47-year-old man killed in Qassam attack
Ynet reporters
Published: 27.02.08, 19:21
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31. #30
Invicta ,   Europa   (02.27.08)
But Daniel your philosophy of 'get in and kick butt 'didn't work in Iraq so why do you think it will work in Gaza. The more you kill and maim and occupy the more people fight back. Look what happened in Vietnam. All the bombs, B52s and Napalm in the world couldn't blunt the Vietcong's fight. They resisted and defeated the US. And totally defeated the US. The British tried the same overwhelming tactics in Ireland. Result? talks with the IRA. The French tried in Algeria. Result? Algerian independence. It's time for a new approach. Engage in dialogue with Hamas (they are, after all, the democratically elected leaders of the people of Gaza) and start to accept that the Palestinians are people and not 'cockroaches.' War solves very little.
32. Today Sderot, Tomorrow Ashkelon
Jerry ,   NYC, USA   (02.27.08)
All will be sacrificed for peace. Stop your whining. -Ehud Olmert
33. More morality sermons from Richard the Lyin'-hearted
no-doze ,   usa   (02.27.08)
34. I give up on Israel
35. qassams
alan ,   bellaire, usa   (02.27.08)
Olmert isn't unable to stop these attacks. He is unwilling to stop them!
36. invicta
alan ,   bellaire, tx   (02.27.08)
when the arab terrorists stop trying to murder Israelis, the palestinian arab children will not be collateral damage by Israeli defense. Proportionality? That's a sham because these arab terrorists use children to shield themselves from reprisal. your terrorists are solely responsible for your children. I also know that your supposed caring for children is false, because you arabs blow up your children if you can murder Israelis while doing so.
37. And we're still sending them food water and electircity?
Daniel ,   TA   (02.27.08)
What country on earth would provide their sworn enemy with supplies? We are giving them power, water and other supplies only to receive qassams in return. Enough already if they starve or die of thirst they have only themselves to for electricity...I'm sure they can burn all kinds of things to light up their evenings and keep warm...start with the qassam supplies.
38. #26, and yet the Pals keep fighting...
why fight a war that you're obviously losing in? it seems like the pals are more interested in being right than being happy. the term 'surrender or die' isn't just a phrase. The pals choose to keep fighting, so they shouldn't bitch when they 're losing. Israel can afford to keep this fighting forever, with minimum casualties. can the pals afford that as well? Again, surrender of die.
39. Ignoring the facts
Raoul ,   Israel   (02.27.08)
Those that disingenuously blame Israel, simply ignore the fact that rockets have been fired FROM DAY ONE of Israel's withdrawal from the Strip, with no retaliation from the Israeli side for a considerable time. Israel bashers - get a grip of yourselves!
40. #36
Invicta ,   Europa   (02.27.08)
It's all a question of syntax and terminology. The Palestinians - to the 'Arab Street' and the majority of world opinion are resisting occupation. Many international organisations would concur with that opinion. YOur use of the word 'terrorist' is incorrect as a 'terrorist' is a group / person whose actions aim to undermine or invoke change in a people's choice of government. (Actually what Israel is doing to the residents of Gaza because they voted for Hamas.) You suggest that the Palestinians are motivated by Nihilism. When all the evidence points to the contrary as is the case in all resistance groups ranging from the American 'patriots' to the French Maquis Collateral damage (or the killing of civilians not involved in the conflict) applies to both sides. If the Palestinians are resisting occupation then there has to be collateral damage on the side of the occupier. Also the Israeli army murders Palestinians under the premis of their being members of 'terrorist organisations' In this instance, the Army is judge, jury and executioner. Why are Isrealis murdered yet Palestinians killed? Don't you understand that the use of language is very political? Surely death is death or do you believe that only one group of people (based on their ethnicity) deserve to die whereas the other group (also because of their ethnic group ) do not. Once you can get beyond that then you will understand that the situation in Palestine is a tragedy for everyone. And a tragedy that cannot be solved by more death.
41. Do not fight with one hand chained behind your back.
Jean Van Daem ,   Metula   (02.27.08)
The failure of Israel and the United States, as well as Europe, to see that the world is in a state of war is characterised by the seasonal birth of "peace initiatives." That Israel has convinced itself that "peace is an option," even "the only option," in spite of the fact that its enemies are actively engaged in preparing its destruction, is one of the astonishing phenomena of our times. The Arabs read the signs coming from Israel correctly, and act accordingly. On the one hand, they are arming themselves to the teeth and preparing for war and, on the other hand, they talk "peace" and occasionally release "peace plans," which aim at turning Israel into an indefensible narrow strip of land that can be conquered in a single attack. We should have the courage to face reality. We should go to war and fight with one single goal – a total victory on the terrorists. We will have to fight in order to rebuild our deterrence. We will have to fight for our survival. The medias should be kept away from the battlefield until the army has finished its job. The civilians collaborating with the terrorists, the “human shields”, should be treated as soldiers without uniforms. The war should be short and cruel to the enemy. Victory is at that price as explained at :
42. Palestinians killed (again)
Richard ,   London UK   (02.27.08)
In the early afternoon of 14 February 2008, Fawziyeh a-Dark, 66, had a heart attack at her home in Deir al-Ghuson, Tulkarm District. Her husband, Mahmud Qab, called the Red Crescent offices to summon an ambulance. The Red Crescent official told him an ambulance would be sent to their house. At 1:45 P.M., the ambulance left Red Crescent headquarters in Tulkarm and headed to Deir al-Ghuson. Recently, there has been one permanent checkpoint between Tulkarem and the village, al-Jarushiyah Checkpoint, through which vehicles are usually allowed to pass. On the day of the incident, the army set up a surprise checkpoint about five kilometers south of the permanent checkpoint. When the ambulance arrived at this surprise checkpoint, the soldiers did not let it pass. The ambulance driver called Red Crescent headquarters and asked them to coordinate the passage of the ambulance. He also called the patient’s husband, asked him to bring his wife to al-Jarushiyah Checkpoint, and said they would meet there. It was not until 2:35 that the ambulance driver was informed that passage along the road had been arranged. Despite the coordination, soldiers at the surprise checkpoint still refused to allow the ambulance to pass. In the meantime, the patient and her husband had arrived by taxi at al-Jarushiyah Checkpoint. The soldiers at the checkpoint refused to let her pass, even though the standing procedure is that persons in an urgent medical condition are to be allowed to cross checkpoints, with no need for prior coordination. In 2007, there was an increase in the number of cases where people requiring medical care were delayed at checkpoints.
43. #24 Royalty-Free Photos and Videos of Sderot
Sammy Cohen   (02.27.08)
The Israel Project has released royality-free photos and footage to be used by activists and journalists across the globe to convey the threat faced by residents of Sderot. Click here for photos of Monday's rocket attack on Sderot. Click here for video footage.
44. Occupation
Richard ,   London UK   (02.27.08)
The village of Nu’man lies at the southeast edge of the Jerusalem Municipality, a few hundred meters north of Beit Sahur, a Palestinian town near Bethlehem. Northwest of Nu’man, in East Jerusalem, lie the villages of Umm Tuba and Sur Baher and the Har Homa settlement. Nu’man’s 170 residents live in almost total isolation from Jerusalem and the West Bank. In June 1967, Israel annexed the village and incorporated it into Jerusalem’s municipal boundary. However, the residents were registered as residents of the West Bank. For many years, this situation did not really affect the villagers’ lives. Things changed with the general closure that the army imposed on the Occupied Territories in 1993. Suddenly residents of Nu'man were considered illegally present in Jerusalem, even when they are in their own homes. Residents were legally no longer able to access other parts of Jerusalem – indeed even to be in their own home – without a permit from the Civil Administration. In addition, the Jerusalem Municipality did not provide municipal services to the village, even though it was situated within the city’s borders. As a result, the residents depended on service providers in the West Bank. The Jerusalem municipality does not provide services to the village, does not approve building plans in the village, and does not collect municipal taxes. However, in 2006 the municipality destroyed two houses in the village, which were home to thirteen persons. Recently, the municipality issued demolition orders and fines for building in the village without municipal approval. Meanwhile, the municipality is actively engaged in expanding the nearby Har Homa settlement, whose planned expansion includes construction on land owned by residents of Nu’man. Following Israel’s non-compliance with the agreement resulting from the High Court petition, as well as the establishment of the checkpoint, and other difficulties, the villagers petitioned the High Court again, in 2007. They repeated their demand to dismantle the relevant section of the Separation Barrier or to recognize them as Israeli residents. They also demanded that they be allowed freedom of movement to and from the village and that the Jerusalem Municipality provide municipal services to the village. The petition is still pending. The failure to recognize the villagers as residents of Jerusalem, while restricting their movement to and from the West Bank, isolates them and severely infringes their human rights. The nature of the restrictions raises concern that the state seeks to force the residents to leave the village and move to villages on the “Palestinian” side of the barrier.
45. Recent deaths (only some)
Richard ,   London UK   (02.27.08)
Qusai Suliman al-Afandi 17 year-old resident of a-Duheisheh Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, killed on 28.01.2008 in Bethlehem, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Mahmoud Ahmad Mahmoud 'Awad 19 year-old resident of Beit Ummar, Hebron district, killed on 25.01.2008 in Beit Ummar, Hebron district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Ahmad Muhammad Feisal Mahmoud Abu Hantash 32 year-old resident of Nablus, injured on 04.01.2008 in Nablus, by gunfire, and died on 23.01.2008. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Isma'il Ahmad Isma'il al-'Attar 59 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 23.01.2008 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed Hanneyeh Hussein Muhammad 'Abd al-Jawad 60 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 18.01.2008 in Gaza city, by gunfire, from a helicopter. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. etcetera, etcetera
46. #31, your grasp of history is as impressive as ever
Danny   (02.27.08)
Gaza isn't Iraq. It doesn't have 100s of miles of borders with countries actively helping the insurgency. Even if it did, the analogy didn't work. If you bothered to actually read some news, you'd realise the insurgency in Iraq is currently failing - at least the sunni portion. The Vietcong were defeated in 1968 during the Tet Offensive. What you mean is the North Vietnamese army who didn't defeat the US, they signed a geneva agreement which they had no intention of honoring. Over 2 years later the NVA defeated the South Vietnamese army. Hardly a "total defeat" for the US. Britain never tried the "overwhelming" tactics in Northern Ireland and the IRA agreed to peace to acheive essentially what they had in the late 60s when the Troubles started. So the UK army defeated the IRA. This is even without listing the "resistances" that fail - Shining Path, FARC, Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, Hizbollah in Saudia, Kurdish rebels in Iran and Iraq in the 80s, Chechens against Russia etc etc.
47. #26, I see the human quote machine is back
Danny   (02.27.08)
and his quotes are as pointless as ever.
48. #28 and the majority are combatants.
Danny   (02.27.08)
This year at least 70% are combatants - number of combatants killed by qassams? 0%.
49. #41
FEB08   (02.27.08)
The world would be a more peaceful place and a whole lot happier if isreal was not there. That's the truth of the matter. Israel has given the world nothing but grief for 60 years. Just leave. Do mankind a favour.
50. Thank you livny,omert and rice
trumpeldor ,   eurabia   (02.27.08)
Thank you so much for the grrreat withdrawal from gaza enabling terror in Ashkelon
51. "this is not be toleraterd"
Nathan ,   Tel aviv,Israel   (02.27.08)
hello richard , I see that u are very angry about what our troops "acts",listen im from tel aviv soon i will volunteer to the air force to protecet my country and im proud be an Israeli and i get sick every time i see the "palestinans" crying to the mercy of a naive BRIT .WHAT WHEN AN ISRAELI IS KIELD YOU HAVE TO MANCHEN ABOUT THIER SIDE ,OK I UNDER STAND FROM YOURE EYES WE SEMS TO YOU AS THE BAD GUYS BUT WE ARE HUMENS TO RESPECT OUR DEADS. AND ANOTHER THING MY KUZEN IS IN GIVATI AND RIGHT NOW HE IS IN GAZA TO PROTECET ME AND respect our side to.LONG LIVE ISRAEL THE TRUE HOME LAND OF THE JEWS.LONG LIVE ISRAEL
52. Qassam
mario henrique ,   brazil   (02.27.08)
Why Israel don't buy qassam's and launch 2 for every one that arrive
53. war or not
sim ,   beeri   (02.27.08)
when will it end //???
54. beilin for shalit!
oded   (02.27.08)
let them have this idiot for exchange with shalit... only impotant govt. like this one still does nothing against the moslem insanity in gaza....... there should be a scorched land there.........
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (02.27.08)
It is with sadness to see how lost and confused the Israelis have become. In their unrelenting effort to appease and to be accepted by an increasingly hostile world they sink deeper in the muck of impotence. To be on a road of political correctness is like being a heroin user, it feels great but it is a self-destructive and suicidal habit. It does not seem to penetrate into the average thickskulled Israeli that their unrelenting drive towards secularism, buys them a ticket to endless and needles suffering. There is no vision nor understanding that Israels deterrent is eroding at an increasing speed. Encouraging our peace partners to bolder action, to hasten our demise.
56. #26 Richard(Ahmed) of UK
Natan   (02.27.08)
You are full of facts. One fact, however, your brain for some reason cannot digest: If you stop shooting at us we will stop shooting at you!!! Don't give me this crap about innocent civilians in Gaza. They let Hamas operate freely from their homes, they are quick to munch on candies to celebrtae the death of Israelis and than they cry when we respond!!! Screw you all!!!!
57. massege to ....
Qassam rockets ,   beit hanoon   (02.27.08)
we not a criminal .. we not bloodthirsty we just defend our land you invaded .. defend our children whom you stole their happiness and their right to live in peace .... if the IDF kill one of our men we will kill ten of your people .. we will make your families pay for what you did to our families .. your mothers should wail at your deaths just like our mothers have had to .... these is our message to you ..
58. tit for tat
Yed Lita ,   USA   (02.27.08)
i absolutely agree with tit for tat. 40 rockets at Israel should be met with 40 at Gaza and don't aim them, let them fall wherever, see if they like them apples.
59. explain to me
eliezer ,   jewrusalem   (02.27.08)
if hamas claims responsibility, and they are the government, does that not mean that they a government is attacking us. isn't that war?? perhaps some one can explain to me why our government does not view it as such?
60. Richard&invicta why dont you take a look at the real facts!!
chuck ,   us   (02.27.08)
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