A painful bus ride
Sarah Shein
Published: 03.03.08, 18:31
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61. #36, Keren, you are an idiot...
Lindsey ,   Fort Lee, U.S.A.   (03.04.08)
If they are both at home in Jeruselem, who is to say who should respect whom. Also, the writer made it clear that Egged is a public company that is not supposed to segregate. The fact that the haredim go around making secret agreements with public companies and bullying paying customers is the same thing as being a mafia. And as for the woman who asked you to go to the back of the bus, that's her choice, it does not have to be and should not be percieved as disrespectful if paying customers on public transportation do not choose the same ideals.
62. Gender discrimination
manuel ,   Buenos Aires   (03.04.08)
It is difficult to believe that a modern country such as Israel tolerate a middle age ideas such as gender discrimination in a public bus. My deepest sympathies to you. I live in a macho Latin American country and these things does not happen men and women mingle together in a public bus with the same rights
63. Backward country
Chaim Trenner ,   Baltimore   (03.04.08)
Israel seems to be a backward country. USA is fighting to make Middle East a democratic area while is going back into the stone ages. Herzel was not religious fanatic. I would let these religious nuts have it right between the...
64. thanks again ynet, for another anti-haredim story
just put on my ,   3D glasses   (03.04.08)
see how many great reactions you all got from these people? precisely what you lot at ynet intended? I could have made up a fable like this one and ynet would have posted it.....then everyone would go on about how bad the haredim are. I used to sit in the back of the bus on purpose. Sounds to me like the reason not wanting to sit in the back is because of some infection that transferred from the blacks in the south of the usa to stubborn people in Israel It is not a sin to sit in the front or the back. But if a whore or a improperly clad lady sits in the front, I for one can attest that wandering eyes will "check it out" It is much harder to swivel ones head around 180 degrees to do the same. It is a request to keep those without the moral fortitude from lusting after strangers! Those who want to be stubborn and not sit in the front or back on purpose, are nothing better then instigators, who have no will to respect others. Nobody should have to threaten, or insult, but mark my words, those stubborn ones will end up no better then the *******
65. Billy #8 and Israel is Burning
Baruch ,   NYC   (03.04.08)
She was listening to HER Rabbis - who have advised that there is no Jewish law compelling a woman to sit in the back of a bus and disregarding the fanatic wannabe taliban mullah like rabbis who you and those male passengers look to for religious guidance. She, as well as every other female passenger, need not justify their choice of seat to you or anyone for that matter. I agree - Israel is burning... it's been set on fire by fanatic Jewish fundamentalists who in this instance, at least, will be driven - pun intended - to voluntary seminal emissions - pun intended again - by a woman who sat in the front of their bus.
66. Why not men at back
A Friend ,   USA, Ohio   (03.04.08)
I don't mean to intrude, being that I'm not Israeli or Jewish; But a suggestion: In this clash between Secular and Religious, I can see how each side could have some legitimate grievances; I am personally disappointed with how 'slutty' many advertisements can be this day, billboards, etc, so I don't say the following to just bash on the Orthodox. But I wonder, Shouldn't the Men, in this case, at least offer that THEY sit in the back? My Mom made this much clear: Ladies First. That would make the segregation proposal a little more dignified, and do away with the eleticism associated with segregation.
67. As a public company
Avi   (03.04.08)
using buses that are public access, Egged is not obligated to segregate the buses. What I want to know is, why didn't the bus driver call for security or the police to remove the persons who were harrassing the woman. They were clearly creating trouble-and unnecessary trouble at that. Even if it were one of the "kosher" buses, the woman should be treated with respect. If there is a problem of her not wanting to move on those buses, it's up to the driver, and then security if they want to do something about it.
68. #28Rebecca, you cannot even begin to prove that nonsense.
Sharon ,   Israel   (03.04.08)
69. Misrepresenting??
Ken ,   Boston, MA   (03.04.08)
David from NY suggests she "misrepresented herself" by claiming to be "religious," noting she did not say "Orthodox." David is wrong. If, as he suggests, she is not Orthodox, then by not calling herself such she is not misrepresenting herself but rather avoiding doing so. If Davd was misled by his own erroneous (if widespread) misperception that "religious" has to mean "Orthodox" that is his shortcoming, not hers. Sounds to me like she represented herself quite correctly, even in his telling of it.
70. re: #55 - you' don't care if she's lying?!?
david ,   new york   (03.04.08)
it DOES matter if she's misrepresenting herself. she is putting herself out as a simple orthodox woman just trying to get to the other side of town. however, more likely what we have is an activist lady with an agenda who hates orthodoxy in general (and haredim in specific). she taunts them and is condescending to them. i have no sympathy for her.
71. 48 Mother of Four: What is not specifically forbidden in
Rivkah   (03.04.08)
the Bible is allowable. I do not watch pornography on television unless it is artwork and most of the programs I watch are religious or news programs. Apparently in Israel, certain religious groups have chosen do not use electronics on the Sabbath or on other days. That is all right for some who choose to restrict themselves. But for others, it would be suicide for the nation. The enemies of Israel would attack on the Shabbat if there were no electronic weaponry to prevent and defend from that. Exodus says the Lord is a man of war. The Bible also says the Lord does not sleep. He is ever watchful and his people should be likewise. Some of the traditions are commandments of men, not doctrine of God. Knowing the Bible and reading it so many times you know the diffeence is important. You should not listen to radio or tv religious programs unless you can determine what is being said is biblical and what is not. The Rabbis try to protect people who do not know the Bible well enough to know what is allowed and what is not. I learned for myself because I prefer to be like God who is ever watchful than like the Rabbis, as learned as they try to be. Rabbis are not God. They interpret the Bible, but sometimes go out of range of what God needs for them to do.
72. Sarah Shein
Doris ,   UK   (03.04.08)
I read exactly the same article in the Ynet about a year ego,what happed to sarah did it happend twice to her?or ynet just have to reprint thingd again and again.somehow I can not belive it . Doris
73. Maybe we should have buses with NO JEWS allowed, oh, wait...
diamond ,   Chicago   (03.04.08)
Tried that in Europe, now, didn't they? We know where that led..... Stop bashing this woman. Do you think she has nothing better to do with her time than write a 'fictitious' piece bashing the religious?? This IS happening, it's wrong, and it represents a great tragedy among the Jews.
74. how 'bout seperate sidewalks, streets, markets, etc.
yahoo ,   Chicago   (03.04.08)
Where does it end? This isn't a shul, its' not a place that one prays or studies at (officially). It's a bus! With this kind of logic, perhaps the haredim shouldn't be let in to the clinic, after all, a WOMAN might have to heal them! This a good way to promote mysogyny and homosexuality. Respect, modesty, YES. Absurd discrimination NO.
75. #17 you go sit in the back
rachel ,   usa   (03.04.08)
76. This demonstrates the sin of isolation, when men cannot even
mea   (03.04.08)
sit near a woman or even hear her sing without it causing extreme sexual response. This demonstrates why extremism is wrong. It may also show why there is such a high number of abuse cases inside the Haredi community. Just like isolated freaky catholics turning on boys, extreme isolation from an INTERMIX of males with females (in a respectful atmosphere) is the command of the Lord. Males need to be around woman and casually interact with women in order to understand them (us). Otherwise it's all just a bredding program with no spirit and familial love involved. What is the diference between this mindset, the Utah poligimist with a town full of women a few males select from and over rule, and the Taliban? Some here should site the Torah scripture supporting these sorts of extreme separation because NEVER in the history of Judaism have they been part of the norm.
77. Put and end to Jew Crow Laws
Rosa Parks ,   Montgomery, Alabama   (03.04.08)
Only in Israel would people openly engage such discrimination against women. As the rest of the world condemns and works to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, people in Israel are instead moving in the opposite direction and the so-called democratic government in Israel actually allows such crimes to continue. The UO men who cannot control their sexual urges as normal men do everyday worldwide should be sent to get mental help, have their front pockets sewn shut or wear chastity belts if they cannot control themselves, but certainly women should not be forced to pay a price for their mental instability.
78. #17 When Germans told Jews to shop elsewhere...
Aharon   (03.04.08)
They should have just gone to a different shop! What's the big deal???
79. This is really twisted
Ken ,   Boston   (03.04.08)
Ok, how 'bout a step back. "Sinful thoughts," of the kind that unavoidably flutter through the mind at moments expected as well as unexpected, are verboten? I must have missed that pasuk. So an attractive person crosses my gaze and I think "gee--pretty." Zap! That's Gehinnom points for me (and for her since she (slut that she is) thoughtlessly caused my sin in the first place--by merely being there. How dare she let herself be seen??). This "religion," whatever it is (and as a "Torah-true Jew" myself, shomer this and shomer that, it bears no resemblance to anything I know of as "Judaism") is ridiculous and, frankly, twisted. The "thoughts" herein presumed "sinful" are the product of the normal processes of the brain with which God blessed humans. No sexual attractions, ever? Avoid any possibility of seeing a woman because once seen the "sin" in one's thoughts is inescapable? FIne. So let's Burka the lot of them. At least that would be honest. What a bunch of ignorant, stupid nonsense.
80. #74---The hareidim do that already.
Maidel ,   NY   (03.04.08)
There is no end to their minhagei shtuss.
81. 68 Sharon: The Egyptian Septuagent translation
Rivkah   (03.04.08)
by 72 scholars of the Hebrew texts thousands of years ago was far more informative than the Babylonian translations that left out a lot of material. The Babylonian translations are in use today, mostly. The program on the History Channel Sunday evening discussed the ancient manuscripts that were found in clay jars in Egypt that confirmed the authenticity of the Septuagent translations. See if you can find that program on DVD and watch it. It is most enlightening. In addition, subscribe to audio tapes and essays from petragrail@yahoo.com on the subjects you question OR go to Rabbi Michael Rood's website and start ordering and watching his research on DVD's such as "The Jonah Code and the prophecites of Daniel." All of this is quite expensive. The Jonah code set of five DVD's is $82. plus shipping. So you might want to get a grant from the government to study what you do not know.
82. 68 Sharon: I missed you so much and was getting
discouraged. You really must pay more attention to me so we can parry (duel). How are you doing? I have been so worried about you.
83. 40 M. Hartley. God created angels and a third rebelled. Was
Rivkah   (03.04.08)
creating angels who protect your grandchildren a mistake because a third of them rebelled? Lillith and Eve and Adam rebelled against God who created them after his own image. God had regrets about creating man and woman, but was it a mistake? I hope not, since I could not spend eternity with God any other way. It is a mistake for you since you want to go to a place of eternal separation from God when you die. You are such an unthankful person. You say you love your grandchildren, but do you thank GOD who enabled them to be conceived? Do you thank God who protects them? You have a home with a mantle to keep your husband's ashes on, but do you thank God for that? You have so many qualities, but without a thankful heart to God who is your creator, your qualities will only take you to an unhappy eternity with demons and the devil and his fallen angels in the lake of fire.
84. 68: My darling, where have you been? I haven't heard from
you for months. If you want more research on what I have said, order the "Jonah Code and the Prophecies of Daniel" from Rabbi Michael Rood's website. Order audio tapes on Olaf Hage's research on the subjects at petragrail@yahoo.com. Order the program from the History Channel that was on American television on Sunday night, March 3, 2008. The information is out there. Also, order a Septuagent translation of the Hebrew writings. It was the transalation of Hebrew texts by 72 scholars thousands of years ago that was confirmed by ancient manuscripts found in Egypt. The Babylonian translations are more popular in the Judeo-Christian world, but the Egyptian Septuagent is more complete with a lot of information left out of the other translations of the Bible.
85. #71 Rivkah you've said it ...
mother of four ,   Bnei Brak Israel   (03.04.08)
they are over the top and that is all that most of the talkbackers are saying.
86. women only buses in mexico
georgette ,   israel   (03.04.08)
interestingly, found an article on cnn not long ago about a new line of completely segregated buses in mexico, for women only, as women were tired of being harassed by the men. the drivers like it better as rides are quieter, more efficient, and much cleaner - the bus company accomodates this as there were 2 (?? only 2!!) complaints of harassments which they say was more than enough. it is a strange world.
87. Live and Let Live
Mrs Rabinavich ,   LA, USA   (03.04.08)
I do not see the problem. Simply ride on a non-segragated bus. You have a choice. It seems that you have no tolerance for the religious beliefs of others. Are you on a mission to force your feminism on others? Do you think you are a posek or halachic authorirty?
Roxy ,   Israel   (03.04.08)
The Egged company is a public bus company, therefore cannot discriminate against women by shaming them to move to the back of the bus! It is one thing if the bus is marked"Kosher rules", but unless such a sign is located for everyone to see they have no right to force women to the back, this woman and all other women who were victims of such discrimination and abuse should start a class action civil rights law suit against Egged and anyother bus company that allows such behaivor! Where are the Women's rights organizations here,why are they not rallying to this woman's aid? What aboutall the work that was acheived in civil rights around the world? Why should women have to sit at the back of the bus...the men can sit there if they want, they are stronger,and smelly so let the women sit in the front so they don't have to see them! IHAVE A DREAM THAT MY DAUGHTERS WILL ONE DAY LIVE IN A NATION WHERE THEY WILL NOT BE JUDGED BY THEIR SEX BUT BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER !
89. Go to the back of the Bus
Hava ,   Israel   (03.04.08)
Shimshon you go to the back of the bus where does it say that women must walk to the back after a long hard dayof working to support families,you get off your butt and move to the back if it disturbs you so much that you might sit near a woman! This is not 1950's Southern United States back when sgeregation was practiced, it was an embarrasment then and it is nowas well. Israel was meant to be a light unto all nations... and by forcing women to the back of a bus it is not a light to all nations but rather going back to a dark period of time!
90. Discrimination's uglyness
Roxy ,   Israel   (03.04.08)
First it starts with buses then they will demand all schools become segregrated! Does Segregation of people on public buses based solely on their gender shame women .. we believe that it does. To separate them from others solely because of gender generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone.... Chief Justice Earl Warren Us Supreme Court 1954
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