Gay adoption not for Jews
Yitzhak Cohen
Published: 20.12.07, 17:22
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61. Gay adoption
Manny ,   Israel   (12.22.07)
Oy vey!!!!
62. #57 - very sad that you want be 'right' and not happy !
redmiike ,   tel aviv and london   (12.22.07)
you are super defensive when not being attacked. I hope you'll find a better path. "You don't have to be a Jew to oppose anti-Semitism" ? No one will have any idea what this has to do with either the topic or my post. Mike
63. We all looked the same
Matan ,   Tel Aviv   (12.22.07)
We all looked the same at the gates of the camps. The only thing that changed was the patch.
64. #62 Bad equation
Sidney ,   USA   (12.22.07)
You wrote: "No one will have any idea what this has to do with either the topic or my post." You are not everybody. To explain the obvious, non-Jews can oppose anti-Semitism and straight people can oppose gay bashing.
65. completely illogical
Babs ,   Tel Aviv   (12.22.07)
More bigotry, more conformism. If you dont want to adopt, then dont. But do let others give these poor kids a good home. And stop comparing modern day modern day people to those from hundreds and thousands of years ago when it is convenient to do so. Look at the way you treat other people who do not believe in exactly the same things you do and look how your treat them. A disgrace to anyone who is TRULY and humbly reliigiious.
66. Ben , do you believe anonymous writers ?
charles ,   petach tikva IL   (12.22.07)
I not , and certainly not if this person tells exagerated stories . Living amongst plenty of gays for years ? Do you think that not steady couples , even straith ones , will receive children for adoption ? Do you know the quantity of procedures , examinations and so on that a couple has to undergo before they can receive a child to adopt ? Do you know that they first receive the children for half a year , that they are closely followed and checked during those six months , before they can have them as their own ? This is the procedure here in Israel , probably the same in other developped countries .
67. I have to say that if there is anything good in Iran
Shir   (12.22.07)
it´s the way they handle homosexuals. People there don´t have to tolerate this. Homosexuality and allowing it in its many forms is a serious threat to the whole existance of Jewish culture and traditions. It represents moral corruption and decadence and produces harmful side-effects such as pacifism. And look how arrogant these gay people are. They think that they can just come and ruin the country, the Holy Land of Israel, because the laws forbid people to do anything about it. I am a young person and I have seen with my own eyes what loose morals and disparagement of traditional values can do to people. It has made me even more against liberalism. Jews, religious, traditional Jews, stand up for yourselves and your morals, you don´t have to put up with this. Gay people weaken your country and the structure of your society. They are not going to fight your wars, you don´t need them.
68. Single parent adoption
Mo   (12.23.07)
1. Does the Bible say Pharo's Dtr had any milk herself to feed Moses? The princess needed a milk nurse. She was unmarried. Presumably a virgin/maiden. Also, often unusual for aristocrats to nurse -as common to get milk nurse. 2. Re: dress, language to keep the Jewish spark- much validity..except Moses was not a Jew. He was Israelite as Jewish started from Babylonia exile -- 1,200 + years after Exodus later -- out of Judea. Did not Moses marry a Kushite, (Nubian during the exodus, where was she all that time ?) long after wedding dtr of Jethro [a Siania tribal ruler/prince and high priest- and no Israelite- 'non-Jewish']- Moses 1st wife. 3. Was Ruth an Israelite ? -No 4. re 'friendly environment' -if child is a few years old- he/she may well be in an orphanage -what is so friendly about that? If child is baby -what does he/she know of change ? 5. Mr Cohen assumes child is an orphan -what about children abandoned , or removed from dangerous home situation/parent -but parents alive? If the child is raised to be Jewish (circision/bar-bat Mitzvah etc -continuing the Jewish spark)is that a wrong? If child adopted to aunt/or uncle - not such an unknown, or unfriendly environment perhaps. 6. Children are raised by sole surviving parent -whether male or female and no one says the family is jeopardized. If Mr. Cohen objects to gay then just say so. What if child has Down's Syndrome and no one wants it -will adopt except the person who is willing and able to provide, care and love the child ? Mr. Cohen's position shows no mercy, contrary to Jewish law. Mercy, mercy, mercy shall thou seek....
69. Gay adoption
Mo ,   US   (12.23.07)
# 45 Shir - You are grossly misinformed. At least 85% [I believe it is actually over 90%] of pedophiles are heterosexuals. In an earlier TB here you say Gay adoption will stop people from moving to Israel. That is not the law in Israel at this point - so why are you still in Finland all these years? I have seen many adopted to Gay parents -this has been allowed for over 30 years in California.. the children have no problem as you hysterically suggest. And they most all grow up and are heterosexual..- except the few who were gay. Science says gay is genetic. Did G-d make a mistake ?? For those who worry about mixed race adoption - what is the problem. What of children of mixed race marriages? Vanessa Williams etc [she was not adopted] is terrific and so are the children adopted into another race parent. Kind of like a Polish Jew marrying a Morrocan Jew -- or Ethiopian Jew. What problem - other than you haters. As for Yakov Sulivan:-- I wish him and Rivkah much nachas together....now that's a match! They sure deserve each other. Seamus Sullivan, explain how you converted to Humanistic Jew, you anti-Semite.
70. Gay adoption
Mo ,   L A US   (12.23.07)
Yakov Sullivan # 52 - in an earlier TB here you say you were Catholic but 'converted' to "Humanisitc Judiasm" (??) now in 52 you say you stated your own religion. I have seen your TBs here and other online papers. You and Rivka are indeed a match. You are an anti-Semite compounded with primacy of being an infantile pedantic self-seeking attention grabbing solopist. You also stae you are an actor. You are indeed a piece of work.
71. Gay
Mo ,   Los Angeles US   (12.23.07)
# 53 -Shir. You contradict yourself. If kids have a right to choose being adopted to gays or straights - why do u say in the very next sentence: that is why adults should decide ? FURTHER you write: "Like I already said, homosexuals are less than 5% of all people and regardless 30% of sex crimes against children are committed by homosexuals. This tells me all I need to know" Shir you do not know even that much. Homosexuals are no less than 10% - read the science literature. So,if gays commit 30% of sex crimes against children [- NOT correct as much less] --- who/what commit the other 70%? - Martians ?? DUH. or is that too much for you to ponder ?? .
72. The delusion of Shas
Simon ,   TA Israel   (12.23.07)
Yitzhak Cohen of Shas like all the rest of Shas seem to be under the dilusion they are living in a state based on Halacha. Israel is a democratic state for all jews, secular and religious, straight or gay. As a gay man in a 10 yr relationship with 2 adopted daughters i find his so called comments and religious morals offensive and ridiculous. Some how i dont think our daughters would agree with his sladerour comments. Our family is based on love, support and open mindness. Some how i think the last place on Gods earth i would look for moral guidance would be a member of the rascist Shas party.
73. That´s not true you LIAR
Shir ,   Finland   (12.23.07)
You´re misinformed not me. You have no proof, where as I do. You say you BELIEVE this and this percent of pedophiles are heterosexual. See that´s the difference, I KNOW that over 30% of pedophiles are homosexual. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found, that "approximately one-third of child sex offenders had victimized boys and two-thirds had victimized girls." In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses. You are an American right? Have you ever wondered why so many victims of non-family abductions are boys? It´s not women who kidnap them, but male pedophiles. And why am I in Finland, let me see.. To get educated so I won´t be fooled by jerks like you who spread lies as actual information. The real reason why gays exist is that those people wouldn´t reproduce, because only a man and a woman together can reproduce. Failures should not reproduce, that´s the real reason. Lastly a straight young man needs a model of a straight adult man and husband and he is entitled to have that. Where does a straight young man get an example of how to be a man and how to treat women if he only sees two dads at home. That is pervertic and unnatural and nobody should have to live in an environment like that. Now do not try to force your own liberal ideas on other people. (ynet this is from real Shir)
74. reply to Red himophobic Mile # 12
Gay father of 2 soon ,   TA Israel   (12.23.07)
Actaully milkey, we are 2 gay guys with 2 adopted daughters and now we are extending our family and having a baby with a surrogate mother. So you think we should have left out daughters in the orponage after the mother (hetrosexula) apparently a prostitute deserted them? Gee your logic is a bit questionable so far. Now then lets see, oh yes when our daughter brings her friends home, yes and your problem is? You see we bring our children up to be loving , good people who are tolerent to all people , whether they are religious, secular , jewish, christian, arab what ever. My worst nightmare is that they would grow up to be like you ! im sure your hatred will consume you one of these days. Gay father
75. 74 Is this legal in Israel?
Shir   (12.23.07)
Those poor girls. They could have been adopted by loving, normal straight parents and they ended up in the hands of two men. Tragic and shocking. So basically if one moves to Israel with children or starts a family in Israel and something happens to both parents and the child is left alone, then the child can end up in the hands of homosexuals?? This is really gonna make people reconsider the idea of moving back to Israel. You can´t just give children from institutions to whoever is willing to take them. I as a woman know that girls need example of how to be women and how to be wives, homosexual men can´t give them that. There is no way of knowing how confused those girls will grow up and if they are able to develope a normal identity.
76. # 74 take care of your own family not ours
Simon ,   TA Israel   (12.23.07)
What gives you the right to judge us.? You have never even met us, but still you spew your venom upon us. Our family is based on love and care and support. My girls are well balanced , caring individuals, who im sure will go on to be caring compassionat individuals. FYI they have a lot of female contact with close friends, which provide them with female input and also their grandmothers. My worst fear is that they would grow up to be hatefull and intollerant of fellow human beings full of hatred , or in other words to grow up to be like you ! God Forbid .
77. p.s. and Gays do reproduce!!!
Petra ,   usa   (12.23.07)
78. # 68 Mo good points
Petra ,   usa   (12.23.07)
The point I was making about Moses is that he would have been dead if not for his Levite mother putting him in the bullrushes. She nursed him, remember? It makes no mention of Aaron at all, Moses brother.( re: the death decree) What good is another dead Jew? That he was spared was my point. Better a surviving live Jew than dead Jew by decree. Thanks for your thoughts. There must be many ways to be a good or bad parent gay or straight. Married too young, not married, the father or mother dead, not wanted child,' etc. It's the quiet heroes who welcome a child for nuturing and love that matters. Far too many unwanted, neglected kids wait for a home. Perhaps if those who scream loudest had been orphaned they might fully understand? If not, who cares? They have nothing but bile to offer. There's a girl orphanage in Israel that we also give to in hopes that at least they will be safe and get a good education as well as to know they are Jews and have that knowledge and education as well. It is my hope that those who cannot adopt would at least open their wallets to kids similar. The vicious hollering does these kids no good whatsoever. Like we used to say, "put up or shut up". Shalom, Mo.
79. To #74 - Kol Ha Kavod!
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (12.23.07)
The problem is that Israel is a homophobic country and due to the narrow minded attitude of the "some" they would rather leave a child in a government institution that let Gays adopt and give the child a good and stable home. Some of the bigoted and hateful views published on this and other news sites prove that Mr. Gay Israel, lawyer Nathan Shaked, is totally wrong when he stated that Israel is not a homophobic country. Those who proclaim the "sanctity of marriage" thing, well, my friends, should look at the divorce rate here in Israel. Of course, there are those who scream "perverts" when they discuss homosexuality but just let us pause for a moment and examine the rape, child molestation and child abuse statistics here in Israel and then let us see who the real perverts are!
80. Shir , # 73 , homosexuals are NOT pedophiles
charles ,   petach tikva   (12.23.07)
You , as always distord the meaning of words . You are mixing pedophiles and homosexuals when you read your statistics . Those are two very DIFFERENT people . You say it : one third of victimised are boys , but your "study" don't say that those boys are victimised by homosexuals . Now for the rest of your comments , always retarded , you live apparently in the dark middle ages , not in the 21st century
81. Gays can´t reproduce naturally with their partners
Shir   (12.23.07)
So that was a stupid remark. Natural selection has ordered it so, that a man who desires other men, not women is less likely to reproduce and can´t reproduce with his partner. Modern technology has enabled them to reproduce in unnatural ways, which is ethically wrong.
82. If you allow gay adoption
Shir   (12.23.07)
No conservative Jew will ever want to enter your land again. Not after the Holy Land of Israel has been desecrated in such an awful way. If conservative Jews will stop moving in your country, where will you get soldiers? You think your pacifist gay people will raise fearless tough soldiers? Think about the current situation of Israel and which benefit you more, militarist conservative Jews or homosexuals. I have got nothing more to say as these liberal people and perverts disgust me.
83. how does TRUTH sound?
Shir   (12.23.07)
Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming homosexuals make up 2% of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molestor, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molestor. 73% of all homosexuals have had sex with boys under 19 years of age. Many homosexuals admit that they are pedophiles: "The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality". 33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex. One study reports 70% of homosexuals admitting to having sex only one time with over 50% of their partners One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year. The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime. Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting. Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States. They make up only 1-2% of the population. 73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization. Of homosexuals questioned in one study reports that 43% admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admit to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% say that half of those partners are total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands. Also, it is a favorite past-time of many homosexuals to go to "cruisy areas" and have anonymous sex. 78% of homosexuals are affected by STDs. 41% of homosexuals say they have had sex with strangers in public restrooms, 60% say they have had sex with strangers in bathhouses, and 64% of these encounters have involved the use of illegal drugs. The median age of death of homosexuals is 42 (only 9% live past age 65). This drops to 39 if the cause of death is AIDS. The median age of death of a married heterosexual man is 75. The median age of death of lesbians is 45 (only 24% live past age 65). The median age of death of a married heterosexual woman is 79 21% of lesbians die of murder, suicide or traffic accident, which is at a rate of 534 times higher than the number of white heterosexual females aged 25-44 who die of these things.
85. I am in my twenties
Shir   (12.23.07)
and study in school of economics. I guess that makes me a little smarter than you are, granny. Oh and when have STRAIGHT men abused little boys sexually? Married gay men that keep up the facade, are not straight. I guess facts are a bit tough to handle for some people, since they need to resort to vulgar language.
86. And Finland
Shir   (12.23.07)
This is a great, wealthy country like Sweden and Norway are. People here don´t live on the streets like in your country, everyone is entitled to free health care. Everything is neat and clean compared to your homeland. And actually Finns are known as smart and mathematically gifted people, Nokia cell phones come from here, KONE elevator company, plenty of forest companies etc. (but what would you know about technology and business) Living in a country where people get shot and killed all the time and drug use is frequent, who are you to criticize Finns about substance abuse? Although, I have to say, having been in Utah and Alabama, people there didn´t share your views on homosexuals, they hate them even more than I do. You don´t represent Christian Americans, you make them appear in a bad light.
87. # 79 David, Karmeil, Israel re: #79 Kol Ha Kavod
Petra ,   usa   (12.23.07)
David, I thank you and agree with you. Prejudice is alive and well as self described on this and other posts. It seems to magnify and reveal itself in times of economic stress which is again, sadly, in its cycle, now worsened by Bush's war in Iraq. This is a universal economy, everyone's involved. Expect more and of course, the same dreaded anti semitism that follows and is so deadly. I, too, have known countless children of 'straight?" parents with nightmare stories I choose not to repeat. It saddens me greatly to see such attitudes that, ultimately hurt the same children these ignorant voices claim to protect. It's a good thing that G-d only knows the hearts of men, surely we don't yet, we do know that most of the crimes against children are at the hands of so called 'straight,' parents, step parents, grandparents, uncles, brothers, cousins,who are the majority of the offenders but, let's don't forget the armies of the neighbor, the family priest, the coach, choir teacher,even rabbis, who may seem 'normal' and abuse kids. They are not normal, and there is no known cure for pedophiles. Drugs, alcohol, medical issues, poverty, ignorance all combined in a one sided attack on these kids and ignored by officials and, meanwhile, the true offenders are not only those found guilty but, those who weren't aware enough to find them guilty the FIRST time and released some of these kids BACk into the same home after the first trial with the known offender! Ignore those who offer no true charity=love, they mean less than nothing in the future of any child. I know it is more blessed to give than to receive. They never will. That's the joy. The critics ring empty.
88. #74 - not sure if your response was to me .
redmiike ,   tel aviv and london   (12.23.07)
both the number and the name were wrong. The most interesting thing about this feedback is how defensive gays (good as you) are! I haven't said one negative thing about homosexuals and yet I've been attacked many times. The second interesting point is that nearly every homosexual says that it would be better to be adopted by a nice gay couple than a bad straight one. If I were gay then I'd be offended by the above. An orphanage or a gay couple? There are as of now, no statistics on this yet but I'd say an 'orphanage'. But that's only an opinion. Mike
89. # 88 redmike. Are you an orphan?
Petra ,   usa   (12.23.07)
Have you surveyed orphaned childrens opinions? Have you adopted a child? I have been both(semi orphaned and lived in several orphanages) and adopted a child and I can tell you, if interested, no one wants to be forgotten in an orphanage, no one. I haven't attacked you and I disagree with you and am not gay. But, I do know from experience both sides. Bet you don't give the orphanages any $$$ either, or, I hope I'm wrong. Either be a part of the solution or, please, don't advocate abandoning any child to indifference and neglect. Shalom
90. these liberalists seem to think
Shir   (12.23.07)
that because some straight parents behave badly, children should be given to homosexuals. What a stupid conclusion. Children in institutions can be given to good STRAIGHT parents. Homosexuals make up 1-2% of total population, they´re not gonna solve the problem of children taken into custody. Giving children in their hands is going to produce more social problems. Don´t mind these crazy gay people and liberalists attacking you, they do that, because they know they are wrong.
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