Jewish Scene
Polish documentary shows prewar Jewish life
Published: 23.03.09, 23:06
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61. Poland
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.26.09)
Poland is the most Antisemitic country on earth,except for Russia,Ukraine,Litvania,Hungary Romania,(who killed 300,000 Jews in Transnistria,men women and children,by starvation,and disease) The list is long.Of course,poland has a lot of Jewish blood on it's hand,the first thing they did after gaining idependence after the first war,was to kill 19 Jews in a pogrom, but statiscally,the poles saved more Jews,than Germans did in Germany, the germans,including a member of the gestapo saved about 1500 Jews, The number of Jews saved by poles is much higher,even though it was more dangerous for poles to help, Poland is a mixt bag.The relations between poland and Israel are very good,there is still an antisemitic press in poland,and Jews,have bitter memories,of this emek habaha (valley of tears).lets bygones be bygones and look for a better future for the 2 nations.
62. # 60 1958 pogrom
Konrad ,   Warsaw   (03.26.09)
It's quite possible that Gil meant 1968. But he conected the date with the word "pogrom". And, again, the problem is that however one would characterize the 1968 antisemitic ("anti-Zionist") campaign organized by the Communist Party of Poland, it doesn't fit the definition of "pogrom". "A pogrom is a form of riot directed against a particular group, whether ethnic, religious, or other, and characterized by the killing and destruction of their homes, businesses, and religious centers. " In a way typical: neither 1958, nor pogrom.
63. to Gil (if still here)
Justine   (03.27.09)
I do feel sorrow and often felt depressed because of things some Poles did or do to Jews. But the tone of many talkbacks here does not invite the expression of sadness or empathy. There are arguments that Jews find irritating and we are not different. We also get the feeling of deja vu and there are things that turn us off completely. Maybe you do not realize which ones, I could provide a list. "You cannot lay the blame soley at Germany's feet though." Depends. If you mean the Holocaust in general, then I would say we can. Germans were directly responsible for some 90% of Holocaust deaths (my guesstimate) and indirectly for all the others because they created the conditions in which those murders could occur. But you're right in the sense that it does not absolve non-Germans from moral responsibility for their opportunistic crimes. Do not feel surprised that we defend ourselves. Do Jews agree with the accusations that are directed at them if they are not really convinced of their validity? Who does? I do not argue with you out of bad will, I argue because I'm not convinced. Maybe things seem obvious to you, but not to me. We have different sets of references. And I'm not going to be convinced if I see an argumentation that is vague, sloppy and full of factual errors. You speak about remorse and "answering" for past wrongdoings and I sense that you believe that we should feel responsible for every crime committed by our compatriots. But it's a matter to debate and that's probably what many Poles have in mind when they argue. Hardly anyone (if anybody at all) defends actual perpetrators of Kielce and other atrocities. And it's clear that those events inspire sadness, frustration and revulsion. What is disputed is to what extent they "represent" us, and the level of collective responsibility (if any). How many Poles did commit or would have been willing to commit such crimes? Who were they, mostly - civilians, armed bands? What about the others? Were they tacitly approving, indifferent, powerless? Is it general attitudes of the population that made those crimes possible or was it a function of circumstances and the general level of violence that was still very high? Can you expect the society to prevent such crimes if the authorities are not doing their job? (And they blatantly weren't in Kielce) And were those authorities really "ours" considering that they persecuted entire groups of Poles and were imposed by Moscow? And what do you mean when you say that today's Poles have to "answer" for those crimes? Acknowledge and condemn them, yes, it's one thing, but answer?...Do you feel guilty for what Baruch Goldstein did? Yes, I know you're going to say that there was only one Baruch Goldstein, but how many criminals does it take, when does it start to be a collective problem? So should we feel remorse? Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe with qualifications. But there must be an argument because it's not a given. Even German collective guilt was debated (I know Karl Jaspers wrote about it, though haven't read it yet).
64. # 44 Gregor
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.28.09)
Israel was not build on ancient promises,but on ancient dreams, and money, collected from Jews all over the world,to redeem the land. Menachem Oshishkin and Yehoshua Henkin,were in charge of this task,many times they paid triple the value of some land.The land was mostly,rocky hills,swamps and desert,the Jews turned it into a garden.The Arabs could have been part of that garden,had they not rejected the partition.They chose everything or nothing,they still have nothing,because after they attacked Israel on May 15. 48 Israel foght back and the arabs lost, and according to the custom of the area, winner takes all.At 60 the palestinians are still orphans,they have discoverd the good life of an orphan,no need to work,just streatch out your hand and you'lget alms.The eternel orphan.
65. Justine # 63
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.29.09)
You are right,there is no collective guilt,many Jews owe theyr life to their Polish neighbors,and many were betrayed by poles,as a Jewish woman,disguised as christian, recalled,i was more afraid of the poles,than the Germans,because the poles knew who is a Jew,the Gemans did not,The Poles used to point out "Look at her sad Jewish eyes".The catholic church in poland was, and i believe still is antisemitic today.During the pogrom in kilcs roomers were circulating that Jews killed a christian child.Kardinal Wishinsky,who was considerd a saint,in Poland,was asked to dispel those roomers,his reaction was :I have no prove that those roomers are not true.During the burning of the Gheto by the Germans,the Kardinal's sister told a neighbor,a Jewish woman,disguised as a christian,: we should build a cristal statue to Hitler,for what he is doing to the Jews.The catholic Church in Poland needs to repent and correct.
66. # 44
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.29.09)
Are you siding with the Arabs against Israel,because you are objective,or is it somthing in your genes,that dictates your opinion?
67. to J.K.
Justine   (03.29.09)
J.K., since when do genes dictate opinions and what are you alluding to? Maybe gregor supports Palestinians, I support Israel. Polls show that there are less pro-Palestinian supporters in Poland than in Western Europe. In general, people in Poland are less interested in the conflict and less likely to take sides. As for the church - it varies. There was a lot of anti-Semitism and there still is in some circles. But one should not forget about members of the clergy who hid Jews during war or about John Paul II and his contribution to Christian-Jewish relations. I've never heard anything anti-Semitic from a Polish priest in person and I knew several of them because I was quite active in my parish. There are bishops who often spoke against anti-Semitism and who are active in interreligious dialogue. There is a "Judaism day" celebrated in the Polish Catholic church to promote dialogue and understanding. You can see some photos here:
68. JK
ericnave ,   Melbourne Australia   (03.29.09)
You mention that you were " a Jewish woman,disguised as christian" who "was more afraid of the poles,than the Germans,because the poles knew who is a Jew,the Gemans did not," Therefore 100s of Poles must have known that you were Jewish and obviously none betrayed you. This in itself goes claims that a significant percentage of Poles were out to betray Jews as even if that percentage was about 5% your chances of survival would have been one in trillions. No doubt many Poles betrayed Jews but any suggestion that it was typical behaviour is absurd.
69. #64 to JK (and Justine)
Gregor ,   belgium   (03.29.09)
J.K. At first thank you for civilised reaction. I rearly expect normal speach in reaction to my posts. And let me dissagre with your view. You write that Jews bought the land. But did they say: hey, we'll buy the land to creat our own country??? you might buy the land everywhere you want, but will anyone allow to creat your own country inside a country and: What was the % of Jews in Palestine In time of partition and what was the partition proposal? How much of the land was bought (i.e. how much % of the land was effectively in hands of Jews back then?) If you've happend to be a Palestine-born Arab at the time, would you be willing to give a part of your land of some newcomers from Europe???? Would you seriously? If so, then why are you not willing to accept the fact that ALL REFUGEES must have a RIGHT TO RETURN? Would this be much different???????? It is + than 60 y. ago and therefor maybe not easy to imagine: but imagine this: there is a serious arab immigration in Belgium at the moment. Imagine one thay that the arabs say: we claim the land (because whatever relgion, ideology) for us... and they demand the partition! and they kick out the belgians from their own land because... we'll the hell yeah, tause hey've rejected 'the good and only moral proposal". Well this is exactly what happend then... the UN allowed creation of Israel as a pure Jewish state but had NO RIGHT to do so. Because it didn't take 70 % inhabitants of that land into account. But remember: what the UN gave, it can one day take back!!! Claiming Israel as a perpetrator of war crimes and the nation withholding the peace proces... it may force Israel to accept not a TWO STATE SOLUTION but ONE STATE-TWO NATION solution. This would be a real tragedy for Israel. Justine thinks that I support Palestinians. But, believe it or not, I don't. I have nothing in common with Arab world whilst I have Jewish ancestors and study Hebrew. But I am against a moral decay of this land and its people. I'am against the ocupation and against Jewish war crimes in Libanon and Gaza. I don't believe two state solution is possible without the return of the refugees and dismanteling of the settlements. And if this is not possible, I don't believe Israel as such will exist!!! What Israel needs is a serious shock to stop supporting kolonial project and religious/ ideological extremism!!!! Further you write: In 48 Israel foght back and the arabs lost, and according to the custom of the area, winner takes all. Thats not the way the things are settled in the rest of civilised world!Therefore I don't count Israel as a civlised state. To the leaders of Israel I have only one msg: stop avoiding and distorting peace proces. Give all the land back and remove the settlers! Admit the return of the refugees Become a civilised country
70. Justine # 67
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.30.09)
Indeed,genes, do shape a person's Welt anshaung.were it not for the antisemitic sermons,preached in the churches of Europe in the last 2000 years,it would not have been that easy for Germany to exterminate Millions of Jews,Men,Women,and children.Antisemitism reached a point,where there was no need to preach anymore,people excepted as fact,The Jews,are wery rich,The Jews,own the Banks,The Jews are all,Bolshevics,The Jews killed our savior,Jews this,Jews that.People are not what they are,they are what they were told to be,by family,school, society.I personaly am for a palestinian state,along side Israel, the problem is,the palestinian,don't want a state.They wish to destroy a state.An objective person sees the entire picture,while Gregor, believes,the palestinians,always right,Israel,alwas wrong. Concerning the present relations between poles and Jews,i stand corrected.I am happy to hear about your activity in your Parish organizing a Jewish Day. keep up the good work.
71. # 69 Gregor
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.31.09)
Had the Jews told the Falahim ,and the Bedoins,that they plan to establish a Jewish state.The Falahim and the Bedoin would have been very happy to exchange the Turks for the Jews.At the official Balfor declaration The Jewish and the Palestinian delegation were sitting at the same table.It was only later in the twenties, when the future General of the ss Amin Fon Huseni who incited the Arabs to riot against the government,killing hundreds of people including a lot of Arabs who were willing to work with the Jews.Huseni claimed that the land belongs to the Wakf,which means it belongs to Islam,because the land was conquered by muslims.once a country was conquered by Muslims it stays muslim forever.(Bin Laden has the same claim about Andaluz). Your analogy of the arabs in Belgium,and the Jewish pioneers in the 19 and early 20 century,is absurd.If Belgium were barren and infested by malaria causing moskitos,would the Arabs still immigrate to Belgium ? Lord McDonald,British Minister of the colonies in the thirties, said,after receiving rabbi Moshe Blau,heading a delegation of Agudath Israel an orthodox movement,Lord McDonald said:those people have a spiritual attachment to the land that the Arabs will never achive. The UN is a corrupt criminal organization.Libya and Syria members of a committee for human rights ! isn't this a big joke.You talk about war crimes ? A nation has a duty to defend it's women and children,who are being attacked by mad dogs,no matter where those dogs are hiding.Gregor ! don't study Hebrew,instead study the history of ww 2 .I believe that 20,000 civilians were killed during the invasion of Normandy.Humanity is lucky that you were not around at the time to tell the Americans and the British, Stop the killings,and go home ! Gregor ! i have bad news for you the refugees will not return,simply, because Jewish law forbids suicide. Apropo,Israel being a civillised state,i assume you are Polish,do you believe that poland should give back to Germany, land that was taken away from Germany after the war,like,i believe, Danzig,Silezia. That would be a very civilised act. By the way where is your counterpart in the palestinian side ?
72. # 68
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.31.09)
I never was and don't intend to be a Jewish woman,disguised as a christian,I just quoted a Jewish woman,who had this experiance. whether her fears were justified or not,is not for as to judge.
73. #71 regarding Lord Mc Donald
grzegorz   (03.31.09)
"""""Lord McDonald,British Minister of the colonies in the thirties, said,after receiving rabbi Moshe Blau,heading a delegation of Agudath Israel an orthodox movement,Lord McDonald said:those people have a spiritual attachment to the land that the Arabs will never achive. """"" The only thing this fragment of your text is a proof of is that lord McDonald was a racist who knew very little about Arabs - real peole living in a real land and working on it. Besides was it really up to him to judge (as it was a contest or something) ???
74. # 72
ericnave ,   Melbourne Australia   (03.31.09)
Ok I misread your post. However the fact that this Jewish woman was afraid of Poles says a lot about her state of mind and how much danger just one Pole who could betray her represented. However the fact that 100's of Poles must have known she was Jewish and obviously none betrayed her says more a lot more about Poles and how exagerrated are the claims that the Poles "supported" the holocaust.
75. # 74
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (04.01.09)
Are you surprised about the state of mind of this Jewish woman ? before the war relations between Jews and Poles were not that good,in the thirties there was a prime Minister who was very hard on the Jews, causing many Jews to emigrate to ,than, Palestine,so this woman, was always on guard,suspecting everybody.About 300,000 Jews survived the war,a great number of them were saved by Poles, who risked their life and lives of their families,and even paid with their life.So the number of Jews,saved by Poles is way higher than those who were betrayed.If i am not mistaken,relative to countries like Germany,Hungary,Romania,SlovakiaPoland saved the most Jews.
76. gsea please don't ridicule itself
Gszatek ,   WARSAW PL   (04.27.09)
Are you the example of this edu - then April is absolutely right This town was not Poland until 1945 (earlier it was til XVII century) , it is not forgoten - it is one of the most often visited tourist destinations in Poland, mass grave was unexpectedly discovered during construction works (sadly still not that rare in contemporary Poland) - contains Germans, citizens of the town that were killed during the siege in 45 by the soviet army. The truth is very simple if you chose to go easy on your emotions...
77. postwar Poland
Gszatek ,   WARSAW PL   (04.28.09)
dark times - over 50 000 were killed in civil war against communism, national cleansings on the eastern border with Ukraine and simply as a result to common crime (Poles, Ukrainians, Germans, also few Jews). Some Jews came to claim property, some became sadisstic guards in new concentration camps like Morel, that Israel never allow to judge. I am not denying the crimes against the Jews but I think you need to see it in the broader perspective before you jump into this stereotypic conclusion
78. to RoscisÅ‚aw
Gszatek ,   WARSAW PL   (04.28.09)
I don't recall having given you any right to speak on my behalf and please drop the derogatory language Now, Konrad is right in the effort to stop generalizations such as Kiszyniow being Polish pogrom, Malbork's grave contains bodies of Jews murdered by Poles or freely multiplying the victims of Cracow's pogrom. We all need to seek truth rather tha justification for our stereotypes
79. Documentary po-Lin
Ianna Sterenfeld ,   Miami Florida   (06.21.12)
Please dad use how I can get or see this documentary in English. Thanks
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