What kind of 2 states?
Sara Eliash
Published: 27.04.09, 18:12
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67 Talkbacks for this article
trumpeldor ,   eurabyia   (04.27.09)
and Shavua Tov.
2. Brillant Idea
Sam ,   Nanuet   (04.27.09)
Now I understand the Israeli Left, they believe in transferring all the Arabs including those in Israel to a new Palestinian State. Hence 2 states for two people.
3. Two States but not the West Bank and Gaza
Richard ,   Boca Raton USA   (04.27.09)
Well written article that will fly above the heads of the pinhead left. Giving the West Bank and Gaza to the muslim Palestinians is suicide to Israel and any thinking person knows this. Pleanty of room ion Jordan for the Jew hating Muslim Palestinians.
4. The Palestinians should be moved en masse to Somalia.
Rivkah   (04.27.09)
The Palestinians have a pirate nature that would be nurtured in Somalia and give the nations of the world an excuse to shoot them. That way, Armageddon could be delayed since dividing God's land will result in Armageddon because the Jews are not going to be slaughtered again without a BIG fight and with the Messiah helping the Jews, all the nations that attack Israel will be destroyed. Amen. Amen.
5. Jordan=Palestine
JoeinLA ,   Los Angeles, USA   (04.27.09)
Sara, you are 100% right.
steve ,   tel aviv, israel   (04.27.09)
Jordan is Palestinean.
7. The Land of Israel is ours by Historical and Moral right.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (04.27.09)
The Land of Israel rightfully belongs only to the Jewish people. The notion of two states for two peoples in the land of Israel cannot be accepted as the land of Israel rightfully belongs only to the Jewish people and to divide our country would be an historic injustice. As it is well known, the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is not a territorial one. If it were a territorial conflict, it could have been solved a long time ago, by territorial concessions, which have been offered a number of times to the Arabs, and rejected every timeā€¦ As to the legitimate rights of the Jewish people (3 parts): http://xrl.us/osjoz
8. two states
leo solomon ,   israel   (04.27.09)
i believe in the two state solution.i also believe in santa-clause.
9. 2 problems here and what they mean for Jews and Arabs
Joe ,   Ramat Gan   (04.27.09)
1) Why exactly are the Hashemites in Jordan to begin with? Their historical kingdom consists of the Hijaz- essentially the part of Saudi Arabia located along the Red Sea referred to in the Torah as Midian. Why is this foreign regime controlling the territory allotted to the Arabs of the British Mandate of Palestine (now known as "Palestinians")? 2) Why is Israel supporting this foreign regime in what can be argued, a la the terms of the Sykes-Picot agreement, as an "illegal occupier" of "Palestinian land"? Why did the IDF help the Hashemites subdue the PLO during Black September? While our neighbors across the river aren't exactly our enemies, they aren't really our friends either. The only answer I can come up with is that we Jews and Palestinians are merely pawns in the West's hands as a means for them to remain on good terms with the House of Saud and have access to Gulf oil. The real issue at hand is neither Arab occupation of Jewish land nor Hashemite occupation of Palestinian land, but of Saudi occupation of Hashemite land. The House of Saud is merely a group of unpedigreed bandits who illegally usurped a throne which wasn't theirs and whose misdeeds continue to resound throughout the Middle East. That's my two cents...
10. Should have known it was Yesha
charicleia ,   USA   (04.27.09)
I read down the article until I came to the end of this hateful, if not 'head in the sand' piece, repeating the old platitudes, and then I saw it ; YESHA, YES, YESHA. the bane of Israel's future. the settlements are our misfortune and their misguided ideology and contempt for others than themselves is and will be ruinous to the future of Israel. wake up, the rest of you
11. "Where is this promised peace by Leftist govts?"
William ,   Israel   (04.27.09)
Sara - ask them and they will respond almost exactly the same - "We didn't give enough away" or "We don't respect the Palestinians enough to make it work" or "Elements inside Israel are to blame". Notice how not one response mentions the very responsibility of Arabs to build their own lives, take responsibility for actions that cause reactions, and overall glorify death instead of life. The Lefitsts in this country are defeatists - not in the form of giving up on their ideology, rather they place their ideology ahead of all reality and life itself. It was summed up well by a naive 20-something girl in a Talkback on e day - "I'd rather die upholding my values than fight for my life and take away my killers rights".
12. For the Two State solution to work...
William ,   Israel   (04.27.09)
many of the Brits' past mistakes must be corrected. Pals must return to Jordan (or wherever they illegally immigrated from in the 1930s), Hashemites MUST return as the rulers and protectors of Mecca, parts of S. Lebanon MUST return to Israel, Iraq MUST be divided into land of its original owners (Kurds, Mesopotamians, etc.), plus the future of Oman, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain MUST be addressed as they are spoils of war awarded illegally by an outside power. If Israel in it's entirety is considered "illegal" by Arabs and Leftists, then so too must the other "illegal" issues be dealt with.
meyer ,   NEW HAVEN USA   (04.27.09)
it is immoral to assist creating an apartheid state, that will forbid Jews from having any rights ther. a state that will deny human rights to LGBT people. a state that will discriminate against anyone not their moslem religion. a state who refuses to recognize its creator. a state that teaches its citizens hate and terrorism.
14. 2 States
Anthony ,   LA, United States   (04.27.09)
Tell this to the U.S., China, EU & Russia and implement it.
15. 2 States
Rube Vogel ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
One state Judenrein and the other with Moslem rule and a Jewish minority. When Abu Mazen won't agree to a Jewish state, this is exactly what he means.
16. One state
Lo ,   Palestine   (04.27.09)
Separation is discrimination. Jews get good land give dessert to Arab. what if I am an Arab and Jew in same time.. do i get to choice lol.......... one state for all human without discrimination is the only solution, if Israel ll accept one state one day or anther. Israel as a Jewish state will fail because it is base on injustice just like south Africa. Country like USA and Turkey are friend with Israel now but that would not last for ever. Jews Palestinian always live in peace before Zionism came to existence.
17. 3 States for two peoples
Dmetz ,   NY NY   (04.27.09)
The wife of the current king of Jordan is Palestinian. The next ruler of Jordan will be 1/2 Palestinian, 1/4 English, 1/8 Arabian and 1/8 Egyptian. Why do the Israelis always ignore the point of this article. You already have a palestinian state it is just a matter of drawing the boarder b/t the two.
18. one state for one people, one state for two peoples
Dmetz ,   NY NY   (04.27.09)
Also, this slogan implies symmetry - two homogeneous states, one Jewish one Arab. Of course you will end up with one homogeneous all Arab (and increasingly Muslim) state and one state made of Jews and Arabs.
19. Errant nonsense
Ariel ,   Binyamina   (04.27.09)
What a load of errant nonsense masqueradingas analysis. The time is up on Sara and her settler buddies, there will be two states in historic Palestine, this is accepted by the US, the current Israeli government (in coalition agreement) EU, Arab League... Settler extremist fantasies and those of their fellow travellers in Israel won't stop it.
the country has districts, like galilee, judea and samaria, nagev etc. the west bank is recent political term for these districts, unknown during pre-mandate times, since the country was divided differently, when it was a part of greater syria. yehuda and shomron are 3000 year old names for these places.
21. historical.. ohhh no..i didn't know
asheq ,   palestine   (04.28.09)
and befor the jewsh moved to this land..this land lived by kanaan tribes this tribes as you didnt know is an arab tribes thats why all arabs land named befor the kanaan land,or your history books does not mention that ?? so i think it will be like that, your gov' will not give nor the palestinians will accept so there will be a war no matter when but it will be so the question is whoes will win the arab&muslems or the jewsh..thats what im really looking for
22. Settler's best friends
Raphael ,   Netanya   (04.28.09)
are both Hamasniks and Mahmud Abbas: their stubborn colonial chauvinism and arab ethnic supremacism prevents them from recognizing the claim to independence of the jewish people. What is left to negociate with people who consider we do not exist as a nation?
23. #16 you are arab who wants to convert to jewdaism? tfadal
you can't be a moslem and a jew at the same time
24. 310 why is it hateful? this article gives arabs of palestine
an identity. palestine is a name that is a joke, a bad pronounciation of philistins who ceased to exist long before other people (such as romans) started mispronouncing their name. HOW CAN ANY PROUD PERSON USE IT TO DESCRIBE HIMSELF? thinking that palestine describes a state is a mistake also, as it was a mandate, and before the mandate it was greater syria districts used by ottomans, not palestine. instead of a measly country in the districts of yehuda and shomron, 2 of the few district in israel, these arabs get to live amongst their brothers, families, culture, faith etc. they will have more then enough room there, instead of living in overcrowded conditions with jews. what can be simpler? instead of living in cities jews build long ago, they will get to live in arab cities, so what can be more just?
25. #16 jews can make the desert bloom, arabs failed in this
26. To Abbas: Israel=Jewish, Get It In Your Head
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (04.28.09)
David Brooks, NYTimes columnist (pro-Israel), had Charlie Rose (PBS TV journalist) agree that it would be GREAT for Israel to get out of the W. Bk, per some 2 state solution. While the least of bad alternatives, isn't it the only practical one? While Jordan WAS part of the Mandate..could Israel force 3m Muslims there? Would the world allow it? Isn't the ans obvious! No, the Allon Plan, with modifcations is the ONLY pragmatic resolution. Arab autonomy in the territories, part of East Jerusalem..with israeli security over all. AND, Israel NOT a Jewish state, NOT on the table, Abbas. Get it! 22 Muslim states, one Jewish state...leave it alone or get nothing
27. #24 so you could do the same
sameer   (04.28.09)
since you surrounded by arabs and they hate you as you know putting you in danger all the way , go find some peaceful place, Tibet , Australia somewhere you are not hated in
28. Son of Hamas Founder Rejects Allah &Converts to Christianity
Walter ,   NJ   (04.28.09)
Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a founding member of Hamas, renounces the pagan idol Allah and the Babylonian religion of Islam and converts to Christianity. He is a devout Evangelical Christian (Zionist) now living in San Diego, California. Watch the Fox News Special documentary called Escape from Hamas within this comment. http://www.hulu.com/watch/53159/fox-news-specials-escape-from-hamas#x-4,vclip,1
29. Nonsense...
Gabriel ,   Toronto   (04.28.09)
" If we insist on distinguishing the Palestinian people from the overall Arab world, there are two peoples living in these two countries; after all, there is no such thing as the Jordanian people, as all learned experts would agree." Is this serious? The argument really is something like "All Arabs are pretty much the same, so we can keep treating them like garbage and kick them off of what is considered by everyone in the world, their land and they can run to Jordan." Sickening.
30. America in its early days of the Republic suffered similarly
Rivkah   (04.28.09)
to Israel in that the indigenous Indians attacked and often killed the settlers like the Palestinians attack the Jews. The remedy was to put the American Indians on Reservations to disarm and control them. That is what needs to be done with the Palestinians, not give them a separate State from which to attack Israel.
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