Obama pledges new honesty in relations with Israel
Published: 02.06.09, 07:51
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75 Talkbacks for this article
61. 78% of American Jews voted for this Lib
Joe ,   Maryland   (06.02.09)
Need we say more? Liberal American Jews were warned and they ignored the obvious: Obama is a defeatist liberal whose friends and peers have always held Israel at fault. What did Americans Jews expect? Not we will have to pay the price.
62. The US is a disaster, and is yesterday's leader
redbourn ,   tel aviv   (06.02.09)
I'm American, so let's get that out of the way. The US is no longer seen as the world's leader. It depends financially on China; if China pulls the plug America goes bankrupt. It's drowning under debt. Militarily its powerless as far as conventional warfare goes. It doesn't even have enough armed forces to service its present military commitments. Iran and N. Korea know that, and are giving Obama the finger. The US is now 26 in the world economic rankings; even behind Israel. Finally, Obama is destroying the US - either because of his communist leanings, or because he wants to. Sad but true? Maybe not. It's happened to every previous empire. Mike
63. don't blame me, i voted for mccain
david ,   new york   (06.02.09)
i told those idiot jews who voted for this guy that we are going to pay the price. they were so ga-ga that this guy was black that they pretended that he was not going to be anti-israel. pretend no more.
64. #4 - "why is he blaming us?"
david ,   new york   (06.02.09)
you are a little naive to think that what we do or don't do has anything to do with this. i hope you don't believe that obama is actually interested in israel having peace. not in the slightest. he's interested in what the arabs and moslems think and could care less about a small population of jews and if they disappear. what are we going to do to him, commit jihad?? we have no power, and he knows that.
65. to #56 what idiotic comparison is that?
ghostq   (06.02.09)
the palis shoot rockets on innocent Israelies civilians, so they got hurt, no justice sure and it's not cause of the setelments, wake up please it's because some palis(caugh... Hamas... caugh) doesn't want to recognize Israel no matter what. so please wake up cause you fell for what deluded Obama sold you.
66. Open a vein of thought
Gideon Reader   (06.02.09)
I take no pleasure in saying "I tolja so!". Anyone, particularly the U.S.Jewish community, who overwhelmingly votes for this national Socialist cretin, could have clearly seen this comming. It was Clear. Overt. Blatant and unambigious in it's approach. "It" is now here. The solution of cocurse is to stand up tall against this assclown and give him nothing to feed on. Eveery inch of his form of "progress" must bleed him politically of his "Jewish support". If that is possible given the cowardice and craveness of U.S.Jews.
67. Who are Obama's consellors ?
Michel ,   Jerusalem   (06.02.09)
Jews of course...
68. 57-you're no rocket scientist
69. I am shocked
withheld ,   Copenhagen, Denmark   (06.02.09)
This is the most absurd comment by a US president I have ever heard. Obama equals Carter increasingly, more that, than he does Reagan or Clinton. Obama holds back torture photos, because they might hurt US pr abroad, and then loosely calls criticism of Israel and its actions as meer honesty. I have a bumper sticker on my car, promoting Obama, and for the first time I am thinking about tearing it off. How much has changed over so little time, indeed.
70. Honesty
Jeff ,   Dallas, Tx   (06.02.09)
I hate to point it out, but the liberal Jews that live here in America Voted for this guy. They support him and love him.
71. Beeing Honest.
Dave Ronen ,   Haifa   (06.02.09)
Whatever solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict we support, we need to re-examine all the arguments for that solution, because all of them were born in different circumstances, “a long time ago on another planet.” It is easy to see that there is not much chance for a “binational state” (born in the 1920s) or that a “one state solution” (a favorite of the Nazi Mufti, Hajj Amin el Husseini) would result in an explosion no matter who was in charge of that state. But the two state solution (born in 1937, revised in 1947, revived more recently in a new context) has not more chance to bring real peace. If we want to reach a lasting peace in the M-E, we can hardly avoid to face the transfer option. About transfer of populations during last century at:
72. Petrofinancial stress
Petrofinancial stres ,   IL   (06.02.09)
Money makes the world go around - or is it that Mr Presdent's muslem father is due some of our land?
73. Obama's Behavior Is Exactly As I Warned
Not Jewish ,   USA   (06.03.09)
Are American Jews brain dead for voting for "The One". How much intelligence do you need to perceive how a man could sit for twenty plus years in a racist, anti-American, anti-Israel, phony Christian, pro Islamic church and not be affected by the steady diet of Jew hatred that he consumed. Barack Obama is poison
74. #56
seems to me you only "see" part of the equation here. the palestinians in gaza unleashed 11,000 rockets aimed at innocent cities and civilians in northern and southern israel, killing and maiming unmilitary civilians for the past 5 years. ISRAEL RESPONDED! after years of restrain. what would you do living in san diego if mexico launched 11,000 rockets into your homes and streets, killing americans? would you be restrained or ask your army to retaliate and respond??? do not blame one side over the other because hamas used suicide bombers and missiles on a daily basis, sometimes 200 per day for over 5 years. would you sit patiently waiting for yourt child to blow up or would you demand the country protect you? talk is cheap and your understanding of what caused the cast lead operation is even cheaper.
75. #58 BRIAN
thank you and love you from israel!!!! welcome home to a country that cares about its jews and their survival.
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