Kingdom of hatred
Adi Porat
Published: 25.08.09, 23:57
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91. #87
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.27.09)
I agree that banning headscarts and kippahs is a disgrace. Legalising animal torture and genital mutilation of infants is worse though.
92. 89..HEMSK !!!! ????
Franklin ,   Paris   (08.27.09)
..." As a french man, please condemn the Rainbow Warrior bombing ....""" HE SEEMS TO ME EASIER FOR AN ILLUMINATE SWEDISH TO BEGIN BY CONDAMNING A STUPID REPORT AND THE IMPLICATIONS IN WHAT YOU ARE SWEEMING WITH INSANE VOLUPTY.. The Rainbow Warrior is another story and I prefer zapping for Bibi Anderson, Bergman, ABBA, Saarinen and Liv Ullmann.
93. 90 Toi = con
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.28.09)
Jewish a religion ? and what about the SECULAR Jews ? Attacking the IDF = attacking Israel = attacking a mostly Jewish State = attacking Jews = antisemitism . Antisemitism is against ALL Jews , seculars atheists and religious . It was this article that was so . PS : it's israelIS not IsraeliEs as you wrote
94. #93 Thats not Anti-Semitism!
Galathir   (08.28.09)
Please tell me this isn’t the common view amongst the people of Israel? “Jewish a religion ? and what about the SECULAR Jews ?” What about the converted Jews? Aren’t they real Jews in that case? “Attacking the IDF = attacking Israel = attacking a mostly Jewish State = attacking Jews = antisemitism . Antisemitism is against ALL Jews , seculars atheists and religious .” No no no no! Epic FAIL! Please can some sane Israeli oppose this dude before people as narrow-minded as him believes this is the common view of the Israeli people. This is how it works Anti-Semitism = Hate against Semites, on no other basis than there geneticall heritage. Attacking Israel = Attacking a state! = Not even remotely close to anti-Semitism. Attacking an Israeli = Is not different from attacking anyone from any other state = NOT RACISM Attacking the IDF = IS exactly what it says . An attack on the IDF. Not an attack on the Israeli people! Not an attack on Semites! It’s therefore NOT IN ANY WAY remotely anti-Semitic or racist. “ Antisemitism is against ALL Jews , seculars atheists and religious . It was this article that was so .” Did you read the article? In that case please enlighten me! Now when I have explained to you that criticism of the Israeli Army is not anti-Semitic. Where do you find the anti-Semitism in the article? Don’t you see that you are only hurting yourselves by keeping this up? By throwing such a powerful word as anti-Semitism around on falls basis, will undermine the meaning of the word. And when the real anti-Semites reappear No one will believe you when you try to get help. Except for us! Even though we know that we are hated by many Israelis. (Which reading these forums confirm once again) It’s still the extreme left wingers and the Anarchists who stands up for you when it comes to the right not to be judged by your heritage, your religion, or the state you happen to live in. And we get called Anti-Semitic on a more or less daily basis by some Israelis because we criticize the behavior of the Israeli army and government in Gaza. After reading your definition of Anti-Semitism I now realize why!
95. #92 Hungarian ?
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.28.09)
"IN WHAT YOU ARE SWEEMING WITH INSANE VOLUPTY.." My hovercraft is full of eels ! Has someone sold you a dodgy phrasebook ? I can not make out what you are trying to say. "The Rainbow Warrior is another story" Yes, but in the interest of fairness it is important that we all condemn everything that we feel b.tthurt about. I really need you to condemn the Rainbow Warrior bombing if this conversation is to proceed. Or are you just another anti-Kiwi ?
96. Hemsk
Hilonia   (08.28.09)
Let's answer you 1 by one: 1. anti-semitism is when the Rabbi from New Jersey is connected in the sick mind of a Journalist to a crime that was never commited by the IDF. 2. Swedish FM appers as funding source on the book tis Jusnalist wrote a few years ago. 3. Following #2, if the Swedish FM thinks that maybe the IDF does harvest organs from palastinians, I suggest cutting off all relationships diplomatic and others. 4. I applogize for having an idiot for an FM. We should have elected a Swedidh impotent for the job, who will do nothing not even condem in the UN if he learnt that Norweigen are taken for spare parts in Sweden. 5. Jewish culture is about having an opinion and expressing it. It gets us into all sorts of trouble, but it is the right thing to do. 6. I am about as leftist as you can get in Israel and not at all gun totting, but I can identify an antisemite when I see one. and our friend the Journalist is one. 7. Modern day antisemism is covered in what I term hypersemitism which is unusual inetrest in Israel and the Jews. Have you ever written a talkback about Darfour in a Sudanese website? Are the only place in the world with armed conflicts? How many people died Sri-Lanka?
97. To the swedes
Hilonia   (08.28.09)
I think that title a kingdom of hatred is really out of place. If it matters to you , one of teh main streets in Tel Aviv is Raul Walenberg. ....And there are 7 miliion people in Israel. I think we are about the same size.
98. Hemsk 95 Rainbow warrior NOT RELATED
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.28.09)
It's sad that someone died , but did you condem all terrorists acts yourself ? Did you condem the Amias building bombing [ Argantina ] The Antwerp Synagogue bombing ? and the many others ? Before asking someone to condem , look at a mirror .
99. 95....To Hemsk ....the Skandy-Saxon
Franklin ,   Paris   (08.28.09)
Your english is better than mine... because I'm French....so what ??? But I am VERY satisfied to see you compare the article of your Aftonbla...bla with the bombing of the Rainbow warrior..... Your scale of value and your fairness are " formidable "..... MERCI BEAUCOUP
100. #96
Galathir   (08.28.09)
1. No its not. It’s bad taste, and I’m sure It’s a lie. But it’s not anti-Semitic. If he had said that they did this because they were yews or something like that it would have been anti-Semitic. Let me give you an example. If I make up a lie about Hamas it’s not racisms. But If I say that Hamas does this and that because they are Arabs or Muslims it is racism. Same thing goes when it comes to anti-Semitism. 2. Yes I’m sure they did. But your journalists have missed a valid point here. Almost every … (can’t find the word for it. But a book that’s not meant for entertainment) book that is written in Sweden is in one way or the other paid for with money from the state. The same goes for almost every report that comes out of a Swedish university. But that doesn’t mean that the State agrees with everything that is written. On the contrary. They should have as little to do with it as possible. For natural reasons. 3. I’m sure he does not believe in the story. Not many people do. And I don’t even think the author believes his own words. But the problem is that the state of Israel did not ask our FM if he believed the article. Which had been a lot better, instead they demanded that he would condemn it. Witch is two entirely different things. I promise you that 99% of the Swedish people will stand up as one and say. “We do not believe in this rubbish.” But we will never accept that our state criticizes publications in the media. They did that with the Mohamed cartoons. And even if most Swedes were outraged over the fact that the small nazi party SD (Swedish democrats) publicized them on their webpage. The minster how demanded that they were to be removed had to leave her job. 4. Nothing to apologize for. Ours is a rightwing bastard as well and not so bright so we no exactly how you feel. No but really. A FMs job is to speak out. But one should direct ones criticism where it belongs. If Lieberman had just left the Swedish state out of it and just criticized Aftonbladet most Swedes wouldn’t be mad at all. If he had been really bright he should have made his case by writing an article in another Swedish paper. Explained why this hurt the Israeli people and asked the Swedes for help in criticizing Aftonbladet. He wouldn’t have needed to say much more. Because the Swedes knows how Aftonbladet works and would have done the rest of the job for him. Instead by making demands on the government we now have a situation where the Swedes are mad at Aftonbladet and mad at Israel. Israelis are mad at Aftonbladet and mad at Swedes. When everyone just should be pissed off with Aftonbladet. 5. More power to you. Express all you want. But make sure to separate state actions from individual actions. 6-7 I will answer these as well. But a bit later since this is getting really long Best wishes /Galathir.
101. Franklin , Paris
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.28.09)
Many times , when people have'nt anything serious to say , they attack your language . They forget that you , and i , can speak in TWO world tongues , not only English .
102. #96 continue.
Galathir   (08.28.09)
So now over to number 6 and 7. 6. I actually don’t believe he is an anti-Semite. I believe that he lacks a few Indians in his canoe but I don’t think he hates Semites. I do believe however that he has a lot of prejudices against Israel and that he is extremely bias in this question. 7. Here I think you are partly right. Israel receives much more attention than some other conflicts in the world. And I do believe this is partly because of prejudices. But not in the way you think. I think the reason why we get more pissed off when Israel is doing something wrong than we get when people in Darfur does, is because we expect more from Israel. For the same reason we get far more pissed off with the USA when their army commit acts of cruelty then we get when we here the same things being done by a 3rd world country. We know that the people in Israel get good educations. We know that you have a decent living standard. Therefore we expect much more from you. So when we see footage of the Israeli army killing civilians we see it as much worse than when some poor dude who doesn’t know any better does the same thing. So our prejudices are not against you. It’s the opposite. It is just because we identify so much with you that we are so interests in your actions and feels so strongly about them. The people at Ynews must really excuse my long posts. But I’m home with the flu and have nothing better to do. And I have been dying to discuss questions like these with people from Israel for a long time. /Galathir
103. #96 Hilonia
Hemsk ,   Swedeh   (08.28.09)
1. I agree with you that the original article is crap. I am not willing to say that it is anti-semitism. I guess that when you yourself, in a totally world unique way, see every jew as having an Israeli motherland, someone overly obsessed (Boström) by your country could feel the same way . In his mind he probably felt that a dodgy rabbi in NY would be an ideal outlet for harvested organs from Israel. 2. The book is an anthology of which Boström is the editor and photographer. It also contains chapters written by Cordelia Edvardson, holocaust survivor that barely can be dismissed as self-hating jew. The book was sponsored by the previous social democratic government. You will feel happy then that our government has sent out a book called "om detta må ni berätta" to every household in the country, informing people about what to think about the holocaust. Silly, I know, but this is what social democrats spend their money on. In any case, don't knock Boström's book until you have read it, otherwise we have a Rushdie, Khomeini effect on our hands. 3. The Swedish foreign minister does not read books and then decide whether or not to fund them. It is more of "Hey Government, can I please have money for this politically correct cause". 4. Yes, that soviet derelict Lieberman truly is a politically impotent idiot, whereas Calle Bildt mainly is known as a wanker, and for marrying the ugliest woman in Sweden. He would condemn organ harvest of Norwegians though, what makes you think he wouldn't ? 5. Here you go again with the self praise "Jewish culture is about having an opinion and expressing it.". Why don't you erect a statue to yourselves while you are at it. But I guess you already did. 6. How do you identify an anti-semite by sight alone ? I'm glad that you are not gun-toting. 7. Sorry, hypersemitism only gives me 9 hits on Google so I have no idea on how to evaluate that term. I have never written a talkback about Darfur but I have written comments about, for example, the strange Indian military trend of any small time exchange of gunfire with dacoits leading to a 100% kill ratio and no wounded. I have also written about the corruptness and general assholeness of Thai police and military, as well as the Russian government bullies. I therefore naturally assume that I will write about Darfur sooner or later. I do not know exactly how many died in Sri Lanka but I am very interested in that conflict and I have read a lot about it. I feel it is positive that you as an Israeli leftist can see the similarities between your own government and the Sudanese.
104. Thanks for making perfect sense
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.28.09)
105. #98 Charles
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.28.09)
"It's sad that someone died , but did you condem all terrorists acts yourself ? " No, of course not. But in this case Mr Franklin of Paris in post #83 is asking all Swedes to condemn tabloid trash talk. Our Gov shouldn't do that, neither should a regular Swede. In the same spirit, I would like Mr Franklin to condemn the Rainbow Warrior atrocity, as well as I would like every Israeli to ask for forgiveness for Folke Bernadotte and the Lillehammer murder.
106. #99 What is a Skandy-Saxon ?
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.28.09)
"Your english is better than mine... because I'm French....so what ???" Why is your frenchness an excuse ? In any case, half the sentences that you write can not be deciphered "But I am VERY satisfied to see you compare the article of your Aftonbla...bla with the bombing of the Rainbow warrior....." They are not fully comparable though. One of them was murder committed by your government. The other one is our government not interfering with the free press.
107. 105 , Your governement shoul condemn
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.28.09)
as did the Israeli governement opposed [ or even condemned ] bernadotte's murder . PS : English is ONLY my third language , Hebrew # 4 .
108. Hemsk . Lillehamer is in Norway
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.28.09)
the perpetrators of this murder were condemned , and the victims received compensation . When will the writer of this article be condemned ? or at least his writing ?
109. Hemsk - condescending racism does not help
Israeli ,   Israel   (08.28.09)
Hemsk - you wrote: "I feel it is positive that you as an Israeli leftist can see the similarities between your own government and the Sudanese." This is condescneding racism. The real message here is that you have no problem spending your time criticizing a democractically elected governement who is a member of (almost) every conceivable world and UN organization. But you never spent a moment criticizing GENOCIDE run by a country whose president is a fugitive from justice at the Hague. I don't know what you call it. I call it racism. Look into your heart: Is it simply more interesting when Jews are to blame, or simply less interesting when Africans are dying? Maybe a bit of both?
Franklin ,   Paris   (08.28.09)
In this configuration, personaly I d'nt care about your government interfering or not. The problem is people like you, Swedish or Rubbish.....unable to condamn murder of Jews and searching every stupid argument to continue in this attitude. I d'nt care about the Rainbow Warrior because I have not any evidence in implication of a thirth party.....maybe USSR...Sweeden..WHY NOT regarding your talent in speculations. A SCANDY - SAXON...??? ONLY A FUTURE SCANDIRABIAN MY ENGLISH ? I HAVE THE SAME LEVEL...IN ITALIAN, ARABIC, HEBREW.... SOME SPANISH...AND RUSSIAN... THIS...FOR INCREASING YOUR HATE....
111. 101...Charles
Franklin ,   Paris   (08.28.09)
112. #107 att. Charles
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.29.09)
"as did the Israeli governement opposed [ or even condemned ] bernadotte's murder ." Not only did you elect one of his murderers as prime minister. The "apology" is a clear example of double speak. According to wikipedia, Shimon Peres issued, 47 years later, a "condemnation of terror, thanks for the rescue of the Jews and regret that Bernadotte was murdered in a terrorist way". That is hardly even saying you are sorry. You could have prosecuted the murderers instead. All in all, after 31000 people saved thanks to Bernadotte, among them 6000 jews, that "excuse" is just an example of the worst kind of chutzpah.
113. #108 So what if it's in Norway ?
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.29.09)
"the perpetrators of this murder were condemned " No they were not. They did not spend a single day in jail in Israel, and the person who gave the order has not been named. "and the victims received compensation ." 200K dollars 22 years after the murder without accepting responsibility for the deed is a disgrace. "When will the writer of this article be condemned ? or at least his writing" That might happen when freedom of expression is removed from the Swedish law-books.
114. #109 Neither does lack of responsibility
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.29.09)
" criticizing a democractically elected governement" I do not subscribe to a laissez faire approach vs governments, whether they are democracies or dictatorships. "But you never spent a moment criticizing GENOCIDE run by a country whose president is a fugitive from justice at the Hague." Moronic reasoning... I might spend time criticising Sudan, I might not. Now I would like to ask you, how much time have you spent on condemning 1. Homophobia 2. Sexism 3. Sri Lankan civil war. 4. Charles Taylor 5. Sendero Luminoso. Do you see where I am getting with this ? "I don't know what you call it. I call it racism." I call that a strawman. I guess you realize that is what it is as well. Look into your heart: Is it simply more interesting when Jews are to blame, or simply less interesting when Africans are dying? Maybe a bit of both?
115. #110 Franklin and his confusion
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.29.09)
"I d'nt care about the Rainbow Warrior because I have not any evidence in implication of a thirth party.....maybe USSR...Sweeden.." What are you talking about ? Your country, France, sunk an ship in New Zealand, killing an innocent man.You obviously want the Swedish government to condemn an idiotic tabloid, yet you have no problem with your own government commiting murder. "A SCANDY - SAXON...??? ONLY A FUTURE SCANDIRABIAN" SCREAMING again , why ? Are you referring to the heavy metal band Saxon (not a Swedish band) or the German (not Swedish) state of Niedersachsen ? You seem very confused, or just tongue tied.
116. Hemsk , 108 . They were condemned
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.29.09)
in Norway . five of them were sentenced to 2 and a half to 5 years in prison in Norway , and spend 22 months in prison there . As they had'nt comitted any crime in Israel they could not be punished here . The responsible was not extradited to Norway , no , he was'nt . Don't forget that he was a member of the secret services . The victims received more than 400,000 US$ . Even if there is freedom of expression , a governement can always condem the contents of an article , without removing this freedom of expression .
117. Hemsk , Shamir did'nt fire ANY bullet at Bernadotte
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.29.09)
The terrrorist group [ was also called so in 1948 by the Israeli governement ] was dissolved . Some members spend a time in jail . Bernadotte brought 6000 Jews to Sweden , 20 % of the people he "saved" . And this while Jews were a much greater proportion of the endangered ones . There is also a forest planted in his honor here , where , i think , the way he died is mentioned .
118. Tikva. #117 Don't go there
Pissed off swede.   (08.29.09)
You have made some fairly good points earlier in this debate. Don't throw it all away getting in to a debate you can't win! Bernadotte was murdered. Israel did apologize for this. But decided to pardon the killers as soon as they were convicted. Yea that’s justice for you. (If the Swedish government apologize for something or condemn something we mean it.) Israel kept a lot of things about this murder a secret and the crime investigation were a joke! If you like I could spam this whole forum with articles and evidence of this. Along with evidence of the involvement of a seatrain Yitzhak Shamir. If not back down and cut the crap. Hell yes he got a forest from the guys who killed him! Was that meant to be some kind of a cruel fucking joke? How do you think the people of Israel would feel if we killed one of your leaders, arrested 2 people convicted them and then sent them home with a fucking pardon! I think you would get pretty pissed off. But there would be no harm done. We could always make you happy again by naming a fucking forest after the guy we murdered!
119. #116
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.29.09)
"in Norway ." But wouldn't a condemnation from Israel be more fitting ? I mean, Israel ordered them to go to Israel and murder a man. "As they had'nt comitted any crime in Israel they could not be punished here " What bollocks. And you complain about Swedish law... There is absolutely nothing that would stop a Swede being sentenced in Sweden for a crime he commits abroad. "The responsible was not extradited to Norway , no , he was'nt . Don't forget that he was a member of the secret services ." So you should deport or execute the f.....r now. "The victims received more than 400,000 US$ ." Hooray. Maybe they can buy a new husband / father "Even if there is freedom of expression , a governement can always condem the contents of an article , without removing this freedom of expression . " Evidently not according to Swedish law. Is there anything in Israeli law that stops your government from condemning the murder of innocents ?
120. #117
Hemsk ,   Sweden   (08.29.09)
" was dissolved " Oh. That will show 'em not to go around killing peoplel. "Some members spend a time in jail" You could have tried arresting them for murder instead. And one of the members, that gave the order, you dediced to elect Prime Minister. Very nice touch. Here is a pic of the murderers, surrounded by your IDF buddies, smiling as they were released a couple of months later http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yellin-Mor_%26_Shmuleiwitz_released.jpg Nice way of taking responsibility ".Bernadotte brought 6000 Jews to Sweden , 20 % of the people he "saved" And this while Jews were a much greater proportion of the endangered ones "" Shame on you. How old are you, 15 years old ? There is absolutely no need to put "saved" within quotation marks . He saved their lives dude. You obviously have no detail knowledge about the history of the KZ system and the categories of prisoners. Let's see if I can dumb this down enough for a simpleton like you to understand it. Late 1945, the majority of prisoners tagged with the star of David had either A. Gone up the chimneys or B. Been liberated by the Soviets in Poland. What was left in the northern German KZs were a mix of prisoner categories, only part of them were jews. Don't you learn that in school ? "There is also a forest planted in his honor here " So the price of a human life is a forest ? I think I'll buy me some seeds. Let me end this by adding a heartfelt SHAME ON YOU. You are still excusing the murder of a man that saved 6000 of your countrymen. And you wonder why people call Israel a terrorist state...
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