Arabs: Nakba bill means war
Sharon Roffe-Ofir
Published: 30.05.09, 20:57
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61. 50
zionist forever   (05.31.09)
Most the REAL refugees after the war wanted to move to arab states rather than return to what was now Israel. Although we see alot of rusty keys an land deeds most arabs in Palestine were not land owners they had no property to return to. They wanted to go to arab lands but were refused because the arab states wanted to use them as a demographic weapon. The Arab League later passed a law forbidding any arab state giving citizenship to palestinians on the grounds they didn't want them to give up right of return. The arab states leave palestinians living in camps that make Gaza look like a good naighborood & outside the camps there are over 50 jobs they are not allowed to do rangining from medicine - barbering. The ideal solution is for the palestinians to be given citizenship of an arab country, Israel to legaly annex the territories but the palestinians can continue living there as permanent residents or preferably go to other arab states especially saudi arabia where the sheiks sit on gold toilet seats while live in bad conditions. They have also shown in the past a desire to settle people because at one point they build modern towns in a failed attempt to settle the bedouin. If they want the bedouin why not the palestinaians. Live there the average palestinian can be living a more comfortable lifestyle than the average Israeli. All it takes is a change of attitude on the palestinian side and Obama to discuss it with his saudi master make them see its the ideal solution where everybody wins. Israel & palestinian conflict ends. Israel gets to keep the land that the politicians don't have enough muscle to give away because of the right and settlement movement. Palestinians have citizenship of Saudi Arabia and good homes. Saudis get a great image in the world they want & they have a larger population to develop the country help end the relience on foreign workers. All thats needed is a change of thinking.
62. Thats the point
MJ ,   Baltimore   (05.31.09)
Passing this bill is a significant step against allowing Israeli-Arabs to protest.
63. Shows How Desparate Israel Has Become
World Citizen ,   the world   (05.31.09)
These laws will solve nothing and only show how desparate the Israeli government is to force the Arabs living in Israel to leave. The demographic timebomb is ticking. The Israeli government is losing more Jewish citizens than it is gaining. Very few Jews want to emigrate to a country that is ruled by a group of religious fundamentalistswhose entire faith is based on a religion that seems to only want war with the entire world. These fundalmentalists are hellbent on creating a country stretching from the Euphrates to the Nile. Note that I did not say "re-creating" That Israel NEVER existed. It is a myth. The best thing Jews wanting to remain in Palestine could do is move out of the West Bank and out of East Jerusalem. To continue on the path of the fundamentalists is sure suicide.
64. To: No. 36
Sarah ,   New York CIty, USA   (06.01.09)
Wrong. I was born and raised in the United States. Oh my. You are quite the idiot!
65. To: No. 44
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (06.01.09)
Excellent analysis. Problem is, they don't want to leave. They know exactly how good their lives are. Israel would have to toss them. Which it can do. Which it will probably HAVE to do.
66. To: No. 63
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (06.01.09)
Desperate? Desperate? Dream on! Israel isn't desperate. If Israeli Arabs are, well, Israel will let them feel desperate SOMEWHERE ELSE. There is no Palestine, by the way. Palestine is a corruption of the Latin word "palatine," meaning "district." But that was 2,000 years ago, and I don't quite see Italy coming to the "rescue" of the foreign Arab population. If you do, you're a fool. Quite a big one, actually. Get used to the idea. Israel is Jewish. Anyone who doesn't accept that should get the hell out. Don't you think?
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