Jewish Scene
Woman fired for refusing to work on Shabbat
Nissan Shtrauchler
Published: 23.08.08, 07:30
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31. Rebeccaca , shut up
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.24.08)
You're trying to make missionary work here . The only thing you achieve is that you and the followers of your sect are hated more and more . The contrary of wehat you wanted i presume . Go and stay with your abusing husband [ he has much money i think , otherwise no reason for a w,,,to stay ]
32. to 6 ! self recommendation as always
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.24.08)
33. Dismissal
Gossip Girl ,   Tel Aviv   (08.24.08)
Israeli employers are notorious for not abiding to employment laws. Its about time someone challenged them!
34. Your father died -- your work sucks
Mark Sherer ,   tel aviv   (08.24.08)
Of course her work went downhill after her father died. This is normal, people often suffer temporary loss of functionality when there is sickness and death of a parent. What kind of jerks are they at Holmes Place not to understand this?
35. Mark , they are not philantrops
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.24.08)
They are in a business , no place for sentiments there .
36. 31,32 Charles: You read my posts because you need to.
Rivkah   (08.24.08)
There is a demon spirit that causes you to be vicious and blinds you to the existence of God. How sad the day will be when you learn the truth, if it is too late, after you pass. How is Abel Shoni? He hasn't posted in awhile.
37. Rebeccaca , 36 , i want to laugh !!!
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.24.08)
I read them because sometimes i can laugh with your stupidity . Do you have a proof there is a god ? if he exists , a poor one for "creating" you . My friend Abel Shoni reads the tb's , but you are'nt worth that he wastes his time with you [ and others either ] We are exchanging Emails .
38. 36 Well....
amnon   (08.24.08)
I'm still waiting for an answer.
39. 29 Amnon: John 14:15 says, "If you love me, keep my
Rivkah   (08.24.08)
commandments." Look up the word commandments in a Strong's Concordance or Young's Concordance and you will find many references to keeping the commandments of God in the New Testament. Rabbi Michael Rood wrote a book called "The Mystery of Iniquity: the Legal Prerequisites for the Return of the Messiah." Iniquity means lawlessness or Torahlessness. It is the devil's lie that people who are lawless or Torahless can enter the kingdom of heaven. What is the guidepost for right and wrong behavior if not the Ten Commandments and the written laws of Moses that pertain to a person? If a person misses the mark (sins) and REPENTS, there can be restoration of fellowship with the Lord. But not knowing you have sinned because you do not have or believe the Ten Commandments and the written Torah are the guideposts and the standard, is to not love the Lord.
40. 38 Amnon: Sorry I missed your tb initially. I sent a reply
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
but if it is not printed, look up John 14:15 in an Authorized King James Bible. It says, " IF you love me, keep My commandments." That refers to the Ten Commandments and the written Torah of Moses that Yeshua (Jesus) kept as an example of what his followers should do. Remember that Gentiles were grafted onto the faith that has Jewish roots. People who think the Jewish worship of Adonai and obeying the Ten Commandments and the written Torah passed away with Yeshua's coming as a servant, should consider what the Messiah will say to the Jews when he comes as their deliverer, as the Lion of Judah. He will say, Zechariah said in the old Testament that he was WOUNDED in the House of His FRIENDS. Friends of God go to heaven. The covenant with Abraham for Jews is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Gentiles are grafted onto the faith that has Jewish roots. The bible says to beware because the roots support the branch that was grafted on, not the branch the root.
41. #8 Charles
EGW ,   vancouver canada   (08.25.08)
Do the religious employees they claim to have working for them work or not work on Shabat. Did they refuse to work on Shabat and was that accepted ny the company from the beginning.. This is the SIMPLE way to get at the truth here. At the same time, there's nothing which prevents a person from becoming religious-many do- and wanting to adhere to Jewish custom. If they agreed to her not working on Shabat for a whole year (of mourning) why should they feel they can change?? They should be able to prove whether she is a poor employee or not. She seems to have been working there a long time.
42. It's Sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ely ,   Pardes Chana   (08.25.08)
The G-D of Israel has given us a free day to enjoy the land and people and not to be a slave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up your faith and you will be blessed!!!!!!!!! I am a Chiloni Jew but little by little i see that the Torah and the land of Israel is the only thing worth fighting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
43. 39/40 Commandments = Mitzvot
amnon   (08.25.08)
That is, the 613 commandments. Nowhere are the so-called 10 Commandments referred to anywhere in the Bible as the "10 Commandments." John 14:15 is talking about the 613 commandments, not the 10. By saying Jesus was referring to only the 10, you make a basic error in interpretation called "eisegesis," reading into the text something that is not there either actual or implied. Besides, God made it clear in Deuteronomy that there is no partial keeping of the Torah; it is an all-or-nothing proposition. Breaking the least of the commandments is the same as breaking one of the "10" in God's eyes, unless He changed His mind somewhere since.
44. EGW , Vancouver
Charles ,   Petach tikva   (08.25.08)
When i was working begalut , my Jewish boss also agreed that someone , during a mourning period , came late because he went to synagogue to pray every day . But no more after this period . A boss can agree that in special circumstances , he can do something in favor of his employee . I don't think that their religious employees work on Shabbat , otherwise they would'nt be religious , and there would be problems with them , that's apparently not the case .
45. fired because of poor work performance?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (08.25.08)
something to do with becoming religious? just wondering...
46. 43 Amnon: Read 39&40 again. I said the Ten Commandments AND
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
the WRITTEN Torah. Together, that is 613 commandments. All are summed up by Yeshua as loving the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. By the way, that does not mean to love your neighbor MORE than yourself. If you think the Ten basic Commandments did not exist, then you have no understanding of what God himself wrote on sapphire stones that Moses broke in pieces when he came down the mountain and saw the Hebrews worshipping a golden calf. TV preachers like Perry Stone mock the written Torah for today, but Messianic Rabbi Michael Rood does not. Perry Stone mocks the written Torah because commandments for women cannot apply to men. Of course not. One has to use common sense in discerning what applies to one in this day and age. Yeshua obeyed the two Great Commandments, the Ten basic Commandments and the written Torah Commandments. He disagreed with oral Torah commandments of men. Mark 7:7 says, "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine, the commandments OF MEN." So there is no obligation to keep the commandments of men (oral Torah or traditions). Rabbi Michael Rood says people have moved to yeshivas thinking that to enter the kingdom of heaven they have to obey the oral traditions as well as the 613 major and minor commandments. He disagrees with that. I am glad to see you settle for 613, too.
47. 41 EGW&Amnon: Most companies are like the US Navy...
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
One day in 1982 I was told by a LCDR Robert Donahue at the Naval Ready Reserves Training Center in San Diego that I would brought back on active duty and be promoted rapidly (because I was so excellent) if I divorced my husband. I was a Lieutenant at the time. Someone did not like my husband, obviously. I did not have biblical grounds to divorce, so I put the laws of God before my personal interest of getting promoted rapidly. That upset somebody who did not believe in God's laws, so the next day I was told to resign my US Navy Ready Reserve Commission with an Honorable Discharge or be forced out. I resigned. The organization (US Navy) displeased the Lord in misusing HIS authority since there is no power or authority except of God, the Bible says. I asked the Lord to avenge me. Twenty years later, the US Navy had HALF as many ships as when I was attacked. When something is halved or doubled in judgment, the Bible says to look for God's hand in it. This company that put itself before God's laws in pretending the woman was not a good employee when they kept her on as long as they did, will find that displeasing the Lord brings judgment. Maybe not this year or next year; but as time passes, there will be a judgment from the Lord IF the woman fired belongs to the Lord. I like to check back and see what happens to people and organizations that wrongly harm. God avenges me, quite often with the early death or the person who is responsible for an attack on me which may not be the front person.
48. 46 Not what you said
amnon   (08.25.08)
"Sunday sabbath dies and is asked by the Lord why he did not obey the Ten Commandments." Where do you get the idea that the Lord will ask about the 10 Commandments but not any of the other *written* commandments, many of which cannot be kept because of no temple, for example?
49. 48 Amnon: The Commandment to honor the Sabbath Day
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
is the second of Ten Commandments given to Moses on tablets written in God's hand. The Sunday sabbath person was not honoring the Sabbath of the Lord's rest, but a commandment of men not found in the Bible, to have a Sunday sabbath. The two greatest commandments to love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself, the Ten commandments of Moses you know very well and are playing stupid pretending not to know them, and then the written laws of Moses you say cannot be observed because the Temple has not been rebuilt. Messianic Rabbi Michael Rood said the 613 greater and lesser commandments are the standard. Obviously, there are some that cannot be followed because the Temple is not rebuilt. But others, like NOT having sexual intercourse with your wife during menstruation, are protective yesterday, today, and tomorrow in knowing God's will regarding our lives. A study showed that Orthodox Jewish women have the lowest rate of cervical cancer. It is not only that their husbands are faithful and circumcised, it is because they do not have sexual intercourse during the menses when a woman is more likely to get an infection of the reproductive parts that can lead to cancer eventually. The Bible actually says that sex should be avoided during the menses AND the week after, so a correction to the 613 list available should be made. There are other examples of what is possible in obeying the commandments the best you can. I can go through the whole list and show you which are applicable today and which are not possible, but you can do that for yourself. That is further evidence the Messiah had to come as a servant BEFORE the Temple was destroyed.
50. 48 cont'd: The Bible says the Lord will ask certain
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
questions of those who have died and stand before him at the Great White Throne Judgment of the damned. He will ask how people could see a tree and not believe in God. He will ask if people fed him and clothed him and visited him in the prisons since doing these things for the least in God's kingdom is doing that for God. Whether God will ask why the sabbath was not kept as God intended is not listed in the Bible as a question God will ask, but I think it is very likely since Yeshua said those who love him will obey his commandments and keeping a Saturday sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments you do not wish to believe exists. That is your problem, not mine.
51. Rebeccaca , 49 IGNORANT
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.25.08)
The commandment for Shabbat rest is the FOURTH , not the second as you , abused w... [ not woman ]wrote
52. 49 This is getting too weird
amnon   (08.25.08)
The more you write, the more cultish you sound. This "Rabbi" Rood charlatan obviously doesn't know what he's talking about because Deuteronomy clearly says that Israel must do ALL that is written. Did you catch that? It is 1) written to Israel (and never is said to include gentiles) and 2) there are curses for not doing EVERYTHING EXACTLY like God commanded. Go look it up - it's there in black and white. And just wondering, there's a lot of adultery around today, as well as violating the Sabbath. Stoned anyone lately, or does that law not apply anymore? To argue that ritual purity laws, circumcision, and all the rest of it is encouraged in the New Testament goes against the plain meaning of the text. Loopy Rabbinic-like interpretation always takes you away from the intended meaning. It's a load of rubbish.
53. 49 The REAL "Rabbi" Michael Rood
amnon   (08.25.08) Like I said, Rubbish. I rest my case.
54. 52 Amnon: King David was not stoned for adultery in the
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
literal sense. He was stoned in the crushing realization he had lost God's fellowship and would not have the closeness to God he loved for a long time. The stoning was a depressed spirit, not literal stoning which Yeshua indicated had changed when he came. The woman brought to him who was caught in adultery as told to go and sin no more, thus changing the meaning of stoning from a literal act to a figurative oppression or depression and separation from God. The Bible says no one is good but God. That means that no one can obey ALL the commandments but God. Yeshua obeyed all and was the only person successful in doing that. Yes, there are curses for not obeying all the commandments. Everyone is cursed in some way by the DNA of Adam or by not doing certain things. God is concerned about a person's heart. Confessing to the Lord that certain commandments are possible to keep and ask forgiveness is what Naaman the Syrian General did in the Bible. He even had to worship at the House of Rimmon to keep his job. He was told not to eat meat sacrificed to idols since most meat products were dedicated to idols. So God understands when it is not possible to obey some commandments. The 613 written commandments were from the Lord in part to show people they could not be righteous enough in themselves to be saved eternally. They needed a savior who could obey the commandments for them, who laid down his life as an atonement for all who loved him. It sounds like you just want to argue instead of having real discussion points. Admitting one is in error is one of the hardest things for a person to do since even the Bible says that whatsoever a man doeth is right in his own eyes. So if this is not a help for you, I give up. Ask someone else to help you since you are too set in your ways to listen to a female.
55. 51 Charles: See how smart you can be when you try?
Rivkah   (08.25.08)
It IS the Fourth Commandment. Why don't you believe in it?
56. 52 - you forgot to ask
rob   (08.25.08)
ask rivka about the commandments in deut 18 about a false prophet. it appears that her self-proclaimed "rabbi" she quotes has a long and sordid history of making prophetic predictions that (as expected) did not come true. doesn't sound like ol' rivka is obeying the commandments on false teachers/prophets, does it? actually, she's doing the opposite and following him. it's the old, "do as i say, not as i do" routine. i'm sure the "rabbi" has a perfectly reasonable explanation (lol).
57. 54 - Thats the dumbest thing I read in a long time
"King David was not stoned for adultery in the literal sense. He was stoned in the crushing realization he had lost God's fellowship". Do you even realise how stupid that sounds??!?
58. 57: The Bible says if you offend one of God's little ones,
Rivkah   (08.26.08)
it would be better for a millstone to by tied about your neck and cast into the sea. A millstone is a heavy flat circular stone with a circle cut out of the center. It is used to cursh grain so the chaff is separatred from the grain. The chaff blows away in the wind while the grain remains beneath the millstone. Being stoned literally is similar to being crushed by a millstone since both lead to death, although the death by a heavy spirit is a slower death. The loss of God's fellowship for many years was a crushing heaviness to David who caused Batsheva to stumble. To you, that is rediculous. Do you think the death of King David would have been better for Israel? God did not or David would have died many years before he did.
59. 56 Rob: When a person is speaking for the Lord, the person
Rivkah   (08.26.08)
must be 100% accurate. When a person is speculating on what might happen or looks like it will happen, that is not speaking for the Lord as a Prophet. Rabbi Michael Rood does not claim to be a Prophet. That is your imagination. Before attacking him, listen to some of his lectures and read some of his books like "Mystery of Iniquity..." He is exposing lies of the devil in the Sunday churches that few have had the courage to expose.
60. Rebeccaca , i have'nt to try , i AM
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.26.08)
It IS the fourth commandment . Why don't you say : sorry i made an error . But you did'nt make an error , YOU ARE an ERROR . How can i believe in someone who has "created" such a bipede ? You have to know , exept being smart , there is also knowledge , i have both .
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