Gaza: Thousands celebrate Jerusalem attack
Ali Waked
Published: 06.03.08, 22:31
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61. Re: #52 / Michael
Morris ,   Israel   (03.07.08)
Convenient how you forget to mention some very important facts regarding the King David bombing, such as: A) Irgun called in and warned the British about the pending bombing well before the detonation and informed them to vacate. B) Your disgusting military officers shut the doors and told everyone to remain in the building and continue working, thus resulting in the many deaths that would have otherwise been prevented. C) I'm not even going to begin mentioning the countless sins of omission, commission, and favoritism, and you people committed against the Jewish people during the time of the Mandate.
62. This is demonising, but I’ve seen Jews rejoicing death here!
Both people are equally bad when it comes to rejoicing atrocities and death on the opposite side!! I understand, this isn’t a centre for peace studies, instead this is a centre for rightist settlers stealing Palestinian properties on a daily basis and teaching evil ideologies. Israelis and Palestinians must sweat for peace otherwise they will continue to bleed!! Enough is enough you guys are exporting terror and hatred to other countries in the world.
63. "130 people, most of them children"
johannes ,   australia   (03.07.08)
very large, hairy children who resemble adults, carry weapons and praise allah. the fact that this hamasnik pig has to resort to lies says a lot. and michael, you are right when you say "most europeans" and qualify that with "(non-jews") because in your eyes a jew could never be a european. that's why we have our own country! and arabs have 22 countries in which their language, culture and religion are predominant. stupid mamzer. you had to throw in the bit about "the plague" didn't you, because that's your medieval antisemitic prejudice you still hang on to. but we all know that europeans were the ones who suffered from the plague due to their own unhygienic practices!
64. Equality would be...
Avi ,   Los Angeles   (03.07.08)
sending IDF missles into a madrassa. An Eye for an Eye. IDF targets terrorists (civilians get killed in the crossfire), Palestinians target civilians (and then celebrate) and delusional Gentiles and Jews have the nerve to attempt to equate the objectives of each sides. Why can't the Arab's see that they cross, intentionally, civilian boundries in warfare ?
65. #no26
Angie ,   Birmingham   (03.07.08)
I agree with you on this one..
66. animals. savage. deserve no clemency.
dante ,   uk   (03.07.08)
67. Such shameful celebration
sam ,   tehran,iran   (03.07.08)
Such crazy people, attacking to innocent people then celebrating insanity ,I hope all poepel in isreal be safe at the moment also Israel has right to defend from their people
68. This says it all
J K ,   NYC, USA   (03.07.08)
People going out in the streets and celebrating the death of a bunch of schoolkids by murderers. This sums up the Fakestinian national aspirations. They hope to build their country on the body of dead Jewish students. And still Israel is condemned in the UN for defending itself. Are people like these worthy of aid much less a country of their own?
69. dear israel, just destroy the planet
johnny vegas ,   las vegas   (03.07.08)
Ok this will solve your whining dear israel. nuke every major citty on the planet and then spread your bioweapons and kill 99.9% of the people. the rest will live in a new stone age untill some meteorite hits us and the rest dies. after that you dont need to whine about some psychopath shooting in some school.....
70. re: shooting in Jerusalem
Marlene Fryer ,   Canada   (03.07.08)
It saddens me to see people regardless of religion/race celebrating over the death of another person. How can we stand by and see Israel give up more land when the outcome will be even worse than it is now. I hope those in authority in Israel will quit dividing their land!
71. Passing out sweets
Howard ,   USA   (03.07.08)
The fact that these people have money to buy sweets to distribute proves that Israel has not punished them enough. Cut the electricity, cut the humanitarian aid, cut it all. Gaza is not your problem, it is the problem of the Arab world.
72. You Jews In Chutz L'Aretz Disgust Me-Aliyah Now!!
Akiva ,   Maaleh Adumim   (03.07.08)
73. A disgusting pack of animals that have no conscience!
3Jay3 ,   Israel   (03.07.08)
I hope CNN, BBC, Fox etc, show the world how these pack of animals celebrate death!
74. Michael your comments make my blood boil
Nick ,   London UK   (03.07.08)
luckily people with views like yours are few and far between, the anti-Israel groups just consist of 3 types of people 1) muslim 2) Lefty 3) ignorant going by you name I don't think you're Muslim, So what is Michael?? And feeble attempts at boycotting fantastic Israeli produce don't work haha have you seen how well stocked Tescos (UK's biggest supermarket) is with Israeli goods - stacked! :-) and It looks like you've got a little friend up in Birmingham, Hi Angie!
75. It's way past time to declar war
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (03.07.08)
The PNA has been at war with us since 1994, it's more than time to return the favor. After they become real refugees with their Arab bretheren they can reflect how much their terror campaign earned them.
76. Michael please read
Joel ,   New Jersey, US   (03.07.08)
You are very one sided in your analysis of what happens. The average Jew in Israel does not celebrate when a Palestinian civilian is killed. Israeli forces go for terrorist targets and civilians can get killed in this process its a shame but it happens ....especially when the terrorists in Gaza fire from areas populated by civilians on purpose look back to a few months ago when they were firing rockets from a school yard. Also, please look up the article a world without Israel hopefully this article will enlighten you a bit since you seem to know very little about the Israeli-arab conflict. Get back to me on this an if you say something base it off specific events that have actually happened as well as real academic writing not bullshit
77. Michael post #55
Joel ,   New Jersey, US   (03.07.08)
Your argument here is very overly simplistic and you didn't really examine anything just threw down misleading and false information. 8 times more palestinians killed by Israelis and they maintained a cease fire. OK.. This is because they were stopped...they try to infiltrate Israel all the time they just werent able to carry out a successful bombing thats why these stats exist. Also, even though they do kill palestinian civilians you fail to make a difference between civilians and terrorists. Israel has a much higher percentage of armed combatants killed then the "Palestinian" arabs have of Israeli soldiers killed vs. civilians. These cease fires are called by Hamas because they want to strengthen themselves.
78. Do not be afraid to protect yourselves
Brian ,   Grand Rapids, USA   (03.07.08)
Israel - Please do what is necessary to protect yourselves. The People of the United States are with you despite what our corrupt leaders say and do. You are not alone!
79. It's Obvious...
Don ,   Rock Branch, USA   (03.07.08)
Just like at the end of World War II, we need to have a redistribution of populations. There also needs to be a decisive victory as a catalyst to hasten this process. As for Michael of Oxford, he is a troll (trying to stir up emotional e-mail responses), and responding to his BS is a salve to his ego. Please, everybody, recognize him for who he is and ignore him.
80. celebrations
sas ,   israel   (03.07.08)
SICK SICK SICK people. I hate Ohlmert and his policies but he has no reason to sit at the same able with people that can do such things. Let the other countries do the talking. We have suffered enough. The only road that I see is to Ben Gurion and the faster I get there with my family the better odf is will be mentally.
81. Just a question?
Mark ,   USA   (03.07.08)
Do you think why they hate you and celebrate killing of Israeli people? You can't start the history from today! Bear in mind thousand of Palestinians were killed by Israeli terrorists, and other thousands have been refugees in camps "inoccent people" toke their lands! Do u think just being a jew give you the right to settele in Palestine?!
82. #53, no they just do it in London instead
Danny   (03.07.08)
and Glasgow...
83. #55, please tell UK Education standards haven't declined
Danny   (03.07.08)
to that extent. I know any old retard can get A-levels but.... 4,400 divided by 1,200 isn't 8. Also the majority of Palestinians were "killed whilst engaging in hostile activity" - note this doesn't include people with weapons not firing or people throwing rocks or people who were caught in the cross-fire. There has never been a ceasefire respected by the Palestininans. They sometimes get lucky, sometimes get an unlucky streak. After Yassin and Rantanzi were killed - and hamas promised the "gates of hell had been opened" - Israel has a complete ceasation of suicide bombings for over 6 months and not even Hamas is claiming that is because of a mythical "ceasefire". As for not using Israeli goods, I assume you got someone else to type in your response - given the chip designs for both the mac and PC are Israel-based.... not to mention your mobile phone.... and for the record I don't think you are an "anti-semite" simply a retard who wants to impress his similarly retarded friends by pontificating on a trendy subject that neither you nor they have the first clue about.
84. Just Revenge for Israel killing a 130 Civilians in Gaza
Lev Bronstien ,   Moscow, Russia   (03.07.08)
The civilians whom Israel killed in Gaza were just as innocent those killed in Israel, and for as long as Israel continues to attack and kill innocent Palestinians in occupied Palestine, innocent Jews will die as well. So either get used to the fear of you own family or friends being the victims of retaliation at any moment, or choose to make peace and put and end to the immoral Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. You current method has only benefited the illegal settlers while failing to bring peace or security to Israel itself after 40 years of trying and has brought much shame to you all. So give peace a chance for a change and stop playing into the hands of the settlers.
85. 53# Michael You did a lot of stealing of land and killing
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (03.07.08)
of other peoples yourselves super Mike. I wouldn't be to swift to judge everyone else when your country is covered in the blood of other countries peoples. I'm pretty sure we kicked you out of the America's because of your backwards behaviour.....lest you judge the Jews for taking back land that was originally theirs to begin with. But that's stealing in your eyes I assume? Ireland still isn't to happy with you either. I'm sure you will give them back their country in good time. Let's hope you do so before you expect the Jews to give back land that was taken from, "Jews," by force, in the first place.
86. Michael from Oxford
Marissa ,   New York   (03.07.08)
You need to be shipped to Gaza tomorrow, taken captive by terrorists (and I don't mean Israelis, you dimwit), locked up in a cell, not allowed to eat properly or have contact with your family, which you probably don't have anyway, for ONE YEAR and get a little taste of true terrorism. And then after that you will STILL hate Israel and Jews, because that is how deep your Anti-Semitism runs.
87. Oh! And about that APARTHEID thing
Marissa ,   New York, NY   (03.07.08)
I am so sick of the comparison to South African apartheid. For ignorant Anti-Semitic a##holes like Michael from Oxford, I could list many reasons, FACTS, why Israel is not an apartheid state. It is simply factually incorrect to make those statements. And calling a military response to terrorism - consistent terrorism for decades in this case, HOLOCAUST, that is just beyond words. It shows how deep your hatred of us runs. Go talk to your House of Lords, leave Israel out of your own twisted issues. The BBC has got you braaaaainwashed!!
88. #3
Jane   (03.07.08)
Then it follows that it should be understandable when we flatten Gaza after what they did. You are so full of BS, mullah boy.
89. Michael in Oxford, the Caliphate
Jane   (03.07.08)
You Jew-hating piece of crap, the ultimate mistake was the one your parents made when they had you. Apparently there were not enough of you killed. Your freaking White Paper consigned hundreds of thousands of us to the gas chambers. As to you "agreeing" to a Jewish State, who gives a damn what you agree(d) to. You are a worthless former empire filled with hypocrites with bad teeth. We have our state by the hand of G-d, Whose power you obviously know nothing about.
90. # 26-Sue Oxford for Fraud
CSB ,   USA   (03.07.08)
This statement and non-thinking results from the propaganda masquerading as truth in Britain and the world press.There was a time when Oxford and Cambridge had fine thinkers andprofessors. No longer. 26, I feel very sorry for you and your colleagues, for you live with misconceptions that are based on lies and fabrications, promoted as facts, which are initiated by hate and discrimination. What a complete waste of a life, whether you are young, or old. You haven't any idea how much Britain owes to the Jews and to Israelis. Shame on you. If you have been taught how to research and have any critical facility, the archives are in the UK and Israel verifying my assertion. You could easily be speaking French, or German, or not at all if it weren't for the Jewish People. Go back a few hundred years. You will be shocked.
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