EU mulls proposal on Jerusalem as joint capital
Associated Press
Published: 08.12.09, 15:04
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. Stephanie
Noor ,   Palestine   (12.08.09)
"Jerusalem is Israel's undivided captial for over 3500 years. No one is going to make us divide our ETERNAL capital city." Like my world politics professor said, anyone who says that Jerusalem is their undivided capital is only convincing themselves. Thanks for reinforcing that.
32. Eyal
Noor ,   Palestine   (12.08.09)
If you're going to justify the notion that God gave you the land, at least use a more credible, uncontradictory, and most importantly, unaltered source. The real Bible was altered. It was modified. Hence, it is not reliable and thus, it is not the true word of God. Why don't you mention the Torah? Oh wait, that was altered, too.
33. Jehudah, it's simple
Noor ,   Palestine   (12.08.09)
" On what basis 22% of the territory should now be divided between Arabs and Jews? And on what basis should the capital city of the Jews should be divided? Just because the Arabs want it as part of their march to wipe Israel off the face of earth, one stage at a time?" International Law. It is a non-partisan, internationally recognized source of legal power.
34. This is the result of incommensurable stupidity !
FO ,   Belgium   (12.08.09)
Neither Bibi Netanyahu, nor Benny Begin or Avigdor Liberman have the guts to tell the world and their own people the right of Israel's presence in the whole of Jerusalem, the "West Bank" and the Golan Heights. This irrevocable right was given to the Jewish People by the unanimous decision of the 51 members of the League of Nations the 24th of July 1922. This irrevocable right known under the name "The Mandate for Palestine" is unaltered in INTERNATIONAL LAW and valid to this day due to Article 80 of the Charter of the UNITED NATIONS. It is true that in 1922 Left Zionism (if such a thing at all exists) had no understanding for a Jewish State (read the Preamble of "History of Zionism by Nahum Sokolov) as proposed on a golden plate by the League (I quote from the Preamble of the "Mandate for Palestine": "Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish People with Palestine and to the grounds for RECONSTITUTING their National Home in that country. The stupid blindness of the Left and the rejection of Herzl's programme (about the Jewish State) opened the way to Hitler to accomplish the final solution. Why this conspirency of silence about the League's decisions? Is it the duty of Netanyahu, Begin, Liberman to cover the Left's incommensurable stupidities? Such behaviour can lead to another Shoah.
35. Hamman will be the next Palestinian capital
Dani ,   Amsterdam NL   (12.08.09)
Send back Pals to they beloved queens and king in Jordan so that they can enjoy a bit of their democracy for a while
36. dopey #15, shows Palestinains are out of touch
Izzie Irgun ,   zion4ever   (12.08.09)
Any moron who thinks that there will ever be a one state solution is smoking too much hashish, and that includes dopey Nour. Lets help this poor delusional Palestinian straight, Nour baby, there is no country called palestine, there never was a country called palestine and Jerusalem was never its capital and that is fact for the last 5000 years.However, there has been an historic Israel for over 4500 years, in the same place, speaking the same language, with the same culture and with jerusalem as its historic capital. Palestinians need to stop rewriting history to suit themseleves and the idiots in Sweden and the other EU nations who foolishly endorse this statement should finally realize that they are hurting the chances for peace by encouraging palestinians to think they will get something that will not get. let them move to Jordan , Lebanon and Syria who profess such love for them. Israel isn't going to take them and its certainly not giving away any part of historic Israel including jerusalem. Nour go read a history book, get educated and move to gaza. Go live under hamas rule for a while and get back to us when you are ready to join the real world.
37. So, what will they do with the Palestinian State?
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (12.08.09)
"The EU will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders, including with regard to Jerusalem". If this is the case their are NO Palestinians but Jordanians living in what was Jordan. If we have to return to the pre Jone '67 borders then all the people calling them Palestinians will be Jordanians and the West Bank will once again be Jordan. Jordanians will have to supply electricity, water, telephone and all the social and health services that a country must provide to its citizens! I am sure that HM King Abdul and his Government will have certain "reservations" about have this terrorist nation living among the good folk of Jordan! The problems this would create for Israel will be would create great hardship for our "brothers" the settlers and I am sure that the EU would be very generous in the compensation they would have to pay Israel to resettle our people! I am sure the next step will to divide Brussels as the capital of two countries, one spealing Flemish and the other French!
38. if they want war & kill the peace process go ahead
zionist forever   (12.08.09)
Israel will never accept this just because the EU or say so, its also not their place to decide what should be the capital of Israel & a non existent arab state. They may not recognize it as being the capital of Israel but they have no right to dictate its future. If they have the right to say that then Israel has the right to say London will not be the capital of England or Paris the capital of France. In their attempt to make what they want to become a fedral state thats going to compete with the US they are now trying to dictate Israels future. What happened to the 2 years they were all in favour of Obama giving it to create this arab state, the man has been in office 1 year and already they are changing the rules. If they back this first thing that will happen. 1) Israel says we dont accept this ruling 2) Construction in east Jerusalem starts on a huge scale. 3) There will be riots in the city by the arabs. The palestinians will call for another intefada to liberate Jerusalem. This will then lead to military operations against the palestinians & if Hizbollah get involved against Lebanon & possibly even Syria. 4) The palestinians will tell Obama the peace process is over full stop unless you get Israel to accept east Jerusalem belongs to us and Bibi will tell Obama sorry I cant deliver that if I want to keep my coalition intact. Becase we will be fighting a war if it comes to elections Livni won't stand a chance because the people don't like the left in wartime. The palestinians will loose everything they have gained over the past 16 years overnight. Iraq was a disaster because the US didn't understand arab thinking. Now the EU might be about to make the same mistake and be responsible not just for a national war but a regional one.
39. If you live in the EU write to your MEP
zionist forever   (12.08.09)
If you live in the EU I encourage you to write to your members of the European Parliament and national politicians. This is a dangerous game the EU is playing and they are risking a regional war and killing the peace process once and for all.
40. Palestine, # 12, is Jordan with Amman as its capital, as
Hannah ,   Toronto, Canada   (12.08.09)
you rightly say. I am particularly appreciative that you shared with us the size of the territory of Arab Jordan vs. Jewish Eretz Israel west of the Jordan River. Thanks.
41. As a European, I am disappointed by the level of
Petra ,   On the road, EU   (12.08.09)
involvement the EU attempts to get involved in the internal affairs of other non-European countries, in this case Israel. It is not for us to be part of the Arab Israeli conflict, especially since both UN resolutions and bilateral agreements are already in place and it is for the parties to come to the negotiation table and solve their differences.
42. # 20
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (12.08.09)
Noor ! You maybe right,on the surface of Jerusalem there maybe more christian and muslim shrines,but under the surface every inch indicates the Jewish past,that is why you don't permit digging on the temple Mount,you are afraid of the truth,you are invaders from the Arabian peninsula,who decided to stay,and now,claim ownership,you forced your religion and language on the native people,it is not to late for you repent and go back to the arabian peninsula.
43. Let's tell the EU to mind it's own business.
Chaim ,   Israel   (12.08.09)
The EU has no authority and no right to make any decisions regarding Israel. Let alone the authority or right to decide on our Eternal Capital. Let's tell the EU to mind it's own business.
44. # 32
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (12.08.09)
Noor ! Did you hear of the rule:Possession is 9 parts of the law ?.
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