews well especially the ultra- ort jews/ rabbis. If they sinned let them be judged by Malik not by you or me. Do not place ultimate trust in your own abilities. Everything you are and have is conditioned and conditional. Nothing is forever; except the One Who Is. Refuge , peace, harmony-are all found not in having but in being; not in playing god but in realizing that G-d is playing you ! You are victim of your own delusion. The report is a fair comment- be as it may- but i not going to join you and run the good rabbis down the street. A good mans blessing goes with him where ever he goes. that also includes the blessings for the ultra- rabbis. As for you who belittle them you have your share of the pie. in my opinion i see this report as a social commetary but not lashon. but you seems to have committed both and it is all posted well by you. Check it out with your pastor or priest ! You are an xtian- so be it !but refrain from castigating my people. I hope you undwerstand the verocity and gravity of belittling the servants of the Lrd G-d Of Yisrael ! Without apology ben singapore
70. To #45 Dov and #26 Charles
Besalel ,   Kew Gardens, NY   (11.12.07)
Dov, Zevulun and Yissachar is a beautiful relationship but on the Yissachar side, in Israel today you have so many people who are not fit to learn every day and they in fact are not learning torah but wasting time. On the Zevulun side, it is not individual workers supporting torah learning but the tax payers of Israel who did not choose to enter into this relationship. Charles, In the USA an overwhelming majority of Hareidim work. Both men and women work. Although this lazy concept of not working has crept into our society a little bit as well.
71. 48 AnonyMOUSE: I am loved by the only man that counts: GOD.
Rivkah   (11.12.07)
I am loved by the only man whose love lasts: GOD. I am loved by the only man who can comfort me after death: GOD. Most human men do not appreciate what GOD loves in a woman.
72. Josh
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.12.07)
Not everybody is so hatefull as you are . I can agree on some points with Paqid , i can respect other honest believers , look at this LNT or more My friend Abel Shoni . We are far from believing the same things , but why not respect each other ? this is of course an unknown word for you , a rot disgusting dishonest bipede . I asked you , but you this dishonest guy , did'nt answer : where did you take that i'm a Christian ? and what are you , exept a nothing rejected rot disgusting non Jewish bipede ?
73. Paqid
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.12.07)
By writing : in the way it is told i mean that i can't accept ביד חזקה , and so on . I have seen a great documentary explaining the possible reason of the "splitting" of the sea after the Exodus from Egypt . Certainly more to believe , for me , than this what is written in the Torah , and thereafter in the Haggadah . Now , even we can agree on some points , i still have great doubts regarding your true belief . I still await an answer on my questions . If you forgot them : why do you need to add Israeli Orthodox Jew ? why did your site have "Ministry of absorption" as heading ? Thanks for correcting my English
74. #68 YNet would be too embarrassed to post such an article
Joseph P. ,   Jerusalem   (11.12.07)
But can I ask you how it's possible to have 10% of non-observant Jews who learn and practice Torah?
75. The usual women-bashers are in hiding?
Global Citizen ,   Israel   (11.12.07)
Those who love to say Jewish women are lazy are apparently laying low about the #s in this article. Of course, they don't include all the volunteer work these mothers of millions also do while the men are sitting on their a_ses or visiting whorehouses on the citizen's shekel.
76. Rivkah , read # 52
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.12.07)
Of course , nobody wanted you , so you think that an unexisting god will love you . Poor old rejected woman
77. Besalel
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.12.07)
Thanks for your info . In my birth country it was the same , they had to work too , some were making a good living , a very good even . But they deserve this money
78. To #40
95% of beggars go door to door dressed as haredi because 95% of people who GIVE to beggars are Haredi.
79. #72 Charles
LNT ,   USA   (11.13.07)
Thank you Charles for confirming that we are respecting each other's beliefs. I feel the same way and appreciate you stating it. I am baffled at how Josh keeps calling you a closet Christian because I can't find one post that remotely backs up that statement. In fact, it seems that anyone who may not be thinking as he does is called the opposite of what they claim to be. I believe that you are exactly what you say you are: a Jewish atheist. I'm not exactly sure what Josh He a devout religious Jew or are their many different religious sects as there is in Christianity? That matters because I know for sure that in Christianity there are many sects that I DO NOT agree with at all and just because we are all labeled "Christian" that doesn't make it true. I'd rather just be called a follower of Jesus Christ because the word Christian has been perverted into something that doesn't even resemble Christianity.
80. Charles, Josh and Abel
LNT ,   USA   (11.13.07)
I have posts to you on the other article we were writing on yesterday if you care to respond, I'll be on later. Greetings.
81. Paqid Re: your post #17
Little Miss Muffett ,   Sitting on a Tuffett   (11.13.07)
I'm confused. I went to your web site once long ago, and I thought it said you don't work and instead your wife supports you. If that's true, isn't it the pot calling the kettle black for you to criticize men who study and don't hold down a regular job? Also, I have to say that I found your web site to be mind-bogglingly confusing.
82. #73 Charles (1 of 2) (2nd try)
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (11.13.07)
This morning I discovered that Ynet hadn't posted the following 2 responses to your questions that I posted last night. One of my books (The Mirrored Sphinxes) documents plausible scientific explanations for the entire series of events in the Yetziyah. That is what is written in Torah. What you seem to be rejecting are medieval (and more primitive) interpretations. Perhaps through lack of familiarity with the text, you seem to be confusing Torah with Haggadah and commentary. I didn't answer your questions because, in the past, your response has been to slander and call me a liar. With that outcome, why would I answer? What would be the point? Assuming this won't be the case now, I sign-off as an Israeli Orthodox Jew because that's what I am and I think every adult male should sign-off with exactly who they are and a 2-3 word description of their religious and national, perhaps also political orientation so that all tb-ers can instantly know if a comment or opinion is coming from a Christian, a Muslim, Reform, secular atheist, etc. (Unfortunately, It's not wise for a woman to be so candid about her last name, but even a woman, imo, should provide first name and last initial in addition to the other information.) So, I'm merely setting what I think is a proper example. I don't ask others to do what I wouldn't do myself. My position on this isn't up for negotiation and I'm not soliciting advice about it; just answering your question. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
83. #73 Charles (2 of 2)
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (11.13.07)
My site has an Absorption Ministry because I find it essential to deal differently with goyim, who aren't Jews recognized by Orthodox rabbis, and Jews who are recognized by Orthodox rabbis. Our syllabus and Khavruta course in our Absorption Ministry is designed to assist Jews who are estranged from Torah -- like you (but also including Jews for J) -- and wish to make teshuvah learn most of what they need to know so that they need not be embarrassed when they go into a beit k'nesset and sit down with a rabbi. Our syllabus and Khavruta course in our Foreign Ministry, by contrast, is designed primarily to demonstrate to Christians goyim (but also Muslims) from square one: why displacement theology is wrong through learning the rudiments of Torah and Halakhah, preparing them for the probable rejection by Orthodox rabbis but their need to be straightforward and still Orthodox pursue conversion. From this short brief, you should be able to see that there is a lot in the Foreign Ministry that wouldn't apply to you but is essential before Christians can make any progress at all. On the other hand, Christians would drown being thrown into the deep end of the Absorption Ministry - "refresh" them and send them to an Orthodox beit k'nesset and Orthodox rabbi??? -- with no Judaic education. It should be clear that this distinction is essential in order to show informed compassion upon two such different communities. Christians can't REALLY understand the Absorption Ministry and Jews can't REALLY understand the Foreign Ministry. Because I've spent decades in deep research in both communities I have a pretty unique insight into both. BTW, someone else raised a point that, although that hate-monger didn't merit a reply, the question might bother some others so I'll answer it here: unlike most clerics, my talmidim DON'T follow me. I point them to follow Torah (which includes Halakhah) and logic as taught in computer science departments of every major university. Unlike other clerics, I really don't want anyone following ME. I teach that no one should follow men. Follow ha-Sheim and His Torah. ha-Sheim is Melekh ha-Olam, not me. I'm just His messenger and His servant like other Orthodox Jews and, I hope and believe, my talmidim are. I reiterate that these things are not open for negotiation and I'm not soliciting advice from ANYONE. I've obtained advice from Orthodox rabbis and other scholars that I have deemed necessary and sufficient. I'm simply answering these questions. Those who insist that the Netzarim believe something, anything, different are simply slanderers and impugners. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
84. #81 I see your confusion
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (11.13.07)
and it's shared by a great many axe-grinders; Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. I haven't checked the wording but the website should NOT say that I don't work. I work 90 hrs/wk which, I'm confident, will put you and most other tb-ers to shame. I'm a writer and I do the same work for which most clerics get paid. I'm just not on any charity dole. In the past, I've worked for pay in the USAF Intelligence Agency, as a Safety Engineer for a large insurance company in Hartford and Toronto, as a Personnel Director for a medium-sized (mega-sized by Israeli standards) trucking and construction firm in Central Florida and as a computer scientist. Now, I'm a writer who works to show others what my research has proven wrong in Christianity and right about Torah and Halakhah. So, it's more accurate to say that I work very hard; I just don't make as much money as my wife and that is because I don't serve the institutions that pay most clerics. If the website hasn't worded this correctly please advise and I'll make corrections. I have never criticized people who don't make a lot of money, even when I was making a lot of money. I criticize those who, INSTEAD of working, depend on their wives, the government or other charity. I see by their fruits that those who sit around in yeshivot "learning" all day, everyday, for years come out knowing virtually nothing. Their fruits are the driving-away of more than 90% of their flock. Ribi Yehoshua admonished that not even the loss of 1% is acceptable and great efforts must be expended to try to retrieve even the 1% that strays. They are not even in the right galaxy and they are NOT working. They are wasting time and shirking work. Neither do I criticize "house-husbands." They, too, work very hard but don't make money. Wives will readily understand and relate to working hard at home for no pay. There is a great difference between not working and no making money. There is an excellent reason why you, and many others determined to "read-in" traditional beliefs where they don't fit, find our website "mind-bogglingly confusing." I'm reasonably adept at writing in such a way that it is extremely difficult to read what I've written contrary to what I've intended. The result is that when a person is incorrigibly determined that it MEANS "y" when I've written "x" will find that it is impossibly confusing -- as it needs to be. Read and understand what it says, NOT what you have always thought it means and, therefore simply MUST mean. It doesn't. The contradictions and confusions have persisted for nearly 2,000 years. To assume that it can all be "revealed" in a sound byte is preposterous. Study. Check the documentation and scholars. Learn. If you read it with the attitude that your beliefs are right, therefore... then you'll remain hopelessly confused. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
85. Paqid
Charles ,   petach tikva   (11.13.07)
A short reaction to your extended answers . You are the only one who thinks it necessary to add Israeli Orthodox Jew . By most of the talkbckers it is clear what kind of religion they believe in . I have'nt to add "Israeli Jewish secular atheist" everyone knows it . Regarding Ministry of absorption , for me it is at least misleading people , intentionally done for this i think . In any way not honest at all . And you can give all the explanations you want , i can't accept them . I know those things are not open for negotiation . But what if a complaint is filled against you ? A correct person will not do it , sorry but this is what i'm thinking . And by this i think you are not correct nor honest .
86. #85
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (11.13.07)
Like I said, if you're determined to think that I'm lying then there's no point in answering you. THAT is NOT respect!!! There can't be any progress unless you're able to comprehend how I've accomplished these things within the constraints of Orthodox Halakhah. I couldn't otherwise have the documentation I do and be a member in good standing of Beit ha-K'nesset Moreshet Avot. Your confusion is of your own insistence, not mine. It's not merely that I'm the only one who signs off as I do. More accurately, I am the only one who has the courage to properly identify myself and stand behind my words. You don't do that. If I knew exactly who you were, I might be able to bring you into court even though it's the "wild west" internet, and win, on a libel suit. If you said the same things in a public forum, in front of witnesses, what you have written in these talkbacks, my attorney has advised that there would be absolutely no problem whatsoever winning a slander lawsuit against you. You hide behind anonymity in order to slander me, insinuate that I lie and then criticize me? Don't be daft! Furthermore, it is NOT clear where every talkbacker is coming from. Many, who, at first, appear to be making a Jewish argument are later discovered to be Christians or Muslims hiding their agenda and misleading people. For you -- hiding behind your anonymity and, beyond that, defending the many who blatantly, brazenly and routinely mislead -- to falsely suggest that I mislead is khutzpah. What I say and write is as straightforward and true as humanly possible; and I'm skilled at it. It is you, and many others, who read the false things into it that aren't there because you lack either the comprehension or willingness to study seriously (or both). Please file a legal complaint in court!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! "Judah" in London promised to do file a complaint with Rabbi Eliyahu but I guess he finally discovered that filing a complaint with the Rabbi whose blessings toward me are published in one of my books was a non-starter. So do file a legal complaint in court. Then I'll be able to identify you and let me tell you I WILL straighten you out in court!!! Don't put it off!!! Do it now!!! Or shut up your slanderous suggestions that I lie or mislead!!! PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
87. Paqid
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.13.07)
I never can believe you . No other persons has to add Israeli orthodox Jew . I see almost immediately if someone is "kosher" . They can't hide for a long time . And don't see any difference between your dishonesty and this of josh . Are you both dishonest because you both allegedly converted ? You said you had 23 Orthodox Rabbanim who accepted your conversion . One is certainly enough if you are correct and honestly converted . You did'nt give any name of one of those Rabbanim . Regarding filing a complaint in court , for me this is a Goyish reaction , normal for you to do it . Consulting a lawyer is also not a typicall Jewish reaction . But i stay with what i said , your site heading is made intentionally to mislead people , who can think it's an official one . I'll try to find someone at the TRUE immigration office , a responsible one , and i'll ask what they think about it .
88. #69 If they sinned
Josh   (11.13.07)
Dont make this out to be an attack on the Jews or the nation of Israel. Although you can accuse me of attacking the false claims of Christianity and exposing Jews for Jesus who deny the are Christians and pretend to be Jewish. The opposite is true about your claim of an attack on Jews. It is about defending the Jews from harm. It is about right and wrong, a blessing and a curse, life and death, peace and war. It is an issue of Torah and eminiant danger of a repeat performance of the past where their teachings and magic charms were at the center of one of the greatest killings of my ancestors and none of these Rabbinical teachings rescued. G-d was not backing our side and there was a reason - we had lost connection to real Torah. "For there is no rescuer but the hand of G-d." Its imporatnt to see Torah as a great machine that can either produce lovely results (blessings) or create harm (curses). Rabbis will lead people away from looking at the curses, but this is a very bulky part of Torah and part of the nature of our servant relationship with G-d. Take a look around as mother feed their children from the profits of arming the world with killing machines and understand this is Torah winding up the curses. How can two be led to war if not the hand of G-d had done this? We're not talking about two leading a thousand, but billions. "I hope you understand the verocity and gravity of belittling the servants of the Lrd G-d Of Yisrael ! " This is a very wise comment and appreciate your concern if it is genuine. A servant of G-d knows to maintain Torah and follow its mitzvahs. A servant will not speak willfully and loves G-d. A servant would not allow magic to eneter into the homes of Jews so that they would be capable of being cursed by their enemies. A servant would assure that the times of year were kept and that the requirements G-d makes could be fullfilled by the people. They would not turn away one who seeks to learn Torah or refuse a convert who embraces Hashem and Torah as it is written. They would not allow G-d's flock to wander, but would seek to have every Jew, even the secular paractice some level of Torah. They would not add massive interpretations and extras burdens to Torah because first and foremost it is a sin but secondly because it would cause souls to flee Torah unecessarily. In Torah we learn that G-d doesn't want empty sacrafices. So it is possible to serve almost all of Torah and not serve the G-d of Israel. When someone is not even serving Torah, they most certainly are not serving the G-d of Israel nor his people. There is a section on how to recognize the ones who speak G-d's words. If they declare a sign or wonder and its does not come true, they have spoken willfully. Rabbis have taught that ther are no prophets, thus decieving the people that its ok they speak willfully. It states if a man claiming to be a servant speaking G-d's words and has not achieved a sign or wonder, he has spoken willfully. It says you shall NOT fear him. They are not servants but masters above critcism. You stated: "If they sinned let them be judged by Malik not by you or me. " and "Do not place ultimate trust in your own abilities." These concepts, sound nice but are contray to Torah and therefore are sins for a memeber Israel. In other words these are evil concepts to a member of Am Israel. Some parts of Torah: "You shall be a nation of judges." and "You shall remove evil from your midst.", "you shall not add a word or take away a word that I give you this day.", "be careful to guard these words" and "He has spoke willfully, you shall not fear him" You state: "You are an xtian" only to goad me. Deluded Jews for Jesus freaks haunt this site. So grandly insignificant. Without apology Josh
89. 86 - paqid you are pathetic and a hypocrite
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (11.13.07)
you talk this flowery talk about identifying yourself clearly, yet you often accuse me by documenting what i have said about myself, that everyone knows about me. no one is the least bit confused about who i am or what i believe, yet you try to rub my face in the truth in attempt to slander me somehow. and, on top of that you call yourself a jew, when you are a gentile who practices judaism. you can sign off however you want but that does not change the fact of who and what you are. besides, you plead and demand rational logic, yet you much of what you believe requires you to defy some basic laws of logic and rationality, not to mention common sense. it's hard to take you seriously when you contradict yourself in such a fundamental and recurring way. you are the best advertisement against what you say. and sign off however you want. a gentile by any other name is still a gentile, and a leopard can't change his spots.
90. Josh , learn Hebrew
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.13.07)
It's mitswoth not mitswahs as you , an allegedly convert write . When will you say what you are ? poor coward guy
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