Why I voted for John McCain
Naomi Ragen
Published: 04.11.08, 11:04
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72 Talkbacks for this article
61. I also voted McCain/Palin but...
Aaron ,   Ra'anana   (11.05.08)
I am happy for Obama and America that a member of a minority has been elected President of the United States. (too bad it wasn't condaleeza rice). I'm willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt as he assumes office. Like John McCain said, I stand behind my President, Barack Obama. and #33 is right. how can you expect american jews to vote more than 25% for McCain when jews in israel only vote about 25% for zionist parties against giving the land of israel to terrorists (likud, lieberman, mafdal)
62. Obama. Human Rights. Abortion: The Babies' Silent SCREAMS
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.05.08)
Devoid of all compassion for innocent humanity, Obama believes fervently in aborting defenseless babies including the gruesome partial birth abortion procedure and voted against giving aid to babies who survive abortion. Our loving Creator gave children as gifts. G-D's little gifts endure the most horrific and painful deaths - savagely torn to pieces in the womb - unable to beg for mercy; unable to escape their terrible fate. For politicians, either all life is sacred or no life at any age is sacred. Why would anyone think they are safe when little babies are not safe?
63. This article is as badly written as....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.05.08)
Ms. Reagan's books. All hackneyed cliches with no substance at all. I am glad Obama won, because a weak America under John McBush and (God forbid) blithering idiot Pailin would be bad for Israel. Only Obama can clean up the mess W made of his country and the world.
64. I wonder if McCain thinks that all the
jason white ,   afula,israel   (11.05.08)
sacrifices he made for the U.S. was worth it? Is he thinking why did the people pick a zero and not a hero? And women,why didn't they vote for Sarah Palin and give a woman a chance to be veep and in the future maybe the first woman president? I also wonder how McCain feels about being the butt of cheap jokes by these unfunny late night "comedians"? Did any of them ever lift a finger to defend the U.S.? Or even entertain the troops? I hope that other people see what happened and the sacrifices you make to defend your country will not be appreciated. And you will be open to ridicule by the very people you are defending or defended. Stay home and make money, study, live it up and do nothing for your country. That is the secret to success.
65. As usual, Jason White rants and raves....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.06.08)
Some people voted McCain and some people voted Obama. Each person voted for the one he or she thought was the better candidate. About 7 million more people picked Obama than picked McCain and Obama swept the electoral college. Its really that simple, Jason. All this gobdlygook you spew about McCain's war hero status and how doing nothing for your country is happiness, blah, blah, blah.....
66. well done
That was the least researched, most blind-sighted and closed-minded opinion piece i have read to date. Really, fantastic job.
67. Votes are better than pap
Ben ,   Monroe USA   (11.06.08)
The Ragans of this world are numerous, not necessarily knowledgeable, just numerous. Fortunately the Ragans were outvoted by about 6 million votes leading to a 2-1 landslide in electoral votes. McCains problem was obvious, he offered nothing other than his being a POW. His choice of a VP was a disaster which compounded his failure. The lady is pretty, no doubt, but there are many other pretty women out there with brains and credentials who would make much better candidates. Ragan, your boy lost; BIG TIME.
68. yeh
Mike ,   Halifax, Canada   (11.06.08)
wow, lots of good points in the article and the talkbacks... i don't see how its racist, a lot of people think as soon as u mention someone's skin colour than its racist but it depends what u say and she never said he was going to do/did these things because he is african american. #64 i agree totally with you...and i feel a little sad for McCain... but at the end of the day he knows who he is and knows what he did in the past for his country was honorable and is worth while...no matter if they appreciate him or not... What is truly telling about this hole thing is that Obama has only been a senator for 4 years... what are his major acheivments? *sigh* He's inexperienced and has too many back connections... should have played it safe n went with McCain but o well its in G-d's hands nomatter who is in the white house.
69. in response to #13
Tony Anderson ,   Peru Indiana USA   (11.07.08)
The vote came out to almost a 50/50 split. Of the more than 300 million people who live here and are eligible to vote less than half voted. Mr Obama definitely has no mandate, people here want a change, they are basically tired of paying out the arse for everything and watching our jobs and wealth go everywhere but here thanks to politicians and special interest groups. Mr. Obama says he can change that and although he's a political nobody with almost no leadership experience people voted for him based on talk and promises. The left here did not get enough votes in the senate to stop all opposition and the last thing Mr. Obama will do is offend the folks in the swing states. Every Congressman and Senator is still accountable to their constituents including the new ones taking office next year. It is a sad day in America when this is the best the two parties can offer.
70. #67 Ben
Tony Anderson ,   Peru Indiana USA   (11.07.08)
You might want to check those numbers again bro there was no landslide and the vote as it stands right now is 53% to 46% Obama. Senator McCain offers a lot that Mr. Obama doesn't have such as years of proven leadership experience unfortunately though he was tied to an unpopular president and the fact that he tends to be middle of the road in his politics and his choice of VP didn't help with his base. Mr. Obama has a chance, if he can do for his country what he promised then it's all good, if he can't then 2012 isn't to far away.
71. You know, I have read about 3-4 of your books
robin ,   israel   (11.07.08)
Although they are interesting, what I find lacking is what I find lacking in your article, any facts that go beyond the status quo. What you know is what everyone on the surface knows. But you are a writer, and you are supposed to do your research. John McCain as a prisoner of war gave information to the Vietnamese, real information instead of false information the way he was instructed in case he did get captured. This was told by members of his unit. You would ordinarily think the unit would have come out in support of him at this time. But this is the reason why they didn't. P.O.W.'s from the Vietnamese War could not be freed, because certain records are still sealed under orders of McCain, which is a reason for further suspicion. I have heard that Obama was too much like a movie star, and although at first glance it seems to be so, it is only the tip of the iceberg, and in this case, what is underneath is far more substantial. If you had done your research, you would have seen that McCain's views are a continuance of the same selfish worldview that has contributed to the U.S.'s downfall: such as releasing regulations on guns for U.S. c citizens, which are so easy to obtain; easing taxes on the very wealthy, and thwarting a national health care system for all Americans, at which present there is none. You are not a maverick. You are just a member of the "Earth if Flat Society."
72. Americans for Stupidity
Bill Fox ,   Pembroke Pines, Fl   (11.10.08)
We voted, We tried....Now we all pray all the idiots and morons that came out of the woodwork that have no clue about politics didn't sink this country. I was almost sick when Debbie Wasserman Schultz jumped on the Obamamezoried bandwagon.
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