Obama the better choice
Chaim Landau
Published: 22.10.08, 18:17
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72 Talkbacks for this article
Eve ,   USA   (10.23.08)
I cannot believe that I would find this on an Israeli site. I know that the American Jews have lost their minds and their hearts, but Israeli Jews!!!!!! We don't know who Obama really is. He has not presented anything about himself nor his past. He even refused to give his medical records to the American people. He has no qualifications to fix the economy nor aid in any global crisis. He is getting a free pass. He would not be able to pass the security/character clearance for any low level job. check out the following links: http://www.danielpipes.org/article/5983http://www.usawakeup.org/USSA .htm http://townhall.com/columnist s/BenShapiro/2008/10/15/the_j ewish_case_against_barack_oba ma http://townhall.com/columnist s/DennisPrager/2008/09/30/jew ish_left_wins,_jews_and_israe l_lose
62. McCain for President
Rosie ,   USA   (10.23.08)
John McCain has been a good friend of Israel and the Jewish people. He is not Bush....He is needed as a US president to fight the wave of Islamic extremism & radicalism that is penetrating the USA and Europe. He has given his life for his country....What has Obama done? MCain is not Bush...no one complained about Bush wehn the DJI average was over 14,000 and everyone was buying big homes and driving big cars(Hummers & SUVs) and living high on the hog. Wakeup everyone.
63. To all you strange hate-filled people
Steve G ,   Kew Gardens, NY, USA   (10.23.08)
1) Barack Obama has sworn nothing but support for Israel. 2) The hate and lies I see regurgitated on this talkback are an embarrassment, not only to yourselves, but to the Jewish community. 3) He's going to win and the overwhelming proportion of Jewish votes are going to help. 4) Have Israelis taken complete leave of their senses?
64. obama vs. mccain
alan pope ,   el paso, texas, usa   (10.23.08)
what? please stop watching sara silverman, and other media jews from us cable television! (some of whom don't even have enough pride in their ancestry to use their ethnic sounding surnames) do not blame the us superpower downgrade on mccain. even bush's policies if carried out properly will provide more security to israel and have done so. obama should be compared to the nearest us president in policy of recent history-jimmy carter. have israelis forgotten giving away the gaza strip in exchange for peace. and what peace? even the egyptian president sadat was swept away in the fanatical reaction of islam to this affront. Russia, China and EU have their own reasons for success, apart from any us influence. but the current economic crisis has penetrated all economies, proving that where the us goes, the rest will follow. obama's tax policies are not what you espouse in your article, and any tax increase in hard economic times will only exacerbate the crisis. but overall, you must ask with regard to security and foreign policy, what form will the nationalization of industries inevitable if the democratic party (usa style democratic, not knesset style) has unchecked power? or have israelis already forgotten what a national socialist is? does the name louis farrakhan mean anything to you?
65. He actually believes Obama's phony BS!!!
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (10.24.08)
66. The Democrats are going to drill for oil?
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (10.24.08)
Give us all a break. The Democrats are going to save the black spotted sand flea, while the United States comes to a standstill. The only reason the United States is looked down on is because they stood up and fought back for once in their lives. The rest of the world and the Democratic party want to go hide in a cave again. You are asking for a bunch of pascifists to run the United States. They will be a bunch of wimps again. Turning the other cheek over and over again.....just to get slapped down some more. If getting your rear end kicked around the globe, makes you a likeable nation.,......then put the cut and run party in power. The Democrats make wonderful fiction movies about the strength of the United States. They can't fight their way out of a wet paper sack though. Clinton deregulated the banking industry to get minorities in housing. The Democrats set this financial crisis in motion. How about laying blame on both parties for a change.
67. 63# Actually...the only embarrassment will be all the
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (10.24.08)
Liberals running from the muslims, rather than standing their ground and fighting for their freedom. Freedom isn't free. Democrats are free to be slaves though. They are quite good at getting along with their masters. Don't fight back......that one has always worked out well for the left. If you don't rock the boat.....they won't drag you into their little man made hell. Don't count on liberal promises......many were made, and falsely communicated in WW II.....to everyones detriment. Actions......not hope......protect a civilization. I don't buy Oblathering Obama's hope speech. He's all out of hope in my book. He is a do nothing.....talk talk talk......blabber worshipper. He thinks blabbering is going to get results. Muslims only understand bullets and bombs.
68. John McCain is Dangerous for Israel!
Jason ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.24.08)
Chaim highlights that Obama understands the complexity of the issues facing Israel and the United States. My goodness, the man was a state senator for 7 years and has proven himself a force the whole world actually trusts--HELLO. would better to help us get out of this mess with the Arabs. Who better to be seen as a fair negotiator? Sure, McCain is a compassionate friend to Israel. However, he sees things as black and white--Palin says "the good guys and the bad guys". That gets us as far as we've ever been. We don't need someone to tell us how to run our country or who thinks they understand it--we need someone who knows the whole damn thing is complex and is gonna start dialogue. This country of ours isn't going to disappear, people. But if you want it to go somewhere--VOTE OBAMA BIDEN.
69. Don't Vote Based on Israel Alone
Jason ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.24.08)
Israel is not going to be focus of any new president's campaign. It only became an issue for Bush when he needed something to show for 8 failed years of foreign and domestic policy. We see what we get with McCain: the same opportunistic judgment without an appreciation of how complex our poor conflict is. We see this in his choice to run a campaign on partisan division and his choice of Sarah Palin as VP running mate--a Governor so clearly ill-informed and divisive. So yes, perhaps McCain likes Israel, but he will not be dedicated to our cause and perhaps actually make things worse. What a shame for all his years in Washington--to risk polarizing the country and leave us unprepared for the sake of his campaign. Vote based on who you think has the judgement to lead America, the intellect to understand the world, and the courage to lead it.
70. say what ??
Rachel ,   NYC   (10.24.08)
Obama will accelerate America's decline. He's for raising the white flag. Your convoluted logic has led you to the strange conclusions. If you don't understand, then ask Joe the plumber.
71. Obama is a better choice for the Palestinians
Miriam Barr ,   Bloomfield USA   (10.24.08)
YNET has today FOUR articles favoring Obama. This enthusiasm is not justified. Obama was at some time a Muslim. I would not have worried about it if Obama would not have been associated with Islamic and Palestinian radicals.Obama has longstanding, if indirect ties to two institutions, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), listed by the U.S. government in 2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding trial; and the Nation of Islam (NoI), condemned by ADL for its "consistent record of racism and anti-Semitism." Obama's ties to Islamists: Khalid al-Mansour connection: According to former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton, Al-Mansour "was raising money for" Obama's expenses at Harvard Law School. Al-Mansour, a black American (né Don Warden), became advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid bin Talal, CAIR's largest individual donor. Al-Mansour holds standard Islamist views: he absolves the Islamist government in Sudan of sponsoring slavery, he denies a Jewish tie to Jerusalem, and he wrote a booklet titled "Americans Beware! The Zionist Plot Against S. Arabia." (Both Obama and al-Mansour deny Sutton's account.) The cover of one of Khalid al-Mansour's books, "The Mind and the Mindless - Will the West Rule Forever." The Kenny Gamble (also known as Luqman Abdul-Haqq) connection: Gamble, a once-prominent pop music producer, cut the ribbon to the Obama campaign headquarters housed in a south Philadelphia building he owns. Gamble is an Islamist who buys large swaths of real estate in Philadelphia to create a Muslim-only residential area. Also, as the self-styled "amir" of the United Muslim Movement, he has many links to Islamist organizations, including CAIR and the Muslim Alliance in North America. (MANA's "amir" is Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.) The Mazen Asbahi connection: The Obama campaign's first Muslim outreach coordinator resigned after it came to light that he had served on the board of a subsidiary of the Saudi-sponsored North American Islamic Trust, with Jamal Said, another unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Hamas funding trial. Asbahi has ties to CAIR's Chicago and Detroit offices, to the Islamic Society of North America, yet another unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas funding trial, and to other Islamist organizations. The Minha Husaini connection: The campaign's second Muslim outreach coordinator has an Islamist background, having served as an intern in the Muslim Public Service Network. Immediately upon her appointment by Obama, she met with a group of about thirty Muslims including such notorious figures as CAIR's Nihad Awad; the Muslim American Society's Mahdi Bray, who has publicly supported the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups; and Johari Abdul Malik of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., who has advised American Muslims: "You can blow up bridges, but you cannot kill people who are innocent on their way to work." Obama's long-time donor and ally Antoin "Tony" Rezko partnered for nearly three decades with Jabir Herbert Muhammad, a son of NoI leader Elijah Muhammad, and says he gave Jabir and his family "millions of dollars over the years." Rezko also served as executive director of the Muhammad Ali Foundation, a rogue organization that, without Ali's permission, exploited the name of this CAIR awardee. Kenny Gamble Jeremiah Wright, Obama's esteemed pastor for twenty years, came out of a Nation background, recently he accepted protection from an NoI security detail, and has praised Louis Farrakhan, the NoI's leader, as one of the "giants of the African American religious experience." Wright's church celebrated Farrakhan for his having "truly epitomized greatness." Farrakhan himself endorsed Obama, calling him "the hope of the entire world," "one who can lift America from her fall," and even "the Messiah."
72. farrakan death to jews
Lee ,   C,villeVA   (10.25.08)
Who ever wrote this article has to be either an Barack HUSSIAN Obama plant to confuse you, or your so confused with the left wing media were you apparently got your info, Louis Farrakan supports him and calls him the messiah. go to farrakans website and see what he thinks of Jews and Israelites, he states something to the effect that they should be wiped of the face of the earth. So what you are saying is crap. Maccain will support and back Israel so I will stand with Maccain.
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