European politicians sail to Gaza
Published: 07.11.08, 21:14
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38 Talkbacks for this article
1. no drugs in gaza?
ed ,   holland   (11.07.08)
but they do have money to buy weapons and kill israelis?
2. obviously it was a stupid idea to give away gaza-
virginia orrall   (11.07.08)
to such an ungrateful people. the more you give them the more they think they own you ? they are arabs and the arab countries have 14-15 times more land per person left over to occupy than we have to help them out with. if their fellow arabs that keep complaining about how bad we treat the palestinian arabs will not make room for their brothers when they could why do they and the world demand that we should? if they like to make trouble they should do it to each other---we just want to live in peace thanks. is europe is so concerned about their welfare ? please take them and you put up with their complaining and rocket attacks instead.
3. Cut the electricity from Israel to Gaza. Let the terrorists
Frank ,   USA   (11.07.08)
provide for themselves.
4. why should Israel provide Gaza with water?
Dumb leftists ,   USA   (11.07.08)
What the matter, there is not enough driking water in the 22 Arab entities? Let them trade their oil for water.
5. The gays of Gaza are persecuted and have to flee for their
Dan ,   USA   (11.07.08)
lives to Israel. Yet, the European MKs support Gaza while criticizing Israel where the persecuted Gazans flee to.
6. The Euros love to blame Israel. They only killed 6M Jews
Bill ,   USA   (11.07.08)
7. Let them take the terrorists to Europe!
Harry ,   USA   (11.07.08)
8. Israel ,A Deer in the Headlights
Marcel ,   Florida   (11.07.08)
A dead deer does nothing but let the hunters take one piece of it's flesh after another and htis is exactly what the political parties of Israel do. They are frozen in the headlights and incapable of acting on behalf of ISRAEL'S interests because they serve foreign interests first, Ameirca's failed agenda is killing Israel..
9. Bring them rockets, RPG's and TNT,
Mr. Bean ,   Eurabia   (11.07.08)
drugs and awards will be supplied by 70 virgins.
10. Ship of Fools...(End)
val ,   Eurabia   (11.07.08)
11. Nothing like some Euro-dupes to liven things up
Joe Sittizen ,   Jerusalem   (11.07.08)
Oh me oh my! Despite all those tunnels and all that smuggling, it looks like Hamas forgot to get pills for the people. And here come the Euro-sissies, the do-gooders who will weep and wail about the poor Pals, while ignoring the fact that the poor Pals' Hamas government is the main obstacle to both peace (Hamas doesn't want it) and progress (heck, they WANT an Islamic welfare state). And, of course, they'll not mention that it was the Egyptians who wouldn't let them in, and try to blame it all on us nasty Israelis. There's a sucker born every minute, and this is an 11-minute boatload of poor excuses for politicians.
12. When scanners R assembled-they will B RADAR
Alan ,   SA   (11.07.08)
13. Useful idiots
steve ,   UK   (11.07.08)
Maybe if the Hamas 'government' didn't spend all its money on guns and rockets and inciting hatred, they would have time and money to feed their own people. This shows how hypocritical these left wing euro politicans are.
14. Palestinians are +/- ok. Why don't they sail/fly to Congo?
robert renders ,   belgium   (11.07.08)
15. Yes, Brtish Clare Short "to our shame"
Martha   (11.08.08)
At least 60% of Historic Palestine is now Jordan thanks to the British Mandate, but Arabs are always whining out. In terms of land Israel is one of the poorest nations, while the Arabs are among the wealthiest nations on earth. Very little has been left for the Jews. During WW II thousands and thousands of Arabs streamed across all the borders into Palestine. The British said they were unable to stop the flow. In the meanwhile, millions of Jews were slaughtered in Europe. The evil British White Paper succeeded in blocking Jew' s hope to reach their ancestral country.
16. Pretty soon they will start infuriating the Cypriots
Jake   (11.08.08)
I bet you it will ultimately the Cyprus government that ends this stupid charade. Olmert seems not to mind at all. Some "siege of Gaza"! LOL As for Ynet, you're getting a little boring and repetitive giving this cockamamey nonsense so much publicity.
17. I wonder if any of those idiots have read the GC
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.08.08)
I have a hard time believing that they are intelligent enough to understand it, since it clearly states that they are wrong. Blockades are legal under the Geneva Convention, the UN Charter and every other international law.
18. #14 Congo? Nobody is interested in Congo when there are Joos
The Jewish reality ,   USA   (11.08.08)
They are inherently anti-Semitic. Regardless how many blacks die in Africa or how many terrorists run around Gaza or Ramallah the European obsession with Jews will continue. They will blame the Jews regardless what Jews do or do not do. That is the nature of the cowardly European beast that can never protect itself. Had it not been for the USA the Euros would have spoken either Russian or German and yet they dislike America and hate Israel.
19. Why there is no Kurdistan but there is Hamastan
Cathy ,   USA   (11.08.08)
Unlike the Arabs who can squeeze the Jews for more concessions and benefits the Kurds are not that lucky. They have to deal with Arabs who don't relinquish land to anyone.
20. European politicians
robin ,   Israel   (11.08.08)
Did any one of these free-thinking politicians ask to see Gilad Shalit? Did anyone think of asking why Kassams are still targeting innocent civilians? Did any one of these "modern day" thinkers ask the Gazans if they want peace with Israel? ...and yet the blame still gets placed on Israel. Why not tell the Gazans to take responsibility for their demise? Peace will come only when the Gazans want it. The maze just keeps going on and on and on...
21. Euroloonies at their best
Frank ,   Canada   (11.08.08)
Clare Short once claimed that global warming was an issue because of Israel
22. Make European politicians pay for damage
Great White North ,   Canada   (11.08.08)
Any equipment brought into Gaza by these European politicians, that is used to attacked Israeli civilians either in its original state or reconstructed, should be the direct responsibility of these politicians. Cypress too bears responsibility. Hamas attacks non-muslims and such actions are supported by EU. How many churches are left in Gaza?
23. Are they delivering weapons, too?
Zvi   (11.08.08)
Name and shame these losers. These are politicians who should be identified as terrorist sympathizers. Clare Short in particular has been a guest of Hezbollah TV and is thus an open collaborator with the Islamist terror group that mentors the Hamas terror organization and sponsored its bloody takeover of Gaza from the legal Palestinian Authority. Short also calls Israel "worse than apartheid South Africa", an incredibly stupid and false charge for Israel, which gives full voting rights to every citizen and has Arabs in parliament, the cabinet (Majadele), the supreme court and the military (there are high ranking Druze and Bedouin officers). Meanwhile, Short says NOTHING about Gazan rockets fired at kindergartens in Sderot. Not. One. Word. Of. Complaint. Why haven't Hamas brought medical supplies into Gaza through their tunnels instead of explosives? Why do they persist in building rockets and trying to kidnap Israeli soldiers if their people are really in such dire need that these idiots on boats come to bring them stuff? Israel, I hope you are inspecting the cargo to make sure that it doesn't contain anti-aircraft missiles. Short and her friends don't care.
24. #2, Virginia: I like your conservative name but I disagree
Friend Of Peace   (11.08.08)
"obviously it was a stupid idea to give away gaza" [Virginia] What Israel gave away was a furture Palestinian majority within Israel. Besides, IDF soldiers stopped dying in Gaza while protecting messianics.
25. 14-Because Congolese(5.3M dead) dont pay as well as Araby
Alan ,   SA   (11.08.08)
26. Pal Support is a good £business for UK Post Parliamentarians
Alan ,   SA   (11.08.08)
27. Dr Arafat Shoukri
Doctor ,   London   (11.08.08)
There is no medical practitioner of such a name registered in Britain. Please check the GMC website. More fake nonsense. There are however Palestinians receiving free medical treatment at Israeli hospitals better than any treatment received by the British from their national health service. How do I know? I worked 10 years in Ichilov and 6 years in the NHS in Britain so I know a little bit about healthcare. I personally treated countless Palestinians, including those who perpetrated attacks. If the British poulation had healthcare half as good as the Palestinians they would be in good shape!
28. Insult to civilization
Maks   (11.08.08)
What a shame for human civilization, politicians who are unable to read the news but are quick in blaming the wrong guy. They can smuggle cows and Snickers through the tunnels but are unable to transport a package of paracetamol. What insanity!
29. Eurabia supporting War Crimes, how fitting
David ,   Boston, USA   (11.08.08)
Sick people. They should be going to Sderot to protect its citizens and other seam communities from the war crimes being committed by Arabs in Gaza.
30. more great stuff from the continent that gave us the Holocau
American ,   California   (11.08.08)
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