Why I voted for John McCain
Naomi Ragen
Published: 04.11.08, 11:04
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31. I voted Obama, Ragen...
Shai ,   Tel Aviv   (11.04.08)
And many of my ex-patriate friends voted for him too. This right-wing nutbag and hyteric doesn't deserve an op-ed on Ynet. The lies, distortions, and half-truths in this article are too numerous to mention.
32. "every other American in Israel I know"?
Neil ,   Tel Aviv   (11.04.08)
Well - here is one who did not vote McCain!
33. stupidity - not just in American Jews.
Patriot ,   formerly Gush Katif   (11.04.08)
Why expect American Jews to vote in the interests of zionism or Judaism (McCain ) when so many Israeli Jews vote for a PLO state run by Fatach or Hamas terrorists (Kedima, Labor, Meretz, Pensionair) and for the future expulsion of over 100,000 Jews from their homes of over 30 years. The Jewish "self-hatred gene" exists in all Jews - on all continents.
34. I voted McCain
Millicent ,   Israel   (11.04.08)
Because with the way the world is heading you need an experienced leader,one who has military and leadership experience. I will alos never forget what Mrs Obama said during the early days of the campaign when she said" Now I can be proud of my country", refering to her husband's candiacy" ! Am was shocked and thrown for a loop by that innane comment! After all for a Candiaites' spouse to say that is horrible. America has done alot of wonderful things to be proud of,Gd Bless America. She doesn't deserve to be first lady! Besides with all the unknow about Obama's relationships with the radicals in his past and his church afflilation with the radical anti semit priest and his variuos other connections he is a dangerous unknow at a time when America needs to play it safe.
35. Emanuel
Yoann Douieb ,   Paris, France   (11.04.08)
It will be interesting to see if he puts his close advisor Rahm Emanuel (Jewish, ex-Tsahal, father ex-Irgun...) at a key position.
36. to Avi
Susan ,   Kfar Saba   (11.04.08)
That is not a good excuse for not coming to live here. We need more people like you to vote the self-hating, post-zionist Jews out of office.
37. Embarassing and Racist Article
I thought this would be a well written and articulate article. Why didn't you refer to John Sidney McCain, and just Barak Hussein Obama. You only reflected on the mixed racial background of Obama, and not the White parents of McCain. You also don't mention the racist politicians Mr. McCain has supported over the years, those who were in favour of segregation etc. Also your claims about Khalidi are unfounded and completely false. You also elude in the conclusion of your article, that Obama is Muslim and Black. He is neither (mixed racial). Also, his father was not a Muslim, he was an Atheist. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!!
38. Today is the day!
Cameron ,   USA   (11.04.08)
Thank God!! Have reached absolute saturation point with political platforms & endless hot-air. I made a point of voting for McCain, and wish him grand success in stepping hard on this creepy Obama foolishness.
39. Go McCain
S. Roberts ,   Gold Canyon, AZ   (11.04.08)
Appreciate the story, I wish more people got it!! I to voted McCain...it was the only right vote to make!!
40. umm not at all
ilan ,   ta   (11.04.08)
i don't know which americans you associate with in israel but most of the ones i know voted for obama. the article you wrote has the most lies i have ever seen in a published article and i am shocked if you wake up and thinking you have a conscience with what you said here. but you have done one great thing - you have demonstrated that your written works are not to be taken seriously, as they lack any evidence whatsoever of the truth.
41. Good article
rkb ,   boise USA   (11.04.08)
I have been wondering why a real Jew would even think of voting Obama...Naomi helped me understand! I am a proud American who loves a Jewish Carpenter and today I will vote MCCAIN/Palin!
42. "I voted for McCain"
Isaac Shladovsky ,   Eat Windsor, NJ, USA   (11.04.08)
Who cares who you voted for anymore than you care who I voted for. Keep it to yourself next time.
43. naomi ragen and mcane
susie miller ,   ramat gan israel   (11.04.08)
israel needs mcane to defend our security and country. he is a true friend to our state and with a long record of support for us.sara silverman and other trendy and shallow entertainers should take a deeper look and consider the dangers of obama for israel
44. Chutzpah + Obama & Rahm Emanuel
Andita ,   Los Angeles   (11.04.08)
Naomi -- The chutzpah of your attitude is offensive. Perhaps it reflects the limited information that you have access to but perhaps it also reflects your desire to maintain a status quo that cannot be maintained. Obama is going to be fantastic for the USA, for Israel and for the world. Please see that his first appointment is going to be Rahm Emanuel. But additionally, I would like to ask, since you made aliya, how often you live in the US? A lot of the McCain voters don't consider what is good for the US and also don't seem interested in really making peace in Israel. The settlers have to haul their asses inside the green line and start developing the Galil or the Negev. Do you want endless war for your children???? RE: RAHM EMANUEL The first job Obama wants to assign is for Chief of Staff. I quote: The key figure here is Rahm Emanuel, who is already rumored to be the front man for the job. The Associated Press has reported that the Obama transition team is making overtures to the Illinois congressman, reports which both sides have played down. People in the know, meanwhile, are saying the likelihood is Rahm will be offered the post and will likely say yes. This is great!!! Do you know anything about him?
45. Ooo-waa, ma kara. Naomi Ragen achal ota!
JPS ,   Efrat   (11.04.08)
For those non-Hebrew speakers, this translates from the Hebrew as: "Uh oh what's going on? Naomi Ragan really bombed" My bet is that come tomorrow morning, Obama will be pres. I'm an Israeli and not American, and think that both the candidates suck. However, the republicans suck more. Why? 1. Ragen talks about Obama's ties to Khalidi, and totally ignores McCain's similar ties. Lying by omission, a standard conservative faux pas. 2. Obama's campaign was funded with money from Gaza. Ragen either hit her head on something, or somebody spiked her Shirley Temple for her to come up with that boner. 3." I trust John McCain on security." Yikes! Like Ragen trusted Bush on security? Nothing like stupid Republicans who don't learn from their previous mistakes and are "committed to the course", even if it's like lemmings to the sea. 4. "overcoming any prejudice against a Muslim and a Black man" is a dead giveaway that Ragen is nothing more than a racist bigot. Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim, and anybody with an IQ bigger than their shoe size knows that. (I think he's a stupid Christian who should've dumped his moron of a pastor years ago, but that's besides the point) and Obama is not "a Black man". His momma was even whiter than Naomi Ragen. He's mixed race, not Black. Looks like Ragen doesn't know all that many Jews in Israel. I really don't think the winner of the election will be better or worse for Israel, they'll both be about the same. However, I simply despise op-ed writers who purposefully disseminate lies as part of their propaganda campaign. Ragen is one of them. Shame on her for being too much of a coward to face Obama on the issues rather than the innuendo.
46. why I voted for Obama
sas ,   israel   (11.04.08)
and excellent article. should have been written sooner.....................
47. Who is Ragen??
Ben ,   Monroe USA   (11.04.08)
Ragan, merely another person lacking the basic knowledge of what is going on in America. Seems she is also lacking quite a bit as to whom American/Israelis are voting for. On top of those failures, she seemingly has closed her mind to truth; rather accepting neo-con lies and propaganda. She could do herself a favor and begin using that grey stuff between her ears rather than being an echo for others with an axe to grind. Oh well, by the time this gets posted the election here will be history and Obama will be President Elect.
48. I voted for McCain/Palin, too!!
Chaya ,   Bat Yam   (11.04.08)
49. American in Israel for Obama
Lena ,   Tel Aviv   (11.04.08)
I voted for Obama. And I can't stand it when people call Obama "Barack Hussein Obama" or "B. Hussein Obama." It's just more of the same stupid Republican fear-mongering tactics.
50. Another American in Israel for Obama
Amy ,   off rt 40   (11.04.08)
Ms. Ragen should get out more if she doesn't know any Americans here who voted for Obama. Looking forward to all sorts of change ...
51. your information
karen ,   los angeles   (11.04.08)
I would like to know where you get your information. Are you doing your research because if you are.. you would get different information on Barack Obama. Most of yours is incorrect from distortion.
52. This is a disgraceful article - race politics
Meir Moses   (11.05.08)
What a shameful disgrace - to lie and to imply that Obama and his support are GODLESS? Guilt by association? This is someone who professes to adhere to Torah? Wickedness, lies, desperation.
53. also voted mc cain absentee for florida.. hope it helps!
mish ,   tlv   (11.05.08)
54. Discontinuing a war is not giving up
Jesse Auspitz ,   Toronto, Canada   (11.05.08)
Your article makes it seem that there are two possible scenarios to the conflict in Iraq. America wins and Iraq loses, or Iraq wins and America loses. You ignore the possibility of both lose-lose outcomes or win-win outcomes. Though it is possible for America to conquer Iraq through continued fighting, it is also possible that both countries would lose, as military spending, and the death of soldiers does not equal the potential benefits of going to war. You fail to take into consideration that it is possible for America to work with Iraq towards peaceful purposes. If both countries work together, they could collaborate to make the situation better for both countries. Thus, creating a win-win outcome. I do not believe the situation has gone too far, and the attitudes are too ingrained that it is impossible to work for peace. It is important that America begins to work for peace before it is too late.
55. This is SO weird!!!!
John McCain ,   USA/Vietnam/AZ   (11.05.08)
Amazing! Do exercise at end This is SO weird!!!! THIS IS REALLY FREAKY! 1) New York City has 11 letters 2) Afghanistan has 11 letters. 3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters. 4) George W Bush has 11 letters. This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting: 1) New York is the 11th state. 2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11. 3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11 4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5=11 5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9+1+1=11 6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911. 9+1+1=11. Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind: 1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. 2+5+4=11. 2 September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2+5+4=11. 3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3+1+1+2+4 =11. 4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident. Now this is where things get totally eerie: The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy book: ''For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allahand lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace." That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran. Still unconvinced about all of this..?! Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end: Open Microsoft Word and do the following: 1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the fligh number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers. 2. Highlight the Q33 NY. 3. Change the font size to 48. 4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS
56. Obama's election is scary
blonde shiksa   (11.05.08)
While the press delved deeply into every little detail of Sarah Palin's life, they glossed over all concerns about Barak Obama and his associations with the like of Ayers, Khalidi, and Reverend Wright. Obama gives "teflon man" a new meaning! The American people, soured by 8 years of George Bush, and abetted by a complicit press corps, have allowed themselves to be mesmerized by the silver-tongued Obama, turning a blind eye to aspects of his character that should have been giant red flags. For some reason, the press in America chose note to deeply investigate this man. Instead, they did what amounts to a coronation. I hope I am wrong about Obama. I hope he will be a great president. But I have a very sick feeling tonight. I bet they are celebrating in Europe. only the VP candidate. (And let's not neglect to mention that they didn't scutinize that old windbag, Joe Biden.
57. I too voted for McCain
A Real Patriot ,   Pittsburgh, USA   (11.05.08)
I am very proud to vote for someone who actually served in the military for the United States president. Since I have turned the age of 18, I have voted for three presidents. Which is unlike some people who are in my age group that have never voted before. The new president Osama -oops I mean Barack Hussein Obama and his vice-president Bin Ladin,- I mean Joe Biden would lead the troops out of Iraq. I have a question, if Obama says he is fit to lead this country then why is he asking McCain for help to lead this country ? This is contradictory, isn't it? (Obama asks McCain for help leading country By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer Nedra Pickler, Associated Press Writer – November 5, 2008). I am very worried about the safety of the U.S.A. having a president with little political or military experience. I was concerned that Obama has ties with people who tried to blow up American buildings such as the Pentagon. Isn't that an area of concern? I am going to make all of my amends to all of whom that I have denied. I will ask for forgiveness of all my sins from God. I will work even harder to show my love and support to my family.
58. Naomi Ragen's Article
Susan Ahyed ,   Haifa, Israel   (11.05.08)
Well Naomi I am an American and I live in Israel and I voted for Obma. And so did all my American friends who live here. if anythong happened to John MaCain (G-d forbid) can you imagine Sarah Palin as President? That's a million times scarier than Obama!
59. Obama
Gary Glaser ,   Hutchinson, MN, USA   (11.05.08)
There seem to be a lot of people celebrating in the USA today, but I'm not one of them. Obama hasn't shown me anything yet. And he hasn't made it to the 21st of January yet. Words are cheap. I'll wait and see what he actually tries to do.
60. To #2
Jasmin ,   Haifa   (11.05.08)
You know, DA, change in itself is not necessarily a good thing. Have you never known things to change for the worse? And no, #25, this is not a racist article.
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