Images of horror in yeshiva to be distributed worldwide
Itamar Eichner
Published: 08.03.08, 00:38
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61. Sean
Leah   (03.08.08)
Your buddys from Hamas have already done that. They take advantage of the human shields deaths they use all the time.
62. Henry 22
Leah   (03.08.08)
America has and still uses excessive force in Iraq. In fact, quite a few more Iraqi "civilians" than Palestinian "civilians" and I emphasize the word "civilian" because the overwhelming majority of those killed by both American and Israeli soldiers have been terrorists, or as the mainstream media refers to them as "militants". Anyway,following your twisted logic,I guess it was ok for that madman to massacre 30 students and teachers at Virginia Tech University last year because of all the innocent Iraqis killed by American soldiers. And I personally have a very hard time believing you really feel any sympathy for the Israeli students who were killed and their families when in the very next sentence you claim you think they had it "coming".
63. To Rick, Australia
Your words are eloquent. My initial posting in my local newspaper brought forth such portrayal of hate for one another, which was not my intended purpose. I hope you were able to read my further comments, which deviated from my initial post, but were in answer to other's comments. What you write about mankind, I wish I would have found those words to share.
64. To TX Alan, #33
Sadhasiv ,   Washington DC, USA   (03.08.08)
Generally, there is no way that a group will ever have more morals than their forming sponsors. True in the case of Taliban which never exceeded unindicted kleptocratic war-criminal Zia ul-Haq (it was formed on his orders) morally. In the case of "Palestinian" groups, the forming sponsor was Adolf Hitler's Nazis--due to the 1936 blood-covenant between Haj-amin Husseini and Hitler. Basically, you hit it on the nail! An idea: US should send MIRV'ed missiles with modified (containing spam, bacon-bits and rancid lard) warheads to Iranian (Qom), Saudi (Mecca and Medina) and Syrian (Damascus) targets--as this would irrecoverably desecrate them.
65. Leah #62
Erik ,   Czech Republic   (03.08.08)
I would like to remaind you.... The Yeshiva Rabbinical council announced in response to an IDF attack on Gaza that "according toJewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as "innocents" of the enemy. So what you complain about?
66. "take advantage"
J. Kaplan ,   NYC - USA   (03.08.08)
I call warped word choice on you!
67. The propaganda machin started
68. #22
mike ,   usa   (03.08.08)
Henry you are an ass hat. I guess if someone showed up at the front of your house and sprayed it with lead you would pull out a sling shot and return fire as not to disproportionately respond? BTW what does it matter if these worshippers of death die? It is their ultimate achievement.
69. #7 Global Jihad:Islamics Make WAR Against Civilian Populatio
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.08.08)
They break international law! They use human shields. Hide behind women and children. They wage daily, religious war on Israel's infidels - firing a daily barrage of rockets on defenseless, terror-stricken Sderot citizens, and Ashkelon. They fire from within densely populated areas in a deliberate and shocking attempt to get PA Muslim civilians killed when IDF fire back in defense. When PA civilians are accidently killed by the IDF's defensive measures, Islamics scream to the whole world in protest. But the blood guilt is on the heads of the Muslim terrorists. 75% of PA Muslims support suicide bombings. STOP Inciting Children to MURDER! Flash Video-What the Free World needs to know about jihad: Palestinian Authority Muslims are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise: Schools, streets, and sports teams are named after suicide bombers. Flash Video- ISLAMIC MEIN KAMPF
70. distributing shocking images
Hedy Maimann ,   Vienna, Austria,   (03.08.08)
If you really want to touch the world I would suggest to distrubute other pictures than the one of a dead terrorist. I really do not think that this has any effect on somebody- in opposite you had on this website an impressive picture of a child looking at the shots in the window of the yeshiva and in my opinion pictures like this are much more emotionally touching as it shows the innocence of a child in confront to the aggressive crazyness that ruins life and leads nowhere. I even doubt that theblood-stained praying shawl will have as much effect even though it IS very touching but how many people have a connection to this? I do agree that much more PR is needed - much more telling the world what is going on from your view and this has to be spread in a quicker way and somehow with much more conviction-I am really missing this- but just clearing up the reality and just putting it in the right perception of yours without aggression on your side- just the pure facts that may contradict what is spread in a wrong way around the world.
71. A permanent list of the websites, please
Helen   (03.08.08)
Can you please permanently display a list of the websites recommended by the readership so they can be accessed easily when we have time to visit those site? It is all about getting your perspective out there and a little help can go a long way. Simulation is the in thing. Graphic artists can recreate human shield incidents that the IDF encountered and these can be posted on You Tube as well.
72. 'Palestinians'
C.C. ,   Santa Clarita, USA   (03.08.08)
More change in civilization has happened as a result of words than outright armed conflict. Words are powerful. They have meaning. They move both the individual and the masses. Sometimes for good, sometimes for genocide. Let us stop this practice of referring to a group of Arabs-without-a-homeland, as 'Palestinians'. It is an invented term. 'They' are an invented race. These people are Arabs. Plain & simple. But they wish not to be called Arabs because they are ashamed of themselves. They needed to create a 'victim', so they ascribed the phrase 'Palestinian' to themselves - as somehow a long, lost race of people - who just fell out of the sky and landed in Gaza. Enough of this B.S. Call them what they are. Let us take back the language so that we can effectively control the debate. There is no such thing as a 'Palestinian'!!!
73. Erik
Leah   (03.08.08)
Care to provide a link to that story? Even if what you claimed was even halfway true. And I am not denying it maybe, because Israelis are by no means perfect and certainly do have their own share of fanatics and crazies as well. Nevertheless,how in the world does that justify that gunman walking into the school library gunning down those kids? Following your logic, there was nothing morally wrong with the Chechen terrorists who took over that school in Beslan a few years back and tortured,raped, and murdered 100 innocent Russian kids because the Russian army killed many more Chechan kids when they bombed the Chechan capital. Following your logic,it would be OK for an Israeli soldier to walk into a Palestinian school and shoot kids studying in the library at point blank range and then confirm his kill by shooting them while their dying. Because after every act of terror against Israeli civilians Hamas and the Palestinian media praises the murders of Israeli civilians and calls the terrorism "an act of holy martytrdom,and Palestinian civilians and children [who supposedly have no food pass out candy] and dance in the streets to celebrate. I do not agree because two wrongs do not make a right,and it's always wrong to kill innocent people. It's tragic that civilians were killed in Gaza but the blame for their deaths is solely the responsibilty of the people that used their homes and neighborhoods as launching pads to fire rockets into Israel.
74. Ellie 54 justice?
Leah   (03.08.08)
That has to be the very most perverted use of the word "justice" I have ever heard. To walk into a school library and gun down kids reading books. The truth is Israelis have enough firepower to turn the Gaza Strip into a parking lot in a hour if they really wanted to. But they don't because unlike you people Israelis value the sanctity of human life. Israelis even grieve when enemy civilians are killed and often provide totally free medical care to Palestinian civilians injured in Israeli military operations unlike Palestinians who dance in the streets and celebrate. And the fact is the majority of those 122 killed were armed terrorists firing rockets into Israel.
75. Enough with the children.
Eddie ,   Chicago, Il   (03.08.08)
Every jew hater/killer was a child. GOT IT....
76. 2nd Lebanon
Kathy ,   Southern USA   (03.08.08)
Why were a significant number of the Isreali casualties during the Lebanon/Israeli conflict Arab-Israelis? What is located near their villages?
77. #5
Kathy ,   Southern USA   (03.08.08)
What about Baruch Goldstein?
78. Images of horror in yeshiva to be distributed worldwide.
Dia ,   Dortmund, Germany   (03.08.08)
People in Europe are daily brainwashed with photos coming from Gaza showing crying Palestinian children and women. The news are generally brought not in full contest of the events and mostly in disadvantage for Israel 50 Qassam rockets came down over Shederot in one day, I saw the news on Israeli TV via Internet. I saw crying children, women in shock and destroyed houses, but not one TV station in Germany mentioned one word or showed one photo of an Israeli crying child. Israel representatives in Europe seem to be inactive or asleep. The Palestinians are bombing, slaughtering and terrorising but they succeeded to convince the world that they are the only victims of this conflict, and they achieved this mainly with shocking photos and sympathising, one sided, foreign journalists. Israel would have all the sympathy in the world, if people only knew the truth, but Israel lost the "media battle" because of a miserable foreign PR and the restrain of showing such bloody photos, which are unfortunately the best proof of inhuman Palestinian terror.
79. #29
Shannon ,   Edinburgh   (03.09.08)
My heart goes out to the innocent civilians slaughtered in Gaza, over half of them women and children. There will be no peace till there is justice for the Palestinians!!
80. Palestinians teach us pornography
Isragirl   (03.10.08)
Do we really need to stoop down to their level? Let's also start carrying our exposed dead in violent processions and shoot guns in the air. Oh, and don't forget the father crying at his dead baby's side, an hour after he was shooting rockets from behind that baby's back. That's where all the Oscars should go - for the best performances, for sound and visual effects, etc.
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