Clinton: Israeli move insulting
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Published: 13.03.10, 09:00
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61. re#5 Dav Lev
Cali Cal ,   Los Angeles, USA   (03.13.10)
Money is not going to buy you the vote every time Dav. If you want to bribe Republicans do so, who the heck cares. If you really dont like how Obama is treating MidEast policy, aliyah is always an option. Your spew out this garbage about the US occupation of Japan or the Soviet occupation as if these situations can even compare to the Arab Israeli conflict. The fact is the Arabs lived in the Levant for a millenia before you sought to return to your supposed homeland. Did you expect the Arabs to welcome you with open arms as you slyly bought up land with the intent to displace the Arabs as the rulers of the land? By the way, had the Arabs defeated you in 67 or 73 the UN would have come to your rescue, since your used to buying votes.
62. Hillary is behaving like a jackass.
Daniel ,   Los Angeles   (03.13.10)
Ignore the hissy-fit. East Jerusalem belongs to Israel.
63. Hilary etc
Monica Sucky Sucky ,   Haifa Israel   (03.12.10)
Hilary, Obama, Biden etc...can you all stop telling us when and where to build what. Our young and brave IDF soldiers fought and enough got wounded or died, in a defensive war that several Arab countries started and lost in six days. It is now our land AGAIN and we shall do as we see fit!
64. dear hillary.....
Dana Rothschild ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.13.10)
you probably forgot to condemn the last qassam on Israel.... as always... this hypocrisy is killing me....
65. Biden came only to stir trouble between left&right
Alan ,   SA   (03.13.10)
66. The game ...
Michael Peterson ,   Tel Aviv   (03.13.10)
What actually went down was carefully orchestrated and Israel effectively got a green light to build in the future. Politics is anything other than what it appears ..
67. American King-Crane1919: national home isn't Jewish State
observer   (03.13.10)
The Commission recognized also that definite encouragement had been given to the Zionists by the Allies in Mr. Balfour's often quoted statement, in its approval by other representatives of the Allies. If, however, the strict terms of the Balfour Statement are adhered to-favoring "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"—it can hardly be doubted that the extreme Zionist Program must be greatly modified. For a "national home for the Jewish people" is not equivalent to making Palestine into a Jewish State; nor ran the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the "civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
68. Jerusalem should not be divided.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (03.13.10)
Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian lawyer who spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem has written a doctoral dissertation on the topic of Jerusalem and its legal history, based on international treaties and resolutions of the past 90 years. Gauthier’s main point, as summarized by Israpundit editor Ted Belman, is that a non-broken series of treaties and resolutions, as laid out by the San Remo Resolution, the League of Nations and the United Nations, gives the Jewish People title to the city of Jerusalem. The process began at San Remo, Italy, when the four Principal Allied Powers of World War I – Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan – agreed to create a Jewish national home in what is now the Land of Israel. The residents of Jerusalem should be free to express by means of a referendum their wishes as to possible modifications of regime of the City. Given Jerusalem’s strong Jewish majority, Gauthier concludes, Israel should be demanding that the long-delayed city referendum on the city’s future be held as soon as possible as explained at :
69. Here we go again
Rudolph ,   Collombey CH   (03.13.10)
Hey Paul - Israel is America's spoiled child and so America has something to say not only to pay.. isn't it ??
70. Joe and Hillary have betrayed Israel
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (03.13.10)
Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are the lackeys of Hussein Obama, they are trying to put pressure on Israel in order to sell it out to Iran - this is the real goal of their combined efforts. But these wimps have also one big fear in common - they have become completely nervous about the possiblity that Israel will strike Iran before the midterm elections. When Israel executes its military option before this crucial deadline, the rotten Obama Administration will be forced to change course and come to Israles defense - otherwise the election would become a disaster for them. So Israel holds a strong position and can choose its actions freely.
71. "Matty Groves" back:
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (03.13.10)
After 9,500 rockets and mortars launched between 2000-2008 (statistics from the Shin Bet) and thirty-seven Israeli citizens killed, a significant number injured and a senseless amount of property damage plus leftover cases of PTSD including children, yes, we closed off Gaza. Since then, mortar and rockets launched has been insignificant, no more killing of citizens and no more damage to property and no suicide bombers. It is a government's job to protect its citizens and this has occurred. When Hamas rescinds its charter stating that its principle obligation is to destroy the state of Israel then, maybe, we can begin diplomacy terminating in more open borders. Now, why didn't "Matty" state this himself as opposed to posting such a silly diatribe? Does he think, given our (Jewish) history, that we are trying to win a popularity contest? As to his opinion of our media exercises, perhaps he could consult with our government and explain how much more effective is Arab propaganda which, apparently, he pretends to believe.
72. US policy in ME is bipolar and futile policy
Meir   (03.13.10)
America should fully back Israel and if unable to do so should just stay out the way.
73. smackdown
Marcel ,   Florida   (03.13.10)
I think we have reached the breaking point,the tipping point. Israel is against the wall and playing the good whore to her Washington pimps has not paid off as they expected. They've been used,kicked around and abused as all whores get treated and Netanyahu is feeling filthy dirty and spit on. How will the loyal lap dog react to the threats and abuse from Donkey Biden and the Witch is the million dollar question. Does she realize she is playing an end time historical role with loser written on her forehead ? It never ends well for those who meddle with the Israel of God. I wonder how long it is before He sends a clear message to the deviants in Washington against their interference,intimidation and threats to Israel ? He is going to break the imperial yoke of the Obamanation around Israel's neck. The evil empire will stop trampling the sovereignty of Israel because it will itself be trampled. Dear Israel, You've pasted the 'KICK ME' sign on your back long enough,don't you think ? You do understand that the bankrupt and amoral US is playing to the wealthy Arab field like a cheap whore don't you ? The more you showed loyalty to the US and abided by their 16 years of failure peace agenda the less respect you receive from the bullies in Washington. Now they refuse to respect all of Jerusalem as the eternal Capitol of Jewish Israel. Your allegiance to your American pimp's has paid off in ways you did not expect. Time to awaken from your stupor and seek the Lord. Stop playing the lap dog,vassal state and make the US respect your sovereignty NOW or NEVER. You do understand that the bankrupt and amoral US is playing to the wealthy Arab field like a cheap whore don't you ? The more you showed loyalty to the US and abided by their fractured peace agenda the less respect you receive from the bullies in Washington.Now they refuse to respect all of Jerusalem as the eternal Capitol of Jewish Israel. Your allegiance to your American pimp's has paid off in ways you did not expect. Stop playing the lap dog,vassal state and make the US respect your sovereignty NOW or NEVER.
74. How Disrespectful and Ingrateful you all are
Anonymous ,   TX, USA   (03.13.10)
How disrespectful and ingrateful toward the representatives of your staunchest ally. But hey, keep these insults coming...soon american public opinion will know how Israel bites the hand that feeds it. Remember the US hands Israel every year huge amount of Military & Economic aid for free. Keep insulting the Americans, and we will see if Americans will be willing to give away their hard earned taxes to an ungrateful country like Israel. And yes, as long as the US is giving Israel Military and Economic Aid, and so long as the US is shielding Israel from any UN security council condemnation through its Veto power...then the US has a lot to say regarding Israel's Policy. Beggers can't be choosers...
75. This posting has all the YNET kids hopping up & down!
Cameron ,   USA   (03.13.10)
Great talkbacks. Time though to pass out the cookies, and lay 'em all down for a nap, YNET.
76. To: No. 74
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.13.10)
Disrespectful? Ungrateful? How little you know! First of all, you need to understand how American aid to Israel is structured. A small portion takes the form of interest-bearing cash loans. The United States makes a lot of those sorts of loans to a lot of countries. Only two countries have a perfect repayment record. Finland is one. Israel is the other. A somewhat larger segment of American aid to Israel takes the form of military credits. Those credits must be used to purchase American-made weaponry. Which helps to keep Americans employed -- not a bad thing in this economy, wouldn't you agree? Moreover, Israel is required to "back-end," which means that any improvements that Israel makes to American weaponry must be shared with the American manufacturer. The improvements have been legion, and they have been shared. By far and away the largest portion of American aid to Israel takes the form of joint venture investment capital. These joint ventures have produced well over half of the chemotherapy protocols in use in the United States, Israel and quite a bit of the rest of the world. If you have a loved one who did not die of breast cancer because of Dose Dense AC and Taxol, you need to thank an Israeli scientist in Rehovot. Do you like your mobile phone? That's another product of an Israeli and American joint venture. Facial recognition software. Mass spectrometry. The CAT scan. The list goes on and on and on. There's more. Much more. The fact is that while Israel is the United States' only dependable ally in the Middle East, the reverse is not the case. Particularly with the current U.S. administration. It would appear that the current administration is far more interested in reaching out to Iran -- hey, didn't they invade the United States Embassy in Tehran and take hostages? Is that your idea of a friend? Iran? Not mine. So you think that the United States shields Israel with its veto power? Really? How? What is the United Nations going to do? Invade Israel? I don't think so. What the United States DOES do is threaten Israel with its veto power. The United Nations is a joke and of absolutely no use, so the U.S. can keep its veto power, thank you very much. You've never used it when it really mattered, anyway. And it no longer does. Israel is a sovereign nation. Israel is also probably the United States' most dependable ally. Israel does not tell the United States where to build and when. The United States owes Israel a similar courtesy. Educate yourself. You are woefully ignorant.
77. Obama Hussein the muslim is destroying the US and now
obama hussein is a ,   trojan horse in WA   (03.13.10)
in the process of destroying Israel
78. #74 Anonymous, TX
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (03.13.10)
Respect must be earned.
79. That Arabs can build but Jews not is insulting!
S.   (03.13.10)
80. #22 where do jews come from
Rudolph ,   Collombey CH   (03.13.10)
What do the origins matter?? Where are the Australians from? Where are the Americans from?? Where are the Argentinians from?? and so on...
81. When men pass in the night, the dogs bark.
Ken Quinn ,   Amsterdam   (03.13.10)
82. #74 Said like a true ugly American
Cynthia ,   USA   (03.13.10)
It's a mutual relationship and the US needs Israel as an ally. Israel is a sovereign country and must decide what's best for Israel. That's not an insult. It's a reality.
83. #71, Robert Haymond, playing with statistics.
k1w1 ,   NZ   (03.13.10)
How many rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel between 19th June 2008 and 4th November 2008? "9,500 rockets and mortars launched between 2000-2008 (statistics from the Shin Bet) and thirty-seven Israeli citizens killed, a significant number injured and a senseless amount of property damage plus leftover cases of PTSD including children..." Is this your justification for 1400 Palestinians killed, 80% of them civilians and 342 children; 15% structures destroyed; 3,354 houses completely destroyed and 11,112 partially damaged - many of them by bulldozer; 8 hospitals and 26 primary health care clinics damaged or destroyed, along with 280 schools and kindergartens: 20% Gazan children suffering PTSD; the deliberate destruction of the Namar wells, the Al Bader flour mill, and the Gaza Waste Water Treatment Plant; the destruction of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the Gaza main prison; the use of civilians as human shields and deliberate attacks against civilians; the use of white phosphorous, fletchettes, and other questionable munitions, all visited on a captive, unarmed population over the course of 23 days? Operation Cast Lead wasn't aimed at Hamas, it was aimed at destroying Palestinian civilians, and Israel has never wanted any sort of peace with the Palestinians - as Biden found out this week.
84. #82 Cynthia
Michael ,   Haifa   (03.13.10)
Why does the USA need Israel as an ally ?
85. Let palestinians build inside Israel
Andrew ,   Canada   (03.13.10)
Fine. For all you people who say "Let Jews build where they want". Then in that case, let the Palestinians from the West Bank cross the border into Israel and start building homes wherever THEY want. Fair is fair after all.
86. To the Jewish Taliban Sarah B #45 and 74
George ,   Canada   (03.13.10)
more I read your post , more I appreciate Ahmadinejad.
87. #74 "Israel bites the hand that feeds it" well said
George ,   Canada   (03.13.10)
One extra American woke up finally, but still millions of Zionist slaves in your country that do not want to weak up and Joseph Biden is one of them for sure . "Zionism has entered my heart since childhood and reached my mind since maturity.” “Israel is in my heart “some of Joseph Biden quotations. Cheer up America!!!
88. #31 Boris, why you returned back from Israel ?
Vitaly ,   Canada/Kharkov   (03.13.10)
Oh Boris, is not good to eat from the Russian dish and spit in it. (Boris is with one "n" learn how to spell your name).
89. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Mladen Andrijasevic ,   Beer Sheva, Israel   (03.13.10)
Things are out of control. To me this seems as a pretext by the administration to cave in on Iran going nuclear and accuse Israel for doing so. The Obama administration has completely lost it. They are engaged in rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Here we are months away from Iran acquiring nuclear weapons and starting a nuclear war and what the administration is complaining about is Israel building apartment blocks in Jerusalem which would supposedly jeopardize the peace process. What peace process? Oslo I, Oslo II, Taba, Wye, Tenet, Mitchell, Zinni, Sharm El-Sheikh, Roadmap, Annapolis all failed for one and the same reason and it has nothing to do with building in Jerusalem and everything to do with the ideology of jihad. Only yesterday the Palestinians have dedicated a public square to the memory of a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel’s history. Instead of apartments in Jerusalem what American should be concentrating on is what Bernard Lewis, the West’s foremost scholar on Islam, said about the Iranian regime: “In this context, mutual assured destruction, the deterrent that worked so well during the Cold War, would have no meaning. At the end of time, there will be general destruction anyway. What will matter will be the final destination of the dead--hell for the infidels, and heaven for the believers. For people with this mindset, MAD [mutual assured destruction] is not a constraint; it is an inducement.” It is time to explain to the American people that the Obama administration with its appeasement policy towards a nuclear armed fanatical regime is endangering the lives of 7 million Israelis. For heaven’s sake Americans, get your priorities straight!
90. Israel is a sovereign country !
.   (03.13.10)
Israel is a sovereign country. Stop meddling in its internal affairs.
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