Just sue them
Yair Lapid
Published: 30.10.09, 14:07
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61. #33- Are You Even IN The US?
Christy ,   Boston, US   (10.30.09)
How could anyone in the US believe that, quote: "John Stewart is the closest America has to investigative journalism at this time. Nice to see that someone still has morals; puts humanity above money." Stewart gets paid MONEY for doing what he does. He's a COMEDIAN, not a journalist. If it wasn't for the MONEY Stewart would be doing something else. Maybe you live in some other part of America besides the US and were unaware Stewart is a COMEDIAN? (Although for the life of me I can't imagine any country in North or South America where someone would mistake a COMEDIAN for a news reporter.)
62. to 11
dr. ,   jerusalem   (10.30.09)
i remember a story it occured befor 70 years when freedom of speech was so little it was in nabluse or shkheem as israil name it .. one ordinary man say about its mayor he is an empty one they send him to the court after 4 sets he used to go to the court and stoped his work the loyer judge him to pay two palastinian jenneeh i think it was under the english rule .. then the man took two jeneeh put them infront the judge and said the mayor is empty and put another two jeneeh and said the mayor is empty and so on untill the judge was so angry shouted at him stop stop stop go out side ..
63. Solicitor-PLEASE go for this Practitioner ... Please Please
Alan ,   SA   (10.30.09)
Law firm.They are called SOSUMI (and sons.)
65. Jack #54 thought so
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (10.30.09)
Ignorant, loud and racist. Knew you could not find any fact to back up your stupidity. ARTICLE 25. In the territories lying between the Jordan and the eastern boundary of Palestine as ultimately determined, the Mandatory shall be entitled, with the consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as he may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions, and to make such provision for the administration of the territories as he may consider suitable to those conditions, provided that no action shall be taken which is inconsistent with the provisions of Articles 15, 16 and 18. ARTICLE 27. The consent of the Council of the League of Nations is required for any modification of the terms of this mandate. Yes stupid ALL land west of the Jordan BELONGS to us. That is what international states.
66. Wonderful idea! Jewish law firms, listen up!
Rose ,   Netherlands   (10.30.09)
67.  An awakening. Suggest you do the same.
America   (10.30.09)
In reply to the many people who have tried to come up with stuff to discredit the few posts here that resemble any notion of truth; here we go. Stewart is a comedian, and it is sad for today's media that the population can not get accurate news from regular corporate media. American media suffers from the same deregulation as other business, as well seen in medicine today. Then you have courts giving business the same rights as people; so now the media can say that it is not news, but entertainment. In fact a law suit was won saying that they can do just that; look up the Fox News lawsuit. Furthermore, they can say the news they portray is just their opinion, and not the facts. So, I ask you: where do you get your news from, and do you really trust it under these circumstances mentioned above. Asking someone if they live in this country, implying that if you don't live here, then you know nothing; well, is just crazy. Our media has gotten so bad due to deregulation (letting business do what they will, despite the concequences) that comedy shows give us a more true picture to world events. In case you live under a rock, you would not know then that Jon stewart won reconition around the world for his accurate reporting in a time that no one else seems to put morals before their career. And yes he makes money doing it, he also gets all sorts of hell from people like you who are ignorant, and lash out in denial. I say denial because it must be fearful to be confronted by others telling you that you are also to blame. To blame for not holding your government to their promises when being elected. It is the people who control their country, or is it the other way around. So i see why you are mad. You will only feel better when you do something about your problems. You also mention America's involvement in wars now, and in the past. Half of these wars were fought for Israel, and was sold to the American people as necessary. We now know otherwise; that the media is so cruel, it will sell wars for their own profit, along with the reporters to put food on the table. Talking about selling your sole. yes, I am not the only one mad about this. It gets to the heart of all of our problems. Media lies, and makes us feel that someone was scolded for their bad deed, or that we send our children to wars to create democracy. We are all catching on to this now. And the military is feeling the heat in poor enlistment rates, high suicide rates, and media breaking their backs to still put a good face on war in these enlightening days. So our wars , we are not supporting them if the truth be told; it is not for good cause. And the American public has been duped; just as the Israeli people have also been lied to in this extreme. But enough; it does not take any great effort to find the truth; you just don't want to hear it. Because now, you will then need to do something about this newfound guilt, you have enabled, and supported great crimes against innocent people. In America, this is what is happening, an awakening. Suggest you do the same.
68. to 56 shadi
dr. ,   jerusalem   (10.30.09)
good advise but do you think that it will work .i used many names i have no email or password but it is not becouse i fear this or that ,, it is becouse ....guiss it shadi the advisor
69. Your response already shows the brillance in the idea!
David Rose ,   Karkom, Israel   (10.30.09)
Yair Lapid, should win the Israel Prize for this wonderful idea!
70. You may be a witch doctor, No.11,but
your witchcraft stops here because you are a lousy political comentator and an even worse historian. Where did you take your info from? Dadaland?
71. No 55 Ben Alofs
Heather ,   London   (10.30.09)
Have you read Haj by Leon Uris, you will find a very different narrative of the 1948 war from the bigoted hatred that you have posted which is certainly not befitting of an educated doctor and shows your true feelings towards Jews. The day after the State of Israel was declared, five Arab armies invaded the country and urged the Arab inhabitants to flee so that that when the area was made Judenrein (as a Dutchman you understand that term) they could return. Undoubtedly there were injustices as there are in any war, but there are refugees after any conflict. Are the millions of refugees after the WWII still in camps or were they resettled in other areas? Are the 500,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries still in camps or were they absorbed into Israel? I know that there are problems with at least Jews do not leave their own to suffer, unlike the Arabs who with all their oil wealth could have helped the Arab refugees but refused to do so. You claim to care about humanity, what about the inhabitants of Sderot who had to suffer the collective punishment by the Palestinians of having up to 50 rocket daily attacks for no other reason than they were Jews? These attacks were generally timed to coincide with the start and the end of the school day when people had to be out in the open. Would you give your medical attention to the 94% of the child population there who are suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. It is only a matter of luck that a school or kindergarten wasn't hit, how many dead Israeli children do you want before you deem Israel is allowed to defend her citizens? 100, 200, 500, 1,000, give me a figure or is Israel not entitled to defend herself? A question, Would you deny a patient a particular treatment because it had been developed in Israel? If the answer is yes, then you are not a true doctor who upholds the principles and ideals of your profession
72. To 55 And again, your doing the same basic mistake in logic
The Dude   (10.30.09)
Thank you again for giving a non-answer. You are again following the same logical fallacy. That by having some knowledge or 'awareness' in an area makes you an expert and able to clearly state what is the law. Just because I have an understanding of the ethics of scientific research, it does NOT MAKE ME AN EXPERT. You are trying to link an 'awareness' which I must say is a very murky term which could stand for the fact that you are aware that laws exists to actually reading them. But again, you have made it clear you are an expert, without any expertise in the area.
73. To Ben Alofs, I found BMJ article...what a load of crap...
The Dude   (10.30.09)
http://ukpmc.ac.uk/articlerender.cgi?artid=477745 Very interesting, I read it, and I have numerous questions. 1. What is this article doing in the British Medical Journal? This journal is about Medicine, and you have turned atleast one manuscript into a politicized unit. I'm glad to see that you expect that Israeli Medical Association to be 'neutral' or better stated for you, but the British Association can stay with your views... 2. Why do you believe you have a right to enter a country, Israel? 3. Why did you even try to enter through Israel? It would have been far easier to go through Egypt... unless this is exactly what you wanted to make a scene? 4. So you have a booklet on the basic rules of international law, and this makes an expert? 5. You proclaim that Israel is denying access to humanitarian workers, but numerous Palestinians use Israeli hospitals and medical facilities on Israeli tax payer budgets. And again I have to ask why don't those workers enter through Egypt to get to Gaza?
74. prove them wrong
Paul ,   Cairns Australia   (10.30.09)
Maybe you need to demonstrate your innocence of the Goldstone charges. That should be good.
75. I've been saying this for years
Adam ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.30.09)
76. to no.45
Zack ,   San Francisco, CA   (10.31.09)
please, don't forget to mention that Baruch Goldstein who killed 29 people was a phsician too. Aren't this an "extremism in medicine so look forward to a busy time explaining you extreme views not fitting of a medical professional." if someone condemn killing innocent palstanan, lets sue his ass.You guys are sick!
77. Good idea
Good idea lets sue them, they need to pay for the lies
78. Well, why not
Cameron ,   USA   (10.31.09)
The Left works the legal angle to try and punish/silence selected opponents with great vigor. Muslim groups have started working the courts in recent years to accomplish the same ends. Israel would be foolish not to use the same "weapon" with the same energy. To defend, you must attack, so to speak.
79. #55, of course when Time claimed this in court
Danny   (10.31.09)
They lost which is why Alofs has zero real intention of bringing any real trials. God forbid he should have prove his claims, far better simply to allege. Which is why he should be sued.
80. To #14 --Read #18 -"The famous Al Dura Affair"
81. # to Ben Alof ..Salute you
Rayan ,   USA   (10.31.09)
"Ben" salute you !!!!......you have the courage to tell the truth...and see the reaction !! ...all this people are so scared !!! as they know they have done atrocities, human rights violation and war crime against Palestinians....and they want to hide that ...so anybody speaks about it they will start to shout or even ready to kill...it does not matter whether that person is Itzak Rabin, Gladstone, or Neve Gordon or you.....they will do that for everybody ...the old fascist techniques...sadly although most of the people in Israel are not like that ..rather they doesn't support such cruel act against Palestinians but unfortunately that great country Israel is now days governed by some religious and fanatic rightwing minorities.....
82. Great idea! Give the goyish shysters
Nicotine ,   Devon, PA   (10.31.09)
some work too! The wonderful thing about lawsuits is that when you bring one, someone has to defend. This plan could help take up some of the post-recession slack in the City's legal market. Bravo!
83. #11 - Sue you? Good idea! And you would LOSE!
Scott ,   USA   (10.31.09)
Because you know damned well that the trigger man at Sabra and Shatila was the late Ely Hobeika, a Syrian agent. Yeah, you know that, everyone knows that by now, but you have to blame Israel because you LIKE it!
84. what a relief ! Old auntie Smittic will be spared !
bubba ,   here there   (10.31.09)
85. where do I send the check?
Michal ,   Reno, NV, U.S.FIN.A   (10.31.09)
next article should leave details, I will gladly pay into the IDF legal fund.
86. This could work in some cases but would backfire in others
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (10.31.09)
While it sounds good this could be more dangerous than many people know. Do you want to see Israel's actions put on trial in a foreign country? This could work in that it would make it more costly for newpapers but in most cases the newpapers will win after some years but then Israel would have to pay legal fees for bothsides. Making statements that are anti-Israel may not be anti-semtic under laws in other countries.
87. Expand the lawsuits
Ben ,   T.A. - Israel   (10.31.09)
Why not include those that go into large chain supermarkets throughout Europe and put anti-Israel labels on Israeli products, remove them from the shelves and load up the shopping carts. Damage to items, all the labor costs involved and I would think other possible venues are open to prosecute these people. The chains should know that there are lawyers willing to help them pro-bono pursue these groups. There should be a mechanism created to support these lawyers that are will to face these challenges. Or can anyone go into a store and deface a line of products and not pay the consequences? Of course, I am not suggesting it….. Ben
88. Great idea, but...
Suzy ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.31.09)
I don't think there are enough Jewish lawyers to even start to cover the nonsense the Guardian writes, let alone the rest of the British press.
89. The 'new' tactics Yair Lapid offers, aren't new at all
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor, Gwynedd   (10.31.09)
In 2001 under Belgium's liberal universal jurisdiction legislation a group of survivors of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982, supported by a Belgian legal team brought charges against Ariel Sharon for being the architect of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila. Zionist groups responded by trying to inundate the Belgian court with litigation cases against Palestinian leaders. Their aim was to frustrate the whole proces, whereby survivors of massacres, denied due justice, could bring charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity under the principle of universal jurisdiction. These Zionist groups were not interested in finding out about the truth. They wanted to suppress the search for it. Earlier others had been brought to trial in Belgium because of war crimes committed in Ruanda. The Belgian judge initially allowed the case to proceed, but subsequently the Belgian government came under severe political pressure from the USA. The US government threatened to withdraw the financing of NATO's headquarters in Brussels. The Belgian parliament pushed through a new law effectively making it impossible to continue with the case against Sharon. I quite agree, that one should not bring accusations lightly. But in the case of Sharon the weight of evidence was strong. The Goldstone report too contains too many serious facts, which cannot be swept under the carpet by the Israeli government.. For too long Israel has been allowed to commit serious violations of universal human rights and outright war crimes. The aim of universal jurisdiction is to punish war crimes and to prevent them from being committed in the future. War criminals should know that if they commit crimes, they will have to account for them sooner or later. How could anyone be opposed to that principle?
90. Sue them, especially the BBC and its daily rant
MairiT ,   Glasgow   (10.31.09)
I back Heathers comments totally......as to suing. get on with it at least some people have the backbone to do something positive
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