Jewish Scene
Religious homosexuals seek acceptance
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 10.02.08, 14:37
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82 Talkbacks for this article
31. they are not heredi
Torah cannot ,   be changed   (02.11.08)
32. Hitler said the same thing...
Meira ,   New York, USA   (02.11.08)
I thought Jews were supposed to be compassionate and love their fellow man as themselves. In fact, the more severe aveirah here is the disgusting attitude of those yidden who want to "ban" homosexual gays from Judaism. That's between man and man; whereas a gay Jew needs to take his struggle only before Hadakosh Baruch hu. Please, before you open your mouth without considering your words, remember that homosexuals were also on Hitler's list for the same reasons Jews were. Why turn around and continue that hatred?
33. YNet loves this crap deflect attention from real
Al   (02.11.08)
issues like Sederot being lsend to hell by Israelis inaction. I dont give a rats ass if Shalom likes to have Israel dick him in the ass. I dont care. So stop the BS and start being a serious website.
34. These comments sound like Ahmedinejad.
Tel Aviv, Israel   (02.11.08)
This is really funny. One's body, soul, mind and heart belongs to himself/herself. These talkback people take their hats off and respect. The mentality which judges the other and thinks that he/she is the authority is disturbed. Congratulations on this gay Haredim's courage. God bless them.
35. # 21 More hate from Ron In LA la land
Simon ,   TA Israel   (02.11.08)
Gee Ron, cant you accept the fact that as a gay man and a jew, i have rejected religion as like you my friend it is a religion of hatred and intollerence. I do not accept the Torah as my rules in life as the Torah does not accept me and i also encourage othere to denounce religion. Then you show your further hatred for Arabs as well, what about Lesbians, blacks ? Makes me wonder where your hatred really stems from ? Have you thought about attacking women that dont cover their hair, gee so many causes out there for you to vent your hatred, maybe you could join the Taliban?
36. you haters of gays:learn how to care more and hate less.
debra ,   usa   (02.11.08)
none of you has been given the right to judge them and deny them their rights and their humanity.
37. #18
Lisa ,   Israel   (02.11.08)
No, it's you that are sick and disgusting actually - I'm straight and married with kids and that's the way I am just the same way that a gay person is and who is also trying to get along in this world. You're just afraid of something you know nothing about so instead of spreading your venom around, next time make an informed choice to broach the subject with some dignity, compassion, equality and education. I don't think you have the ability - Shame on you!
38. challenge
chava ,   yerushalayim   (02.11.08)
The assumptions here, which I don't necessarily believe are true, are that we're discussing chareidim -- or maybe dati leumi -- men who believe there is a genetic proclivity towards homosexuality. Believers in Torah know that people are given free choice. And people are given challenges and tests, some seemingly more difficult than others. If same-sex desires really are genetic, those people have been given a VERY difficult test. Kol hakavod to those that pass it. And kol hakavod also to those who slip but work at doing teshuva.
39. #7
Madeleine ,   Israel   (02.11.08)
You and your kind are so sanctimonious! Do you really think that gays/lesbians choose this way of life which comes with such incredible heartache to themselves and their loved ones? When will you religious lot accept the findings of science - that this is a genetic factor, not a factor of choice. However much a gay person tries to fight it, by having a so-called "normal" marriage, in the end their natural tendencies will out, causing even more heartache. I don't condone same sex solicitng, just as I don't condone heterosexual soliciting, but if two consenting adults find love, affection, respect and happiness in each other's company, why shouldn't they set up home together and enjoy a relationship? Is this better than a marriage where there is wife abuse, child abuse, total lack of respect between spouses, fear, drugs, drunkenness (yes, plenty in your haredi society too)? For the record, I am the happily married mother of 3 adult ("normal") children, who count among their very good friends some wonderful, warm, intelligent gays - some of whom I know personally - who go about the business of living every day lives quietly and unobtrusively. If societywould accept gays as individuals, each on his/her own merit, there would be no need of gay paradws and such like, to emphasize their right to their lifestyle. Are you people so afraid and insecure in your religion that you can't tolerte anything different? No-one threatens your way of life. You do that yourselves with your show of inolerance that sets the secular world against so much that you stand for.
40. Changing the Torah?
Madeleine ,   Israel   (02.11.08)
Who wanats to change the Torah? But it seems to me that the religious "adapt" certain things to suit the modern way of life - shabbat clocks, shabbat lifts, to name but a very few. So whycan't alittle tolerance be part of the haredi way of life too. You are set in stone and wish to keep the torah that way too. I say it agai - are you so fearful of anything different that you can't show a little humanity, compasion and understanding? What sort of sick, sicjk rabbi says to a gay man that he should marry, produce children and have sex with men on the side? That's your idea of religion, of being a "good" Jew? That's we we secular are totally turned off haredism - the hypocrisy is unbelivable and unacceptable to ordinary decent people (and I include gays in 'ordinary and decent'). Just what differentiates you between the lot in Tehran?
41. #40 to answer your question
Jew ,   Israel   (02.11.08)
"What differentiates us from the lot in Teheran?" Well for one thing, we (Jews) do not advocate the execution of homosexuals. But the Torah says explicitly that homosexual sex is forbidden, just the same as incest, sex with animals, and child sacrifice which are mentioned in the same section of Vayikra where homosexual intercourse is forbidden. There is nothing "modern" and "new" about the urge to commit sexual acts that the Torah has forbidden. The Romans and the Babylonians and the Canaanites all practiced this immorality. The Emperor Nero castrated an attractive young man to make him a "woman" and then married him/her in an elaborate wedding ceremony. Ain kol chadash tachas hashemesh.
42. madeleine 39,40-another goya in Israel!
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (02.11.08)
Imagine if we keep converting everybody:bye,bye Israel! Only one more generation is going to be enough to say bye,bye... Where are Jews going to go now when the new romans take over?
43. To Charles and Debra
Josh   (02.11.08)
Charles you wrote " Are they trying to kill you ? are they doing missionary work ? are they trying to take your children away from you ? " The answer yes, yes, and yes. Torah shows Sodom and Gomorrah received from G-d complete annihilation. So if we let them sell their wares to our children, they may suffer the same fate. Are they doing missionary work? Yes they have an agenda to missionize people into the gay religion. A belief that G-d made them compulsory gays. Are they taking our children away from us. Yes our grandchildren, as there sill be no children from same sex couples. To Debra, you state Who are we to judge. You should know that Torah requires Jews to be a nation of judges and to remove evil from their midsts. Sinning is evil, so yes we are speaking out against it. Charles why are you getting so much more excited about the gay issue than any other?
44. #26 The most evil sin?
Josh   (02.11.08)
I know the most cursed is having a false god. So if you are a Christian who believes that a man is god and that god payed himself in a sacrafice to himself of himself for evil people who he said he hates, I guess you would attempt to view other sins as the most evil. Not that one form of anihilation is better than another.
45. erhaps these gays should convert to catholcism?
Petra ,   usa   (02.11.08)
they would be welcomed to take their pick of the nice, young, virgin boys that their parents entrust to them for instruction? Perfect match.
46. Josh , the goy , you have a false god
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.11.08)
and you try to doing christian missionary work here . So stop your writings , fake Jew but true hatefull christian .
47. Yaakov , Jerusalem , 2nd try
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.11.08)
No i have no hatred towards religious people if they behave correctly . They , as religious ones have to behave in a much better way as the seculars , they have to obey : Ve'ahavta et re'echa Kamocha . When they do it , and there are many , no reproach from me , only the respect they deserve . But having seen some hatefull faces , so much intolerant writings , i can't react otherwise as i do , to condemn them . Not because they are religious , because their conduct and writings do no deserve respect . So the hatefull , that's not me , but this person you see when looking in a mirror .
48. #45
Invicta ,   Europa   (02.11.08)
You had to get catholics involved didn't you. get over it. Did you read the article of the orthodox jewish man playing with little children? It's nothing to do with religion whether one is gay or has an interest in children. It's to do with who they are. you are one sad, embittered old lady.
49. #42
Madeleine ,   Israel   (02.11.08)
Who's talking about converting and thank you, i am not a goya. You religious lot are so scared stiff of anyone who deosn't hold your views, so scared of anything different that you reject it out of hand and make out that homesexuals are bad, eveil, foul - anything you care to throw at them. For heaven's sake, why don't you lot live and let live. Understand once and for all that a person's sexual preferences and a person's religion are two separate things. Shame on you.
50. #45 Next they will say its genetic..
Josh   (02.11.08)
51. Are You Kidding?
David ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (02.11.08)
I have no issues accepting them as human beings, or even as members of an orthodox community inasmuch as all people, orthodox and otherwise, fall short in one way or another, but accept their behavior as a viable within the context of Jewish tradition? Never. Not possible. Its a ridiculous notion. It no different than an adulterer or idoloter insisting that we accept their behavior within the context of Jewish Tradition. It may be acceptable in some cultures, but not to Judaism, or normative Jewish society. That's just how it is. Its the religious and historical reality of our tradition, and our identity as a Godly people. Its tragic that people suffer, and its tragic that bigots drive them away instead of loving them without compromosing on the noetic moral core of our tradition and faith. There are limits.
52. #46 You make no sense
Josh   (02.11.08)
...and because you make no sense everyone can see the truth. You hate me because I prevent you from missionizing. My posts speak for themselves as they are all anti-missionary and pro Torah. Satan poses as a man and describes another saying "he is a devil" and then he tells people he will defend them if only they turn to him with their souls rather than G-d. You are much like this. Accusing me of what you are actually doing here. Who was the spirit that fell to heaven gave Jesus his power and told him to say "I have not come to bring peace but the sword"? Who fell in a lightning bolt? Was the Holy Spirit anothe name for an angel? A fallen angel? Those of us who know Torah have no other God but Hashem. Say it with me Charles: Jesus is not my savior, not my God and not the Messiah. Why do you post under alias names? Why do these alias posts try to build you up in the eyes of the Jews as being "orthodox", "certified", and "pedigree" if not that you are trying to create an illusion. Why are these same alias posts supporting you and Jesus? The New Testament starts out quoting proverbs as prophecy as proof Jesus is the Messiah. Do these fools not know that proverbs is not prophecy? Who missed this point? Even he himself said he wast the Messiah. Why Charles? Why do they quote in the New Testament past tense statements of Torah and the Prophets made long before the time of Jesus as prophecy predictions? They are after all past tense thus not predictions of a future but comments on a past event. Why Charles? For the same reason you try to show us you live in Petach Tikvah and are Athiest Orthodox Jewish. The same reason why paqid states he is an orthodox Rabbi but sells Rebbi Yehoshua which is none other than repackaged Jesus. The same reason you throw the word "goyim" around. Despite the fact you expose that your perception of Jews is that they run around using the word "goyim" like the christians use the word "Jew". How insulting to the Jews that you get on a nationally viewed website and post such raving lunacies under the supposition that you represent Jews. You don't. The Hebrews were goyim chosen from goyim. The Hebrews were converts. A large majority of the hebrews that went into egypt were slaves, thus pedegree blood lines were not the base of the nation of Israel. Torah was and is the base. Something you trample on in support of the churches, Jesus, and the gays Why Charles? I have Hashem as a God and if you are calling him false then I have but one thing to say: Watch for falling curses. I will monitor your posts for any remarkable changes in the future. Why do you do it Charles? Have you nothing better to do?
53. #42 Abpaqcharin "goya in Israel"
Josh   (02.11.08)
Goya is a food product. So much for Abpaqcharinmon. Why do you do it? Pretend to be a Jew who hates converts? Is it because as a missionizer you dont want to loose the souls you collected to a false god? Let them return to Hashem in peace as predicted in Torah. "Devarim 4:24 For Hashem your God, He is a consuming fire, a jealous God. When you beget children and will have been long in the land, you will grow corrupt and make a carved image of anything, and you will do evil in the eyes of Hahsem, your God to anger him, I appoint heaven and earth this day to bear witness against your that you will surely perish quickly from the land you are crossing the Jordon to posses. You shall not have lengthy days upon it, for you will be destroyed. Hashem will scatter you among the peoples and you will be left few in number among the nations where Hashem will lead you. There you will serve gods, the handy work of men (Christian - pagan gods) of wood and stone which do not see and do not hear and do not eat and do not smell. From there you will seek Hashem your God and you will find him, if you search for him with all your heart and all your soul. " "From there" means from other lands and religions where the fallen Jews landed. By the way Goya makes some great frut drinks.
54. Josh , # 52 you are a liar
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.11.08)
You are'nt Jewish at all . You can't prove that you were converted , your tb's are mostly full of christian citations and words , and of jesus . So you a Jew ? Who can believe this ? no sane person certainly ! and i'm a sane one , who hates liars and christian missionaries as you are . Another proof ? you are such a fake jew , that you are fearing to tell where you live . You told you were once attacked by people making a sign ressembling a cross . They knew you very well . A Jew will not be attacked in this way . You may tell what you want , not to believe , nothing from you is believable .
55. Such hatred causes HaShem to cry
Avi ,   New York   (02.11.08)
The vitrolic hatred expressed in these talkbacks must make HaShem cry and wonder what has happened to His chosen people. If this is how we treat each other, how can we be a light unto the nations? If gays want to observe mitzvot, we should be supporting them, not condeming them.
56. #53 - Josh, Goya means female Goy...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (02.11.08)
If you said the Birchot haShachar or even knew what they were, you would know this, but you don't say the Birchot haShachar or even know what they are, so you don't know this. You don't say the Birchot haShachar either because you aren't Jewish or your observance level steers you away from Torah. You may say, Joshy-Josh, that because my observance of Torah is framed around the Talmud, I am following the words of man and not the words of G-d. Here's a news flash for you- there is an oral tradition that was handed down with the written Torah and this oral tradition is attested to by gaps in the Torah itself. The modern-day manifestation of this oral tradition is the Talmud and the various rulings based upon it. You can play Mr. Sadducee or Karaite all you want on Ynet, but you can't get around the fact that, when throwing out the Talmud, you throw out how to do something as necessary to Jewish ritual as Kosher slaughter, without which you wouldn't be able to offer Korbanot. Josh, I challenge you to tell me where the instructions are given in the Tanakh for Kosher slaughter. If you are unable or unwilling to do so, I would strongly advise you to stop posting your nonsense on Ynet.
57. #55, stop crying for aveirot
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (02.12.08)
HaShem is not "crying" about what you think. This is an issue of a group of twisted people, however it turns out they got there, trying ot normalize and especially trying to glorify their actions. It's tiring and offensive, and people like me get really tired of being accused of being "homophobes", "bigots", and hate-mongers. The only thing we hate is people who violate sexual prohibitions and then want us not to notice. We're perfectly happy if they want to observe mitzvot. Just admit that in regard to sex, they are not doing so, and admit it's a violation of a negative mitzvah. And don't flaunt it in heterosexual society, especially in synagogues, and then get angry or hateful (yes, hateful), when you don't gain overwhelming approval and acceptance. You are the hateful ones, and if HaShem is crying about anything it's the attempt of the GLBT crowd to flaunt violation of mitzvahs in the face of good religious Jews.
58. 32 Gays are abomination, you wish to change Torah?
They can't be gay if they are religious.
59. Madeleine another goy
DECENT people with any STUFFING are RELIGIOUS. They don't take leftist crap, "Weneed to change our ancient book of law to accept abominations" that is what you say! "You religous lot are so scared stif of everyone who dosen't hold your views, a person's sexual preferences and religion are a different thing!" WRONG! religon makes restrictions on sexual preferences, tough luck those who differ!
60. They have my respect and my acceptance!!!
Talula ,   Israel   (02.12.08)
Being gay and religious is a very complicated issue. Religious gays MUST be treated with respect and acceptance.
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