Amnesty: Winograd report ignored Israeli war crimes
Published: 31.01.08, 14:47
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67 Talkbacks for this article
31. #25 is either really sarcastic or really ignorant
Shuvi shuvi ,   vnechezeh bah   (01.31.08)
I Hope its sarcastic, for your sake.
32. Where are the AI reports after terror attacks on Jews?
thefacts   (01.31.08)
Oh right. There are none. Dead Jews don't count.
33. my thoughts exactly #2
jared ,   orlando US   (01.31.08)
that is the underlying war crime human shield-taking a desire to "martyr" the locals for the hezbollah cause and dragging lebanon into war
35. #25 - you really are an idiot, arent you.
Steve ,   UK   (01.31.08)
Remind me - when did Hezbollah become "The Lebanese Army"? Funny, I don't recognize the Hezbollah uniform, the flag, or anything. All I see is LEBANON. Last I heard, they were terrorists, dressed as civilians, committing acts of terrorism. Oh - I see - you used the keyword "Palestinian". Well, that makes you right then doesn't it. Now we see which side your bread is buttered on.
36. Worse garbage than AI reports?
Ilan ,   Ariel   (01.31.08)
Talk of the kettle calling the pot black. They could have at least had made a semblance of pretense that they actually read some of the report first. To be fair no one in Israel should take any AI report seriously and we wouldn't give their reports any more respect than they give to the Winograd report.
37. #26. So terrorism should win?
Steve ,   UK   (01.31.08)
"Often the weak cry of - but they did it so why can't we - emanates from israel to excuse its barbarous behaviour. What sort of arguiment is that." If Israel are the barbarians, who are they fighting? Civilized people of reason? Come on, I should show you videos of their own acts of treachery and "barbarism". What would you have Israel do? Sit back and take it? Need I remind you that Israel pulled out of Gaza? And what does it do? Immediate rocket attacks. Need I remind you Hamas is in control now?? So they kill their own, simply because those killed were Fatah. Civilized, right?? Need I remind you that it is Hezbollah that hides among civilians, forcing Israel to shoot where it doesn't want to? Need I remind you the simple fact you can't tell Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, or any other extremist from a civilian just by looking at them? That's what the uniforms are for. Need I remind you that it is a terrorist organization, bent on taking Israel, BY FORCE, trying to turn into it into "Palestine"? A nation of the terrorists, by the terrorists, and FOR the terrorists is unthinkable even in "Europa". Or is it?
38. Amnesty for Killers
Laurence ,   Santa Ana, CA USA   (01.31.08)
Once again, Amnesty Int'l can be counted on to attack Israel and ignore the true murderers: The cowardly arab terrorists. Amnesty Int'l has no moral authority. Leftist cretins.
39. Eternal peace in the Middle-East?
Thomas C. Inskip ,   Guatemala   (01.31.08)
Amnesty International should read The Art Of War. For several millenniums administrator have known that war is costly, ugly, and a fool’s mission. That being said -- What is different in the Middle-East? The Middle-East was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for Centuries. This period engendered a view of aggression as a tool of political and economic utility. A review of the situation is written in the book Osmand’s Dream. In every time, the Ottoman tribal forces took territory by force and cleared land with “Ethnic Cleansing.” The United Nations makes rules and laws. However, in the Ottoman Empire view, these present opportunity to place another at disadvantages, and aggression then continues. Today -- we have a great opportunity to make eternal peace. Amnesty International should receive grant funding from the United Nations and spread the news to the Ottoman Empire tribal members that “Peace is now at hand!” They should go unarmed to do this peace mission.
40. #26 - Save it for the jack booted imams.
Laurence ,   Santa Ana, CA USA   (01.31.08)
There really is nothing less relevant than a european lecturing anyone about human rights. Really, much of european history has anti-semitism as a subtext. As for collective punishment, no continent (europe) has ever committed an entire people (Israel) to collective punishment for daring to defend themselves. Do you wish that the job had been finished back in the 1940's? Thank g-d for the USA and Israel: two sane powers in a world of evil and evil enablers.
41. Smart he is not. But probably well paid.
Maoz ,   Mteropolis   (01.31.08)
42. amnesty international should be banned from Israel!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (01.31.08)
We have enough enemies here. Another neo nazi group out to blame Israel for everything. They should realize that we regrettably do not kill a lot of civilians. We should and maybe the enemy will leave us in peace.
43. #26..too bad
Natan   (01.31.08)
That's what happens when a country elects a terrorists org. as it's leaders....Too bad...
44. Responding to GZLives
new_york_loner ,   Rochester NY   (01.31.08)
Wow! I thought my post was a bit lengthy, GZLives certainly wins the debate, if verbiage counts. And GZLives wins in the typing speed contest, if that response was indeed extemporaneous. If that was a canned manifesto, thanks for dumping that load here. If passion wins points, I concede; GZLives beats me, again. As I stated in my original post, “While claiming to be the only rule-of-law, secular democracy in the ME, the Israeli government operates on a moral plane very similar to that of its despotic and theocratic, neighbors. ” GZLive argues for moral relevance. GZLives’ well-written defense of Israeli war policy is also based upon accepting the validity of the “ends justify the means” argument. GZLives’ argument is also based upon a series of false analogies, which, even if true, are not relevant to this particular case. I just visited Amnesty International’s webpage, here is their URL: If one goes to their site, it becomes apparent that the AI focus is not just on Israeli wrongdoing. AI currently points to human rights abuse in Kenya, Guatemala, Kosovo, Bangladesh, Belarus and even in the USA. I saw nothing about Israel on AI's current web-page. Sadly, GZLives did not address my point about the debilitating effects of national self-elusion. And GZLives also failed to comment on my point about the threat of “compassion fatigue” for the Jewish State concept. GZL did not address my point about the USA needing to divest and disassociate itself from Israel. It ‘s simply a case of recognizing, separating and prioritizing US national interests, as opposed to blindly following the old belief, that what is good for Israel is good for the USA. If GZLives is not a paid shill for Israel, he/she ought to be. GZLives has an excellent command of the English language and the ability to articulate a point of view with convincing conviction and with a sense of righteous indignation. Me, I’m just a lonely blogger, with the temerity to question the wisdom and validity of the so-called US/Israel “special relationship”. It does not appear to be mutually beneficial. Thank you, Ynet for hosting this discussion.
45. 42-jason. bann amnesty from isarel???
AMERICAN   (01.31.08)
so you can go about your war crimes and not be held accountable? LOL. talk about chutzpah/.
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.31.08)
If Hezbollah did not hide inside civilians houses, if they did not hide behind children & women placed in front of them, those civilians would have not been harmed!
47. What?
Dave ,   Wisconsin   (01.31.08)
So those homes and hospitals that were spitting out rockets were all near military bases? Come to think of it, the only place Hezbollah was that was near a military base were those terrorists by UN Outposts, so I guess some were by military bases, but not their own.
48. 'ignored war crimes'
Global Citizen ,   Israel & USA   (01.31.08)
You mean like AI does everyday? 'failed to discriminate between civilian population, Hizbullah combatants' Hmm...sounds familiar - now where have we ACTUALLY seen that sort of thing before? Seems to me like executing their intended charter is just too darn much actual work for the spoiled hippies of AI, so they make symbolic gestures against folks they know wouldn't make hamburger of their fat heads. LMAO
49. Winograd Report/Amnesty
Denis MacEoin ,   Newcastle, UK   (01.31.08)
As I remember it, Hezbollah started the conflict, then holed up inside civilian areas, where they had already placed rocket sites and bunkers. By what absurd law is Israel to blame when it took military action to stop the rockets and civilians were killed? As I understand international law, it is the combatants who hide among the civilian population who are to blame, not the army that tries to take out the rocket batteries. It is incontrovertible that Hexbollah rockets fired on Haifa and other northern towns were intended to kill civilians. What is to stop AI from addressing that? It is all one-sided to the point of farce. I used to support Amnesty for their work on human rights, now I think they have bigoted politically-correct far-leftists like so many others.
50. #45
Natan   (01.31.08)
Nice response, now, how about having Amnesty Int'l report on Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, our "great friend" Egypt, UAE, Pakistan, African nations, Darfur, Sudan and more.. Mr. American, if defending my self is a "war crime" i am delighted to be a "criminal""!!!! how about this for a "chutzpah?
51. AI webpage update
new_york_loner ,   Rochester, NY   (01.31.08)
Amnesty International's web page has added an article about Gaza since I posted my remarks in post #44. I still maintain that AI is not biased against Israel or that AI is somehow highlighting human rights abuses carried out by the state of Israel while ignoring similar abuse elsewhere. Amnesty International boldly speaks truth to power. Since the truth always hurts somebody, it is seldom seen nor heard.
52. Once again Clever Richard gets it wrong
Donald ,   London   (01.31.08)
The war started with the attack on an Israeli position by Hezb...without provocation,AND ONLY THEN Israel again...poor Richard/John/Mahmood re-sets the timelines to suit his wankypedia knowledge...and his bogus diatribes. get a life loser! Clever...but we have seen AND OVERCAME shmates like you b4.....
53. All the world is wrong only jews are right!!!
George Saliba ,   Canada   (01.31.08)
The time will change, America is in its steps down, the support for Israel will not continue forever, the sympathy for Jews they have after the WWII holocaust is fading all over the world after all nations knew the aggressive reality of the out the law state Israel. When that time will come, Israel will pay compensation for all destruction being made to Lebanon, and we will make you pay like Germany still paying for Jews till now.
54. It is, as usual, quite simple:
Willy ,   Israel   (01.31.08)
Let me just summarize 99% of those coments: AI is biased, because it wants Israel to distinguish itself from the terrorists it says it is fighting. To do so they want us to distinguish from civilians and combattants. What they forget is: For us there is no difference between fighting Arabs and civilian Arabs. Arab is Arab and if we get a chance to kill him, we'll do. What seperates us from the "terrorist" Arabs (who do exactly the same to us) is, that we are by definition just. Everyone who says different can therefore only be: a) a terrorist b) a terrorist Arab c) an antisemite How good to know the world is so amazingly easy to understand if youy're Israeli.
55. 53,,,america goes down....
R ,   Toronto   (01.31.08)
you go with it
56. George Saliba , #53
BRL ,   USA   (01.31.08)
As long as the Jews were taking all the crap that the world was giving them everything was OK. Now that they are standing up to defend themselves everyone is screaming foul. Better get used to the idea that the Jews are capable of defending themselves. If your Hezdollah friends did not kidnap the Israeli soilders none of this would of happened. They would of saved lives on both sides of the border.
57. #15 - new_york_loner, here's my analysis of your TB...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (01.31.08)
1) You begin your analysis based upon a straw man argument: Criticism of Israel is labeled Anti-Semitism by most Israelis. Most Israelis are openly critical of the Israeli government and its policies (just read most TBs on this website!): Does this make most Israelis anti-semites? 2) You apply this flawed logic in expanding the scope to include Israel's neighboring Islamic republics as a means of establishing moral equivalency between the two, whereas, in reality, you are committing another logical fallacy: that of false analogy. The Israeli government doesn't build military/guerilla installations in residential neighborhoods with high numbers of non-combatants for the express purpose of killing or maiming as many of those non-combatants as possible when the enemy eventually responds. Hezbollah and Hamas do. Their building of these installations is, in itself, targeted killing of non-combatants- a war crime. To draw the conclusion of moral equivalency based upon even just this one instance is grounds for labeling your argument in this case a false analogy. 3) You falsely portray Israel as a country that grants 'Jim Crow' rights to non-Jews in what both you and the press erroneously refer to as 'Occupied Territories'. Occupation, according to international law, requires two things: 1) de jure sovreignty over a territory by a nation state; and 2) de facto sovereignty by another nation state. Both Jordan and Egypt have renounced sovreignty over the West Bank and Gaza Strip respectively, and those regions are considered, from the perspective of international law, terra nullus. The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are not under occupation. Also, the citizens of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are not Israeli citizens, and, as such, your comparison to 'Jim Crow' is yet another false analogy. These 'Palestinian Citizens' actually held Jordanian citizenship for the most part when Jordan stripped them of it. Their 'Palestinian Citizenship' is, from perspective of law, a non-citizenship, because citizenship requires a political state behind it to enforce the rights and requirements of its citizens, which is not the case with the PA. 4) You also falsely base world support for Israel on sympathy for what happened in the Holocaust. This mirrors the rhetoric of Ahmadinejad who falsely states that the Palestinians are paying the price for the Holocaust. The 'Palestinians' (this term is a misnomer in and of itself) are paying the price for 3 attempted genocides against the Jewish people in 1948, 1967 and 1973. This is a fact the media, and you apparently, have conveniently forgotten. My advice to you, new_york_loner, is to base your opinions on something more than logical fallacies and half-truths. Such intellectual dishonesty hardly advances your cause...
58. Willy, stop impersinating an israeli and cut the crap.
59. amnesty, lebanon
marcel   (01.31.08)
When has amnesty or lebanon helped Israel?Hezbollah fires rockets into civilian areas and no one says anything. Israel should use human shields, fire rockets into hezbollah areas and drop sleeping gas bombs to put terror to sleep. In the meantime, you can go to hell along with the the coward Olmert who refuses to take responsibily. The rest of his group are also a bunch of weak losers, Ramon, Livni, Hasson, Bar-on, Dichter and Mofaz. They will be wiped out in the next election. Livni, who we all thought has potential. has turned out to be a major league coward for not standing up to Olmert..
60. Megaphone
unbiased ,   USA   (01.31.08)
All these pro-Israeli arguments are a result of megaphone technology alerting those who use it to post to this article. The pro-Israeli responses to this article ARE NOT the majority point of view. It is a concerted effort to dismiss any criticism of Israel's actions.
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