US: Woman yells 'Heil, Hitler' at Israeli
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 19.08.09, 19:52
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akh ,   CO,USA   (08.20.09)
32. Lyndon LaRouche
NYC Girl   (08.20.09)
"Wacko" doesn't even begin to describe LaRouche and his robotic followers. In fact, there was a time (and perhaps it's still the case) when LaRouche's political platform included the accusation that Queen Elizabeth was one of the world's biggest drug dealers.
33. this israeli man is so so stupid!!!! supporting obama what a
mira ,   israel   (08.20.09)
joke he is. most israelis hate obama! i wonder how much obama paid him!!!!
34. Answer to #19's question
Ovadya ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
Shalom! You asked: can any Israeli in here tell me how the Israeli system is compared to the US? All I hear is "ugly American" rhetoric in here." Essentially, the Israeli system is a government-supported universal insurance system. The way it works is that every Israeli pays into the system depending upon income level (progressive tax). Those who aren't working don't pay. One can choose among several different healthcare organizations (HMOs). Everyone receive the same basic "basket of services" including basic healthcare, essential surgery, and medications. In addition, the different Healthcare organizations compete with each other for customers by offering extras beyond the basic "basket" which everyone gets. The extras can include various insurance options, alternative healthcare, or simply better technology (for example, Maccabi offers a very high-tech computerized system, where you can do pretty much everything online, including viewing the results of tests and x-rays, Klalit offers perks and various family plans, etc.). The bottom line is that this is a government-backed system, with services outsourced to semi-private organizations. The organizations compete for customers because they receive government funding based on how many members they have. So the citizen doesn't pay the HMO, the government does. The citizen pays a base amount to the government in the form of a progressive tax. The result is that no one is without healthcare when they need it. The system is rated one of the best in the world. In fact, it is also one of the first such systems in the Western world, and came into existence even before the founding of the state in 1948. I hope this long-winded answer helped. All the best!
35. Barney Frank
Pearce ,   USA   (08.20.09)
Barnney F. is the most agarent sicking persion and is prime example of whats happening in our country, how he keeps his job shows the mentallity of the people that elecgt him. As for as the USA being a christian country it is not or we would not have Obama in office or Abortion or the filthey practices that are allowed to go on. And the only time you will have peace in Jerarselum Is when JESUS is there.
36. Mira #30 You Israelis think you are so smart! What a joke!
David ,   Los Angeles   (08.20.09)
That's why you are in such a mess! So arrogant, you think you are smarter than everyone, even other Jews who are much more smart and successful than you! Jews who are free to be Jewish the way we want, whose lives are not shattered by violence and hatred from inside and outside and others telling us all the time how to be Jewish and what we can and cannot do, by fanatics and liars and racists who think they speak for Hashem, or the latest fanatic idol they worship?? You think that by getting a government that is following discredited and failed policies you are smarter than the country that tried these policies and kicked the bums out? You think that you can insult and abuse the people who bankroll your sorry existence, the Jews of America and the taxpayers of America? You think you can call us a shame and stupid, and shamelessly call our President an antisemite because he doesn't support the policies of your extreme Right Wing? And still keep sucking milk from the teat of the American taxpayer? Oh, you are so smart!! You think that being rude and abusive is so smart? You think that the country you have built that is filled with sinas chinom like yours is so smart? You are the shame! A shame on Am Yisroel!! A shame on Torah!! You think that if you crush and oppress someone they will just surrender and give up? When in fact they just become more filled with hatred for you and the desire for revenge. Oh, you are so smart. I wish I was as smart as you are!!!
37. Why do dems want free speech until our free speech does'nt
agree w/theirs? ,   Obaama's an @ss.   (08.20.09)
38. #8 Right thing? On which day?He doesn't even know what he
wants the govt. run ,   health bill to be.   (08.20.09)
39. Jake (#1) doesn't make sense at all
Czarkazem13   (08.20.09)
This article makes complete sense. There is a portion of the opposition towards Obama that are comparing Hitler to Obama which is absurred. For instance, in this context the very idea of being for universal health care is somehow a NAZI thing - which is rediculous. I'm sorry, but when some gentile yells "Heil Hitler" and they KNOW I'm a Jew - that's a racial epithet. I really don't care if she is a supporter of Israel. Many of the right-wing white Christians that are supporters of Israel aren't - let's say - that fond of Jews. They support Israel from their fundamentalist Christian point of view with the Jews congregating in Israel for it's destruction. If she really supported Israel and Jews, she wouldn't be yelling "Heil Hitler" at her and wouldn't be condescendingly telling him as a Jew how he should feel. Your name reminds me of the term 'Uncle Jake' basically it was the orignal "self-hating Jew" or Jewish "Uncle Tom".
40. Obama
Marilyn ,   USA   (08.20.09)
This is obsurd. Hitler killed millions of people and is compared to Obama? He has not started any wars or killed anyone. Anyways people have been complaining for a long time that they wanted a different health care system. People have to start working together and stop calling each other names.
41. And these are the friendly Republican Christians....
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (08.20.09)
...whose love for Israel begins and ends with our kids dying for their Messianic fantasies. I wonder of how many of them actually have decent health insurance or any health insurance at all.
42. why is you behavior "politically correct"? you had to swear
liran   (08.20.09)
that bloody woman
43. right-wing nuts in this country are rabid
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (08.20.09)
theophiles, segregationist and really at the core racist. They are so disgusted and tormented that their "messiah-bush" didn't fulfill their prophetic prognostications by failing to establish the millennial cloud kingdom. Get real this calling people Nazis thing is just the height of their weak sophistic argument I mean seriously it is Nazis calling people Nazis, it is as worthless as the ring-wing agenda it is Ted Haggard.
44. 19. read the Bill and stop reading only lib's all
truth   (08.20.09)
there in black and white. Israeli health insurance sucks. there's universal care but if you need surgery u'll need to pay the surgeon a "bonus" from ur own pocket or rot in the hospital waiting. Just like universal care in England, Canada, Oregon, Massachusetts ...and so on suck. It is rationed medicine.
45. 34. u left out the most important part
truth   (08.20.09)
those with money go to private doctors otherwise they'll rot waiting for care.
46. are so ridiculus
47. #44: Are you Israeli?
Joshua ,   Pittsburgh, PA USA   (08.20.09)
No? Didn't think so. I wasn't asking your opinion. You're probably one of those people on Medicare who don't understand that Medicare is a government-run, single-payer system.
48. #39, Czar Kazem, you are deluding yourself
Jake   (08.20.09)
Even your understanding of 'fundamentalist Christian' theology is off. The primary threat to the Jewish people are and have always been self-hating turncoat Jews. During the Middle Ages, these came in the form of Jews who converted to Christianity and enaged in 'disputations' against Jewish rabbis and influenced the authorities to burn copies of the Talmud and expel Jews - often against the better judgement of the authorities, who were benefiting financially from the Jews. Today, they come in the form of self-haters from the Left that make common cause with the Islamofascist enemies of Israel and the Jewish people. And let's not forget, it is the Leftists that regularly compare Israel to Nazi Germany and Aprtheid South Africa, and engage in regular blood libels against Jews and Israel. Don't give me that 'right wing white Christian' red herring. We know who our enemies are today.
49. #41 The only fantasy that killed our kids was the Oslo
Jake   (08.20.09)
fantasy, that brought the Arafat Trojan horse into the heart of Israel. The one and only thing that has been statiscally proven to save 1000's of Israeli (and Palestinian) lives is the Security Barrier. I never heard Repulican Christians demanding Israel to tear it down, only the Left and the UN. You think Obama gives a damn about your security and livelihood? I feel sorry for you.
50. Jake #49 3etc. What does healthcare have to do with Arafat?
David ,   Los Angeles   (08.20.09)
You Right-Wing nuts are so obsessed you'll find a way to link anything. An Obama-hater shrieks "Heil Hitler" at an Israeli talking about health care, and you defend her by talking about Yasser Arafat? Look in the mirror dude. You are sick in the head!
51. #41 Ja Ke, are you sure?
Czarkazem13   (08.20.09)
What does “self-hating” Jews have to do with this topic? Also, if you know your history, during the Middle Ages – or anytime – most Jews were killed, oppressed and so forth by bigoted goyim, with maybe the help of some “turncoat Jews.” But, once again, what does that have to do with the topic at hand? Who’s the “self-hating Jew” in this? I also take your “Today, they come…from the Left…”. No, just you on the right see that. While there are anti-Semites on the left, many are called “anti-Semites” by people just because they disagree with certain Israeli polices, which is sad. It also denies the presence (and of course history) of antisemitism on the Right (which is STILL going on). Antisemitism isn’t a Right/Left thing, it’s an ignorant thing, and there are ignorant people on both sides. Just because a liberal Jew (or conservative for that matter) sees Palestinians as humans, thinks Israeli Arabs should have equality, supports a one-state or two-state peace process, doesn’t make him/her a “self-hating Jew” as some on the Right would like to claim. Comparing Israel to the NAZIs is absurred (even if there are some valid comparisons). I didn’t like when people compared Bush to Hitler and I still find it annoying when people do it with Obama. It belittles the NAZIs and Hitler, and what they did. The Appartheid comparison has more validity, but I’ve always seen that comparison more IN Israel then outside of Israel (especially in the U.S.). Red herring? You need to pay more attention. Who’s the “self-hating Jew” when it seems that you see fellow Jews as the enemy?
52. The Dems didnt care when McCain compared to Hitler
William ,   Israel   (08.21.09)
So much lip-service about comparing Obama to Hitler by the Dems who claim a moral superiority, yet were very supportive or silent when people were comparing McCain, a war hero, to Hitler. Hollywood has a field day with comparison, with Madonna actually over-lapping McCain's photo with Hitler's during her concerts. Again, the Left is only concerned with rights and free speech when it's their's that's being challenged.
53. #6 - Brent - I'm American and NOT happy with US healthcare
William ,   Israel   (08.21.09)
The purposely fragmented system allows profiteering and increased segmenting of consumers for maximum profitability. I am on the Public Policy board for the Alzheimer's Assn and this group that needs care the most gets the least because it costs the companies money. So while Ins companies rake in billions in profit, a family somewhere is losing their house to high hospital bills. Granted, US healthcare is very good, but it's administered very poorly and selectively. That's not democracy, that's not equality. The free market system does not work in healthcare. Never did! Yes there are price controls, like the limitation of doctors licensed by the AMA, but no industry in America ever got better by allowing self-regulation. Sooner or later, the Govt needs to step in and act as an objective party to set limits. I couldn't care less if this creates a "socialist" environment. Israel is very good because it's managed good and costs are held low per law. Further, doctors are paid a salary not per procedure therefore no reason to perform needless operations. It won't work in the US because of the fragmented system and States wanting individual control rather than allowing Feds full control. Same with the entire insurance industry.
54. #19 - Joshua - Healthcare; Israel vs. US
William ,   Israel   (08.21.09)
Israeli healthcare has two components - private insurers and government administration. The govt collects taxes (so premiums are based on income) and divides them up to one of the four health ins. companies, based upon how many members they have and how many of special-needs groups (long-term conditions, the elderly, etc.) EVERYONE is covered for care in's the Law! You get to chose which plan you want, you can change each month with no penalty, and if you choose to have extra insurance, you can pay the premium for it. My wife has extra care and it costs like $15 a month in premiums The co-pay? $1.25 per calendar quarter. You can visit any hospital or doctor in your network throughout the State. The govt limits the costs on care but maintains guidelines for minimum care which are quite good. This forces ins companies to properly cost cut and find internal synergies. The govt also negotiates the drug costs and decides which they will cover. This is through a panel of experts from the industry - physicians, drug companies, healthcare, etc. It's a lot of drugs! My prescription for 2 weeks of antibiotics costs $4. The big difference? Doctors get salaries, not paid per procedure which cuts profiteering, and Israel is NOT a sue-happy society so no real malpractice suits driving the costs up. If the US does two things to save its healthcare system, it should be: reform the malpractice legal system (expect to hear from lawyer lobbyists on this) and change the reimbursement system where doctors get paid for outcomes not procedures.
55. #45 - Not entirely true
William ,   Israel   (08.21.09)
That may exist for certain procedures but for the most part, one can get complex operations in a short period of time. Same in the US, which you chose to ignore. Try getting a top heart-surgeon to work on you. You'd be waiting for 1 year, atleast. In the UK, you have to wait 6 months just for routine surgery. In the US, I couldn't get a yearly checkup for 1 month. In Israel, I was in the office in just 1 day. I had my blood results in two days which I could see online. The US system completely has Electronic Medical Records used throughout which helps make the system efficient. In the US, only Massachusetts has the highest acceptance rate at 80%, and it goes down from there across the country.
56. #44 - You're being purposely un-TRUTHful
William ,   Israel   (08.21.09)
You're purposely trying to generalize a couple of illegal incidents that happened in Israel years ago. A few surgeons were asking patients to pay bribes to get attention quicker. They were found out, arrested, and barred from ever practicing medicine again. One can easily generalize about the current US system as a mess of bribes, shoddy healthcare, and incompetent physicians, if one would follow your myopic logic.
57. Health Care
Marilyn ,   USA   (08.21.09)
People need to talk and try to figure out which system would work best. In my circumstance I'm pretty well covered as long as I work. I pay I think around $80 a month for insurance. I recently had an emergency surgery which was around $38,000 and it is costing me around $2,000 for it. (the one guy wasn't kidding about the emergency room. I'm like what did they do while I was there that cost so much?) I also get my generic medications for around $5/month and brand for about $25. (note this are rough figures, but are in the general area). So I'm happy with it and it falls into the generally acceptable range, but if I should stop working or not be eligible for insurance through work, it would be definitely problematic. Also many older people pay $600 a month for private insurance when they have risk factors. So there are problems. Anyways I don't want the government to take control of the health care either, cause there are problems already with medical assistance, etc. We don't want to create a problem in trying to solve another. Anyways, we are still needing to talk about all the issues involved in this, only in a way that respects the individuals involved, even if not totally agreeing with them.
58. thw hell do you know if i'm an Israeli?
truth   (08.21.09)
Maybe I am both an American and an Israeli. Ever think of that? Maybe I'm neither. Ever think of that? Are you a knee jerk liberal? thought so....How about you look up the bill and read how poorly written and frightening it is. There is ALWAYS a reason for poorly written and ambiguous bills: it is to give the controlling administration, at the time of it's passage, the ability to put into effect their interests. Regardless of the party in control that is NEVER good for AMERICANS. That's A. B is what is understandable in the bill is lousy as well. PS Canada's Universal Health care is imploding...
59. 55
IsraelCare/ USACare   (08.21.09)
I speak from personal experience in reference to heart surgery on close relatives in both the US and Israel. It did not take a year to get a top surgeon in the US and the out come was excellent. The surgery was done very rapidly...your point is simply NOT true. My family in Israel sat in the hospital on a waiting list as the hospital was paid every day of every week that he was there and there was not any monetary incentive to do the surgery. Finally in desperation we offered and gave the heart surgeon several thousand dollars to do the surgery. The final outcome was excellent. The point is there are many many people who do not have the additional money to throw at the surgeon, on top of the insurance, and why should they have to? Further, it is very common in Israel now to go to a private doctor by those who have the means to do so, as I am sure you are well aware. ObamaCare is the worst thing that could happen to America.
60. 56...know the facts befor u call someone a liar
truth   (08.21.09)
you're wrong.
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