47-year-old man killed in Qassam attack
Ynet reporters
Published: 27.02.08, 19:21
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61. War is WAR - it's going to get even uglier.
Juan ,   Spain   (02.27.08)
Are you ready to lose some very good young soldiers retaking Gaza? Perhaps more will die than are being hurt by the rockets. However this is war, and there is a principle involved here. Israel is being forced to retake Gaza, so that the Palestinians can accuse it once more of taking "their land". Keep praying to the God of miracles that He will provide more for his people.
62. Invicta 30
Leah   (02.27.08)
The problem with people like you is that you have everything totally backwards. First,the Israelis did not start this war. It is the Palestinians who are firing rockets into Israel every single day sometimes dozens of time. Everytime they fire a rocket they are trying to kill an Israeli.Today,they finally did. Yesterday,they seriously injured a boy outside his school. Every single day someone in Sderot is being damaged by these rockets. There is not one single country in this world that would put up with that for as long as Israel has. Also,in case you didn't know Hamas does not recognize Israel's right to exist. How can the Israeli's sit down and negotiate with people who do not even recognize their existence? And where did you get the idea that Israelis referred to Palestinians as "cockroaches"? Again,you have it totally backwards it is actually the Palestinians who constanly dehumanize the Israelis and Jews by referring to them as monkeys,dogs,pigs,cancer and the aids virus. Invicta,I think your real problem is your so blinded by your hatred of the Jews that you can't see the truth staring you right in the face.
63. kill them
Bruce Tuchman ,   NY   (02.27.08)
Go into Gaza and kill them.
Joe Kaufman ,   Palo Alto, CA   (02.27.08)
I shudder at the thought, but perhaps Israel has the government and leaders it deserves. If people don't take to the streets to oust these perfidious imbeciles that have wreaked havoc on Israel's deterrence, economy, sense of well being, then perhaps Israeli's deserve the punishment and abuse they get by tolerating these do nothing clowns. I thank g-d that I escaped Israel after 24 years, before I had to witness it's decline under Olmert. Throw the bums out or quit whining. Your future is in your hands. Allow yourselves to be led like sheep, and you will suffer a sheep's fate.
65. Suudent killed by Rocket
Tony ,   Dublin, Ireland   (02.27.08)
My heart goes out to that poor student and his family. I offer my deepest condolences. As far as I can see there are two options that Israel has; diplomacy or military action. And since Hamas rule out any sort of deplomacy, then military action is called for. Rocket attacks launched daily from Gaza into Israel cannot be allowed to continue. No other country would sit idly by, or be expected to sit idly by, while it's citizens are attacked. No other country would be passive in the face of such continuos attacks. An enemy pointing such weapons at Israel has to go.
66. #45 and again so what?
Danny   (02.27.08)
You repeatedly do this as if it means something. You have had the FACT that the vast majority of Palestinians killed were "participating in hostilities when killed" - you know this because a) the site you are quoting shows this in its stats quite clearly b) you have had this pointed out to you over and over. Get it wrong once and maybe you are simply ignorant, more than once and you are a brazen liar.
67. #49 Invicta care to back that statement up with some facts?
Danny   (02.27.08)
68. Settlements Illegal, Israel itself is Illegal
Wissam ,   Free Palestine   (02.27.08)
We WILL go back home! Palestinian '48 refugee
69. Israel will know how to respond =/)
eddie ,   London UK   (02.27.08)
I lived in Israel during the 2nd intifada. These were the daly responses the governemnt was giving after homcide bombings on buses, cafes etc. Yet, they didnt take strong measures, and the killing went on. TRhere were more casualties in that war than in the 1982 lebanon war, but yet the peoepl who created it, Barak,Peres, were not dismissed form their jobs (except by the voters).. And my conclusion was, and is, the Israeli government doesnt care much about its people, and cares more about its enemies, its political illusions and its PR in world media. As far as they are concerned, sderot can be destroyed, but they wont retalaite. They wont bomb gaza or destroy hamas. Barak's threats of a big land operation are empty, just as they were in 2000 , when he failed to break his peace partner Fatah, who was conducting the was against israel.
70. Israel Is the Victim of 1,000 Cuts
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (02.27.08)
On public TV, I watched as dozens of Russian police waded into a crowd of Putin protesters..swinging their batons. It struck me that Russia uses more force against peaceful demonstrators, the Israel does against it's own enemies. Turkey sent 10,000 troops into northern Iraq to chase the PKK, supported by the US. Yet, this same US wants Israel to behave like good Christians, and turn the other cheek. When will Israel wake up? Next, Hamas or their surrogate militias will fire Katys into Ashkelon..or from the W. Bk., knowing Israel is confused, perplexed, and just plain blind. Bottom line: every time a Kassam is fired, Israel should take out a section of a Palis city..block by block, by block. Otherwise, look for many more Jewish deaths. Israel is the victim of the Arab version of the death of 1,000 cuts.
71. Give Them a Good Whuppin
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (02.27.08)
To Leah: you cannot use logic on these people. Look, in Iraq, Muslim is slaughtering Muslim, over who is the rightful relative of Allah. Arabs send their children to kill themselves, and innocent Jews and Muslim..(after cleansing themselves), knowing 72 virgins are waiting. A Christian friend of mine said of the Muslims.."They are barbarian". To those Palis supporters: Israel withdrew from Sinai 3 times..and from the Strip 2 years ago. It withdrew from Lebanon., all hoping for some peace moves. Nothing came of it. The so-called "occupied territories" were taken AFTER Israel was attacked in 48, 67 and 73. THAT'S WHY ISRAEL IS THERE TO BEGIN WITH. The problem for we Jews, is we are Jews, kind hearted, with morals. Therefore we don't end this thing within 48 hrs..using our arsenals. If the Palis had the tanks, and fighter bombers..they would not hesitate. Kassams and Katys are softening Israel's resolve..the death of 1,000 cuts. To Israel: stop worrying about your PR...nothing will help anyway. The Arabs need what we call a good "whuppin" and ASAP.
72. are we terrorists??!!
terrorists 007 ,   kingdom of islam   (02.27.08)
when IDF kill Palestinian people no one do any thing ... so we must do every thing by our own way ... so when you kill us we will kill you until you get out from our land .... otherwise we will attack you in all times we can .... our message to you is : get out from our land and you will survive else you will die like a dog "Eye by Eye ..." terrorists 007
73. You are only too right, #70
Cameron ,   USA   (02.27.08)
Why do you delay, Israel? There is no point in playing at being reasonable in an unreasonable situation. This "tit for tat" game with the Gaza folk has accomplished nothing. Puzzled as Hell by your avoidance of what must be done.
74. I've figured it out -- finally
USA   (02.27.08)
I thought Israelis were just incrediby tolerant people and that's why they don't fight back and protect their children. But it's really because of what Euros and their neighbors say about them. Give give me a break -- when those people talk about how awful Israelis are, they don't even believe it themselves. The EU, Euro governments, countries voting against Israel in the UN and other organizations know the kind of people Israel is up against -- they don't believe it -- it's a popular way to think and they say it to talk you down (the most popular hobby in Europe, bigotry). The majority of Americans don't believe that crap any more than they believe the USA is the biggest threat to world peace -- except the Ron Paul nuts, who hate just about everyone. And the people you're fighting and their supporters in the region, they especially know it's not true, they're just raised to hate everyone not like themselves and stick together. But the Israelis actually believe it. And they feel guilt. Someone died today from a Pal rocket, a young college student just starting their life and other children have been maimed and injured by people who have been thrown out of numerous countries because of their extreme violence and people are screaming protect your citizens, Israel . But all the Israelis posting here see is the few posts where people call them blood thirsty and they're trying desperately to explain the situation once again so people won't believe they're blood thirsty. Israelis are the only ones they've convinced. You've defeated yourself.
75. Cancel Palestine. Create Peace.
David ,   Boston, USA   (02.27.08)
Stop dealing with terrorists. Demand Egypt and Jordan Palestine deal with their citizens. Palestine 2 is dead. Deal with the real powers, Egypt and Jordan Palestine.
76. Arabs are delusional (No.68)
Gary ,   Jerusalem   (02.27.08)
That is why you're stuck in the past morally, economically and religiously. Be honest, at least, with yourselves. The world is passing you by.
77. Wissam ,..............Free Palestine
Yossi ,   Ariel   (02.27.08)
I was afraid we would have to discuss some phony "peace deal", but now I am reassured of your people´s opinion shukran habibi
78. #69 you are dead on correct!
idan ,   haifa,israel   (02.27.08)
unfortunately, the government uses sderot as a PR stunt, instead of trying find a real solution. And i for one am sick of it.
79. #68 thank you
Danny   (02.27.08)
for answering so eloquently all those suggesting we engage in "dialogue" with you.
80. Israel will know how to respond
Sidney ,   USA   (02.27.08)
They say this every time and then do next to nothing. Why is today different from any other day?
81. Historic level of Negligence!
Yossi ,   Levittown, PA, US   (02.27.08)
Maybe it's time for a major Bar Kochba-style revolution? It's so hard for us to understand why Israelis put up with a level of governmental and military incompetence and negligence of such historic proportions! If such attacks were coming into the southwestern US from Mexico and the government were doing nothing -- which is not unheard of -- people would be demonstrating and rioting in the streets. Not just a few from Tucson, but masses! Meet Olmert at the airport and haul him off to jail and impeachment! DO IT! No one is going to help you but yourselves. And I agree with Phil: my money no longer goes to government agencies.
82. sapir kassam
george rooks ,   davis california   (02.27.08)
I'm tired of the Olmert government saying that they know what to do to stop the Kassams. It is time for a ruthless, merciless, bombing campaign against Gaza--and the world's opinion be damned!
83. I was at the senior center on the same campus
Don Saliman ,   Nahal Oz, Israel   (02.27.08)
It fell close to us as we are not to far from the place where the kassam hit. For the first time we were told to leave the campus and go home. So while at home on my Kibbutz,I have heard about 6 explosions near us. we were told to sleep in our security rooms tonight.
84. Dave Levy
GRT   (02.27.08)
When is Israel going to act like a responsible country and do what it needs to do is the question. The US was trying to help the situation because Israel hasn't fixed it. Since Bush left, they started blasting rockets and I haven't seen Bush threatening Israel not protect their country. Did I just miss that news story?
85. #68 reminds me of a good'ol song:
yosef el ,   francaweeee   (02.27.08)
" THAT'LL BE THE DAY"...etc . ps: tell your terro-holy-buddies to watch their @§§e§ the coming hours.
86. Yossi Beilin - I think you should check
Chaya ,   Bat Yam, Israel   (02.27.08)
Is there actually a brain in your head???
87. One-and-a-half miles!
Ypip ,   Canada   (02.27.08)
88. What this is about? Is it about who will stop first? Here is
Simon Mohammed ,   Falls Church, VA USA   (02.27.08)
an Idea I sugested in 2006. I will come there, sit in the border line between you, and you boot shoot at time in the same time. that way each one will say i shot the last, i won and try to live togother. let me know if you agree. Thanks
89. terrorists 007 ............kingdom of islam
I share your opinion, Arabs belong to Saudi Arabia you will be sent there in due time
90. Why don't we throw the cowards out?
jason white ,   afula,israel   (02.27.08)
olmert, barack and livni are cowards and should be thrown out of the knesset and out of the country. They are afraid to strike back with an artillery barrage. They want to protect the palis. Kill thousands of palis and the hell with the world opinion. That snake olmert is visiting Japan while we suffer daily rocket attacks.he is not human! We should make sure that sh-ass and their ayatollah yusuf is banned from politics,from any positions of power. Their schools should be closed as well as every institution they control. All money they received should be paid back with interest. All their followers should be moved to our southern border and to Yehudia and Shomrom.
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