Jewish Scene
Woman fired for refusing to work on Shabbat
Nissan Shtrauchler
Published: 23.08.08, 07:30
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61. 58 The poeple are commanded to do it
People are supposedto stone the adultrer, not "The adulterer's feelings shall be hurt." And David murdered Uraih and covered it up (also stoneing for murder, no question) - yes, Uraihs blood can take comfort that David was sad after takeing his wife and murdering him. So we can substetute "stoneing someone" for "they will feel sadness" - I like that deal! Don't say bad things about the Oural Torah becuase you follow one crazy false prophet "Rabi" with his own one.
62. 58 - little me is offended
rob   (08.26.08)
i'm offended by the careless and reckless way you treat the holy bible, changing and twisting the plain meaning to suit your ideas and trying to lead people astray with false doctrines of another gospel of this gentile cult leader who calls himself a "rabbi." he has a lot in common with paqid yiremyahu. like it says: a tree is known by its fruit (and your fruitiness is of the rotten sort). shame on you.
63. She's dismissed after one year mourning period?
Petra ,   usa   (08.26.08)
So, they allow mourning but not to observe the 4th commandment? What sort of Jewish/Israeli" business is this? Boycott the bastards!
64. 59 - so your "rabbi" is not speaking for the lord?
rob   (08.26.08)
boldly making predictions, saying wrong things while in the position of being a teacher of god's word knowing that people are going to believe him - it's ok if he's not accurate? what does god say he will do about those in positions of teaching who cannot claim integrity? a false prophet is not one who says things blatantly wrong, but he is one who speaks a lot of truth with just enough error to lead people astray. they speak from the bible, are convincing, speak with authority, etc but mixed in is this error, that error, and the people don't notice it and ignore it. you, my friend, are ignoring a lot of error buried in his message. you can listen to someone who regularly speaks error. why you'd do it, i don't know.
65. Petra , read my # 44
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.26.08)
There you will find an answer .
66. 59 - I watched one of his videos
Dovid   (08.26.08)
I like the way he comes out saying that in Torah God commanded the children of Israel that they should not learn the ways of the pagans, or even speak about them. Then he proceeds to spend the rest of the video speaking extensively in detail about those pagan practices (obviously from his close study of them). Ha!....
67. 66 Dovid: The Bible says, "My people perish from lack of
Rivkah   (08.26.08)
knowlege." If Israel did not study their enemies, how would the country know the dangers and find defenses? Read Rabbi Michael Rood's book, "Mystery of Iniquity...the Legal Prerequisites of the Coming of the Messiah." Condemning what you do not know and have not studied does not make you sound too objective.
68. 67 disobediently study enemies or obey God's commandment
Dovid   (08.26.08)
Hmm, that's a tough one. It must be ok to disobey as long as you have a good explanation why you disobeyed. Especially since deviant pagan religious practices have nothing to do with battle strategy. Nice try. Funny how you stubbornly find sneaky explanations to excuse a habitual liar instead of admit what we all can see for ourselves. We're not stupid, you know.
69. 68 Dovid: If you are calling Michael Rood a liar, then may
Rivkah   (08.26.08)
the Lord rebuke you. He is a great teacher. There are certain things the Lord warns people not to learn about such as witchcraft, necromancy, etc. But one must know what those words mean to know what to avoid.
70. 69 - His actions and words speak for themselves
Dovid   (08.27.08)
He's not a liar because I or anyone says so. He is a liar if he lies (and he does). You want to say he's a great teacher, fine. Just say he's a great teacher and a liar.
71. The first lie in the universe happened long ago.
Rivkah   (08.29.08)
Do you know that that was? The Shining One, the Cherub that Covers, Saba-El, Satan, lied to the angels and caused a third of the angels to fall away from the Lord. The lie Satan told and believed was that Adonai was not the son of Yahweh. Satan believed that he was equal to Adonai. The angels and man (Adam) were created beings. Adonai was pro-created. He was formed from the breast tissue of unusual birth, to be sure. But since that happened before the angels were created, Saba-El or Satan refused to believe it. THAT was the first lie. It was PRIDE that caused Satan to tell the first lie. Michael Rood is not a liar because the Bible defines a liar as one who denies that Adonai is the Messiah and that Adonai is the son of God from God's own DNA, not a created being like the angels.
72. 71 - So a liar is not one who lies?
Dovid   (08.29.08)
So as long as you are correct in a certain aspect, you can say/do whatever you want? Who needs the Bible when you can make it up as you go? According to your logic, this guy can commit adultery as long as he's not committing "spiritual adultery" toward God. Typical mindset of those who think God gave them a different set of rules than everyone else. Deceived hypocrites with no integrity, you are.
73. 72 Dovid: This is 3rd or 4th try to answer you.
Rivkah   (08.30.08)
You seem to think anyone owes the truth to anyone regardless of the circumstances or it is a lie. Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon says the truth is owed to someone a person has a fidelity to. Children owe the truth to their parents and grandparents. Spouses owe the truth to each other. An employee owes the truth to an employer. Citizens owe the truth to the government if questioned under oath if the answer does not violate God's laws which are higher than man's laws. You fail to be specific in calling a person a liar which is libelous and slanderous. You fail to list specifics. What is important to avoid is the fatal eternal lie and lies that result in judgment. Saying you feel fine when asked, but you don't is not a lie that will normally bring judgment. Falsely accusing a person of a crime is a lie that will result in judgment by God if the person falsely accused is in the Lord's camp. From observation, perjurers against me die themselves within a year or there is a 3 and 4 generation curse on the entire family, or someone in the family of the perjurer dies young. The lie that keeps a person out of heaven is denying that Yeshua or Adonai is the Messiah and the son of God. Jews believe Adonai is that. Messianics believe Yeshua is Adonai and is the son of God and is God, the son since he has the DNA of God as described in Job in the Bible. God formed His son from his breast tissue before the angels and man were created. God gave the same set of rules to people. Would you lie to save your son or wife or mother or friend if a burglar asked you a question, like Where are they in the house? Is it all right to lie to people you do not have a fidelity (obligation) to tell the truth to? Yes.
74. 73 - So explain to me how your Rood boy didn't lie
Dovid   (08.30.08)
When someone says repeatedly that something or the other will come to pass and each time it doesn't, what is that? Moses was a prophet like no other yet he failed and could not fulfill his calling. So also David, Josiah, Sampson, and so on. Just because someone has a special calling does not mean they can't or won't fail and forfeit their position. It is not a matter of who is going to heaven or not, but who has disqualified themselves. You are deceived. Listen to yourself even excuse for his habitual mistakes. You should follow God and not a man in serious error as that.
75. 74 Dovid: YOU lied when you said Michael Rood claimed to be
Rivkah   (08.30.08)
a prophet when he did not. Guessing at when events may occur is not the same as prophesying. Did you know that Russia was going to attack America in 1998 and it was predicted in the ELS codes? Did God lie? No. God was merciful and delayed the attack on America that would have happened in the fall of 1998 according to defector KGB Colonel Stanislav Lunev. God delayed the attack with Hurricane Mitch that destroyed the Russian heavy armor and equipment in the limestone caves of Mexico and Honduras. Now they have a stockpile in tunnels in the Volcano Poas Mountains of Costa Rica. The attack will come, but it has been delayed by God's mercy. Was Stanislav Lunev a liar to warn America about the attack in 1998? No. He told the truth, but God was merciful and delayed the event. I follow God, not man. If Michael Rood departs from the Bible, I will tell him. There are things I disagree with, but he is a good teacher on things I agree with. People should read the Bible and know what to expect from teachers.
76. 75 Prophet = one who foretells future events
Dovid   (08.31.08)
That is one of the definitions - go look it up in your lexicon or whatever. Or do you prefer to call him a "seer" of visions (which does not bode well for someone claiming to reveal God's visions, especially since he so often fails at it). If your Russian invasion fantasy were true, why was God merciful? Did America repent across the nation? God usually has mercy because of repentance, so your claim makes no sense. Anyone can make up fake events and then give some spiritual answer why it never happened. How convenient it all is. Besides, when does he EVER preach the gospel of salvation (not his "different gospel")? Do you even know what the gospel is? It is NOT telling people what they should and shouldn't do, end times, and so on. It is something completely different than that. Your joke "Rabbi" is admittedly too busy puffing himself up to preach the simple gospel to every creature like believers are commanded. It's all about him and his ministry. And you're too blind to see it. Actually, I can't believe I have wasted (and I do mean WASTED) as much time as I have talking about this nonsense. You clearly need help and as long as you hitch your wagon to that nutjob (just look at him, for starters), you are only going to continue to be as big of a loser as he is. You can do WAY better than that, I would hope. I have no interest in continuing this dead end conversation.
77. 59 - amos himself said he wasn't a prophet
rob   (08.31.08)
it does not matter what you call yourself. amos was indeed a prophet by virtue of what he did and said, net because of what he called himself. your "rabbi" speaks, looks, acts, the role of a prophet with the fortune telling and preachy words of god "exposing lies of the devil" as you say. i don't need no "mystery" teaching to know bald faced iniquity when i see it. you can't see the forest because of the trees and can't see error when clearly displayed for your own eyes to see. the blind leading the blind.
78. 76 Dovid: A Prophet of God is someone who is 100% correct
Rivkah   (08.31.08)
when speaking for the Lord, as if the Lord is speaking through him/her. Messianic Rabbi Michael Rood has never claimed to be 100% accurate or to be a prophet in the biblical sense. He studies and teaches the best he can. You are not worthy to walk on the same floor he walks on.
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