UN rights chief calls for end to Gaza blockade
Hanan Greenberg and AP
Published: 18.11.08, 15:45
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61. Israel is not responsible for Gaza
ISRAEL   (11.18.08)
Israel doesn't have to feed them Israel doesn't have to open its borders Israel doesn't have to supply electricity Israel doesn't have to supply fuel Israel doesn't have to supply jack shit to Gaza They wanted Hamas - they got them.
62. #51 - Libyan Guy, No Jew ever abducted...
Joe ,   Ramat Gan   (11.18.08)
No Jew ever abducted Nazi soldiers, no Jew ever swore himself to the destruction of Germany, no Jew ever waged genocidal war after genocidal war after genocidal war against Germany and no Jew ever blew himself up in an U-Bahn train. Your comparisons of Israel and Nazi Germany, aside from being morally sickening, have no basis in fact or logic. BTW, I'm 100% sure that most of the injured people you will see in Gaza Hospital (both built and supplied by the Israelis, if I may add) were injured by Arab-on-Arab violence. Also, most of us Israeli Jews came back to our homeland from Muslim countries. If you're going to talk to any random Israeli, chances are he or she has no blood relatives that died in the Holocaust. Your statements only expound your ignorance of the reality here in Israel. I suggest you learn some more about the situation here before you automatically run your mouth again on this website...
63. Richard the Imbicile
Yaron ,   USA   (11.18.08)
Why don't you take all your well written facts and put them where the sun don't shine? Bottom line....the leadership of Gaza have brought this tragedy upon themselves. Stop your nonsense about Israel's responsibility and moral equivalence. I know I know, Intl. law also says that Israelis should be blowing up in coffee shops....sorry to disappoint you.
64. Let's take a step back and consider the state of the world
Rami ,   UK & IL   (11.18.08)
Because of the nations' hateful focus on Israel, serious human rights abuses are not addressed: Somalia, Congo, Ceylon and hundreds of other places where thousands and millions are brutally starved tortured and killed, by their governments or insurgents, because they are of the "wrong" ethnic group or religion. The dark places of the earth are filled with cruelty, and in comparison, 'Aza is not such a bad place, with so much business and welfare and schooling and medicine, electric power, mobile phones etc. It's a shame the UN and EU etc. don't give two hoots about the millions of disenfranchised around the world, they just want to spew hypocritical hatred as per their anti-semitic hearts.
65. Richard from UK's reality
David ,   Boston, USA   (11.18.08)
The reality is Israel and Jews gave the Gazans $20 million in hot houses, jobs, education. The reality is the Gazans quandered these resources. The reality is these Gazans are committing WAR CRIMES against Israel. If you want to blame someone, blame the terrorists in Gaza who did it to their own people. Blame Egypt for sealing ITS border. Israel gave the Gazans alot and got War crimes in return. I sympathize with children suffering, but to fix it, you have to address the cause, the hatred they are taught in school, the squandering of resources. The illegitimacy of UNWRA and its forcing Arabs in camps with the backing of the Arab world. Why do the Hamas use their gas for their own cars instead of powering the power station. How about creating jobs, economy, food, instead of war crimes against Israeli civilian population? Shall I continue?
66. Richard London
Roland ,   Blackpool England   (11.18.08)
Having looked at both sides of the problems it seems to me that Israel is right to persue its policy. Richard take your one sided bigotted views and complain to the masters of terror who rule Gaza for they are responsible for cruelly putting their people on the threshold of starvation.By the way tell your friends that the moment that they stop threatening to erase the State of Israel from the map and recognise their existence the quicker the Gazan people will live a normal life
67. Richard darling!!! you're not gona get any virgins love
Emanuel ,   Karachi, Pakistan   (11.19.08)
Try to live with the girls in UK. Why bother yourslef with GAZA and its virgins.
68. to the un: stop the qassams first!
tom ,   toronto, canada   (11.19.08)
the poor starving people of gaza are still capable of firing 100 qassams a week at israel. how is it that they can smuggle 10 tons of arms into gaza each month, but not food? those qassams are being fired, intentionally, at israeli civilians, which is a war crime under international law. why is the united nations not as concerned with the human rights of israelis to live in peace and security? and why are they not pursuing the prosecution of the hamas leadership, who incite, finance, and direct these war crimes?
69. Lord Richard Gaza!
mark ,   canada   (11.19.08)
What a dozo. When the gassers from Gaza stop peeing on Israel, we can all stop pooping in Hamas shoes!! And let me tell you, they do not bathe!! Hamas -- do not clean out their shoes, they don't know how......... Sounds to me like Lord Richie baby is a raving ignorant Hamas apologist/socialist.
70. UN rights chief is apparently a satanist.
Johnny ,   Stockholm Sweden   (11.19.08)
This sad creature is fighting to create misery for so many. What a sick individual he is.
71. Richard from London, thanks for your posts
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor   (11.19.08)
You are right in stating that under the Geneva Conventions Israel remains responsible for the welfare of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. Even the Israeli government along with Israel's Supreme Court, let alone the rest of the world acknowledges this. The real goal of Gaza's blockade became clear immediately after the election victory of Hamas in early 2006, namely to destabilize and overthrow the Hamas government, even when prime minister Ismail Haniye had sent a letter to Washington, which stated that Hamas was prepared to live with Israel within its 1967 borders and was looking for a dialogue. But here we are, more than two years later, and Hamas is still firmly established in the Gaza Strip. It even was disciplined enough to maintain a 5 month cease-fire. What we are witnessing now is a deepening of the siege, in order to punish collectively every woman, child and man in Gaza. The Israeli government is very well aware of it that what it is being done is a violation of basic human rights and international law and even amounts to a war crime. This is the reason why it has stopped journalists from entering the Gaza Strip and reporting about the situation there. I was at Erez last month, but was denied entry into Gaza and could not attend a medical conference in Gaza City on how the siege affects the mental health of the population. An authoritative report by the International Committee of the Red Cross, to be published imminently, states that the siege has caused a dramatic fall in living standards, The resulting forced shit in diet has lead to chronic malnutrition with alarming deficiencies of micronutrients like iron, vitamin A and vitamin D. This of course damages long term health, especially that of young growing children. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is right to demand the lifting of the blockade and she is asking ALL parties in the conflict to cease firing. As a medical professional I visit Israel and the Occupied Territories every year. The last time I was in Gaza was in November 2005. Since that time I have been consistently refused permission by the Israeli authorities to visit the Strip and assess the primary health care problems there. Is Israel afraid of medical professionals attending a conference in Gaza? It seems to me that the Palestinian territories are being used by Israel as some kind of experimental lab to try out all kinds of unethical and immoral methods of repression and subjugation. I recall the chilling statement of Dov Weisglass. prime minister Olmert's advisor in February 2006: "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger."
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