Jewish Scene
'Former chief rabbi called for civil war'
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 20.11.07, 09:03
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90 Talkbacks for this article
31. #26 If something stinks, even you can smell its rottenness
Dov   (11.20.07)
If Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu compares it to the fragrance of hell and you don't feel it, it must have such a bad smell and only those who are on a spiritual level can smell it. Seems like you have something to work on if you don't smell it.
32. Dov # 31
chaim ,   miami beach usa   (11.20.07)
33. to accept only the parts of torah you like is "crappy"
fair weather jews ,   smell crappy   (11.20.07)
maybe thats what he smelled as he walked past the "reformers"
34. Misleading Title
Joe ,   USA   (11.20.07)
Nowhere in the article is Eliyahu quoted as calling for civil war or anything resembling it. As one raised in the Conservative movement, I have no problem saying that it's not the genuine article and I'm not surprised that the Orthodox see it as anti-traditional (to say the least) and say so.
35. Free speech?
Enemy of State ,   Judea   (11.20.07)
Quick, you Israelis better figure out a way to put this guy in jail! Imagine that, a private individual expressing his thoughts in public- disgusting?
36. Freedom of Speech
Yehuda ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.20.07)
Why can't you respect the Rabbi's freedom of speech and the right to his own opinion. It is the Conservative movement that is calling this comment a 'call for civil war'. The way I see it, the Conservative movement claims that his comment is inciting THEM to civil war. Huh? Think about it. And whether or not you agree with the Rabbi, he didn't call for any action by anyone, so let him speak to HIS constituents any way he wants to. If they don't like what he says, they can vote with their feet.
37. No such thing as conservative or reform
Norman   (11.20.07)
Or you follow the path of Torah and Mitzvot commanded by almighty or you are a sinner . The Rabbi owes no apology and to the contrary we owe him all the respect for not being afraid of the sinners.
38. Momzer
GM ,   Rochester, USA   (11.20.07)
Who cares what this fine Rabbi thinks! He is entitles to an opinion. It seems to me he represents the "Judeofacist" stream of the tribe.
39. #29 The Hebrew equivalent is "Medina shel Gehinom"
Dov   (11.20.07)
"Medina shel Gehinom" applies to the secular "Medina" of Israel.
40. Apologize for what? For being a Jew?
Anytime a real rabbi will say something real and meaningful from the Torah, he's told to apologize, or called a racist or bigot or fascist. Like they did with rabbi Meir Kahane. Here's my apology F..k you.
41. You already started your civil war
If massing thousands of soldiers a lot more than were massed to fight Hizbollah to evict Jewish families from their homes is not civil war, than what is?. The brutality and the heartlesness of the left knows no bounds, these are the same fascists who called Jabotinky and Kahane a Jewish fascist. Civil war? Where do I sign up?
42. Lashon hara
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (11.20.07)
Are the things the Rabbi said any worse than the things many of these talkbacks are saying about the Rabbi? Has the Yehudi forgotten the true meaning of lashon hara? Should you be engaging in this debate at all? Please, Please, teach the goy about your holiness. Maybe everyone should sue everyone. That certainly would settle it quite nicely.
43. Ephraim
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.20.07)
Will you talk respectfull to someone who is not respecting you ? Those tb's are , sometimes exagerated , answers and reactions of maybe in their belief offended people . An ex great Rabbi with his influence should avoid some sayings , who can bring only bad reactions from "ordinary" people .
44. #39 about your Medina shel Gehinom
Wendy in Chicago   (11.20.07)
You just added "Medina" to the Greek-derived "Gehinom". I'm asking where is the biblical evidence for "hell"? It comes from the goyim, and made it into the Talmud. But speaking of Medinat Gehinom, it is the only medina that takes taxes and gives it to yeshivas, doesn't ask that the students serve in the army, and subsidizes their whole way of life. Hmmm. I'm starting the agree with your assessment. I believe in the rabbi's right to his opinion, and can respect him for what he believes. I only ask the same from him. People who don't believe as he does don't smell like hell. They merely disagree.
45. #42
David ,   Los Angeles   (11.20.07)
If someone punches you and you punch them back, can one say, as you do: "is what he did any worse than what you did?" Of course not. If someone hits you, you are not to be blamed for hitting him back.
46. R. Eliyahu's remarks
Bear ,   Zefat   (11.20.07)
R. Eliyahu is a holy man and needn't apologize for anything. He said nothing about the congregants who are innocent unlearned Jews who come to pray with sincerity and instead are being misled by their so-called 'rabbis' who only mislead them away from the path of our Holy torah.
47. #7
Eli ,   Brooklyn   (11.20.07)
I hope your not as dumb as you seem to be there are some things that the torah is flexible with, like dress / whether you have a beard or not and whether your wife shaves her head, if you throw matza in your soup and some things are black and white so don't play dumb, better you just sit home and keep drinking that coolaid
48. I am not sure what is wrong here. Does the truth hurt?
BUSH ,   USA   (11.20.07)
Civil war? I say these things all the time and noone asked me to apologize and why should anyone. I mean I think Hollywood smells like Hell Now the Rabbi knows what hell smells like because he knows what heaven smells like. And a reformed temple does not smell like heaven. If you want to smell some heaven go to a Torah orthodox home Friday night on Shabbat. Walk in and take a deep breath and smell the hot Challah and the delicious food in the oven then walk into the dining room and see a beautiful spread of colorful salads on the table setup with elegant China around a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with a magnificent sterling silver Kiddush cup at the head of the table. Let's not forget the sparkling candlesticks. Then walk into the living room and see little children playing pleasantly on the floor while the adults are sitting and reading about the Parashah of that week waiting for the host to walk in singing Shalom Aleichem. That is just a taste of Heaven and it is obvious to the Rav the reformed temple does not smell like that neither does their house smell like that on Shabbat
49. Odd..,
Wouldn't it be odd if there were a civil war and Israel split back into two kingdoms - Judah and Israel?
50. I just LOVE blind talkbackers...
Elchonon ,   Chevron   (11.21.07)
#4 I see no shtetel mentality to him, he speaks his mind.. wherever did freedom of speech go? #20... where in the article does it say he called for a civil war ? thats what the conservative lawyer said! Please, conservative and reform rabi's dont bash orthodox jews ?
51. On being Jewish
Sam ,   Canada   (11.21.07)
Weren't the creation of Reform and Consevative Judaism the result of Jews leaving Judaism because of too many Orthodox rules and the desire to integrate into gentile society? Would the Orthodox Rabbis prefer that these Jews leave the Jewish flock? Is the allegiance of Diaspora Judaism to being Jewish so weak that religious practise must adapt to their lifestyle?t
52. Charles
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (11.21.07)
Greetings Charles: Point well made and well taken. I was trying to move the conversation to a more charitable construction. The true Torah definition of lashon hara is as I said. We should not listen to it or participate in it in any way. If we feel the Rabbi is wrong, our response should be to pray for him and to speak to him in the most private manner possible. To exchange evil for evil is not the way of Torah. I hope all is well with you Charles. I consider you my brother.
53. #45 David
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (11.21.07)
In a secular society I suppose that is the way of thinking regarding fairness, however, the conversation is a spiritual one. The Rabbi is considered a Tzdik. There are scriptural instructions on how we treat our elders. We are to treat them with respect and confront them privately if we have disagreements with them. In our private confrontation we just may find that an elder is wiser than ourselves and may convince us that what he did is righteous. I am not necessarily defending this Rabbi. I am speaking of principle and acceptable behavior. I assume you are Yhudi. Then you should know Torah. If you are Messianic or Christian I would assume you would be familiar with the teachings of Rav Sha'ul and Yeshua on these matters. If you are neither, then my prayers are with you that you will come to experience a spiritual birth and meet Yeshua and learn Torah. Blessings to you
54. To #29
Maidel ,   NY   (11.21.07)
The derivation of "gehenom" is "gai bein hinom"----the valley outside of Jerusalem where child sacrifice was practiced during biblical times. To the Jewish people, it was the worst possible place they could fathom. The word eventually evolved into the phrase that is now used to denote Hell.
55. "Rabbi" Eliyahu and his followers
Mahlon Drumgoole ,   Newark NJ   (11.21.07)
Worse than the fanatic Rabbi are his stupid and close-minded followwers who write such nonsense in reply to this article. If his followers are forbidden to enter a Conservative or Reform synagogue, how do they know what is going on inside? That is the point. They don't know. These lazy parasites only know what the ayatollah Rabbi tells them---just like the brainwashed followerers of any fanatic. They refuse to be real men who earn a living for their family. Instead, they take welfare and beg from those who they insult. I have a deal to make with the Rabbi that I know that the vast majority of Israelis will accept. Since they feel that people that do not worship as they want them to are reeking of hell, let the government cut-off all welfare payments from the those hell-smelling taxpayers that supports the huge percentage of his followers who refuse to work. After all, I'm sure that the "Rabbi" and his followers don't want money that has been exposed to the odors of hell. Second, Jews in biblical times were fierce warriors. I'm sure the "Rabbi" knows that King David was a great warrior, scholar, and King. Since this is indisputable, he should ask the government to immediately end army deferments for his haredim followers as they want to be true Jews like King David. They can study during their leisure time, just like all our bibliccal heroes and help to defend Israel---just like the Conservative and Reform Jews that they spit on. Finally, what kind of decent person, let alone a devout Jew sould say something that would tear a family apart? Imagine, one of his followers refusing to attend his nephew's Bar Mitzvah in a Conservative synagogue and thus ruin family unity. The Rabbi and his followers are the same people who stone ambulances on the Sabbath or throw excrement on women at the wall.
56. Orthodox Gedolim have the truth!
Barry ,   USA   (11.21.07)
That is why the gedolim in Europe told their millions of followers to stay and die in Europe rather than leave and lose their faith. How fragile must have been their faith. And that is why Orthodox shuls are impossible to daaven in because of the constant nonstop LOUD chatter and gossip that you never find in Conservative or Reform synagogues. Maybe someone should say it is forbidden to pray in an Orthodox synagogue because it is impossible to concentrate on one's prayers. And Chabad allows their worshippers to drive to their Chabad houses. So they must reek too. If you dress in black and white, I guess that's how you learn to see the world...
57. to # 50
Barry ,   USA   (11.21.07)
If we don't go into treif restaurants wearing our yarmulka because of Maarit Ayin (someone may take it the wrong way and think we had eaten there and that the food was kosher, then a rabbi of his stature should be aware that his remarks may also be taken in ways other than those intended. Therefore, no one should be surprised that slandering the majority of world Jewry could be misconstrued as a call to civil war. BTW, the movement that led to the greatest abandonment of Torah Judaism was Orthodoxy. In the first six decades of the 20th century MILLIONS of Jews left Orthodoxy because their rabbis were out of touch. Which is better, that they leave Judaism and the Jewish people altogether, or stay connected via Reform and Conservative variations? If you say it is better that they leave altogether, then it would be in agreement with the daas Torah of the gedolim in Europe who preferred that their millions of followers die in Europe than risk exposure to liberal ideas. Let's have more Ahavat Chinam. Our rabbis should encourage it. All they end up doing is alienating more and more Jews from embracing our holy Torah.
58. why
nana ,   jerusalem   (11.21.07)
here in israil some people trust the rabbi in evry thing . but most of the comunity trust the rabi with something only // i think it is not the fault of toarah but it is the fault of people rabi or not rabi
59. Slander by Ynet
Mordechai Taub ,   jerusalem   (11.21.07)
It seems that the only one guilty of slander here is Ynet, attributing to him a call to civil war in the title which Rabbi Eliyahu he never called for. Instead of attributing this call to who ever claimed it and there about making them liable to slander, the article oddly quotes "the Conservative Movement" as if if this defimation of the Rabbi was not said by a particular individual.
60. Ephraim
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.21.07)
I think i told you already that you CAN'T be my "brother" , we are too different and much separates us , first of all , you are not Jewish . We can of course have friendly conversations , and show mutual respect , but we can't be brothers . NEVER . It's not meant to offend you , but facts are facts . Regarding this Rabbi . If he wants us to consider him for being a wise sage , he has to conduct himself in a wise and sage way . To deserve respect you have to behave in a respectfull way . Don't you think so ? You have probably already read that English is only my third language , sometimes difficult for me to express my ideas as i would like Have a fine week
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