Opinion  Yoram Ettinger
Obama, McCain and Israel
Yoram Ettinger
Published: 27.09.08, 14:13
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61. McCain and Obama
carlos ,   U.S.A.   (09.29.08)
I heard McCain say "I will no tolerate another holocaust". Obama did not mentioned Israel. I heard Jeremia Wrigth (Obama's mentor) preacher and spiritual guide say "Goddam America" and something about Israel as a terrorist state, as well as other hate filled things . My fellow Americans, think about it please
62. Obama = Manchurian Canidate!
Larry ,   Flyover land   (09.29.08)
Have you noticed how the media is ignoring Obama's little gafts? Or, if someone does talk about them the left howls "smear campaign"? Two should be of very real interest to Isreal. 1. When asked how many states there were.. instead of answering "50", as in the fifty United States. Obama answered "58". That is the number of Islamic States. 2. During an interview about two weeks ago, Obama thanked McCain for not making political hay out of "my Muslim faith". The left-wing interviewer corrected that for him by saying "you mean your Christian faith" and Obama answered something like "Oh, yeah" and then whent on like nothing important just happened. Everyone knows that Obama's father was Muslim and under Sharia Law, all offspring of a Muslim man are also Muslim. Obama went to a Islamic Madrassa for a while, but now says he is a Christian. Muslims also believe in Jesus. If Obama really believes Jesus is the Christ, then he is an apostate and under a death sentence. Yet... you hear nothing from Islamic fundamentalist groups condeming him. Hmmm.. what's up with that? I think these little gafts are actually "Fruedian slips". Obama says one thing, but really wants to say another. Obama is the Islamic version of the "Manchurian Canidate"!
63. #16: You Are Warong ABout Me
emanon ,   USA   (09.29.08)
You're wrong on many points: This is what you believe: 1. Change for the sake of change. A: No. Change for something better. 2. Government legislation for everything. A: No. We've got too many laws already, many unenforceable; you can;t legislate against stupidity. 3. No limit to taxation. A: No. I think we have toomany taxes already. I also don't think the money is being used wisely. Favor a consumption based tax system, not an income based syste. I also think some things should not be taxed. Too long to go into here. 4. No limit on when infants can be murdered, even if they are accidentally born alive during abortion. A: It is not murder, but yes, I support a woman's right to safe abortions. How many women committed suicide while abortion was illegal because they could not terminate a pregnancy due to rape or incest? Remember with abortion legal, you still have the option to carry to term if that is what you believe in. It does not mean a woman will be forced to have an abortion. 5. Women and minorities are intentionally marginalized by white males, and we need legislation to address the problem. A: This is not so clear cut an issue as you try top make it. Lets go with saying you called this correct for the sake of argument. 6. Remove any reference to any religion anywhere. You need to explain what you mean here. It sounds like you want to abolish religion. You mean I can't say I'm Jewish? 7. Self-defense a privilege only for criminals, guns & missiles in particular. A: Wrong again. Hit me and I'll sure hit you back. 8. Pro-minority except when it comes to Jews (unless of course you are a Jew deceived into liberalism). A: I am pro-PERSON and I've demonstrated that. 9. Evolution is a proven fact, any argument to the contrary proves someone is sub-normal IQ. A: Split this into two parts: I believe in evolution and I don't care what you believe as long as it does not preclude my belief. So Wriong again for the first part and I'm not responding to the second half. 10. Climate change is man-made, and any objection means losing your career. A: Climate change is man made and I'm not touching the second part. Again, you can believe what you want. 11. There is no "God". A: Yes there is. 12. Lower the entire planet to the least common denominator. A: I have no idea what you are talking about. How can you lower a planet? 13. There are no criminals, just misunderstood or marginalized people fighting an unjust system. A: Some people ARE just bad. There are a lot of victims of circumstance. And Yes, I support the death penalty under certain circumstances. 14. All conservatives are either ignorant or evil or both. A: No "all" of any group is all of one thing. Just as all liberals are not as you are trying to depict them. (I'm not sure why liberals deny religion, bible in particular, yet still refer to Republicans as Satan. go figure). I'm not touching this one, It's not worthy of comment. 15. Government is more trustworthy than privately held corporations, especially when it comes to spending money. A: Spending money how and for what? Unless you are more specific, how can I answer? 16. You believe I am a conservative. (which I'm not, btw) A: Only you know what you are. I don't care as long as it does not preclude me being me. 17. The global opinion of a situation takes precedence over the concerns of any state. A: What issue? Tell me the facts, tell me the specifics and I'll give you an opinion. Anything else is pre-judice as in prejudging something. 18. The idealistic vision of global harmony is a uniquely liberal view, opposed by all conservatives. A: I don't care who espouses it, but we all have different visions of global harmony. The terrorstinins see global harmony as everyone being muslim. That's just one example. The best we can hope for is decent global cooperation. So you don't know a lot about me, do you?
64. #48 Gary, no Obama signs at L.A. Jewish event today
Sue ,   Los Angeles   (09.29.08)
There was a large gathering of Jews at the Israeli Consulate today celebrating the raising of the Israeli flag. I saw McCain t-shirts and signs, but not one for Obama. In Los Angeles in general, there are also very few Obama signs and car bumper stickers this year in comparison with the last election where John Kerry signs and stickers were seen everywhere.
65. Obama vs. McCain
Thomas ,   USA/HU   (09.29.08)
Leftist Jews as usual, are infatuated with this Marxist Obama who achieved nothing during his life. My be America needs a tad of taste of the brutal Socialist oppression what the Marxist Jews implemented in Eastern Europe as a learning experience. But be prepared to the rabid Antisemitism which will engulf the States after the failed Marxist experiment: the foundation of hatred against the Jews is their attachment to Bolshevism. Stalin's spirit cannot be expunged from the Jewish people.
66. Comment #59, Steve
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (09.29.08)
When you write: "No. John McCain, like Bush, also seeks to dismember and destroy Israel. He is on record. How can I vote for him? Only because Obama is worse? I feel it is paranoia talking here. There is no proof that McCain wants a 2-state solution and if there is, please enlighten me. But there is plenty of proof that this is what Obama has on his agenda. All that is irrelevant because I can't vote but one thing for sure: I know that a McCain/Palin ticket will help America's economy turn around for the better; for one, they are both against unnecessary spending. Here is that "gut feeling" coming back. I can't help it. And about Palin, did you know that BEFORE she was a vice-presidential candidate, before she became governor of Alaska, in the days she was mayor of her little town, she always had an Israeli flag next to the U.S. flag on her desk? So Christian or not, Zionist or not, she is strong enough of a woman to "influence" McCain should he become president of the United States. In a way, I don't envy Americans who are faced with choices that are not necessarily great for their country.
67. Steve G , Kew Gardens,NYC
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (09.29.08)
I too was under the impression that Jewish People were a smart bunch; After reading your post, now you're scaring me. Where did you get your info on Palin anyways? You write: "Her religious beliefs include the destruction of Israel and God telling the U.S., to build pipelines and declare wars." Oh I get it...in a Cracker Jack box, that where you got this info! Unless you have a video of her making this specific statement, I will stick to my "Cracker Jack box" theory.
68. Ginette #66: You 'feel" paranoia talking?
Steve ,   US   (09.29.08)
Because I say McCain supports a Muslim terror state in Israel you feel like paranoia is talking? Where have you been Ginette? What do you read? I don't "feel." I believe you are living in denial. McCain people had a two state solution written into the national Republican party platform last month: "We support the vision of two democratic states living in peace and security: Israel, with Jerusalem as its capital, and Palestine...." http://phoenix.about.com/od/politiciansfromarizona/a/johnmccain_5.htm John McCain on the Issues The United States should continue to provide leadership in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The United States should support the creation of a Palestinian state. I'm not saying Obama is any different. He isn't. I'm not voting for Obama. I'm asking you, because I put Israel's security first, why I should vote for John McCain. But alas, unlike me, you do not put Israel first. Otherwise why would you have written, "but one thing for sure: I know that a McCain/Palin ticket will help America's economy turn around for the better." In other words, in your world view, it's all about the economy, Israel be damned.
69. Ginette #66: McCain would "micromangage"
Steve ,   US   (09.29.08)
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=711310 ...As president, McCain would "micromanage" U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, because in his opinion, this is still the source of the ferment in the region: Every time an Arab leader wants to provide a distraction, he argues that the problem is due to Israel... A McCain administration, alongside his close supervision from the White House, would send "the smartest guy I know" to the Middle East. And who is that? "Brent Scowcroft, or Jim Baker, though I know that you in Israel don't like Baker." This is a longing for the administration of the first president Bush, or even for the administration of president Gerald Ford in the mid-1970s. In both of them, general Scowcroft was the national security adviser.
70. Depressing piece
Emmanuel ,   New York, USA   (09.29.08)
This is all so depressing and uninteresting. Single-issue thinking coupled with distorted facts; and the comments that go with it: "yeah! he's so right! that (Hussein! see my point) Obama is dangerous for Israel! Let's vote for the old conservative guy!". If people could start thinking rationally using their brain rather than mecanically responding to a Pavlov reflex we'd all be better off.
71. Barak Hussein Obama
William ,   Dalton USA   (09.30.08)
I can not believe that any Christian would or could vote for Obama. GOD will judge this country for the millions of babies that have been aborted in the name of choice. I think it is rediculous that any one could call them selves a christian and vote for a man who believes. in that. Obama is not and will not be a friend to Isreal. I pray that he does not get in for the day this country turns our back on Isreal GOD will surely judge us, and rightly so.
72. Post # 68, Steve , US
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (09.30.08)
No! Non! Lo! Niet Please don't go there...there is no one I know who is so much pro-Israel, who is so much pro-my People; none but me. When I have to hire a contractor to do work in my house, I would not hire anyone but a Jew. When shop for curtains or blinds, I go to a Jewish store even if it is more expensive. My lawyer, my doctor, my dentist, my chiropractor...all are Jewish because I just won't give my business to anybody else. The reason I care about America's economy is because if America is doing well, Israel benefits. That's my ONLY angle. Israel will never be a two-state solution because for the simple fact that the barbaric Palestinians are not interested in a two-state solution; they are only interested in a one-state solution (Arab). It just won't happen. A two-state "solution" is as ludicrous as dividing Jerusalem (East & West). It won't happen, not in our lifetime, not in anybody's lifetime as it is not written in the Torah. So yes I care for America's recovery but only for selfish reasons. Because it would benefit Israel. On the other hand, I don't envy American who are faced with only two lousy choices for a president. (How un-American!); but again, we go back to the lesser of two evils, that's all. That's why it is important to vote. Chas ve halila (G-d forbid), should Obama be elected...he might just re-write the Torah the idiot! L'Chana Tova.
73. Ergo...
Ariel ben Zion ,   Lisboa, Portugal   (09.30.08)
74. ... Vote McCain
Ariel ben Zion ,   Lisboa, Portugal   (09.30.08)
75. Your critique
pe0m ,   W-S, NC, USA   (10.01.08)
Neither McCain nor Obama have been particularly elegant in their analysis of the threat posed by diffuse but con+spiring transnational groups, al-Qaida in particulary. Therefore it is surprising to see the acclaimed expert of ynetnews not going beyond them for a basis on which to form its own analysis. It does not greatly matter what the worldview of two politicians may be, particularly if they do not have the acumen to structure and implement a response to the world based both on said worldview and on an empirical approach to that world. The expert speaks of the beneficial worldview of Mr. Nixon -- beneficial at least to Israel even while he trampled democratic ideals and due process requirements under foot. It describes the worldview of Mr. Clinton solely in terms of his surface manifestations of affect toward the enemies of Israel. The expert also links, without actually saying so, the activities of Mr. Arafat to the transnational actors responsible for 9/11, and tries to tar Mr. Clinton with that brush. The main criterion of the expert's judgment appears to be whether some U.S. political figure is in his judgment an effective supporter of Israel, acting in some way instrumental in supporting Israeli aims. It is clear that the expert does not even begin to follow Mr. Obama's thinking,claiming that Mr. Obama would have the U.S. deal with bin Ladin and company "through diplomacy, foreign aid, cultural exchanges, and a lower US military profile." All of those steps could be important in choking off the oxygen to dissident and "insurgent" groups worldwide, but they have nothing to do with how Mr. Obama would counter opponents engaging in asymmetrical warfare. Mr. Obama has the same attitude as the current U.S. administration with regard to hot pursuit into Pakistan, for instance. Paragraph (2) is full of hot-button words that judge the issue for the reader yet would have no cognitive function if divested of its implied value judgments. Paragraphs (3) and (4) indicate that a standard work on counter-insurgency such as the one prepared for the U.S. Army and Marines could be of benefit to Mr. Ettinger, or, should that book prove too staid and academic perhaps //Brave New War// by John Robb would be more beneficial. The final paragraph assaults Mr. Obama by a curious kind of guilt by association -- and the the character of the association is merely that (it is asserted) some people unfriendly to Israel would like Mr. Obama. Understanding the transnational nature of the threat, understanding its sources, understanding its means of support, and structuring a multi-pronged reaction against those factors is what is needed by each nation that is the target of threat. If someone were to fail to understand those factors but seek to stand by Israel, upheld only by sympathy for Israel and confidence in his own emotional reactions, that person would not be a useful ally for Israel. Neither would he further the long-term interests of the United States.
77. Obama's choice of advisors should worry Israel supporters
Harrison Troust ,   Beverly Hills, USA   (11.02.08)
Sen. Obama's choice of foreign policy advisors, campaign aides, and friends should give pause to anyone concerned about Israel's survival, especially given the Iranian nuclear threat. Power, Brzezinski, McPeak, Bonior, Malley, Asbahi, Husaini, Wright, Khalidi, Sharpton, and Carter are all demonstrably anti-Israel.
78. Middle-East support Obama for Republican Sway
GovReportsPublishing ,   Washington D.C.   (11.03.08)
Fact: Dictators and Leaders from Middle-East are promoting Obama for the Republican vote. This propaganda has been developed to influence the American people to believe that these dictators/leaders support Obama so they can continue their financial and economical deals via Republican party. It has been favorable for them to construe from within their think tank, because of Obama's ethnic name. It will help continue their deals and negotiations for a continued Republican president in office. As I know of people that have worked in this field and overseas it continues to be swept under the American news rug.
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