Dutch MP to be prosecuted over anti-Islam comments
Published: 21.01.09, 15:16
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104 Talkbacks for this article
91. Geert Wilders GREAT HERO of the Free World
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (01.22.09)
Seeking ONLY to PROTECT non-Muslims, courageous Wilders has placed his life in great danger for every one of us. Wilders does NOT insult Islam or Muslims - his documentary Fitna gives quotes from the Koran. In Europe, Britain, Israel and India there are no-go Muslim areas where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter. Solving this massive problem of Islamic hate and religious violence against non-Muslims MUST be the focus - not persecuting an extraordinarily brave human being because of his great, humane concern for the safety of non-Muslim innocents. Without safety, WE HAVE NO FREEDOM! Why are Muslims not only not being prosecuted for publicly calling for the murder of Jews and other non-Muslims, but ALLOWED to do so? Muslim immigrants welcomed into our countries call for the murder of innocents: "UK, you will pay" "7/7 on its way" "Slay those who insult Islam" "Europe, you will pay, your 9/11 is on its way!" "Jihad Against European Crusaders" Violent Muslim Protest Outside the Danish Embassy in London (February 3, 2006). Ferocious screams: "Death to you, by god." We want Danish blood." "May they bomb Denmark! So we can invade their country! And take their wives as war booty!" Threats are made against Jews: "The army of Mohammad is coming for you." Flash Video-What the West needs to know about jihad: Demonstrations for great hero of the Free World, Wilders, must take place around the world! Sign petition
92. #64 FREEDOM of Speech?Almost ALL of my comments are Censored
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (01.22.09)
I am pro human rights - pro Israel - pro Jewish. For approximately the last three years, almost ALL of my comments are censored on ynet. I consider it a small miracle whenever my comments actually get published. Only G-D knows the massive number of hours I have lost attempting to submit comments on ynet.
93. #52 Mohammedan, here is a better characterization
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (01.22.09)
One Pedophile, Psychopath, Rapist, Highway Robber, Thief, Hostage Taker, Slave Owner, Megalomaniac, Violent Criminal and Bloody Murderer put all these attributes together and called them a religion to control everyone surrounding him at the threat of the sword and feel greater about himself His brainless followers do not believe in democracy, shun female intellectual contributions, allow polygamy, insist on patriarchy, institutionalize religious persecution, ignore family planning, are fond of endemic corruption, tolerate honor killings, see no need to vote, and define knowledge as mastery of the Quran...which is deeply pathological.
94. Greet Wilders is second Gorge W Bush,
e.m.Jordan is Palest ,   s.f   (01.22.09)
Despite Greet Wilders has a proof in his hand but the Dutch lefties blame him and going to prosecute him, I would like to see if all the oil wells be dry in Islamic nations than if the hero like Greet Wilders will be prosecute? History will proof that the Greet Wilders and President Gorge W Bush were rights,
95. #83 Genuine Tosefta
Marco ,   Spain   (01.22.09)
Why dont you mention the the Lebanese media website that denied you access, if it exists that is. I think you are lying.
96. #64 Libneniyyeh, Beirut, Canada
Marco ,   Spain   (01.22.09)
Well said. Couldnt have said it any better.
97. To Libneniyyeh#64. Freedom Of Explanation.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (01.22.09)
You say :” read the book (i.e. Koran) in Arabic along with its explanation (tafseer). You will be very surprised.” My dear, the classical Arabic of the Holy Koran is VERY difficult to understand even for highly educated Arabic scholars. Because of this DIFFICULTY there are so MANY different explanations of the Koranic verses. Because of those different explanations (of the original Koranic verses) -- each group tries to proof that theirs is the right one and that others are infidels (I am speaking of Muslims calling other Muslims infidels). THIS fight goes so far that they don’t mind killing each other (like we see the Sunni sect of Muslims and the Shiite sect of Muslims killing each other). There is even killing going on within the Sunni sect of Muslims -- because of different explanations of the original Koranic verses. My dear, that is how the Muslims behave towards other Muslims -- so, what behaviour (of the Muslims) will we see towards the infidels ? There is not much hope, don’t you think ? BTW when one group of Muslims is busy fighting (and killing) infidels, Muslims of other groups remain silent. WHY ? Why they remain silent ? BECAUSE, while the fighting (and killings) of infidels is going on, the pressure (of other Muslim groups) is taken off their backs. Because of this (un-asked for, God-given) lifting of pressure (of other Muslim groups) -- they feel immense happiness, they feel immense pleasure. CONCLUSION : Muslims (any Muslim) experience great joy when infidels are attacked (and killed).
98. #64 one doesn't have to read all of your qur'an
r.f.   (01.22.09)
to know it wasn't written by g-d even though prophet muhammad was illiterate, with all respect. every fact and detail can be explained, rather then held sacred for fear of g-d. for example whatever it says about fetuses in how g-d has created man, this is knowledge gained by observation, they need not have had microscopes, a simple magnifying glass was sufficient for observing these mysteries, and as there was glass, there was magnifying glass too (look through a vase and you will see what i mean). hundreds and thousands of years of observation and a few major religions before islam could take credit for everything that is in it, including prophecies, and your interpretations of them to suit your needs or convictions. most israelis , and even most jews are looking upon what's written in the bible with some skepticism, and are trying to explain phenomena written about thousands of years before your qur'an was. i would challenge you to think, and explain the scriptures in the qur'an as if they were written by the wisest man of that era 1400 years ago. problem is, there's a huge mass of people abiding by what was written long ago, think whatever their spiritual leaders say is the ultimate truth, and not thinking critically , not questioning anything. for example, you are from lebanon, why does your government bow to extremism? hizbulla are the actual law makers of lebanon, they can veto any decision made by your government, it is unthinkable in modern world societies. by the way, i was blocked many times too, i hardly ever seem to get it right with ynet.
99. #64 Spare your lecture on Islam
Cynthia ,   USA   (01.22.09)
We know more than we want to know about Islam. If Islam was simply a religion, we would not see terror attacks all over the world committed in the name of Islam. Actions speak louder than words.
100. Linda #92 Excellent posts
Brod ,   USA   (01.22.09)
Your posts are excellent. I always look forward to reading them. Don't give up. They should not be censoring your posts because they are well researced and are in defense of Israel from the sea of dark forces.
101. The source of all the "hate-filled" stuff in the Ghoraan.
Persian CAT   (01.22.09)
is the Torah. Put them side by side and compare.
102. Court decision
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (01.22.09)
Holland under sharia,from now on the Dutch Queen,will have to put on a Burka.According to the new sharia laws of Holland,to write against Hitler's Mein Kamf,or Mao's red book,will be considered incitement against the German and Chinese people,great victory for Islam,the rest of Europe is next. EUROPE WAKE UP.
103. Persian CAT #101
Brod ,   USA   (01.22.09)
The Torah leads to salvation. The Koran leads to destruction. The more Islamists read the Koran the more they become Islamist-Jihadist terrorists. Alexis de Tocqueville says, "I have studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself." John Wesley says, "Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of its... have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all that fell into their merciless paws, and grinding them with their iron teeth, that numberless cities are raised from the foundation, and only their name remaining; that many countries, which were once as the garden of GOD, are now a desolate wilderness; and that so many once numerous and powerful nations are vanished from the earth! Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind." In his book, "Understanding Muhammad," Ali Sina says, "It is a mistake to think of Islam as a religion. The religious/spiritual aspect of Islam was created later by Muslim philosophers and mystics who gave esoteric interpretations to Muhammad's asinine words. His followers molded the religion according to their penchant, and with the passage of time, those interpretations inherited the seal of antiquity and thus credibility. If Islam is a religion, then so were Nazism, communism, Satanism, Heaven's Gate, People's Temple, Branch Davidian, etc. If we think of religion as a philosophy of life to educate, to bring forth human potential, to elevate the soul, to stimulate spirituality, to unite hearts and to enlighten mankind, then Islam surely fails that litmus test completely. Therefore, by this measure, Islam should not and cannot be regarded as a religion." (p.67).
104. #90 thanks for responding, Ms. Libneniyyeh HOWEVER
from #78 ,   usa   (01.22.09)
"...the reasons why Jews or Xtians don't react in a like manner" is not because they are less interested in religion than Muslims, as you assert. It is because an overly emotional response that leads to violence accomplishes NOTHING OF LASTING VALUE and does not bring about positive change or even redress of grievances. As for your people being more emotional: come off it, that is not only NOT TRUE IN THE LEAST but gives you an excuse to defend your culture's anti-social behavior. "Adhering strongly to one's religion" should never be used as a pretext to justify acts of violence. This line of logic not only doesn't make sense, it is simply WRONG. It is always better to use Reason, NOT emotion, when trying to convince others of the righteousness of your anger. Instead of spreading slander and hatred and inciting crowds to defend Islam, responsible Muslim leaders must demand that their followers learn that it is dialogue that creates understanding between cultures, NOT HYSTERICAL SCENES. As for acting like "stone age people," I'll be more likely to believe that Islam has entered the modern world when its adherents learn to put down their stones and pick up pen and paper.
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